Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 645: High priest!

Xu Zuo walked out of the altar, looking confused, as if he was a person who had just awakened from a big dream. When he saw the three blood-robed men in front of the altar, his spirits shook suddenly, his pupils trembled, and he was instantly sober.

Stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute:

"Xu Zuo, met three seniors!"

The three blood-robed men were indeed the warriors who came in the Ming Dynasty a few years ago.

Xu Jianyang, Feng Gu, Feng Jude.

In the Ming Dynasty, Feng was the emperor's surname. Under "Feng" is Xu, who was the biggest hero who helped the Feng family create the Ming Dynasty from ancient times, and even overshadowed the master. However, the Feng family never doubted the loyalty of the Xu family.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty was also called the two surnames co-ruling!

The three Xu Jianyang are all brothers of Xu Zuo.

The three of them looked at Xu Zuo earnestly, and when they saw the **** light deep in the latter's eyes, they immediately glanced at each other, smiled, and bowed their hands.

"Junior Brother Xu Zuo, congratulations, be a member of my holy gate."

"You have worked hard."


When Xu Zuo heard these two words, he couldn't help thinking of his experience in the altar.

The demon fire burned, the bones burst, and the soul almost escaped!

More than hard work?

It is a disaster of life and death!


Xu Zuo straightened up immediately and said:

"The three brothers are serious."

"How can you make real gold without real fire? It's my honor to be a member of the holy gate to pass the test of the holy gate!"

Xu Zuo had a pious and respectful look. If he were seen by Master Nianhua and others, he would definitely be shocked and shocked.


You know, not only the Tianfu Palace, but also the many giants away from the fire world, regardless of their previous relationship, but now, the catastrophe is approaching, and the Celestial Demon Race and the Celestial Demon Realm are their common enemies.

Perhaps, they will dismiss other giants or be hostile to them, but they are completely hostile to the Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Clan. Clean.

The same is true for Xu Zuo before.

but now--

he's changed.

Just walking from the altar in front of him, he changed completely!

Obviously, he still has previous memories, otherwise it would be impossible to know the three in front of him. However, when he walked out of the altar, his impression of the Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Race changed drastically one hundred and eighty degrees.


The Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Race have suddenly become his greatest belief, and there is no firmness to urge!

Even the hardships experienced in the altar before, for him now, has become a kind of happiness...

What kind of magic is this?

And horror!

Xu Zuo obviously didn't feel this way. On the contrary, the piety on his face became stronger and stronger, and endless reverence appeared in his eyes.

"I just don't know, when will the little brother have the opportunity to truly fall into the arms of the Lord Lord and become a member of his elderly family."

The demon tribe, claiming to be a holy tribe.

The **** of the devil is regarded as the holy lord!

The three Xu Jianyang smiled deeper when they heard the words.

"Have a chance."

"Junior Brother, not just you, we all have the opportunity. But the premise is that we must first complete the test given to us by the Lord Lord!"

When Xu Jianyang and the three people talked about the demon master, their faces were full of piety, determination, and longing between their words.

Xu Zuo was taken aback when he heard the words.


"What test?"

Xu Jianyang explained:

"Master the test of the whole source."

Xu Zuo became even more puzzled when he heard this.

"But, haven't we already banned the entire Origin Land? Isn't this considered complete control?"

Xu Jianyang smiled and shook his head:

"We have indeed banned the entire Origin Land. No one can escape, but this is not considered complete control. Outside, people can still be sent in directly."

"If we want to have complete control, we must completely eradicate these."

Xu Zuo raised his brow when he heard this:

"How to eradicate it?"

"What do you need me to do?"

Xu Zuo was very interested, of course, because he had been completely changed now and planted a demon seed. As long as it was beneficial to the Celestial Demon Race or the Celestial Demon Realm, he would instinctively want to do it.

Seeing his appearance, the three of Xu Jianyang were obviously satisfied and laughed.

"Junior Brother Xu Zuo is not anxious, of course you have your task."

"In fact, every new person who joins our Holy Sect has a corresponding task, which will be assigned by the high priest. But I didn’t expect that Junior Brother, you are so anxious. It seems that you really have the hope of becoming the thirty-sixth of our Holy Sect. One of the saints."

"Rest assured, as long as you successfully complete the task this time, I will definitely recommend to the high priest to give you this honor!"

High priest?

Thirty-six Saints?

Xu Zuo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he saw the strange fluctuating blood robes exuding the three of Xu Jianyang's body. He had a little understanding and quickly asked:

"Dare to ask three senior brothers, you have already..."

Xu Jianyang and the three laughed and nodded.

"Junior Brother Xu Zuo really has an insight into Qiuhao."

"Yes, as early as when the high priest came, we, as his assistants, had already obtained the status of saints. When we go to the Holy Land in the future, we can directly meet the Lord Lord."

Meet the Lord Lord directly!

Xu Zuo took a breath, inexplicably excited.

This sentence was like the best aphrodisiac in the world, and it immediately aroused the most excitement in his heart.

If you become a saint, you can meet the Holy Lord?

How can there be such a good opportunity in other places?

This is a great opportunity!

Although Xu Zuo has never been to the Celestial Demon Realm, he can also fully imagine that the Celestial Demon Lord, as the most powerful existence in the Celestial Demon Realm, is definitely the one who sees the dragon without seeing the end. There are few people who have the opportunity to meet him So few!


For a time, Xu Zuo was so excited that he couldn't even say a complete sentence. The eyes of the three of Xu Jianyang were full of envy, and of course, there was endless fighting spirit!

He suddenly remembered what Xu Jianyang had just said, and quickly asked:

"Three senior brothers, don't make fun of Junior Brother anymore, please tell Junior Brother my task!"

Xu Zuo can't wait.

