Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 669: World War I metamorphosis!


"How can this be……"

The Profound Lord Sky was stunned. Vaguely, he seemed to hear the high priest's incredible exclamation, and it seemed that it was the whisper in his heart.

Xiao Lang actually faced the strongest blow of the high priest's sacrifice of the Heavenly Dao clone, and cut it back?

The Profound Lord Sky can’t tell whether that whispering really exists, but the **** rain that keeps falling down from the sky and the violent suffocation are clearly proving--

The Heavenly Dao clone of the high priest is at the moment of irreversible destruction!


Xiao Lang really did it!

He defeated a Heavenly Dao clone head-on with half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable level combat power!

Even if the high priest does not come in real body, but just a clone, but, looking at the history of hundreds of millions of years from now on, who has done such a thing?


not a single one!

Half-step Venerable Heavenly Dao, Venerable Heavenly Path, although there is only a two-character difference, the difference in strength between them can simply be described as heaven and earth!

These are two completely different levels, and the gap between them cannot be made up only by the amount of stacking.

This can be clearly seen from the performance of Qing Tianwei just now.

Azure Sky Guard is also a Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, and in this field, he is still an absolute leader. However, just when the high priest sacrificed the avatar of Tiandao and finally showed his own will, Qing Tianwei was directly suppressed!

He can't even make struggling moves!

A clone, terrifying!

The will of heaven is unshakable!

This is almost the truth of the cultivation world, and no one dares to disobey. But just today, this truth has been broken!


With just one punch, Xiao Lang smashed the sky that was absolutely insurmountable in the eyes of others!


The Profound Lord Sky is confused.

As a true Venerable Heavenly Dao, he also climbed up from a low level. Now he is condescending, and he knows more clearly how big the gap between a Venerable Heavenly Dao and a Venerable Half-Step Heaven is.

It is precisely because of this that this scene before him has a greater impact on him!

"It's not the will... Although he has mastered the power of the Heavenly Dao, he has a high level, but after all, he has not mastered and understood the will of the Heavenly Dao! In the punch just now, there was no trace of the will of the Heavenly Dao, but..."

The Profound Master Tian suddenly thought of the purple light flashing under his eyes before Xiao Lang shot.


What kind of power can actually help Xiao Lang directly cross the sky trench between Venerable Heavenly Dao and Venerable Half-Step Heavenly Path, ignoring the existence of the will of Heaven?

For a time, in the eyes of the Profound Master Tian, ​​Xiao Lang became even more mysterious.



At first, he only thought that Xiao Lang was just an ordinary half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable. Although his strength was relatively strong, even Qing Tianwei was not his opponent, but in his opinion, it was just average.

After all, he is the Lord of Heaven, and his vision is here.

But now, he could no longer treat Xiao Lang as an ordinary Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable.

Slashing the Heavenly Dao clone alone...

This is too exaggerated!

"His power level has reached the level of Venerable Heaven!"

The Profound Lord Tian thought for a long time, but still couldn't understand how Xiao Lang, who had never understood the will of the Heavenly Dao, achieved the Heavenly Dao clone of the High Priest.

"Such wizards were born between heaven and earth..."

"Could it be related to the outside world?"

Thinking of this, Profound Master Sky suddenly burst into flames in the depths of his eyes. He watched as he walked down from the sky, his face was slightly pale, but Xiao Lang, whose eyes were still dazzling, kept guessing in his heart, and he was even more certain--

Xiao Lang was able to defeat the High Priest's Heavenly Dao clone in this battle.

It's not a coincidence.

He still has more power!

Realizing this, the gaze of the Profound Master Sky looking at Xiao Lang was a little more solemn. Obviously, from this moment on, he truly regarded Xiao Lang as a strong man and gave respect from the bottom of his heart.


Xiao Lang's feet landed on the ground again. Behind him, the rain of blood had just fallen from the sky. This kind of scene again gave Jin Jiu and Qingtianwei a strong sense of impact. Until then, they seemed to finally wake up. , The sight that fell on Xiao Lang's body was full of horror and shock.

Especially Qing Tianwei, he seemed even more unbearable compared to Jin Jiu, and couldn't help but regress three steps again and again, being photographed by Xiao Lang's tyrannical aura.

When he woke up again, he suddenly realized that he was unbearable, and he looked flustered for a while.

The Profound Master Tian noticed Qing Tianwei's small movements and sighed secretly, but didn't say anything.

Is he going to criticize Qingtianwei for his poor psychological endurance?

But more than just Qingtianwei?

Even when he looked at Xiao Lang again, he could deeply feel the aura that was beyond description. It is not pretending to be pretentious, nor is it pretending to be deep, but after cutting the high priest's Heavenly Dao clone, the natural strong breath that makes people palpitate!

Compared with Qing Tianwei, Jin Jiu, who was obviously weaker, didn't show any strangeness. On the contrary, the Profound Master couldn't help but look more.

Jin Jiu, so calm?

Couldn't everything that happened before him shock him?

But don't wait for him to think.

Xiao Lang has come before him.

The closer he got closer, the more clearly the Profound Master Tian could perceive the changes in Xiao Lang's momentum before and after the High Priest's Heavenly Dao Clone. At this time, he appeared more confident, with his head held high and his arms raised, his aura became natural!


