Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 647: Fighting fierce spirit!

Can you speak?

This was indeed Xiao Lang's first reaction when he saw this illusory figure walking out of the void, and he said it directly.

Although straightforward, but accurate.

Not bad.

It is indeed an illusory figure.

Xiao Lang still saw it at a glance. He is an indigenous fierce spirit in the original land, not a human warrior. This is not only because he had heard Liang Ping talk about the secrets of this place before he came in, but also because of the way in front of him. The human figure, the breath exuding from his body is completely different from the normal Wu Xiu.


These two words are enough to cover all the impressions and thoughts of Xiao Lang when he saw him.

It means literally.

He also has soul fluctuations, but it seems that every thought, every frown, and a slight movement can cause changes in the surrounding void and space.


He is entirely composed of the power of space.


Xiao Lang thought of another term for the indigenous fierce creatures in the origin of the Great World of Fire--


Ling is one word less than Tao Ling, but it is the rarest thing in the world, or a kind of creature, transformed from the pure power of heaven and earth, and can be described as innate spirit.

Xiao Lang had only heard of it from the legend, but had never seen it.

Obviously, the reason why the existence in front of this place was named Daoling was also related to the legend. As for "Tao", Xiao Lang could also clearly know.

It is the power of the great road.

Because what exudes from this illusory figure in front of him is the power of the purest space.

A self-aware Taoist spirit.

Xiao Lang's eyes were calm, but he was already curious. Speaking of it, this was the first time he encountered the legendary Dao Ling in this space.

However, compared to Xiao Lang's calmness, Dao Ling in front of him was obviously not like that.

Hearing Xiao Lang's subconscious question, his brows immediately frowned, and the tyrannical aura came out of him, and the entire void was shaking.

Is it weird to speak?

It was clearly just a simple and direct sentence, but it made his eyes more tyrannical and murderous.

Under this killing intent, he didn't even care how Xiao Lang discovered him.

"Damn outsider!"

If you deserve to die, you deserve to die.

His thoughts were obviously more direct and decisive than Xiao Lang, and the moment before his words fell--


The voice was crisp, like if the silver bottle exploded, it was the space between him and Xiao Lang that was broken.

The space is solid and the ability to recover is extremely strong. This is something that everyone knows. What's more, this is the place away from the origin of the fire world. The strength of the space is even better than the outside world, but it is still broken.

Like the surface of the water suddenly burst, it is not the splendid water that splashes everywhere, but a—


Sharp and unparalleled fist!

How powerful is the fist that can smash the space of this place in an instant?

Xiao Lang didn't estimate. In fact, he didn't have time to make a judgment, because the punch came so fast, it penetrated the space and came directly into view.

Xiao Lang chose a more direct way.

Then try it.


With the same punch, the majestic breath of Xiao Lang's body was of course more complicated than the breath of the latter, because he was a human, not a spiritual body.

However, disorganization does not mean weak, on the contrary-


The two simple and unadorned fists, without any decoration, just ran into each other, like the two sharpest spears in the world, with their needles facing the wheat!


Fist wind is like a knife, tearing everything apart!

The turbulent fluctuation is like a tsunami, whizzing everywhere, when it hits the earth, it can't bear it either.


The earth burst, but the earth and rocks only rolled over for an instant, and there was endless hot magma bursting up, the fire cloud was full of fire, and the surrounding mountains and forests instantly turned to ashes, completely unable to withstand the heat.

Of course, even if there is no flame, they can't live.

How can ordinary trees, even the ancient trees that grew up in this place away from the origin of the fire world, withstand the aftermath of the impact of the two immortal realms and the five heavens?


This spatial fierce spirit, his power has reached the fifth peak of the Immortal Realm, comparable to Xiao Lang before entering the Pavilion of Heart Refining!

If converted to the strongest venerable, he has at least the power of the seven-star strongest venerable peak!

If Master Nianhua and others met him, they would probably die tragically in an instant, without any resistance at all.

Even Xiao Lang felt quite strenuous under the hasty.


Confrontation is not the end, but just the beginning.

At the moment when he slammed into the latter's fist, Xiao Lang immediately felt a burst of boiling power, like a mirror shattered, thousands of fragments turned into thousands of sharpest daggers, wanting to penetrate My skin is submerged in my body.

The power of space!

It wasn't that the power of space was felt during ordinary teleportation. The sharpness contained in it even surpassed Xiao Lang's mastery of the golden sharp road!

"Space Blade?"

Xiao Lang instantly understood the inherent attributes and great ways of the fierce spirit who was fighting against him.

Space heaven is not only one avenue.

Escape is one of them.

Space fragmentation is the second, and the blade of space is the strongest embodiment of this avenue!

Cut through the space and destroy everything!

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank slightly.

