Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 660: Xiao Lang's confidence!

Jin Jiu was very depressed.

The most annoying thing in the world is to say only half of the story.

In fact, Xiao Lang had done this to him many times.


But Jin Jiu knew that this was because the strength gap between the two of them was too great.

Xiao Lang is very strong, the kind that doesn't require him to do anything at all. If it's time for him to do something, I'm afraid everything will be over.

Jin Jiu understood this truth, so even if he was very depressed, he didn't say anything.

Who can blame this?

"Who made me have this body now..."

Jin Jiu’s mentality quickly returned to normal, his expression was calm, and even a little too calm. He didn't seem to be a person on the cusp of the waves at Origin, even if it was Xiao Lang who was really on the cusp of the waves. He is just a companion.

Jin Jiu's eyes flickered, and there was an inexplicable lightness. It seemed that not only Xiao Lang didn't pay attention to his current situation, but also he.

If Xiao Lang noticed his change at this time, he would definitely be a little curious.

Where does he come from?

In fact, Jin Jiu also had such suspicion in his heart. He looked at Xiao Lang, who was in a state of retreat, for a while, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"Is he not afraid of being chased by the Demon Race?"

"Although the strength of the third demon puppet is not the strongest among the seventy-two demon puppets, it is still quite good. It's just that he has been following Xu Jianyang over the years and his strength has not increased much. If he goes back, he will definitely not get the first place. The title of the Three Demon Puppets is pretty good to be in the top 20."

"Is he really not worried? The Heavenly Demon Race has sent several half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable level demon puppets directly this time?"

If Xiao Lang had practiced Tian Ren Tong and heard these voices in Jin Jiu's heart, he would definitely have huge doubts and curiosity about his identity.

Xu Jianyang!

He also learned the name from the memory fragment of the third demon puppet that was drawn from the Nine You Bats. Jin Jiu came at the same time as he, how did he know that the third demon puppet was sent by Xu Jianyang?

Jin Jiu, not ordinary!

He is obviously no ordinary person!

It's just that Xiao Lang didn't know this, so such an inquiry would naturally not happen. In fact, the high priest of the demon clan sent several half-step demon puppets at the level of the heavenly path to chase him down. Could this really happen?


Xiao Lang knew clearly that this possibility did exist.

But he can still keep his appearance, naturally not pretending to be so on purpose, but because--

He really doesn't care!


Xiao Lang's internal organs are like a huge furnace, in which endless treasures are burned and refined! It turns into the purest power and blends into the internal organs, fascia, and bones according to a special rhythm.


This is the transformation brought about by the Shura Refining Body!

Xiao Lang looked at himself internally, watching his progress on Asura's body refining, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared.

The fourth stage of Shura Refining Body is about to be completed!


This is his trump card, dare to face any half-step Heavenly Dao-level demon puppet chase and kill without being timid!

Asura body refining, but even listening to Chaohou praised a body refining technique that was constantly praised. Although there were nine levels in total, he only left the first five levels, but for the current Xiao Lang, it was completely enough!

Asura's first level of refinement, the effect is sparse and ordinary, and it can only increase the strength of the physical body to the first level of the immortal body.

However, once it reaches the second level of the Shura battle body, the physical strength directly skyrocketed, reaching the triple level of the immortal body!

The three levels of the Shura battle body are equivalent to the five levels of the immortal body!

The fourth level is the seventh level of the immortal body!

The fifth floor, according to Ting Chaohou’s introduction, can reach the ultimate nine-fold immortal body! That is the realm of legend!

This warfare method does not have so many scattered things, it is very simple, even a bit too simple—


Utilize all kinds of treasures of heaven, material and earth, to refine the flesh body to the extreme, and make the flesh body as a magic weapon!

Of course, it is a human body after all, this process must be extremely painful, and the rank and quantity of the heavens, materials and treasures consumed by it are simply unimaginable exaggeration!

Pain is really nothing to Xiao Lang.

His will is unparalleled before, no matter how much pain, he can keep his face unchanged.

As for the treasures of heaven and earth--

This is thanks to the accumulation of Ting Chaohou over the years, leaving him with all the treasures he needs to cultivate to the fourth level of the Asura body!

Therefore, these days, Xiao Lang has been practicing it.

Not only after entering the Origin Land, as soon as he came out of Tingchaohou's Mansion, Xiao Lang had been practicing in secret, never stopped.

at last.

Asura Refining Body is about to complete the fourth layer!

Looking at the color of jade in the skin of the bones and bones, Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, full of confidence.

The fourth level of Shura Refining Body!

The strength of the Seventh Heaven of the Immortal!

Theoretically speaking, this is also the ultimate that can be achieved by the Seventh Heavenly Immortal Realm's physical cultivation, which is equivalent to Xiao Lang already possessing the battle power of the Seventh Heavenly Heavenly Immortal Realm.

In the early days of Venerable Heavenly Dao, his strength was almost the same!

This means that once the transformation is completed, Xiao Lang can kill the Venerable Heavenly Dao?

Do not.

It's still difficult.

Because this is just a theoretical statement.

Although it is said that the Venerable Tiandao’s initial combat power is about the peak of the Seventh Heaven in the Immortal Realm, in fact, the real battle is ultimately won by the former.

It has something to do with heaven!

Conquer the Lord of Heaven?

Xiao Lang didn't have such big ambitions yet.

