Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 672: The desire of the Profound Lord!

A place of inheritance.

In the end, all the thoughts settled, and it seemed that they still fell on it, just like the last words left by the master of the sky.

Xiao Lang's face was not very good.

In fact, after following Jin Jiu's advice, they decided to win with stability.

Do not ask for anything else, but ask for a smooth departure from this world.

But now it seems that this plan has just begun and it has failed.

The passage is not visible, hidden in the inheritance place, which means that they must enter the inheritance place to find the passage leading to the great world of Lihuo.

"Such a design..."



"What was he thinking about?"

Xiao Lang raised his eyes, and cast a dissatisfied look at the Profound Lord Sky. No need to point, anyone knows who he is talking about.

The Profound Lord Sky also showed helplessness and sighed deeply.


There is no definite answer.

The Profound Lord Heaven didn't know what his master thought.

For inheritance?

Then why did the Sky Profound Order only appear today?

For the stable development of the space where Lihuo World is located, will it not be affected by any factors?

What is this for?

Xiao Lang also knew that this was an incomprehensible answer, whether it was to him or to the Profound Lord, he quickly stabilized his emotions and quickly accepted all this.

They come, the security.

This is the greatest strength of Xiao Lang's character.

Never **** in the answers that can't be found, let alone underestimate oneself and lament the unfair destiny. In the face of difficulties, he always thinks about how to solve them at the first time, relying on his own strength, how to break the situation.

The place of inheritance must go!

As for the high priest...

What we should face, we still have to face.

However, seeing each other again will definitely not be as simple as today.

Xiao Lang understood that if he killed his Heavenly Dao clone today, the High Priest would definitely not let it go, especially the Profound Master Heaven also said that to open the land of inheritance, three Heavenly Profound Orders must be present.

They must meet each other.

Is it another life and death battle?

Xiao Lang's face was solemn.

Facing a true Venerable Heaven, he still doesn't have enough confidence and trump cards!

"When do you want to open the land of inheritance?"

Xiao Lang was straightforward and asked the key.

The Profound Master Tian did not expect that Xiao Lang walked out of the gloom so quickly, he was slightly taken aback, and then instinctively answered:

"Of course the sooner the better!"

In such a hurry?

Xiao Lang looked strange.

Seeing the change in Xiao Lang's expression, the Profound Lord Sky also realized his gaffe, coughing lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and when he raised his head again, his eyes lit up with a brilliant glow.

"I hope the little friends can understand my urgency."

"We, the Sky Profound Clan, have been confined here for too long. We also want to really live!"



Hearing this, Xiao Lang looked at the firmness in the Profound Lord's eyes, and his heart trembled suddenly, and a familiar feeling surged into his heart, suddenly reminding him of someone.

In that person’s eyes, he had also seen the same hopeful and longing gaze——

The ancestor of the Zhong family!

On the Five Elements Continent, the strongest Venerable Heaven!

He is dead.

But Xiao Lang could not forget, when he sacrificed himself and left the inheritance to Zhong Wuyan and others, looking at the void, the last words left in the world——

"I really want to... go out and have a look!"

go away.

Get rid of the shackles of a world.

For others, including Xiao Lang, who had never been to the Five Elements Continent, I am afraid that they couldn't understand the urgency and desire of the Profound Sky Lord at this time.

This is an obsession!

Real live


Real freedom!

Moreover, the longing of the Profound Lord is much stronger than the ancestor of the Zhong family!

Although Xiao Lang didn't know when the ancestors of the Zhong family knew that the world he was in was only a blocked world, and thus had the idea of ​​leaving, it did not exceed a million years at most.

Because in the Five Elements Continent, the longevity of Venerable Heaven is not infinite, and he has only lived for a million years at most.

But the Heavenly Profound Master is different.

From the time he was born with the first ray of consciousness and received his master's voice and last words, he already knew that this world is a shackle!

A full forty-nine worlds of reincarnation!

After such a long period of time, the Profound Master Heaven hadn't gone mad, it was enough to shock Xiao Lang. If he were himself, Xiao Lang felt that he must have been crazy long ago.

The Profound Master of Heaven persisted.

Because there is hope in him.

Even though hope was sometimes torture, he persisted. Now that the three major Profound Scriptures have all appeared, and there is only one step away from hope, how can he give up?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang suddenly admired the Profound Master's character and the level of nourishing Qi.

For him, finding three Profound Sky Tokens, opening the place of inheritance, and leaving this place is probably the deepest obsession, but under this circumstance, he still restrained it and did not directly rob himself. How powerful is this self-control?

"I want to take my people out of this world and really live!"

Lord Tianxuan's voice was firm and sonorous.

When Qing Tianwei heard the words, his body trembled, and he looked at the Profound Master in surprise, but there was a worries in the depths of his eyes, and he couldn't help but speak:

"But the master..."

"Are we really going to cooperate with the Celestial Demon Race? In case they get the inheritance of the old master and completely control this world..."

Qing Tianwei was halfway through speaking, and couldn't help but swept towards Xiao Lang and others in front of him. Although he didn't finish his words, Xiao Lang was already enough to hear the worries in it.

The Qingtian guard is more than the high priest of the demon tribe?

And them!

It's just that they are right in front of him, so it is not convenient for him to speak out.