The space heaven is the second top heaven after the four heavens, and its power is naturally impressive. The third brother Qin Hai he knows because of the inheritance of Zhan Taizong is a master of middle school, and he enters the Taoist way by hiding.

In fact, most of the world's practitioners who practice Space Heavenly Dao started to practice on the Great Way of Escape, but the most famous one is the Blade of Space!

The blade of space is just a trick.

As long as you practice this Dao, no matter what level and realm you reach, it's this trick, but the number may change. From this point of view, it may be the purest martial art in the world.

It is because of purity, it is powerful!


With the crushing force entering the body, Xiao Lang immediately sensed that his body that had reached the sixth heaven of the immortal body was shattering——

Muscles and bones, skin, flesh and blood.

It turned into powder in a flash, and it was about to fall apart!

Xiao Lang immediately realized the danger of his opponent.

He was also the first time to fight against an opponent who could control the power of space. Even if this opponent was not a human being, his combat power was equally terrifying.

Logically speaking, with his physical strength, even in the Sixth Heaven of the Immortal Realm, he couldn't be defeated in one face, but at this time, facing this spatial fierce spirit with only the peak of the fifth Heaven of the Immortal Realm, he was actually injured. !

"The Blade of Space, you really can't think about it with ordinary ideas."

Xiao Lang's spirit sighed and sighed secretly.

Xiao Lang acknowledged the strength of his opponent.

But will he lose?

of course not.

In the next moment, Xiao Lang's eyes were already clear, and even looked a little cold, cold words came from his mouth:

"If it's another time, I won't mind wasting a little time on you, but now..."

"You are not here at the right time."

Xiao Lang shook his head lightly.

The space fierce spirit was visibly stunned. He didn't understand why Xiao Lang had the courage to say such a thing, especially when he felt that Xiao Lang's entire right arm was almost taken away by his space blade.

The inside was torn apart, and it was about to collapse, and he was about to usher in a big victory. When he once again beheaded a demon who invaded his world, he said such a thing.

He doesn't understand.

But soon, he understood.


A dazzling white light suddenly rose up on Xiao Lang, like a thousand-year-old stone milk, and the vitality contained in it was shocking.

Only in an instant, the space fierce spirit felt that Xiao Lang's right arm, which had almost completely collapsed just now, had recovered.

The power to destroy and annihilate everything continues.

However, his ability to recover far exceeds the speed of his destruction!

"The power of life?!"

The space's fierce complexion changed drastically.

He is a fierce spirit of the Great Dao, and of course he feels only the power of the Dao. But he is right to say that, because fundamentally speaking, the Dao of Life is purer than the Dao of Space, because it really only has one Dao, and it is not wrong to call it the Dao of Heaven.

A fierce battle?

Inspiration of Space was under tremendous pressure, and he wondered the direction of this battle in his heart.

Obviously, Xiao Lang, who possesses the power of the Heavenly Dao of Life, has an amazing recovery ability. With his current combat power, it is difficult for him to kill Xiao Lang, unless he can hit the key and disrupt Xiao Lang's recovery rhythm.

Space Fierce Spirit thought so, and he was also prepared to do so. In an instant, his eyes were fixed on the vital points of Xiao Lang's body.

Throat, heart mouth, pubic area, lower yin...

Cold light is like electricity, killing intent unabated.

However, just when he was about to give up destroying Xiao Lang's right arm, which he could not destroy, and cast a more fierce killing, suddenly, he suddenly felt a chill.

The coolness from the heart.


Space fierce spirit is a bit dazed.

As a fierce spirit, and a fierce spirit comparable to the peak of the immortal fifth heaven, when has he ever felt this way?

Until, he saw the source of the cold that made him suddenly all over his body——

Xiao Lang's left hand.

At some point, Xiao Lang had already raised his left hand, but unlike his bright white right arm, his entire left arm was dyed black.

As black as ink!

The cold of the endless abyss!

This kind of cold made it impossible to ignore the evil spirits of the space, and it made him who had just realized that Xiao Lang's power of the heavenly path of life was only a big change, and his face instantly disappeared.


When Xiao Lang is in charge of life, he still controls death?

In a blink of an eye, the space's fierce souls flew out, and finally realized how terrifying the prey he had locked for several hours was.

It's even scary...


He blasted a punch, but it was not pointed at Xiao Lang, but at the void beside him. Suddenly, the void collapsed.

He really wanted to escape into the void again and escape.

But would Xiao Lang give him such an opportunity?

The answer is of course-


Even if he was the first fierce spirit Xiao Lang had seen here, and he was still a rare spatial fierce spirit, Xiao Lang would not delay his footsteps because of his existence.

Therefore, this punch is sure to kill!

As it turns out--


Sometimes, death comes without much wind and waves, but rather calmer, like a cold wind. It's just that this time it is not a wind, but a fist.


Fists passed.

The illusory figure suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

A transparent spar fell on the soil...

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