Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 659: prove?

Three orders appear!

No one knows what this means better than this man in white clothes.

What does it mean for their entire race!

The white-clothed man stared closely at the stone wall in front of him. Even after hundreds of millions of years of endless years, he had already seen the world's conditions more clearly, but at this time, he still couldn't help his heart agitated.

On this day, he had waited too long!

Of course, no matter how excited he is, he will float like an immortal, completely immortal, elegant and refined, I am afraid that even Xiao Lang here, seeing this person's appearance, can't help but sigh like this.

There is nothing more beautiful than this.

Beauty, almost demon!

His appearance is perfect and flawless, I am afraid that he can't sculpt such a perfect face with extraordinary skill, only born of heaven and earth.

for a long time.

The man in white stood still in front of the stone wall for a long time and finally recovered.

"Qing Tianwei, come and see me."

A vague voice came out of the hall, and suddenly—


Lights and shadows flickered, and a young face appeared in the hall, clad in armor, and howled with the wind. But it is strange to say that when this gust of wind swept in front of the white-clothed man, it suddenly became calm, as if it had not appeared at all.

"Qing Tianwei, see Lord Profound Master!"

Profound Lord!

In the Supreme Profound Realm, who can be called the Profound Master?

There is no doubt that there is only one!

This handsome man in white clothes is indeed the master of the Supreme Profound Realm, the Profound Lord! Similarly, he is also one of the only two powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao in the Origin Land in Xiao Lang's judgment, the co-lord of hundreds of millions of fierce spirits in the Origin Land!

Qingtianwei is his guard.

After leaning over and saluting, he stood up and looked forward subconsciously. It was just a glance. After guarding the Profound Master for many years and entering the hall many times, he saw the changes on the square stone wall behind the latter.

The moment the three tokens came into view, he almost jumped from the ground.

"Master Profound Master, this...this..."

Qing Tianwei's young face was full of excitement. Obviously, he also knew what it meant to be born with three Supreme Profound Orders, and he couldn't help himself.

The Profound Master pursed his lips and nodded slightly, but his expression became extremely serious:

"Yes, the third Supreme Profound Order was born."

"It also means that the big day of my Supreme Profound Realm is coming soon. This is the moment that determines our destiny. Don't disclose this matter, and don't let a third person besides you and me know about it!"


When Qingtianwei heard this, a trace of puzzlement appeared on his face, and he eagerly asked:

"Master Profound Master, why don't you tell others?"

"We don't know how long we have been waiting for one day, should we continue to wait?"

Profound Master waved his hand to signal Qing Tianwei to calm down, and explained slowly:

"Of course I know what this means to our profound spirits, but now is not the time to be exposed. Because, so far, I am not sure who owns this Supreme Profound Order."

"This is also the purpose I sent you here."

The third Supreme Profound Order has not been determined yet?

Qingtianwei immediately understood the words, and said in surprise:

"Not those demon races?"

Qing Tianwei knew about the existence of the Sky Demon Clan. In fact, every profound spirit in the Supreme Profound Realm knew that they had had a lot of dealings over the years, but the Profound Master ordered that they should not have too much contact with the Sky Demon Clan in recent years. The contact, everything waits for the third Tai Xuan Ling to be born before making a decision.

As the closest person to the Profound Lord, he also knows that the Celestial Demon Race has almost banned the entire Origin Land. Although there are others who are floating outside, there is no doubt that the Celestial Demon Race is the most in the current Origin Land. Strong.

Seeing the profound master shaking his head, Qing Tianwei was even more shocked.

The last Supreme Profound Order was not obtained by the Demon Race? !

Who else can there be?

Without waiting for him to ask.

Profound Master handed a token.

"You come and listen to this."

Qing Tianwei subconsciously took it in his hand, and immediately heard Xiao Lang's voice rang from it, his spirits stunned:

"Master Profound Master, do you suspect that the third Supreme Profound Decree might have fallen into the hands of these two people?"

Xuanzang nodded.


"Back then, the high priest of the Sky Demon Race got the second Supreme Profound Order, came to see me, tried to enter the secret realm, was persuaded by me, and told him the secret of Supreme Profound Order, perhaps, this matter has been exposed. "

"It is very possible that someone from the outside world also knows Tai Xuan Ling's secret."

"This Li Qi and Jin Jiu dare to summon everyone to come to my Supreme Profound Realm. It is very likely that he is one of the Supreme Profound Orders. Perhaps because he knows that this last Supreme Profound Order, I am too Profound Realm must be indispensable, and we must negotiate terms with us."

"I'm sending you this time just to help me find out if the third Supreme Profound Order is in his hands."

Qing Tianwei finally understood the profound master's intention and nodded vigorously. But just as he turned to leave, he suddenly stopped.

"Master Profound Master, if his subordinates detect that the last Supreme Profound Order is really in his hands, what should I do?


This word really has no grace.

If you only look at the temperament of the Profound Master, I'm afraid anyone would think that he would simply refuse. But unexpectedly, he just frowned slightly and said:

"Confirm before you speak."

"If the last Supreme Profound Order is not in his hands, then you can just come back directly."

"But if you really... come and try for me, is he qualified to hold this Supreme Profound Order? If he is not qualified, of course, this last Supreme Profound Order will remain in our own hands. The best of them."


When Qingtianwei heard this, a flash of cold light flashed under his eyes.

