Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 668: Reverse Slash Tianzun!

Suddenly, Wan Lai was silent!

The whole world is like being plunged into the initial chaos of the universe, everything is dead, all stopped.

It is not like eternal night.

It's more like a thousand miles of ice, banning time and space, and also shackles everyone's perception. The ten thousand points of blood in the void are like the strongest shackles in the world, indestructible!



Such an expression froze on the faces of Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu, and even the ancestor of Jinling was greatly affected. The physical body of the ancestor of the five elements that he possessed was indeed tyrannical. According to reason, it can break this restraint, but , His soul level is not enough!

The only person who can still move is probably only the Heavenly Profound Master on the ground.

"Heaven Will!"

"Little friend, be careful! He sacrificed this clone!"

The voice of the Profound Lord Sky reverberated in the void, but he himself seemed to be greatly affected, such as being stuck in a swamp and difficult to move.


After all, he is just a clone of Heaven, not the main body.

If the body exists, he naturally does not need to be afraid of the coercion of this heavenly way, but now—

"Run away!"

The warning sounded loudly, shaking in Xiao Lang's ears.

But even he couldn't move. If he fell into a swamp, how could it be such a simple thing for Xiao Lang to break free?

In fact.

He is the one who is under the most pressure from everyone present!

When the heavenly will of the high priest came, Xiao Lang felt as if a majestic mountain was directly pressing on him, and the power of billions of catties prevented him from moving half a point!

The will of heaven!

This was the first time Xiao Lang had personally experienced the tyranny of the will of Heaven. In fact, in the entire Lihuo Great World, there are not many such crises. After all, there are so many Venerable Heavenly Dao, even less than the peak monarch of Immortality.



This was Xiao Lang's first feeling when he sensed the violent pressure rushing in front of him.

At this moment, the three powers of heaven seemed to have lost control!

Xiao Lang understood that this was not because the level of the three powers of the heavens he mastered was weaker than that of the high priest, but because he had not succeeded in understanding the will within the powers of the three heavens and had not yet been recognized by the heavens and the earth!

In this world, is there a power of heaven higher than life, death, and reincarnation?


However, when the high priest sacrificed the clone to show the will of Heaven, he was still suppressed.

This is the real Tianwei!

Power is just power.

Will is the right way!

Similarly, this was the first time Xiao Lang felt the power of Venerable Heaven!

"Venerable Heaven, it is not unreasonable to compete with the peak monarch of the immortal realm."

Xiao Lang looked at the bright blood in the sky, and had a deeper understanding of the truth that was spread in the Lihuo Great World.


These are not important.

Not important at all!

The high priest sacrificed a avatar of the Heavenly Dao, showing the true coercion belonging to the Heavenly Dao, just let him deepen his understanding so simple?

of course not.

At this moment, life and death can be seen!

"Ha ha."

"If you can force me to destroy a clone, you can be proud of it under Nine Springs. In this world, you are the first to successfully let me destroy a clone of Heaven."

"Go with peace of mind. You die well!"


With the voice of the high priest's gloomy and hoarse voice, the void oscillated, and under the horrified gaze of Qingtianwei, Jinjiu and others, the vision came, like an irresistible divine mind control, and the rain of blood suddenly shrank and turned into a foot. There were a few miles of wide, **** palms, with all palm prints, covering the sky and sun, and patted directly on Xiao Lang's head!


Space collapsed!

In an instant, it seemed that even this original place could not withstand the divine power contained in this palm. Everywhere it passed, the space burst open, turbulent flow, violent

When I saw it, I felt endless heart palpitations and suffocation!

One word, strong!

"Li Qi!"

"Little friend!"

Seeing that they were still frozen in the void, motionless, as if Xiao Lang was bound, Jin Jiu and the others were shocked, their hearts were shocked, but they couldn't shout at all.

The oppression of the will of Heaven is too violent!

Xiao Lang, dying?

This battle seems to be just Xiao Lang's reckless start, which is absolutely unexpected. It will be born and die so soon!

At this time--

The Profound Master Tian finally couldn't help it.

"Little friend, run away!"


With a blast, one of the arms of the Profound Lord Sky burst suddenly, and a white light, a bright light containing a strong will, soared into the air, but what he was referring to was not the giant palm transformed by the high priest’s magical powers. It was the void in front of Xiao Lang!


Void burst!

At this moment, Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu suddenly sensed that the locked space around them seemed to loosen a little, especially the space around Xiao Lang.

The Profound Lord Sky used an arm of his own Heavenly Dao clone to win Xiao Lang a chance to escape!

To be honest, Profound Master Sky's move at this time was really beyond Jin Jiu and Qing Tianwei's expectations. Obviously, the high priest had made up his mind to kill Xiao Lang, and the Profound Master Tian helped Xiao Lang to escape at this moment. Isn't this declaring war on the high priest?

This is totally inconsistent with his temperament.


"Could it be that Li Qi is so important in his heart?"

Jin Jiu's eyes flickered, and distracting thoughts floated.

But soon, he was attracted by Xiao Lang again.


Hurry up!

The opportunity is here. If you don't go now, when will you stay?

The high priest's clone of heaven has been destroyed, even if no one is attacking him, his clone of heaven will not be able to resurrect. No matter where it was, Xiao Lang, with the strength of a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable, actually destroyed a Heavenly Dao clone. This is an amazing record, which is enough to shock the entire Lihuo Great World!