"At least my combat power will be far more than the half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable, no matter how many they come, they can no longer pose an effective threat to me. Self-protection, enough!"

"Even in the face of the strongest venerable, the possibility of my fall will be greatly reduced. Coupled with the realization that space tears the avenue, at least there is no problem in escaping."

Xiao Lang is confident.

Of course, this is just self-insurance. If it is only self-insurance, of course Xiao Lang will not be sufficiently satisfied. But he can remain so calm because he still has room for improvement in the Asura battle body——


It can increase the physical strength to the fifth level of the peak of the immortal!

Xiao Lang believed that once he became the fifth level of the Asura Refining Body, he was afraid that even the powerhouse of the Ninth Heavenly Peak of Immortal Realm would be able to fight, even if the high priest of the Heavenly Demon Race was the middle or late stage of the Heavenly Dao, he would be worthwhile. , It can even be defeated!

Of course, Xiao Lang knew that the fifth level of the Asura battle body had such exaggerated progress and improvement. Naturally, it would not be easy to succeed. I am afraid that there are many thorns.

The mere treasure of the heavens and the earth is a terrifying number, and he hasn't even collected it all these years after listening to the tide. Of course, this is also because he didn't search carefully, it was purely by eye.

From the fourth stage to the fifth stage of the Shura battle body, most of the heavenly materials and earth treasures are still missing, which really made Xiao Lang a little embarrassed.


"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!"

Xiao Lang's self-confidence was not disturbed by anything. On the contrary, his eyes flickered, and his confidence regenerated.

There is hope, that's enough!

Self-preservation, I have already done it, will it be far from contending with the real Venerable Heaven?

This is Xiao Lang's confidence and support!

"Half a day!"

"At most half a day, you can reach the fourth stage of the Shura battle body."

Xiao Lang suppressed his excitement and continued to sink into his cultivation.

One hour... two... three...

Half a day is fleeting.

The two men's team continued to advance at the previous gentle speed, if it were not for the surrounding scenery, Jin Jiu would even fall asleep boredly.

But soon,

He finally found a slight difference in Xiao Lang's body.


He discovered the fluctuation of Xiao Lang's breath!

At a certain moment, the breath that came out of Xiao Lang's body even made him uncontrollable.

this is--

Jin Jiu opened his eyes wide, his expression confused, he seemed to feel the breath that throbbed him just now, he kept searching, but he could never find it again.

Xiao Lang, broke through?

But what kind of breakthrough, so peaceful?

Just as Jin Jiu was surprised, suddenly, he felt as if he had sensed something, and he was so energetic that he didn't even bother to look at Xiao Lang. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction behind him, with a solemn flash in his eyes.

At this moment.

Xiao Lang also opened his eyes for the first time. When he saw Jin Jiu's movements, he couldn't help but felt his energy. He seemed to have discovered something.

Not bad.

He did discover some anomalies in Jin Jiu.

The reason why he turned his head was because he felt that three hundred thousand miles away, three violent auras swept along the road when they came. Both the speed and the ferocious aura reached half a step. Venerable Tiandao's level is even stronger than the third demon puppet he killed before!

The Demon Race, here comes it!

Three hundred thousand miles.

This is already the limit that the Four Heavenly Sovereigns of the Immortal Realm can reach. If they are the strongest sage, they are almost at the level of the seven-star sage.

The problem is, Jin Jiu is not the strongest venerable seven-star, he is only six-star.

"Could it be that his soul is also some special reason?"

Xiao Lang frowned.

This possibility is almost unrealistic.

Because the soul is strong, it is already quite difficult, not to mention the special spirit. Of course, since Jin Jiu can be selected by the Blood Flower Tower as the candidate to enter the Origin Land this time, perhaps, he is indeed talented.

Xiao Lang felt the speciality of Jin Jiu for the first time, but he did not struggle with this issue for too long, because the three demon puppets had already arrived!

Their speed is very fast, because they are galloping in a flying boat, they are very fast!

Hunt down!

It's really coming!

And Jin Jiu said it all right, the Demon Race, really sent a stronger team!

Jin Jiu's face was solemn, looking at the light spot formed by the flying boat that had faintly appeared at the end of his field of vision, he quickly glanced at Xiao Lang, and was about to speak:

"If I break the limit, I can..."

However, before he could finish his sentence completely, he could not even express his core meaning, Jin Jiu only felt a flower in front of him, and then—


Xiao Lang, disappeared!

He disappeared directly from under the eyes of his six-star strongest venerable!

Jin Jiu instantly looked dazed.

"So fast?"

Even though he was well-informed and his true identity was good, when Xiao Lang suddenly disappeared before his eyes, he couldn't help being stunned, and what he wanted to say was completely held in his heart.

However, this is just the beginning.

Before he could finish his words, he just raised his head and looked towards the sky--Jin Jiu knew that with the character Xiao Lang displayed before, it was absolutely impossible to escape in battle, even if there were as many as three enemies.

But the next moment, everything that came into view pushed him into greater horror again—


Thousands of miles away, a huge firework burst into full bloom!


Of course there are no fireworks here.

It’s not fireworks, but—


The spirit boat on which the three half-steps of the Heavenly Dao were riding was actually smashed by Xiao Lang with a punch!

How powerful and aggressive is this?

How fearless?

Jin Jiu was shocked and frightened. What he never expected at this time was that the real shock was still to come—


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