Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 671: A place of inheritance!

it is true!

The legend turned out to be true!

The poster of the Blood Flower Tower guessed it right!

The place away from the origin of the Great World of Fire is really the creation of some powerful person in ancient times!

Everyone was shocked.

Even Xiao Lang couldn't avoid being vulgar. No way, this news is really bursting!

This made him couldn't help but think of the Five Elements Patriarch.

Rumor has it that the ancestor of the Five Elements is the only one known in the practice world to open up his own world and ascend to the position of the world’s lord. Now, this rumor has also been broken.

Before him, there were already forty-eight predecessors from Huo Great World, someone had done it!

Moreover, after seeing Ting Chaohou, Xiao Lang has determined that the reason why the ancestor of the five elements can break through the initial realm and become the lord of the world is one of the reasons for his extraordinary talent, but the bigger reason is that Ting Chaohou Help!

The disappearing world stone.

It is also the existence that the cultivation world is vying to find.

With the help of the World Stone, he successfully ascended to the initial stage, but the impact was that he could no longer improve his martial arts in his life.

This is also one of the main reasons why the ancestors of the Five Elements gritted their teeth when talking about listening to the tide, wishing to kill and then hurry up. In his opinion, listening to the shortcut provided by Chaohou cut off his martial arts road.

The master of the Profound Lord...

How did he become the lord of the world?

Is there other powerful help behind him?

Maybe it does!

Because according to the words of the Profound Master Tian, ​​it was his master who created the basic world of Lihuo Great World after he created this original place.

So at least one thing can be certain--

He is not from this world!

Arrived here from another world, thus opening up a brand new world!

"Is he also from the Eternal Continent?"

Xiao Lang knew that the Eternal Continent could be regarded as the origin of this cosmic martial art. At least he knew that all the powerhouses beyond the immortal realm were from the Eternal Continent.

Listening to Chaohou and Jiuyou Bat, it is the same.

However, Xiao Lang didn't struggle with this issue for too long, and quickly stabilized his mind and looked at the Profound Lord Sky again.

"The land of origin can also be this big?"

Xiao Lang may be the only person in the Great World of Fire who has ever entered the Five Elements Continent. He knows that the size of the Five Elements Continent is less than one ten thousandth of that of the Great World of Fire, which can be said to be insignificant.

But Lihuo World...

Hearing this, the Profound Lord Tian explained:

"Because of time."

"After the master created this world, he disappeared and left without knowing his life or death. And I was born after recondensing my own will."

"Over the long years, this world is also changing. It is like a seed, absorbing everything, and finally forming a vast and boundless world. Only later did it give birth to life and the world's reincarnation."

"And every time it reincarnates, it will grow a little bit. Perhaps, even the owner never thought that it would have the changes it is today, and it will become a whole."



Is this really possible?

An unowned world is growing by itself!

Xiao Lang subconsciously felt that this was impossible. However, when he thought of the Five Elements Continent, even if the Five Elements ancestors were physically annihilated, the Five Elements Continent still existed without any signs of collapse, which made him believe a little bit.

Maybe it's possible.

Perhaps I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of years later, the Five Elements Continent will evolve into a brand-new world, and even integrate with other great ways and ways to become more complete.

Xiao Lang nodded.

Although the description of this part by the Profound Master Tian is quite illusory

It’s unbelievable, but from Xiao Lang’s point of view, it is indeed possible. After all, he is now well-informed, especially his understanding of higher levels above the immortal realm, perhaps better than in the Lihuo Great World. Anyone must be profound.

Therefore, when Jin Jiu was still dumbfounded and in shock, Xiao Lang was already awake, his eyes flickering, looked at the Profound Lord Sky, and continued to inquire;

"But what does this have to do with the Sky Profound Order?"

Back to the topic

Profound Lord Tian's expression became obviously more serious, and he nodded and said:

"Of course it does."

"I am considered the first person in this world to be born with self-consciousness. When I was born with self-consciousness, I immediately got the master’s will left here. He told me that no matter what the outside world evolves into, we have no right to interfere. The outside world can only be a corner, unable to go out. Unless—"

"Only when we find the Profound Sky Order and open the place of inheritance that he has blocked can we truly liberate this world."

No right to interfere?

Xiao Lang was taken aback.

What are the orders and requirements?

Is it possible that the master of the Profound Lord, and the heart of the Virgin?

Xiao Lang could guess one of the reasons. Obviously, when the Profound Master was born with his self-consciousness on the day, he was already quite strong. He didn't let them go out to protect the newly born creatures from the outside world?

Xiao Lang frowned slightly.

Powerful mind, can't guess.

He could guess the appearance, but he could not continue to deduce the truth.

"He created the vast world of the outside world just for it to transform and evolve from the beginning? What kind of attempts are involved in this?"

It took a long time for Xiao Lang to repress this thought, and once again he was attracted by the words of the Profound Master Sky just now--

Gather the Heaven Profound Order!

