Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 661: Kill the puppet!


"Damn it!"

"Thief, bold!"

Three bursts of shouts exploded in the void at the same time.

The first two are just rants full of anger, while the last one really reveals their purpose of coming—

Xiao Lang!

Their goals really were Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu.

In fact, just before Xiao Lang's rise from the ground, they had already fixed their eyes on Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu, but at the moment they started their hands, they suddenly discovered that Xiao Lang had disappeared.

Before they could find out how Xiao Lang did it suddenly disappear, and where he went, the flying boat beneath him had already exploded.

No need to guess, no need to think, they also know who made the shot.

It's just that what surprised them and amazed them--

Xiao Lang, how dare he?

"We are three of us!"

"He has already killed the third child before. Don't you understand that since we are here to hunt him down, we must be much stronger than the third child?"

"Where did he get so bold?"

Here are the nineteenth, fifteen and eleventh demon puppets!

Similar to Jin Jiu’s conjecture, although the ranking of the third demon puppet that Xiao Lang once killed is relatively high, he has been following Xu Jianyang over the years. In fact, his strength has changed unconsciously. With the addition of some more powerful new magic puppets, the previous third magic puppet can only be ranked twentieth.

The three demon puppets coming this time are much stronger than the third demon puppet!

At the moment when the flying boat exploded, the three demon puppets were surprised and angry, and they did not understand. Xiao Lang took the initiative to attack, where did he get such courage.

But at the next moment, they really realized that Xiao Lang dared to take the lead, and how could it be so simple as courage?


Void vibrations, ripples!

There is no wind.

There are no signs.

Xiao Lang's figure suddenly appeared behind a person, the sun was in the sky, and a small shadow shrouded this person, inconspicuous, but when such a scene fell into the eyes of the other two demon puppets, they couldn't bear it. I took a breath, especially when I saw Xiao Lang's fist entwining the gray shadow, like a sharp blade, slammed into the back of the head of the people around him, and was even more shocked, and exclaimed:


"Be careful!"

Before the Eleven Demon Puppets and the Fifteen Demon Puppets made a sound, they just turned their heads abruptly. In fact, the Nineteen Demon Puppets realized something was wrong.

This is certainly not because Xiao Lang exposed his figure.

On the contrary, whether it is the position, the angle of the attack, or the aura of his own, Xiao Lang is in perfect control. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with the right time and place, and these words. The existence of Xiao Lang could not be found.

But he can guess.

When the complexion of the Eleven Golems and Fifteen Golems changed drastically, he guessed that the problem was not right--

Xiao Lang, shot him!


The reaction of the nineteen demon puppets is not unpleasant, especially at the moment of life and death. He burst out all his potential in an instant. Without thinking about it, he turned around, pinched his fingers into a fist, and slammed behind him fiercely!

Attack against attack!

Even if Xiao Lang only fought one battle in the Origin Land, only one person died in that battle, but it was enough for them to see many things in the traces of the remaining battle when they passed the Yanshan Mountain. for example--

Xiao Lang's speed!

Xiao Lang's speed is much more terrifying than the third Demon Lord!

Even when the three of them were investigating, Xiao Lang's speed was also much faster than them. And this also meant that once Xiao Lang had the upper hand in battle and attacked and killed forcibly, they had no choice but to force it!


That is absolutely undesirable.

Once they choose this way, they will only die faster!

Therefore, in the eyes of the Nineteen Demon Golem, he should be the wisest choice at this time——


Golden light overflows!

He is the strongest sage of the gold system and one of the five elements

The most prosperous one!

"Head-to-head, even if he can handle it, even if I'm a bit disadvantaged, he will definitely die!"

The hideousness in the heart of the Nineteen Demon Puppet was almost revealed on his face, and a dagger appeared quietly in his other hand hidden in his sleeve.


He is waiting for an opportunity!

A chance to kill in one hit!

Everyone noticed his little! Jin Jiu found it!

The Blood Flower Tower is a paradise for the best assassins in the entire Lihuo Great World, and this year, since Jin Jiu can get the only spot among the many strongest veterans in the Blood Flower Tower, his martial realm. Although not very high, but his vision is very harsh.

The sleeves were concealed, and he did not find the dagger hidden by the nineteen demon puppets, but he saw the latter's slightly raised mouth, and the smug and fierceness flashed in his eyes!

As a killer, he shouldn’t be too familiar with these subtle movements that the Nineteen Puppets did not even notice--


This punch is just appearance!

Nineteen Demon Golems hide stronger killer moves!

At this moment, Jin Jiu really wanted to remind Xiao Lang, but the distance between him and the nineteen demon puppets was too close. When he found that the state of the nineteen demon puppets was not right, they had already Hit each other hard!


The golden light splashed into the sky.


Jin Jiu's heart suddenly thumped.

Only the assassin really understands how terrifying the secret attack of a warrior of the same rank with hidden murderous intent is!

"This is really over!"

"Oh, too young!"

Jin Jiu sighed and sighed. In his opinion, Xiao Lang was really going to suffer a big loss for his impulse this time. This loss might even be put to death!

However, before his sigh was settled, an astonishing scene happened!


