Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 646: First encounter with a fierce spirit!

Xu Zuo has already set off for the Ming Dynasty stronghold that has changed a lot, taking the people arranged for him by Xu Jianyang and the three to implement the plan that has been prepared or paved for two years.

From one foothill to another.


It seems that in this special place of origin, it has become extremely sparse and ordinary.

Do not.

In other words, the matter of killing was originally a sparse and ordinary thing in the entire cultivation world, but here, in the future Lihuo World, it will become more and more common.

If Xu Zuoruo could look back, he would definitely find that Xu Jianyang and the three of them did not leave immediately, they were still standing on the top of the mountain, watching him leave.

The three of Xu Jianyang are indeed so.

It's just that, looking at the combative figure thousands of miles away, the brilliance of their eyes is indeterminate, obviously not as excited as Xu Zuo, as if they are thinking about other things.

They are indeed thinking about other things.

The moment Xu Zuo's back disappeared out of sight, the three breaths changed suddenly.

Cold, cold!

It is like the ice that has been deposited in the world for thousands of years, revealing endless coldness.

What changed at the same time was the breath traction between the three.

In Xu Zuo's opinion just now, Xu Jianyang, Feng Gu, and Feng Jude seemed to be of the same level, with the same aura and momentum, but at this moment, Feng Gu and Feng Jude suddenly took a step back without realizing it. Compared with Xu Jianyang's momentum, it has also weakened by a half, and it is a posture headed by Xu Jianyang.

The fact is also true.

"Big brother, do you think he can succeed?"

Feng Gu asked, his eyes were a little uneasy, or... nervous.

Not to blame for his lack of qi training, in fact, Feng Jude is also the same. Anyone who has been preparing for a full two years is about to be implemented, will feel a little nervous.

Obviously, his anxiety does not just come from whether Xu Zuo can succeed.

Whether Xu Zuo's failure succeeded or not could not cause such a big impact in his heart.

What he was worried about was obviously another matter.

Xu Jianyang turned his head slightly, and then glanced at him with cold eyes. He understood what Feng Gu was talking about, his lips tightened, and it seemed that his heart was not as relaxed as it was on his face.

However, his breath is still calm.


The two understatement spit out from his mouth, but it gave people a chill from the depths of hell. Feng Gu couldn't help but beat a sharp spirit, his knees softened, and he almost fell to his knees directly. Sink your head down.

"Brother, I..."

Feng Gu wanted to refute, but suddenly he couldn't say a word. He found that he was really just as Xu Jianyang said, unable to dispel the panic and anxiety in his heart.


He was scared.

Especially when he thought of the figure in the black robe that he had only met once, but left an indelible impression deep in his memory, he couldn't help but shudder.

Xu Jianyang glanced again.

Even if Feng Gu didn't look up, he could clearly feel the endless coldness in his eyes.

"But it's late."

Xu Jianyang's voice is still cold, or ruthless, so what is the slightest similarity to Xu Zuo who had been told before?

He averted his gaze from Feng Gu's body, and once again projected into the endless void in the distance. It seemed that at this moment, the whole place away from the origin of the Great Fire World was flooding into his eyes like a tide.

Deep in the pupils of the eyes, a touch of ice cold and blazing heat existed at the same time, which was very strange.

"Thirty-six saints...In the past two years, only the last seven of the 36 saints are left...very fast."

"His plan is about to begin."

Xu Jianyang muttered to himself, as if talking to Feng Gu and Feng Jude.

When the latter two heard the words, their bodies visibly trembled, not knowing what they thought of.

Xu Jianyang didn't pay too much attention to it, and still said to himself:

"Xu Zuo's quota is extremely important to me, to both of you, to you. It can be said that he is the most critical part of my plan to complete this plan. Failure is not allowed and must be successful!"

"And... it will definitely succeed!"


Xu Jianyang’s eyes burned with red flames, bursting out endless ambitions, and fiery confidence, the momentum swept through, making Feng Gu,

Both Feng Jude both trembled suddenly, and couldn't help raising their heads.

They seemed to have thought of some possibility, their pupils trembling.

you guys?

After this plan, more than the three of them?

Of course, Feng Gu and Feng Jude knew about this. Xu Jianyang had never concealed this from them. This was one of the reasons why they were willing to follow Xu Jianyang.

Because this is never just a matter of the three of them!

However, it will succeed...

"Big Brother, is that in the team..."

Feng Gu couldn't help expressing his own conjecture, but Xu Jianyang's coldest look was ushered in. He couldn't help but shudder and lowered his head again, but the expression on his face had changed drastically, full of excitement and excitement. Of course.

No need to answer.

In other words, this look is enough.

Feng Gu immediately realized that he had guessed right——

For this mission, Xu Jianyang did not rely on Xu Zuo...or rather, it was not just Xu Zuo! He was in the team and arranged for others.

"Double insurance is better than one important."

Xu Jianyang finally said it, although not much.

But Feng Gu and Feng Jude who stood behind him heard the words, but couldn't help but glance at each other, seeing the solemn eyes of each other.

Double insurance?

Is it really just double?

It can be said that Xu Jianyang is the most cautious person they have ever met. The city is unfathomable. Of course, this is also an extremely important reason why they choose to follow him.

They were suspicious, but did not continue to question.

Because they knew that it was Xu Jianyang's limit to be able to talk about this. With Xu Jianyang's cautious character, it is impossible to say more, even if they have followed him for two full years, starting from the day of the catastrophe.

