Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 662: Refuse!


what is this?

Is it the title, the power, or his name?

Xiao Lang was fairly calm, Jin Jiu's pupils shrank slightly.

The evil spirit is here!

According to Xiao Lang, the evil spirits that make up the Profound Sky Realm are very likely to also have the power of the Venerable Heavenly Dao level, and their full strength is absolutely above the Sky Demon Race!

What does it mean that he appears at this time?

Jin Jiu immediately became vigilant, his eyes flickering.

Compared with him, Xiao Lang's expression was calmer, unchanged, but if someone who knew him could definitely find out, his eyes were also serious.

He didn't know the origin of this fierce spirit, but what he could feel was that this fierce spirit was much stronger than the three demon puppets who had just attempted to attack and kill in a flying boat!


Qingtianwei is stronger!

Even if everyone is a half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse, there is a difference between superior and inferior.

However, compared with the three demon puppets, the blue sky guard in front of him has a purer aura, and the breeze lingers around him.

The wind is fierce!

Xiao Lang recognized his attributes and didn't act immediately. The main reason was that he didn't feel any hostility from the fierce spirit in front of him. On the contrary, the other party looked quite interested.

"He knows us?"

"Are you here specifically for me?"

"The Profound Sky Realm also got those voice transmissions from me before?"

Xiao Lang wondered, and decided to stay silent.


What he guessed was correct.

Qing Tianwei came to look for them, and his strength was indeed much stronger than the three demon puppets that Xiao Lang had killed just now, almost reaching the half-step heavenly level.

As the most trusted person by the Profound Master Sky, how could it be possible without the corresponding strength.

Even, because of his identity and the special nature of this world, his soul exploration scope is larger. As early as when Xiao Lang discovered the three demon puppets, he had already discovered Xiao Lang, Jin Jiu, and even those three. The Golem, likewise, witnessed the battle just now.

"It's really strong."

The corners of Qing Tianwei's mouth raised, revealing a touch of arrogance and a cold expression.

Is this praise?

I can't say it at all.

You can tell from the expression on his face.

For others, the combat power that Xiao Lang demonstrated just now is indeed quite shocking. After all, in such a short period of time, killing three half-step heavenly powers together is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

But is Qingtianwei an ordinary person?

of course not.

On the face of it, he is the spokesperson of the Profound Lord of Heaven, and the emissary of one person to ten thousand people. And almost the entire Profound Sky Realm knew that he was still a disciple of the Profound Sky Profound Master, and his cultivation and supernatural powers were all learned from the Profound Sky Profound Master.

Would such a person make ordinary people?

He is a genius in a fierce spirit, an absolute genius!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the killing of three and a half-step Heavenly Dao's level demon puppets in an instant, in his opinion, is nothing more than that.


"Compared with me, it's still far behind."

Qing Tianwei thought about his hole cards at the bottom of the box, and the smile on his mouth became even more arrogant and unpredictable. What he didn't expect was that in the battle just now, did Xiao Lang use all his hole cards?

He never thought about it.

Of course I don't care.

Not because of his strength, but because of his identity——

"Ha ha."

"well done."

"Dare to speak frankly to enter my Profound Sky Realm, there are indeed some means."

As soon as Qing Tianwei spoke, it was a condescending tone, pointing the country. With this accent, let alone Xiao Lang, even Jin Jiu couldn't help frowning and was very dissatisfied.

Where's the guy who doesn't know good or bad?

Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes.

"Master of the Profound Sky Realm?"

Xiao Lang didn't know the name of the leader of the Profound Sky Realm, but he believed that Qing Tianwei would definitely be able to hear his name.


Qing Tianwei shook his head quickly, but the arrogance on his face did not weaken by half.

"Do not."

"I am the big disciple of the Profound Master, Qing Tianwei."

Not the master of the Profound Sky Realm?

After Qing Tianwei said these words, it was obvious that Xiao Lang's frowning brows stretched, and his eyes became calm in an instant. It seemed that this identity could not cause him any psychological fluctuations.

Suddenly, a wave of anger rose from Qing Tianwei's heart.

underestimate me?

Who the **** do you think you are?

You still want Master to see you?

Qing Tianwei was so angry that he almost broke out, but when he thought of the mission the Profound Master had sent him, his anger was immediately suppressed.

Wait a minute!

Let's finish the task!

If that thing is really in his hands...

Because of Xiao Lang's attitude, he seemed to have lost his only patience, his face was blue and his voice was cold, and said:

"Li Qi, right?"

"I'm here this time, there is only one question."

"Xuan Ling, is it in your hands?"

Qing Tianwei is straightforward, his tone is cold, anyone can tell that he is emotional now. Jin Jiu also noticed that he did not care about his tone, because all his attention was focused on those three words.

Profound Sky... Order?

Not the Profound Sky Realm, but the Profound Sky Order!

What it is?

It was the first time Jin Jiu heard of these three words. He couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Lang next to him, only to see that the latter's expression was calm, as if he had heard nothing, his face showed no waves or changes.

Xiao Lang didn't know either?

Jin Jiu was suspicious, but his body tightened unconsciously.

Although he doesn't know what the so-called Sky Profound Order is, he can also hear from Qing Tianwei's solemn tone, that is absolutely important!

From the outside, Xiao Lang was indeed calm, but no one knew that when Qing Tianwei said the three characters of the Profound Order, he had already set off a huge wave in his heart.

Heavenly Profound Order!

