Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 663: No chance!


Qing Tianwei's eyes widened suddenly.

As a Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, his vigilance was naturally very high, but at this moment, when Xiao Lang really made a move, he was still standing there without any reaction.

Is he stupid?

of course not.

It was because he never expected that Xiao Lang would actually attack him!

And the plan is to catch it alive!

"So courageous!"

In an instant, Qing Tianwei's anger rose from his heart, and his anger was like fire, transpiring.

"Dare to shoot at me?"

Qing Tianwei immediately felt insulted.

He did have plans to shoot before. The reason why he didn't have it was that he was afraid of it on the one hand, and the mission of the Profound Sky Lord was on the other. In his opinion, he was already quite benevolent for not taking action against Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu.

But now...

"The tiger doesn't show off, you treat me as a sick cat?"

Qingtianwei was furious, even if he knew that he had no chance now and was at a disadvantage, but the arrogance deep into his bones made him make an instinctive decision immediately——


Qingtianwei thought very simple.

As long as Xiao Lang was killed and searched, he would naturally know whether he had the third Profound Sky Token.

As for the tests and qualifications that the Profound Master said...

No need anymore!

The most important thing is the Sky Profound Order!

In fact, this is the original idea of ​​Qing Tianwei. As a major disciple of the Profound Master of Heaven, he naturally knows the secret of Profound Sky Profound Order. Although he does not know much, he also understands that Profound Profound Order is the treasure of the world!

Its significance to the Profound Sky Realm is too great.

How can it fall into the hands of others?

Together with these thoughts, it was suddenly out of control, Qing Tianwei felt that he had an epiphany, his eyes were sharp, his expression was fierce, and his transpiration and murderous intent seemed to be billowing into the sky.

"Some things should be simpler!"


Qingtianwei shot!

The void exploded, and a halberd with gleaming blue light appeared out of thin air, carrying a rolling hurricane, and directly attacked Xiao Lang, who was already close at hand!


Void shaking, thunderbolt!

On the side, Jin Jiu even discovered Xiao Lang's attempt before Qing Tianwei, because he was the killer of the Bloody Flower Tower, but he knew the intentions of people best. From Xiao Lang, he had already seen some clues. So, he was not surprised at Xiao Lang's sudden move.

It was just that when Qing Tianwei offered a long halberd to greet him, Jin Jiu's eyes suddenly shrank, and he violently retreated. Deep in his eyes, he was filled with deep puzzlement.

As the strongest venerable, he can of course see that in Qingtianwei, there is only one kind of great power——

The power of Hurricane Avenue!

It stands to reason that the power of the mere Dao Dao is absolutely inferior to the power of the Dao-fusion Dao, but at this moment, the aura erupting from Qing Tianwei's body is no less weaker than Xiao Lang!

How is this going?

Is it because he is a fierce spirit, so he has a special blessing in this world?

It was the first time that Jin Jiu encountered a fierce spirit in Origin Land, and he suddenly felt suspicious.

It was already the second time for Xiao Lang. He had also thought about this question, but he had never found the answer. As for now--

Is this answer important?

Of course it doesn't matter!


Under Jin Jiu's suspicious and horrified gaze, Xiao Lang was unarmed and had already smashed into Qing Tianwei, fists to the flesh, trembling in the void, and faintly seeing the subtle spatial cracks blooming in it, but hidden.

Break the sky!

In just an instant, the battle between Qing Tianwei and Xiao Lang had entered a white-hot stage, and the tricks were fatal!


I saw Xiao Lang's body, the three colors of black, white and gray flowing, mysterious, profound, and tyrannical... countless different auras erupted from his body, like a **** descending, blasting the void, and the look of Jin Jiu changed greatly.


Jin Jiu originally thought that when slaying three half-step Heavenly Dao level demon puppets just now, Xiao Lang had already shown his combat power to the extreme. Only now did he realize that it was not.

It is Xiao Lang's limit!

Xiao Lang is stronger!

But what surprised him most was the strength of Xiao Lang's physical body, the surging of blood, and the trembling of the void. The mere aftermath of the escape of blood and blood made him tremble, and he did not dare to stay within a hundred miles of the battle circle. Because this aftermath alone can even penetrate his body and cause him to suffer heavy losses!

"The Seventh Heaven of Immortal Body!"

"His physical body has definitely reached the level of the seventh heavenly indestructible body!"

"Furthermore, he also mastered the power of life heaven... With his physical body, I am afraid it is much stronger than the real Seventh Heavenly Immortal Body!"

"It's just that the strongest sage has such a powerful physical body, how did he do it? Tianfu Palace, is there such a method of body refining?"

Jin Jiu frowned fiercely.

He couldn't understand.

Because according to experience and practice, although everyone said that the strongest venerables of different levels can contend with the immortal monarchs of the two weak levels, Jin Jiu knew that to contend with these two words is actually a bit of an exaggeration.

Combat power is more than just attacking and killing.

After all, the monarch of the immortal realm is the monarch of the immortal realm. They have endless life, and they possess the immortal body, and their comprehensive strength exceeds the strongest noble.

Especially in physical training, the gap is even bigger!

Soul cultivation and spiritual cultivation are okay, because the strongest venerable merges the avenue, not only the power of the avenue, but also the power of the soul, so for these two points, the gap between them and the immortality is not too big.

But the physical body is different.

Except for those with the strongest soil elements or other talents, the methods of cultivation and the avenues of walking have a great effect on the tempering of the flesh. Most of the strongest nobles have the weakest link in their flesh.

Because they spend most of their time on Fusion Avenue.

