Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 648: Space Avenue!

A spar.

The Crystal of the Avenue!

To be more precise, this is a crystal of the spatial avenue, encompassing the spatial division avenue mastered by that space evil spirit!

This is the greatest benefit of slaying the evil spirits in Origin Land!

Before coming here, Xiao Lang had already listened to Liang Ping's account.

Killing the evil spirits of the Great Dao, there is a certain probability of getting the Crystal of the Great Dao, which contains the profound mystery of the Great Dao, and is a rare treasure!

Just like the crystal of the great avenue that fell on the ground at this time, if Xiao Lang directly crushed and enlightened it, it would be extremely possible to master the space and divide the avenue and achieve initial success.

But Xiao Lang did not do this.


The strong wind howled, and when the surrounding smoke settled, Xiao Lang's body trembled suddenly.


He saw his two arms burst like a porcelain bottle suddenly burned by the fire, and the blood mist evaporated. Xiao Lang suffered from eating pain, and a muffled groan came from his closed mouth. After that, his breathing became much more stable.


The turbid air was spit out, Xiao Lang's eyes were clear, and he fell on a blood drop that was about to drip from his fingertips, his expression serious.

Fierce spirit, so strong!

Even if his physical body reached the peak of the fifth level of the immortal body, and the spiritual cultivation base reached the sixth level of the immortal soul, this short confrontation still brought him great trauma.

Of course, this is also because he wants to end this battle as soon as possible.

It seemed that it was just a confrontation, and only two punches ended the battle, but the danger contained in it was definitely not inferior to any battle before him.

The power of life.

The power of death!

It took two full force of heaven to end this battle, and even I was injured. Is this really proud?

This is not a crush.

It's just that I don't have the strength to stay.

What's more, the aura released by this fierce spatial spirit is only about the peak of the fifth heaven of Immortal Realm, and according to the realm, it is even one level lower than Xiao Lang.

"Sure enough!"

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank.

Since practicing, he has long been accustomed to convincing people with strength.

Invincible at the same level!

This is not a slogan, because his martial arts background is so profound that no one can compare it. Whether it is the five elements to suppress the prison, or the three powers of the heavens condensed by the three flowers, or the body and soul, Xiao Lang has absolute confidence and those old brands who have stagnated at the same level for thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Warriors contend.

However, in this battle, the realm of Space Fierce Spirit was clearly weaker than him, but he was injured.

What is the special way of space division?

In Xiao Lang's view, this is just one aspect of it.

More importantly, it is pure!

"Away alone!"

"It turns out that just to comprehend a great road can also increase combat power to this level."

In a battle, Xiao Lang has the most basic understanding of the fighting power of the fierce spirits in the land away from the origin of the fire world——

Very strong!

Much stronger than the warriors of the same rank!

They walked the extreme way, perhaps because of the origin, they only mastered one great road, but the displayed combat power and strength even exceeded their realm.

This is Jidao's specificity!

"The dangers of the original land, Liang Ping really is not aimless."

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed brightly, and finally walked out of the feeling of the battle, lowered his head to look at the crystal of the avenue under his feet, and sucked into the palm of his hand.

The spar is rounded.

There is no trace of mixed blood on it, only the fluctuations of the space splitting the avenue are slowly transpiring, and the Qi machine is faintly implicated in this world.

Whether it is the evil spirits of the avenue or the crystals of the avenue, they were born from this world and naturally have an inseparable connection with this space.

In fact, this connection is quite strong.

Sturdy enough, the crystal of the avenue could not leave this world, and naturally it could not be taken out. In the past, someone tried to give away the crystals of the great avenue that didn’t match their attributes

It's a pity that once he took it out, the crystal of the avenue collapsed completely.

It can only refine and comprehend in the land of origin.

If a warrior puts all his energy into killing a fierce spirit, the final crystal of the Dao will not be the attribute he needs, and there is no other way except to exchange it with people.

Of course, generally speaking, this will not happen.

Because the fierce spirit in the original land is too difficult to kill, before hunting a fierce spirit, I don't know how much preparation must be made, and how can there be a possibility of choosing wrong?

The most common situation is to kill a fierce spirit of the same attribute, but the avenue it masters is not the one that it needs most.

At this time, you can only trade with other warriors.

Of course, with Xiao Lang, such a problem would certainly not arise.

Because he has a strange soul, and he is also a Taoist. In theory, he can comprehend all Dao Dao without any conflict with each other. The latter is naturally the wonderful influence brought by Dao Dao spirit body.

"Space Avenue."

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered.

He has never enlightened the Great Dao of Space, of course, this is because his practice time is too short. Over the years, his martial arts realm has grown wildly, and if it spreads out, it will even shock the entire Lihuo Great World.

But in these years, he never took the initiative to enlighten on any road.

But, of course, this will not make him hesitate in the slightest——


The Dao Crystal was crushed by Xiao Lang directly with his bare hands.


Immediately, the majestic space tore the atmosphere of the avenue permeated the audience, turning into a mist, enveloping Xiao Lang in it, the emptiness was turbulent, and abnormal changes occurred.