Amid the violent roar, a crisp blast sounded suddenly, it was so crisp, even the muffled thunder in the sky could not hide its existence.

However, compared with sound, pictures are always the most shocking.

Jin Jiu's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw that the golden light in the sky had not yet fallen, and the sky suddenly rained blood and... blood clots!

It's a stump!

It's the internal organs!

It's a fragment of a person's body bursting!

And this person is definitely not Xiao Lang!


The power of strong energy and blood soared into the sky, running through the void, dyeing the sky red, red clouds drifting, blood rain pouring, and the heavens wailed, seeming to be crying for the fall of a half-step Heavenly Dao-level powerhouse!


The nineteen puppets are dead.


It's just a punch, the winner is divided, and it is divided into life and death!



Do you really have this opportunity?

Can't even stop a punch, what else do you want to use?

Jin Jiu was stunned.

Standing on the ground, looking up at the sky full of blood and rain, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.


A half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse, died like this?

Simply clean and get it done with one punch?

"His physical body..."

If someone looked closer, he would definitely find that Jin Jiu was a face full of stunned surprise, but deep in his eyes, it was not a stunned dementia, there was even a glimmer of energy, locked in the blood rain, that exudes On the jade figure.

He saw it!

He could see the hidden reason behind Xiao Lang's feat of killing the demon puppet of the Heavenly Dao level with one fist today. This was what Xiao Lang did not show when he was beheading the third demon puppet!

"Is it a breakthrough, or was it hiding before?"

Jin Jiu was shocked to discover that he couldn't see Xiao Lang even more. It seemed that there was a lot of fog on Xiao Lang, making him unable to see clearly, and couldn't help but frown.

However, compared to Jin Jiu's heart that is more curious, the Fifteen Demon Puppets and the Eleven Demon Puppets are completely different.

They are truly dumbfounded.



What magical power is this Nima?

Venerable Heaven?

Apart from Venerable Heaven, can anyone else have such terrifying strength?

In an instant, they panicked.

In terms of eyesight, the closest to Xiao Lang was even worse than Jin Jiu. At least Jin Jiu could see that the reason Xiao Lang could do this was entirely because his body had undergone transformation again.

And facing the existence of a physical body that can kill opponents, using fists against fists, is this behavior really not seeking death?

They don't understand.

So after panicking, it was even more chaotic, and even directly forgot the way of chasing and killing. The analysis and prediction of the three people forgot the horror of Xiao Lang's speed.


Xiao Lang is too wild to stop him!

Even if they think that their strength is definitely above the nineteenth demon puppet, they can't kill them with one punch, right? Let alone them, I am afraid that even the first demon puppet can't do it!

Can't beat, of course I can only run away.

This is human instinct.

But they have forgotten, their previous self-remind.

Not fast enough to run away in front of Xiao Lang, what is this not looking for death?

In fact, if the two of them really joined forces and tried their best to resist Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang would really not be able to kill them so easily. However, after they made the choice to fly separately, the battle suddenly It becomes simple.


Chase and kill!

One side is like a rainbow, the other side is defeated like a mountain, and there is indeed a huge gap between the strength of the two sides, the result of this chasing war needless to say.

Fall to one side!

And this kind of battle was just because Xiao Lang flashed his first punch, which not only shattered the beliefs in the hearts of the Eleven and Fifteen Puppets, but also directly took away their lives...


After a short cup of tea, Xiao Lang fell down and fell to the ground, his face was slightly pale. Obviously, the battle just now was not particularly easy for him, but it was obvious that such hard work was not easy. He didn't want to shake his roots, he just took three steps, and when he walked in front of Jin Jiu, his face had returned to its former rosy.

"This foundation...this recovery ability..."

"Seventh Immortal Body?"

Jin Jiu again accurately guessed the level of Xiao Lang's physical strength. If Xiao Lang knew it, he would be surprised.

Is this what a six-star strongest person can tell from such a simple battle?

However, Jin Jiu's calmness and did not even escape, still made Xiao Lang look at him twice, but before he waited for anything to say, suddenly -

Xiao Lang condensed his gaze again, looking at the sky far away, and this time, his face was even more solemn than when the three big goblins arrived in a flying boat just now.

Jin Jiu also paused, pressing his questioning mind, and followed Xiao Lang's gaze.

Here again?

I am afraid that this battle can be felt at a level of horror from 100,000 miles away. It must be a half-step killing at the level of the heavens, and the blood is poured out, and it is extremely cruel. Under this situation, there are people who dare to come?

who is it?

With such inquiry, Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu finally saw it.

Above the mountains in the distance, a blue figure wearing a Zhong armor slowly walked down from the clouds, heroic and clean, not stained with dust, like a fairy walking in the world, irrelevant.

He did not hide his breath.

And because of this, Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu recognized his identity at just a glance...or rather, his type--

Fierce spirit!

A powerful indigenous fierce spirit in Origin!

Xiao Lang's eyes were thinner. In other words, since he found the Profound Sky Token on Sun Wuji's body, he was more concerned about any token he saw again, and he immediately sensed a token on the latter's waist. , With three words engraved on it——



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