When Xiao Lang spoke, the first sentence came:

"Thank you, senior, for taking the initiative."

"Now, we can have a good talk."


The Profound Master Sky was taken aback for a moment before he realized why Xiao Lang wanted to thank him. It was obviously because the high priest sacrificed the Heavenly Dao clone to explode the will of Heavenly Dao. He broke his arm and helped Xiao Lang create a chance to escape.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on the face of the Profound Master Tian, ​​and he shook his head repeatedly.

If Xiao Lang really seized that opportunity and escaped, the Profound Master Heaven would naturally bear his thanks at this time, but now it seems that Xiao Lang needs it?

He never thought about running away!

But this is second.

From Xiao Lang's words, the Heavenly Profound Master strongly felt his changes before and after this battle, and he became more confident and domineering!


What to talk about?

The Profound Lord Sky has lived for endless years, and even his eyebrows are empty. Of course he can hear what Xiao Lang said outside of——

go away.

Still the topic before——

Xiao Lang wants to leave this world!

The Profound Master Sky took a deep breath, his face became solemn, and he looked directly at Xiao Lang's eyes and said directly:

"Do you want to leave this world?"

"I do have a way."

"But first I want to confirm whether that Sky Profound Order is in your hands."

Heavenly Profound Order!

It's still a mysterious order!

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank slightly, but he did not expect that the Profound Sky Master brought the topic to the Profound Sky Ling again.

Is it really that important?

Make Profound Master Sky so concerned?

Xiao Lang was silent.

To him, the Sky Profound Order was not important, and he didn't even know what the Sky Profound Order meant. But he could see the importance of Tian Xuan Ling to Sun Wuji.

Had it not been for the Profound Sky Order, Sun Wuji would have died long ago!

Profound Sky Lord, want to take back the Profound Sky Order?

Xiao Lang fell into hesitation.

Even if he had just killed the High Priest’s Heavenly Dao clone, it was confirmed that the original power of the Great Dao Spirit Body could indeed merge with the power of the Death Heavenly Dao, exploding with power far beyond the pure power of the Death Heavenly Dao, and could even kill the Heavenly Dao clone. .


Even the reason why he took the initiative to start this battle was to try this.


of course not.

Xiao Lang knew that the High Priest's Heavenly Dao clone came, and he could indeed rely on the Profound Lord's Heavenly Dao clone fox and fake tiger power to survive today's encounter.

But, what's next?

Venerable Tiandao, these four characters are like a heavy mountain, pressing in the heart, and they can never be ignored.

In the cultivation world, only strong strength can have enough right to speak.

Xiao Lang had long understood this truth.

Therefore, he was very clear that both the Profound Lord and the high priest, his current self was insignificant, let alone the right to speak, he didn't even have a foothold.

If he wanted to leave here, he had to get approval from the Profound Sky Lord, because the entire Profound Sky Realm was under his control, and no matter how strong he was, he couldn't hide it from him.

Therefore, Xiao Lang decided to break it in a battle!

Kill the high priest Tiandao clone and get enough right to speak!

You don't need to reach the level of fear of the Profound Master, as long as you prove your strength, that's enough!


From the line of sight the Profound Master Sky cast to him, Xiao Lang could see that his choice was correct, and the Profound Master Sky indeed gave him enough attention.

But what he didn't expect was--

The Profound Sky Lord is still holding onto the Profound Order!

This caused Xiao Lang to fall into contemplation. After a long time, he finally said:

"So what?"

"So what?"


Xiao Lang is still trying!

The Profound Master Tian could also hear Xiao Lang's plan, but he didn't care. On the contrary, he answered fairly quickly:

"If the Profound Sky Token is really in your hands, then I would like to make a blood oath. As long as you are here, my Profound Sky will surely protect you. Once there is a chance to leave, I will personally **** you. go away!"

"But if not..."

"Then we have nothing to talk about."

As the Profound Master said, his eyes gradually became cold, rational and firm, and he affirmed again:

"For me, the most important thing is the Profound Sky Token. As for other things, I don’t care at all. And I can tell you directly, if the Profound Sky Token is not in your hands, it’s almost impossible to leave here. Impossible, unless you can kill him and lift the shackles of this world."

Kill him?

Who to kill?

Of course it is the high priest!

Moreover, it is not his clone, but his deity!

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils suddenly shrank, surprised at the determination of the Profound Lord. Especially the word blood oath, even more directly dispelled other thoughts in his heart.

no way.

The Profound Lord Sky is too firm!

Even to the point of making a blood oath...

This couldn't help but make Xiao Lang realize again that the Profound Sky Master's dedication to the Profound Order of Heaven.

Speaking of this, it is obvious that other methods are no longer feasible. Xiao Lang frowned, thinking for a long time, and finally a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he made a decision--

He raised his head and looked at the cold eyes of the Profound Master Sky, and a voice of divine soul floated out:

"Yu Bai?"

Jade white.

This is just a color.

In the cultivating world, it's simply extraordinary.

However, the day the Profound Master heard Xiao Lang’s transmission, he was still confused at first. As soon as he thought of something, the depths of his eyes suddenly brightened, his spirit burst, and even his body couldn't help but shake suddenly. ...

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