Get the inheritance, open the shackles!

This process looks very clear and simple.

However, there are also other problems ——

"How many Profound Sky Tokens are there in total?"

The Profound Master of Heaven answered honestly;


"The first Sky Profound Order, which represents the power of the Dao of Heaven, existed in me at the moment when my self-will was born."

"The little friend got the third one. According to my inference, it should represent the will of heaven."

"There is also a second one, it represents the power of blood, in..."

When the Profound Master said this, he suddenly hesitated, but soon he still said it:

"In the hands of the high priest."

Sky Demon Race, High Priest!

Xiao Lang's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized that the things in his mind that he had never understood before suddenly understood and understood.

When he saw Sun Wuji, he was quite curious. It was only more than two years since the last time he saw Sun Wuji. At that time, Sun Wuji was just the strongest of the five sages. Can't get on the table.

But now--

He can forcefully shake the Venerable Heaven Dao for half a step!

Such progress is simply incredible.

Even more, from the high priest’s avatar, it was learned that more than a year ago, the high priest’s avatar had secretly attacked and killed Sun Wuji, but failed. In the end, it only planted a magic seed in his body. .

How could Sun Wuji escape from a surprise attack by the high priest's clone of Heaven?

Now it seems that this should be the credit of the third Heavenly Profound Order spoken by the Profound Master of Heaven!

It was precisely because of it that Sun Wuji was stared at by the High Priest's Heavenly Dao clone. Of course, the Heavenly Dao clone of the High Priest before might be just a guess, but now, the goal of guessing has shifted directly to himself.


Xiao Lang's eyes flickered brightly, and his wisdom gleamed.

He figured it out a lot.

Finally, for the first time, I felt that I had seen through the obstacle in front of me.

"The reason why the high priest banned this heaven and earth is probably because of the Profound Sky Order, and the inheritance left by the master of the Profound Sky Lord! At this point, they took a step forward, and they had long guessed that this place of origin contains the universe. And secret."

Is it possible to control the entire Lihuo Great World with the inheritance left by the Profound Lord's master?

Xiao Lang couldn't make such an accurate and huge judgment, and he might not even be able to make it if he wanted to. The high priest is here to dominate all this, I am afraid it is only for a hope.

Anyway, as long as you get the inheritance hidden in this world, it can't be a bad thing!


It's a good thing for them, and of course it's an extremely bad thing for the righteous way of leaving the fire world.

Thinking this point clearly, what Xiao Lang thought for the first time was to firmly control the third Sky Profound Order in his own hands and never take it out.

As long as you don't take it out, the so-called inheritance will naturally be unable to open.


Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the Profound Master Sky again:

"Senior, you said before that if the third Sky Profound Order is in my hands, there will be hope of going out. This means that you have not found a way out, and that way is hidden in the place of inheritance?"

The Profound Lord Sky didn't expect Xiao Lang to realize this so quickly, and instinctively nodded.


Xiao Lang's expression immediately became gloomy.

The passage is in the land of inheritance!

This is troublesome!

Doesn't this mean that he must hand over the third Profound Sky Order?

Xiao Lang is not afraid of failure.

However, he did not want to be so risky.

After all, this involves a fight with the High Priest, the Lord of Heaven! Even if Xiao Lang had just killed the High Priest's Heavenly Dao clone, he couldn't help frowning at the thought that he might fight his Heavenly Dao deity next time.

Xiao Lang really has no confidence in such a battle!

It has always been Xiao Lang's caution not to fight unsure battles. But now, reality seems to have been unable to allow him to make such a choice.

If you want to go out, there must be a fierce battle!

Under the paradox, this seems to be the only way out!


"Kill him and take the second Sky Profound Order!"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp and fell on the Profound Master Sky.

This plan is indeed feasible. At least it is feasible in terms of results. If the high priest can be killed, perhaps there is no need to break into the inheritance land. They can go out as long as they rebuild their stronghold!

But Xiao Lang also understood that this kind of plan could not be done with his current strength alone, and that the Heavenly Profound Lord must be assisted!

The Profound Master Tian saw Xiao Lang's eyes, his pupils trembled, and he immediately understood the meaning of his eyes. As his body shook, a wry smile appeared on his face:

"Little friend's thoughts, I can understand."

"However, if you want to kill him, I am afraid that the combined strength of you and me is unlikely. To be honest, I was born like this when I was sure that the second Sky Profound Order was in his hands. Thoughts, but—"

"He is really strong!"

"If I'm in the Profound Sky Realm, I might be able to barely gain the upper hand, but outside the Profound Sky Realm, I'm not his opponent. Although I won't die, it's almost impossible to kill him."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's mind immediately became heavier.

Profound Lord Sky, self-confessed invincible?

Is the deity of the high priest really so strong?


Xiao Lang let out a deep breath.

The plan failed!

Now it seems that there is really only one way to go...

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