The void splits like a porcelain bottle, and the marks are like spider webs, forming a mysterious picture, which is fascinating and unable to extricate itself.

If Divine Soul is not strong enough, just this picture scroll is enough to make people feel unsure and confused. Of course, this kind of situation could not happen to Xiao Lang. His determination was so firm that even Ting Chaohou felt extremely admired.

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide, and his spirits trembled.

In the eyes of others, this picture may be messy, but in his eyes, it is indeed so perfect.

Space tears the avenue.

Unreservedly displayed in front of you.


For Xiao Lang, there is no difficulty in understanding the Dao, even if it is the Dao of the Space System.

In an instant.

At this point in time, changing to another martial artist hasn't even slowed down, and in the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes, there are already countless dazzling stars.

"That's it."

Xiao Lang, realize it!

Just a few breaths, just like an instant, Xiao Lang had already fully comprehended the spatial tearing avenue contained in this broken avenue crystal!


It's that fast.

The identity of the Taoist transformer allows him to feel the peculiar power contained in this avenue without reservation and without any dread, and the soul of the sixth heavenly level of the immortal soul is the exquisite part of him in a short time. Best to rely on.

The two went together, and Xiao Lang had already entered the room on the avenue of tearing space in just an instant.


Before he finished his words, Xiao Lang suddenly stretched out his hand and stroked lightly towards the void in front of him, immediately--


The space split, and the majestic suction burst out from it, black hair fluttered behind Xiao Lang's head, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.


The power of space is so simple.

As the saying goes, in the mirror, there is only a layer of water. In the eyes of ordinary warriors, space is the most mysterious power in the world.

The fact is also true.

The more peculiar the avenue, the requirements for talent are particularly high, and it is impossible to get started at the beginning of cultivation, and I am afraid that it will not be possible for a lifetime.

Of course, once you are promoted to the Immortal Realm, you can penetrate the space and even follow the turbulence of the space.

, However, this is not the same as controlling the Avenue of Space.

In front of Xiao Lang, what turned out to be just a piece of nothingness seemed to have turned into a wall.

Space is originally a wall.

This is a fact that everyone knows. Without comprehension of the space, it cannot be broken unless it is knocked down with brute force after being promoted to the immortal realm.

But at this time, Xiao Lang saw thousands of marks on this wall, or...


There is no impermeable wall under the sky.

The same is true for space barriers.

It's just that he looks stronger.

However, when you see the cracks on it, there is no longer any solidity.

To split the space is to tear these gaps!

"Hidden, is actually following these gaps?"

Xiao Lang's heart became clear and enlightened. In an instant, his temperament changed drastically, his white clothes drifted, like a real fairy outside the world, with a misty atmosphere enveloping him, giving people the feeling of being transformed into an immortal and not in this space.

The power of space!

At the moment when he realized it, Xiao Lang mastered this power!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang stepped out and escaped into the void!


This is another kind of avenue of the space avenue, but Xiao Lang easily controls it, and even he has never obtained the crystal of this avenue!

This is talent.

The instinctive talent brought to him by the disaster disaster!

By analogy, it's that simple.


In an instant, Xiao Lang disappeared from the place and appeared thousands of miles away, like a teleportation. This speed was even twice as fast as he used Fengleibu.

However, in Xiao Lang's eyes, he did not see the slightest joy, but frowned, looking at the void in front of him, his expression more solemn.

Thousands of miles in a flash, soon?

For a martial artist of his level, it is indeed very fast, but Xiao Lang knows that this is not the limit of space escape, nor is it his limit.


It is already the limit of this space!

As he walked through the gap in space, Xiao Lang suddenly felt a strange force locked in the space around him, like a large net, blocking the world and restraining his speed.

"This is how they banned this space?"

Xiao Lang understood the truth.

Although so far, he has not been able to determine whether the eighteen wealthy strongholds in this place were destroyed by the Celestial Demon Realm and the Celestial Demon Race, but just now, he personally sensed that the big net that trapped the world and the earth was merging into this space. Among them, even if it is him, it can't penetrate!

"Magic circle!"

This must be the power of the magic circle!

Sleepy and locked, unable to leave...

This sudden discovery made Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the words Xiao Zhan had said before, and his mind was slightly heavy.

There is no doubt that although he has not thought about this issue yet, it has always existed. Even if he finds Sun Wuji successfully, he needs to face this issue head-on to send the latter out of this world.

"Since it is a law formation, there must be a formation heart and a formation eye."

"Where is it?"

After defeating this magic circle, the space blockade can naturally be lifted.

But obviously, it is not so easy to find, it must be hidden very secretly.

In a word, there are many difficulties.

Xiao Lang was certainly not the kind of person who would be crushed by the difficulties in front of him. In fact, he quickly woke up from these thoughts, his eyes were clear.

"Step by step."

"Since this space is blocked, they must have other plans."

Don't worry.

Xiao Lang's mentality was very stable. While digesting his understanding of the space-tear avenue just now, he continued to rush forward and quickly approached towards Yanshan.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, another group of people had already arrived at Yanshan...


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