When Xu Jianyang heard the words, the three laughed, and nodded:

"Hahaha, well, we will tell you the task."

With that, Xu Jianyang waved his big hand, and immediately, a map identical to Xiao Lang's hand appeared in the void. The mountains and rivers were all the same, but the colors on it were different.

On the map in Xu Jianyang's hand, there are many more colorful spots.

Among them, blood light is the most, almost in one piece.

In addition, the most common are bright white white spots.

Xu Jianyang pointed to those blood lights, with a proud look on his face, and explained to Xu Zuo:

"Look, these places are already occupied by our holy gate. The 18 strongholds belong to us. This is also the most important reason why our holy gate can seal the world. Those super divine artifacts have been used by the high priest with special methods. Refining."

"And these white spots..."

A trace of disgust flashed across Xu Jianyang's face, originating from instinct, pointing to those white spots that either stopped moving or were slowly moving, and said:

"These fish that slip through the net are the key to our Sacred Sect's inability to completely control this Fang Yuan. Similarly, they are also the tasks we have to assign to you."

"Kill any of them, Junior Brother, you will be a true member of our Holy Sect. If you can kill a fish that slipped through the net with six stars or more, Senior Brother dare to assure you that the position of thirty-six saints, There is definitely a place for you!"


The first task given by the holy gate was to kill?

If it were Xu Zuo before, he would definitely frown if he got such a task. Because he is just the strongest six-star venerable, and now, Xu Jianyang asks him to kill the strongest six-star venerable...

Very dangerous!

Fighting at the same level is the most deadly!

If you are not careful, you will die!

If he was before, he would definitely hesitate. but now--

"it is good!"

Xu Zuo opened his eyes wide, as if he wanted to clearly remember all the light spots on the entire map, with a murderous intent in his eyes. How could there be any hesitation and hesitation?


The Thirty-Six Saints' position was like a cake coated with thick cheese, exuding a fatal temptation that he could not resist.

"I choose..."

Xu Zuo was impulsive and just about to tell his choice, suddenly Xu Jianyang waved his hand to stop him.

"Hey, wait!"

"Senior brother, don't worry. Since brother, we want to help you, let us add a bit of our strength among the thirty-six saints, of course we have chosen a good target for you long ago."

"Not only that, the three of us, brothers, and more than a dozen five-star soldiers under his command, you will bring all of them this time to help you complete the task smoothly."

There are helpers?

Xu Zuo was overjoyed when he heard this, his face was full of excitement, and he quickly bowed his hands to the three of Xu Jianyang:

"Thanks to the three brothers!"

"If Xu Zuo can successfully become one of the thirty-six saints, he will definitely not forget the three brothers' help to the little brother today!"

When he raised his head, he couldn't wait to ask;

"Dare to ask the three seniors, if the younger brother chooses which one is the most promising?"

Xu Jianyang and the three laughed when hearing Xu Zuo's promise.

Isn't this exactly their purpose?

To help Xu Zuo become one of the thirty-six disciples, was it their sudden kindness?

of course not.

As the saying goes, it's not profitable to get early.

In the cultivation world, this sentence is even more vivid.

What they were waiting for was Xu Zuo's words and this promise. Now, there is no need for the three of them to remind and suggest, Xu Zuo said it out, how can they not like it?

"Hahaha, Junior Brother is interested!"

"If Junior Brother really becomes one of the thirty-six saints like me, then the four of us will be grasshoppers on the same rope. Why do we need to make progress together? If we can To show our deeds in front of the Holy Lord, this is our greatest opportunity!"

Xu Jianyang laughed again and again, and at the same time raised his hand, seemingly to point to the map in front of him casually, and land in the foothills, saying:

"This is the place."


Xu Zuo immediately moved his eyes up, and when he saw the white light that was not dazzling in the foothills, he couldn't help frowning.


"He is strong?"

Without the guidance of Xu Jianyang and others, Xu Zuo could also see that on this map, the more dazzling the color of the light spot, the stronger the person, and the light spot that Xu Jianyang pointed to was not dazzling, even a little dim.

Will he be strong?

When Xu Jianyang saw Xu Zuo's frowning brows, he seemed to have expected that he would ask so, and explained with a smile:

"Senior brother, don’t worry, this person is carefully selected for you by the three brothers, and has been waiting for you for two years. I have been waiting for your arrival, the previous ones, even if they came, our three brothers are not familiar. I wouldn't even give him instructions at all."

"You guessed right, he is indeed not strong now. That's because as early as two years ago, when we attacked and killed the major strongholds, he forcibly broke free. But even so, he is already seriously injured. So far, I have stayed there for a full two years. I have never left for half a step, and the brilliance has dimmed. I am afraid that it is already the end of the captivity. I am afraid that the seven-star combat power is already less than five-star.

"Cooperate with the people we sent to you, brother, to take him, it is not a problem for you, brother. However, the merits are counted by killing the seven stars, brother can know, brother, how are we planning for you?"

Seven Stars' Strongest Venerable?

So far, there is only less than five-star combat power left?

Xu Zuo heard this, and at the same time that Mao Sai suddenly opened, endless ecstasy burst into his eyes.

Kill the seven stars!

As long as you kill the six stars, you can get the position of the saint. If you kill the seven stars, isn't the position of the saint stable?

For a moment, Xu Zuo seemed to see that the position of a saint was at his fingertips, beckoning to himself, and the eyes of the three Xu Jianyang were filled with endless excitement and gratitude.

This plan is so subtle!


The more Xu Zuo thought about it, the happier he couldn't help but laugh, and at the same time, he looked at the foothills on the map in front of him, his eyes were full of murderous and hideous, as if he had seen the fall of a former Seven Star Venerable At their feet.


"I'm coming!"


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