"Qingtianwei got the order!"

Qingtianwei left and went to find Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu. As for how to test and what kind of result is the qualification, the significance of this is probably only known to the two people, Qing Tianwei and Profound Master.


The place of origin is surging.

This is a typhoon.

It is bound to set off stormy waves in the entire origin.

However, it is just like a real typhoon, with the undercurrent surging from the outside world, but at the location of its eye, it is calm.

The so-called Fengyan, of course, are Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu.

At this moment, they had already moved away from Yanshan, toward the position of the Supreme Profound Realm pointed by Jin Jiu, which had lasted almost a whole day.

Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu were walking on a flying boat, and Sun Wuji, who was wrapped in a bloodthirsty star vine, was beside Xiao Lang.

Of course, the two of them didn't know the changes in every place in the Origin Land after the sound transmission. If they knew all about it, they would not be mortals and could be called gods.

But it can also be imagined that the current place of origin is definitely not peaceful.

Therefore, Jin Jiu was even more suspicious.

He has been frowning for quite a long time, watching Xiao Lang sitting cross-legged, seeming to be caught in the cultivation and not anxious at all, finally couldn't help but asked a question that had been pressing in his heart for a long time:

"Brother Li, something is wrong!"

"Why no one has come yet?"


Since Xiao Lang's transmission, it is reasonable to say that everyone in the entire Origin Land has received his transmission. But until now, a full day has passed, and no one came to look for them.

In Jin Jiu's view, this is naturally quite an incredible thing.

Don't they believe it?


If the existence of the Profound Sky Realm is not a secret, how can no one be tempted?

I and others didn’t hide their whereabouts, why...

The more Jin Jiu thought about it, the more things went wrong.

Here, Xiao Lang opened his eyes, glanced at Jin Jiu, and smiled meaningfully. At this moment, Jin Jiu became more depressed, but did not dare to lose his temper, and continued to ask in a low voice:

"Brother Li, what's going on?"

Xiao Lang knew that if he didn't tell Jin Jiu, he might be suffocated to death, so he smiled slightly.

Finally explained:

"Without him, I just can't believe us."


Jin Jiu was slightly taken aback, and immediately thought of a possibility.

"They are worried that we are a trap laid by the demon race, to attract them, and then we will catch them all?"

"But, at the cost of the life of the third demon puppet, the price is too great!"

Jin Jiu still couldn't believe this.

Xiao Lang laughed again:

"The third puppet?"

"Except you and me, who can prove that he really died?"

"Besides, this is only one of the reasons."

Can anyone prove it?

Jin Jiu subconsciously wanted to answer himself, but was stunned again. He and Xiao Lang are grasshoppers on the same rope now. Does anyone really believe what he said?

And, is this only one of the reasons?

Jin Jiu looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

This time, Xiao Lang did not sell Guanzi, and continued:

"More importantly, they don't believe in our strength. In the cultivation world, the strong will be respected. This is inevitable. Anyone can do this thing, but there are not many who can do it. "

"Now, it is estimated that there are many people hiding around, waiting to explore my strength."

Respect the strong!

Jin Jiu heard this and suddenly realized. For him, it was obvious that the second reason Xiao Lang said made him understand better. Because this is indeed the case in the cultivation world, no one wants to surrender his life to a stranger, especially, they don't even know the strength of the stranger.

But how does Xiao Lang prove it?

Jin Jiu's heart moved.

"So walking so slowly this day is just to wait for the people of the Demon Race?"

From Jin Jiu's point of view, if Xiao Lang wanted to prove his strength, of course, he would be the most direct and convincing if he killed another half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable demon puppet.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lang just smiled slightly and closed his eyes again.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Jin Jiu looked a little bit depressed, but after Xiao Lang explained so much, his mood was much relieved compared to before, and he was no longer anxious.

"Then prove it!"

Jin Jiu thought he had guessed Xiao Lang's mind.

But actually--

This is just part of Xiao Lang's mind.

Proof of strength?

This is important, because only in this way can we successfully raise the banner. Without knowing that the Supreme Profound Order on Sun Wuji had already attracted the attention of the Profound Master, in Xiao Lang's view, gathering everyone would undoubtedly cause greater pressure on the Supreme Profound Realm.

This is the only way.

But there is a more important reason:

Xiao Lang is practicing!

Shura battle body!

Yes, the reason why he made Feizhou go so slowly was to make time for his cultivation.

Is it strong to kill the Venerable Half-step Heavenly Path?

Of course strong.

Not to mention here, even in the great world of Lihuo, such a strong person can be regarded as second to none, second only to the real **** of heaven.

But is it enough?

Definitely not enough!

Xiao Lang was not as optimistic as Jin Jiu, believing that the Supreme Profound Realm would agree to their request.

What if the Supreme Profound Realm does not agree?

Facing the high priest of the Sky Demon Race, the true venerable Heavenly Dao, they can only serve as the fish on the cutting board?

Xiao Lang certainly did not want to.


No matter when, no matter where, as long as you are in the world of cultivation, only absolute strength can be invincible! And now, the Shura battle body seemed to be Xiao Lang's only choice.


At this time, Xiao Lang was like a gold swallowing beast. From the outside, he was just taking a nap or resting, but in the body that Jin Jiu couldn’t perceive, he was crazily refining the training resources brought by Ting Chaohou Mansion. Temper the golden body!


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