Integrating the Dao and achieving the Lord of Heaven is their greatest goal. Because of their limited lifespan, the route they can choose is naturally narrower.

But Xiao Lang's physical strength...

"The Seventh Heaven of Immortal Body!"

"Compared to those earth-based Heavenly Dao-level physical bodies who tend to refine their bodies... how did he do it?"

Xiao Lang was still immersed in the battle, and did not notice the suspicion and confusion that Jin Jiu's eyes flickered. If he knew what Jin Jiu was thinking, he would be surprised to find that Jin Jiu was strange.

The eyes are too poisonous!

With just a glance, he can see that his physical body has reached the level of the seventh heaven of immortality. Is this really the vision that a six-star strongest person can have?

Absolutely impossible!

No matter how many strong people he has seen, it is impossible.


Jin Jiu has also reached this level, knowing what the physical body of the Seventh Heavenly Immortal Body behaves like.

At that time, Xiao Lang would definitely begin to doubt Jin Jiu's identity.

It's a pity that he didn't notice these strange things in Jin Jiu's eyes, because she was completely immersed in the suppression of Qingtianwei!


Full suppression!

Shot, mercilessly!

It can be said that at the moment when he decided to shoot, Xiao Lang was already ready to go all out, because he knew that Qingtianwei was a good player, and if this battle could not completely control him, he would surely and suffer endlessly!

Now that I have decided to do it, I will spare no effort!

In fact, Xiao Lang did the same, attacking violently, fighting in close quarters, making full use of his physical advantages to crush his opponents!

This is Xiao Lang's expectation for this battle.

In fact, he did most of it.

Go all out!

Colorful rays of light linger around, that is the brilliance of five elements in prison. The three heavenly powers of life, death, and reincarnation came out together. Xiao Lang could say that he sacrificed all his power in an instant, but even so, the situation of crushing still did not appear.

Qingtianwei is very strong!

Even-stronger than the four magic puppets Xiao Lang encountered before!


The fist poured into the power of the heavenly path of death hit him fiercely, the effect was weak, and the cyan halo circulated. Obviously, there was a guardian body on his body, which could not be broken so easily.

But Xiao Lang was not worried at all.

Because this kind of battle hardly consumes anything for him.

With the support of the power of Ming Tian Dao, he is like a perpetual motion machine, which can continue to fight, not to mention, he has not yet used the power of Qi and blood in the Tiantian coffin.

Not afraid of consumption.

The Five Elements Prison continued to suppress, and Xiao Lang could clearly sense that only the Blue Sky Guard who had resisted the opportunity was smashed by his fists. He looked embarrassed and even had no chance to resist.

The victory is set!

The next step is time!

However, compared with Xiao Lang's steadfastness, Qing Tianwei was not so calm.

Pride before?

As early as when Xiao Lang's first punch fell, the pride in his heart had completely collapsed!

Qing Tianwei could never forget that Xiao Lang's fist smashed the halberd in his hand, and the moment it fell on his body, it was also at that moment, he was at an absolute disadvantage, and there was no more. Opportunity to fight back.

too fast!

Xiao Lang's fist was too fast.

It was like a squally torrential rain, without even stopping for a moment, making Qing Tianwei wonder if the power in his body would never be exhausted.

more importantly--



Qingtianwei watched Xiao Lang's dark fist hit again, holding a halberd to resist, but was knocked again, a huge force poured into his body, and a terrifying force of corrosion hit his face and swayed on his body. Layers of blue ripples, and his face pale.

"What power is this?"

"Can you cause such a big threat to the armor that Master Profound Master specially made for me?"


This is why he has not lost so far-


It was made by the Profound Master Sky for him.

According to the Heavenly Profound Master, this armor can block as many as three attacks and kills at the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, but now--

It is about to collapse!

Xiao Lang continued to punch hundreds of thousands of punches, and all the violent power accumulated in it. Qing Tianwei could clearly sense that its effect became weaker and weaker, and the power poured into his body became stronger and stronger, even his body was faintly bursting. Feel like it.

"I... actually going to lose?"

"Why is he... so strong?"

Until now, Qing Tianwei couldn't understand why Xiao Lang possessed such combat power, and his heart was full of horror. For the first time since practicing, he felt the great horror between life and death.

Even if Xiao Lang said at the beginning, just to capture him alive, but now, where does Qing Tianwei remember?

He can't hold it anymore!


Qingtianwei is really unwilling!

"The flesh... his flesh is too strong, one level higher than mine!"

"Otherwise, I still have a chance to use the secret technique, he is definitely not my opponent!"

Qing Tianwei regretted that he had missed the opportunity. He clearly had a hole card, but in the face of Xiao Lang's violent bombardment, he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

How can this not make him feel aggrieved?

"There is a dignified battle with me!"

Qingtianwei's unwilling roar resounded through the audience, Xiao Lang sneered when he heard the words, but there was no fluctuation on his face, and there would be no rest in his hands.


Are you kidding me?

Who will give you this opportunity?

Xiao Lang knew that Qing Tianwei definitely had a hole card, and this hole card was even enough to hurt himself, otherwise he would not have such a strong confidence.


These have nothing to do with this battle.

The Five Elements Prison was crazily compressed, and it was almost close to Qing Tianwei's body, and it was attached to his body. In the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes, an endless glow suddenly appeared.

When it's over, it's time!


Immediately, Xiao Lang turned his fist into claws, and his five fingers pointed at Qingtianwei remotely, violently making a claw--


The Five Elements Town Prison collapsed suddenly, like a real prison, trapping Qingtianwei in it.

On the side, Jin Jiu looked at this scene in surprise, his heart trembling wildly.

Are you really going to catch it alive?


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