Of course, what they really care about is not the success of Xu Zuo's mission.

But other.

A dark light and shadow flashed through Feng Gu's eyes, like a person, but before he could fully condense successfully, he had already forcibly dispelled him, and also forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, took a deep breath, and asked again:

"Brother, even if Xu Zuo is really successful this time, nine of us, is it really enough?"

"They have enough..."

Feng Gu's breath is heavy.

Obviously, this is the fact he fears most.

Xu Jianyang obviously knew what he was talking about and smiled.

"Nine, enough."

"Do you think they are one piece of iron?"

"Thirty-six Saints... Haha. Everyone has reached this level. Who do you think would be so loyal to him?"

"Don't worry, just watch the changes."

"When that place opens, he may be the first to die."

Xu Jianyang said lightly, as if he really didn't care about the figure in their minds, and this relaxed mood seemed to have infected Feng Jude and Feng Gu, and their expressions became relaxed and relieved. .


Xu Jianyang was right.

Now that they have reached this level, who would really be willing to be a slave?

When that event begins, a turning point may follow, and this possibility is extremely great!

And now, the only thing they can do, seems to be one thing—



In the lonely cold wind, Xu Jianyang and the three were waiting, waiting for Xu Zuo or others to bring the news they were expecting.

And at another place in the millions of miles, Xiao Lang was galloping in the wind.


Xiao Lang locked up the map, and his heart became more anxious.

He never expected that such a big change would happen in the original place of Lihuo Great World. Compared with the complete ban of this world, the destruction of all the strongholds of the eighteenth giants does not seem to be a big deal.

Is it the means of the Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Race?

Xiao Lang was only guessing.

Of course, in his view, this possibility is extremely great.

But now, he has no thoughts to think about this issue. Compared with this matter, there is no doubt that Sun Wuji's life and death are the most important!

Is Sun Wuji still in Yanshan?


As Xiao Zhan said, this possibility is really slim, because the last time Sun Wuji appeared in Yanshan, it was more than a year ago.

Since the people who have banned this area can detect the existence and specific location of each person based on the guarding artifacts of the major strongholds, then these years, the pursuit and killing must have been continuous.

The possibility that Sun Wuji was not pursued and killed is very slim.

He is probably no longer in Yanshan.

Xiao Lang knew this clearly, but now he had to go.

Because this was the only clue he knew about Sun Wuji.

"Even if he is gone, maybe there will be something left behind, enough for me to find his clues."

Xiao Lang could only expect that.


Anxious, he steered the wind and thunder, extremely fast, as long as one hour, he could span four hundred thousand miles. However, Xiao Lang's eyes were not calm for this reason.

too slow!

This was enough to make Master Nianhua and the others feel shocked. In his eyes, it was indeed too slow.

Because where he is now, it is close to tens of thousands of miles away from Yanshan!

But on the map that Liang Ping gave him, there are tens of thousands of distances, just a few millimetres away... One can imagine how vast the entire original place is.

Far beyond the Five Elements Continent!

It is definitely much larger than the Five Elements Continent.

And on the edge of the map, there is a gray mist.

That doesn't mean that it is the boundary of the original land, in fact, it is just the extreme reached by manpower. For hundreds of millions of years, no one has arrived in the deepest part of Origin.



If it were normal, Xiao Lang would definitely have an extremely keen interest in this place away from the origin of the fire world. However, that must be after finding Sun Wuji.


Xiao Lang's body was like lightning, and he refused to slow down by half a minute. The life source in his body turned rapidly, providing the strength he needed, and in the next instant it burst out unreservedly, accumulating energy for his running.

nothing left.

The current Xiao Lang had already raised his speed to the extreme range, and he couldn't go faster without affecting his power source.

Because he is in a hurry!

But at this moment, suddenly—


A refreshing breeze was blowing, extremely gentle.

Very unusual.

If it were someone else, I’m afraid I wouldn’t care at all about this breeze that suddenly brushed on his face, but at this moment, Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked. If he sensed something, he slammed his fist, The void ahead--


In a flash, the wind and thunder swept through, roaring through the sun, like a bright firework, blooming in this void.

However, it dissipates nothing like nothing.

Xiao Lang didn't care about these.

In fact, the punch he threw was not at all to kill the enemy.

Just let him stop the figure smoothly.

Feeling the breeze around him, Xiao Lang slowly raised his head, his gaze locked in a space, not moving the slightest, but those who knew him would definitely find that Xiao Lang's fist hidden in his sleeve was already tight. Squeezed, the inner thunder flickered.

At this moment, it is as if time is still.

Do not move.

This is the only portrayal of Xiao Lang at this time.

One breath... ten breaths... one hundred breaths...

Finally, after more than three hundred breaths, there was finally a change. Just in the void where Xiao Lang's eyes were locked, the space suddenly surged, as if a stream of autumn water was broken and calm.

Amidst the ripples, an illusory figure walked out slowly.

The same illusory face, frowned slightly, staring at Xiao Lang, seemingly puzzled, said:

"Can you see me?"

The icy hoarseness did not sound like a human voice, but a puppet-like voice came out. Xiao Lang's body trembled slightly, and his eyes were surprised.

He has guessed what he encountered.

Not chasing.


The origin is fierce!

But what makes him strange is.

"Can speak?"


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