The other party's intention was the Profound Sky Order on Sun Wuji's brows!

Xiao Lang subconsciously glanced at Sun Wuji, who was wrapped in a bloodthirsty star vine, and his heart trembled.

Even if he had predicted that something like the Sky Profound Order might be good, but after Qing Tianwei appeared to ask directly, it was far beyond his expectation.

Sky Profound Order, what exactly is it?

Xiao Lang has never wanted to understand.

However, will this affect his answer to Qing Tianwei's question?

of course not!

"What Heaven Profound Order, I haven't heard of it."

Xiao Lang's voice was even colder than Qing Tianwei's, and he denied it directly. In an instant, Qing Tianwei's brows frowned.

never heard of that?

Xiao Lang's answer was really too decisive. It was almost as if he gave a negative answer at the moment he asked, which made Qing Tianwei couldn't help but wonder whether his master's judgment was wrong.

But soon, he left the idea behind.

Maybe the error really exists, but what if it is true?

"Don't toast, eat fine wine?"

Qing Tianwei's face was cold, his expression was cold, and the look in Xiao Lang's eyes became worse.

"Boy, I can tell you plainly, we have determined that the Profound Sky Order is on your body. Let you hand it over now, it means you still have a chance, if you don’t..."


Before Qingtianwei's words fell, a violent wind swept across the surrounding area for hundreds of miles. The dust filled the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The wind was like a shuttle, almost directly cutting the clothes of Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu.

The threat is revealed!

But even so, Xiao Lang's expression remained unchanged, and he sneered inwardly.

Scam me?


Do you think I was scared?

Also confirmed... Since it has already been confirmed, why did you ask just now?

Xiao Lang saw Qing Tianwei's mind at a glance, and he was disdainful.

It's so tender.

Want to deceive people with such an IQ?

Xiao Lang didn't move the slightest, and the corners of his mouth raised a sneer, "Nothing means no, and it's useless to say more."

"To fight, Bong accompany!"

Xiao Lang's voice became colder, and even on his body, the gray mist was steaming, and the killing aura was permeated. The oppression that came with the volume was even stronger than that of Qingtianwei, breaking through the wind and hanging directly into the sea!


Qi broke out, thunder bursts!

Qing Tianwei's expression stagnated, feeling the murderous intent from Xiao Lang's body, and his breath suddenly stopped.


He was so arrogant that he really almost couldn't hold back when he heard this.

But when he saw Xiao Lang's firm eyes with no hesitation, Qing Tianwei suddenly hesitated. There was no other reason, mainly because Xiao Lang's aura was too strong, even if it was him, he couldn't bear it.

"Does he still have hole cards?"

Qing Tianwei understood that once he took a shot, this battle must be a battle of life and death, endless.

Of course he is not afraid of a battle.


Is it worth it?

He knew the identities of Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu from the Profound Master of Heaven, as well as their plans, and even more so, the hostile relationship between them and the Heavenly Demon Race who were trapped in the land of origin, even if he did not take action, Xiao The end of the waves will be extremely miserable.

Fight for life?

No need.

Although Qingtianwei was arrogant, he was definitely not stupid. He was very clever, his eyes narrowed, his aura was reduced, but his eyes became colder.

"Without the Profound Sky Order, still wanting to enter my Profound Sky Realm? Wishful thinking!"

"Boy, take out the Profound Sky Order, my Profound Sky Realm can still save your life. Without the Profound Profound Order, you can just wait for death here! As for my Profound Sky Realm, I will definitely not allow you to take a half step! "



Jin Jiu was shocked when he heard this and looked at Xiao Lang.

He could know that he tried his best to enter the Profound Sky Realm to find a way out. This was the final result and the ultimate goal agreed upon by him and Xiao Lang. But now, before it really starts, he will fail?

Qing Tianwei used this as a threat?

At this moment, Jin Jiu was anxious and angry, but he didn't even know what Tian Xuan Ling was, so what's the use of being anxious?

No way!

He can only pin his hopes on Xiao Lang.

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils shrank slightly, still sneered:

"Only you can represent the Profound Sky Realm?"


To Jin Jiu's surprise, Xiao Lang, who had always been impulsive and reckless in his opinion, didn't get angry right away. He couldn't help looking at him in surprise. When he keenly noticed, a cold light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes. Can't help but trembled.

Could it be that Xiao Lang thought...

But don't wait for him to think more, aside, Qing Tianwei's extremely proud voice has been heard:

"Ha ha."

"Of course."

"I'm afraid? I'm the commander of the Profound Sky Realm, and you want to break into my door, and..."

Qing Tianwei was about to announce his identity and strength, but he didn't see it. Jin Jiu seemed to turn his head around thinking of something, his scalp numb, and his face suddenly changed.

Could it be--

as expected.

Before Qing Tianwei's arrogant words were settled, Xiao Lang's sneer came:

"The commander of the world?"

"Profound Master Disciple?"

"Doesn't this mean that as long as we catch you alive, we can go in?"

Captured alive?

What alive?

Qing Tianwei, whose speech was suddenly interrupted, was taken aback. He still couldn't fully digest and understand the meaning of Xiao Lang's words. Suddenly, he heard a muffled thunderous roar suddenly blast in front of him!


Stepping out, the arrow from the string, a gray shadow suddenly passed through Jin Jiu's vision, but it did not surprise him more. It seemed that he had a premonition for this scene.

Not bad.

Xiao Lang really started on Qing Tianwei!

With one hand, it is alive!


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