The Profound Master of Heaven frowned slightly when he heard the words, but waved his hand, his voice was still sonorous and powerful:

"Perhaps, this is the last hurdle left by the old master. If we persist for so long, hope is right in front of us. We must not give up!"

Rather Stick to your guns!

The courage displayed by the Profound Lord Sky at this time made Xiao Lang couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Soon, he also knew the reason why the Profound Lord did not take action against him——

"The old master said beforehand, three Profound Sky Orders, except for the one on my body, if I die, it will appear on anyone of the same race and shoulder my responsibility."

"But the other two, once they recognize the master, they won't change anymore. Even if they die, they will disappear immediately, and they will reappear next time. I don't know when."

"So, even in the Profound Sky Realm, I have the ability to kill the high priest, but I can't do it. It is too difficult to catch him alive!"

Sky Profound Ling has such characteristics?

Xiao Lang's pupils trembled slightly, and his lips lightly opened:

"Unless, as soon as the land of inheritance is opened, you and I will immediately kill it!"

Xiao Lang's murderous heart is still there!

Qingtianwei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words.

This is not impossible!

Compared to the Sky Demon Race, he was obviously more willing to believe in Xiao Lang. However, before he could speak in agreement, the Profound Master Tian shook his head:


"Because neither he nor I can enter the land of inheritance."


Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Profound Lord and High Priest, can't enter the land of inheritance?

"Because we are all Heavenly Dao Venerables, the inheritance place left by the master is inaccessible to Heavenly Dao Venerables. At that time, we can only send a clone with the Profound Sky Token to enter."

Tiandao clone?

Wouldn't it be easier to solve?

Xiao Lang was puzzled, but did not interrupt, and continued to listen to the explanation from the Profound Lord


The Profound Master Tian seemed to see what Xiao Lang was thinking, and shook his head:

"Not a simple clone of Heaven."

"The clone of Heavenly Dao that Xiaoyou killed just now was only formed by using a ray of Heavenly Dao will to integrate into the power of Heavenly Dao. Even if it can exert the power that truly belongs to the level of the Heavenly Dao, it cannot last."

"At that time, he will definitely be like me, choosing a blood-bone clone to enter! The blood-bone clone can almost display 80% of his combat power. In a very short period of time, if you ignore life and death, you can even burst out The most extreme level!"

"What's more, he is cultivating the way of heavenly demon. He has cultivated seventy-two demon puppets and thirty-six saints. He has the blessing of his demon seeds in his body. Once in danger, he can completely turn them into a part of his own power. ...So, if you want to kill him, you must kill all the people he takes!"

"This is too difficult!"

"Although a Profound Sky Order can bring a hundred people into it, with your and my strength, it is almost impossible to kill him completely!"

One Sky Profound Order can carry a hundred people!

Seventy-two demon puppets, thirty-six saints...

Although Xiao Lang didn't know what the Thirty Six Saints were, he knew the tyranny of the demon puppet, and he had half the power of the Venerable Heavenly Path! Coupled with the weirdness of the Demon Seed...

Xiao Lang looked serious.

The Profound Lord of Heaven is not worrying for nothing.

This is really hard!

Even if the Profound Lord Heavenly Dao clone enters with a hundred fierce spirits, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the high priest, even if you add yourself...


not enough!

Far from enough!

Failure to crush it means that there is a huge risk in it!

When the time comes to enter the land of inheritance, once the high priest takes the first opportunity and advantage, it will be more difficult for them to stand up!


The topic froze again!

The Profound Lord Sky and Xiao Lang both frowned and fell into thinking about paying.

Talk about cooperation?

Then there must be a goal of cooperation!

If they are united, they will not be able to suppress the high priest. What use is there no matter how detailed the discussion is?

For a time, it was quiet, only the wind howled.

The Profound Master Tian and Xiao Lang are both caught in their hearts, because in fact they have another solution in their hearts, but this solution is really not very good—

That was when Xiao Lang used the Profound Sky Token to bring dozens of fierce spirits in to gather enough people.

Close to two hundred fierce spirits, if they can no longer cause enough trouble for the high priest, then there is really no way.

But the problem is--

Would Xiao Lang choose this way?

The Profound Master Tian approved such a plan, but Xiao Lang was absolutely impossible to agree to.

Alone, alone into the land of inheritance?

How is that different from looking for death?

The Profound Master Tian also knew that Xiao Lang would not agree to such a request either. He didn't say anything, but his brows became deeper and deeper. As for Xiao Lang, it was even more impossible to push himself into the fire pit.

In this situation, who can truly trust the other party?

If you really believe it, it would be silly!

Dead end?

Xiao Lang's heart couldn't help getting anxious. With the Heavenly Profound Order, he couldn't find out what Sun Wuji was like now. Of course he hoped to send him out as soon as possible, but now...

Everyone is solemn.

However, just when everyone was immersed in this difficult problem and could not get out of it, what the Profound Master Tian and Xiao Lang never expected was that someone walked out——

Jin Jiu!

Just listening to the side before, Jin Jiu, who didn't say a word, suddenly stepped forward, walked to Xiao Lang, and said in a deep voice:

"Actually, we still have someone."



The Profound Lord Sky looked at Jin Jiu in surprise, but before he showed his surprise on his face, he saw Xiao Lang looking at Jin Jiu with a confused expression.

Is there really anyone?


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