Worth it!

At least in the eyes of Jin Jiu and Qingtianwei, Xiao Lang was not ashamed of this battle!

As long as you retreat all over now, you can even say that you are a big success!

But at this moment, a scene that made them stunned and shocked, appeared——

The space blockade around Xiao Lang's body had obviously been broken by the Profound Master Heaven's dedication with his arm, and he restored his short-term freedom. But at this moment, the scene where Xiao Lang took the opportunity to escape in their imagination did not appear, on the contrary--

Xiao Lang, did not escape!

With several pairs of eyes staring in astonishment, Xiao Lang lowered his head and glanced here, his gaze fell on the Profound Master Sky, his eyes exuding a strange brilliance, as if he was judging something.

next moment--

Only then did he suddenly withdraw his gaze, and once again landed on the huge palm that was oppressing him above his head. Around his body, black glow surged, violently rising, and the resulting hurricane was violent and fierce. Several people inside were directly frightened.


Xiao Lang did not escape!

Even so, he actually wanted to burst out all the power to face the blow made by the high priest's clone of Heaven? !

When this thought appeared in the minds of Profound Master Tian and others, they realized what Xiao Lang wanted to do, and they were simply stupid.



However, these are not enough to describe what Xiao Lang did at this time.

"court death?!"

Above his head, although the Heavenly Dao clone of the High Priest had been sacrificed, it was clear that his will still existed, and he judged exactly what Xiao Lang wanted to do, and was furious.


From Xiao Lang's body, he felt a strong and provocative taste!

This kind of smell made him extremely unhappy!

"You really thought I was a clay sculpture!"

The high priest jumped like thunder, and in an instant, it seemed that even the giant palm above the sky was full of colors.

It became more blushing, suddenly reduced by half, the strength became more concentrated, more violent, but the hurricane that was whizzing down made people tremble with fear and could hardly resist.

Killing awe-inspiring!

At the very beginning, the high priest was worried that the Profound Master of Heaven would stop him, so he turned into a giant palm, not only to suppress Xiao Lang, but also to block every inch of space around him.

But now, Xiao Lang didn't escape, so naturally he didn't need other assistance.

One word--


"Die me!"

The high priest roared, his will shook the world, and the sky shook for an instant, terrifying the sky.

Come out with all your strength, without reservation!

At this time, the high priest had only one thought left--

Xiao Lang, must die!

But at this moment, Xiao Lang also used his actions to show his attitude——


Under the horrified gaze of Qingtianwei Jinjiu and others, Xiao Lang stepped into the air and rose into the sky. The space under his feet shattered like a spider pattern, and the whole person turned into an arrow from the string, punching the sky!


There is no gorgeous rhetoric that can describe such a scene.

Because it is so simple, it is so horribly simple, like a pair of teenagers who have just stepped into the martial arts, head-to-head fight.

No tricks.

Without any assistance.

There are only two most steadfast lights and shadows, one swooping straight down, one bursting out of the ground, clean and neat, extremely rough!

Black light.

Blood awn.

At this moment, in the vision of Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu, it seems that only these two colors are left, and everything is pale. And only the Profound Master Sky, who was equally shocked and pale, faintly saw it, in the eyes that Xiao Lang cast at him just now, it seemed that a purple light flashed away and quietly disappeared.

what is that?

The Profound Lord is curious.

After all, he is the Profound Master of Heaven, and he has not known how many billions of years he has mastered this heaven and earth. He has a profound experience, and he can only tell at a glance that what Xiao Lang reveals in his eyes is definitely a kind of power.

And the power that can be sacrificed at this time must be Xiao Lang's means to suppress the bottom of the box!


In this world, are there really other forces that can contend with the will of Heaven?

The Profound Lord Tian couldn't think of it.

Therefore, he is no different from Jin Jiu and Qingtianwei now. While his heart is disturbed, he can't help closing his eyes and looking again. It seems that he has imagined that Xiao Lang was photographed by a palm and turned into meat. One scene.

Xiao Lang, will die!

I can no longer know the whereabouts of the third Sky Profound Order from his mouth!

"Do I have to wait for hundreds of millions of years?"

But at this moment, suddenly--




With a loud bang, and two unexplained exclamations came from beside him, the body of the Profound Master Tian suddenly stiffened.

Xiao Lang, dead?

But Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu's exclaims, why didn't they have any sorrow, but was more shocked?

The Profound Lord Sky was shocked, even his city mansion and the level of nourishing Qi could not help but open his eyes again at this time. However, what came into view was not the transpiration of blood mist, Xiao Lang turned into meat. On the contrary-


Punch like a dragon!

The Profound Lord Sky saw that Xiao Lang was like an arrow from the string, piercing through the heavens and the earth, tearing the void, and also torn apart, there was the giant palm that the high priest sacrificed the clone into!


In the center of the giant palm, a huge hole is collapsing and collapsing!

And above it, a blood-stained Xiao Lang stood floating in the air, with sharp eyes, like a king over the world, even if the huge palms under him shattered, it seemed that he couldn't make a ripple of fortitude on his face!

The high priest Tiandao incarnation, break!

At this time, it seems to be called—

Wan Lai is quiet!


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