Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 673: Talk about terms!

Xiao Lang also didn't expect Jin Jiu to come out suddenly at this time, and also said such a sentence.

Anyone else?


Xiao Lang looked at Jin Jiu with a calm expression, and vaguely felt that Jin Jiu at this time seemed to be different from the pure assassin he had first known, his eyes gleaming with wisdom.

But at this point, he didn't think so much, so he asked directly:


Jin Jiu was obviously well thought out and answered quickly:

"other people."

"Don't forget, the eighteenth giants' stronghold is broken, but there are still many people who survived. And each of them should be very strong. I'm afraid there is no shortage of half-step venerable masters."

"With their assistance, this plan will naturally be perfected."


Xiao Lang's pupils brightened when he heard this, and the Profound Lord Sky was even more so, his eyes flickering. For him, of course, the smooth implementation of the planned plan is the most important, and everything else must be ranked behind.

However, this is not the case for Xiao Lang.


Xiao Lang frowned slightly.

This is indeed a viable option.

However, sometimes it is a good thing to have a large number of people, but sometimes it is also a big problem. What's more, those warriors who are wandering in the land of origin, will they really follow their own commands at that time?

If it can't, it might as well not.

Of course, there is a rude and simple way-

Take a blood oath!

But Xiao Lang could also imagine it with his toes. If he really made such a request, I am afraid that no one would compromise, let alone follow him into the land of inheritance.

"It's not easy to control."

Xiao Lang spoke out his own judgment bluntly, questioning him. But what he did not expect was that when Jin Jiu heard this, instead of showing the slightest worry on his face, he smiled:

"This question, you don't need to worry about it."

"I am here."

"Since I'm looking for a chance to leave this world, of course I can't sit back and enjoy it. I should play my role. This question is left to me."

Jin Jiu said vowedly, with an arrogant expression on his face, which made Xiao Lang surprised. It was the first time he saw this expression on Jin Jiu's face since he met Jin Jiu.



It seemed that in just a few words, he had already subdued the strong ones who followed.

It's just a six-star strongest venerable, where does Jin Jiu have such a strong confidence?

Xiao Lang wanted to ask.

But before he could speak, I saw that Jin Jiu had already turned his head and looked at the Profound Lord Sky, still smiling at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were a little more serious.

"We can cooperate."

"But compared to the Profound Master Sky, you also know that if this thing is done, you will undoubtedly get the most benefits, and we are just to leave here, and we don't care about the so-called inheritance in the inheritance land."

"So, since it's cooperation, you have to show more sincerity."


As soon as these words came out, let alone the Profound Master, even Xiao Lang was stunned, looking at Jin Jiu, who was calmly talking about money, and was stunned.

this is……


Where did Jin Jiu have such courage?

Didn't he know that what he was facing was the clone of a Venerable Heavenly Dao?

Once again, Xiao Lang refreshed his perception and understanding of Jin Jiu. How does Jin Jiu look like a killer now?

He is a treacherous businessman at all!

This also made Xiao Lang couldn't help thinking. The abnormalities that had appeared in Jin Jiu's body along the way, although they were just clues, did not allow him to directly analyze more things, but they were enough to make him smell a different breath. Come.

The Profound Master Tian was also taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect Jin Jiu to point the finger at himself so quickly after he took the initiative to interject.

He really hadn't been treated like this.

Because he is the master of the Profound Sky Realm, and even the first in the Profound Sky Realm to awaken his mind, as the veteran of the Profound Sky Realm, he is also the strongest. Generally speaking, everyone respects him and respects him.

But he did not because of Jin

Nine's attitude is angry.

On the contrary, Jin Jiu's attitude towards him at this time gave him a strange feeling. Especially after passing the words Jin Jiu said in his head.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

The Profound Lord Sky nodded lightly, raised his brows lightly, and asked:


Jin Jiu saw that the Profound Master Sky was actually doing this, and finally there was a smile on his face, with a scheming look, and said:

"So, we have given so much, you can't be unwilling to contribute anything, right?"

Before the Heavenly Profound Master could answer, he had already set out his own terms:

"First, we need to know everything about the land of inheritance, including what you have discovered, as well as various legends and the like. As long as you know it, we must know it. This is fair enough!"

"Second, we need to know the list of the teams you dispatched, including the specialties of each of them..."

Talking about gold nine paragraphs.

Looking at his proficiency, it was as if he had already written a draft in his heart. Every point was indeed important to Xiao Lang, and he had indeed ignored it.


How did Jin Gu suddenly think of so many?

On Xiao Lang's side, he was still refreshing his impression of Jin Jiu, and on the other side, the Profound Sky Master was still listening, but Qing Tianwei was already anxious.

"What does it mean?"

"We still have to make our information public? Isn't this too much!"

The Profound Lord Sky frowned slightly, but did not stop Qing Tianwei either. Because he also felt a bit too much, the reason he didn't pursue it was because he wanted to hear Jin Jiu finish all the conditions and requirements, but he didn't expect Qing Tianwei to stand up in a hurry at this time.


Jin Jiu glanced at Qing Tianwei slantingly, and shook his head disdainfully:

"This feels too much?"

"Since it's cooperation, of course you must talk frankly and honestly. If you don't even have this trust, what kind of cooperation will you talk about? Is it just a blood oath and a word or two to support each other to take care of each other?"

"Everyone is an adult, so don't be so naive."

"Don't you think that I want to take advantage of you. The reason for doing this is to ensure our own safety. Similarly, I will tell you the identity and information of our personnel."

"This is cooperation."

"Since it is cooperation, we must show a cooperative attitude."

"What do you mean, Senior Profound Master?"

At the beginning, Jin Jiuyi was still teaching Qing Tianwei, but in the end, the voice changed and the spear was pointed at the Profound Master Sky, as if he didn't want to pay attention to Qing Tianwei.

Qing Tianwei was naturally angry when he saw this, but he hadn't waited for him to erupt—


"Little friend Jin Jiu is right. Since it is cooperation, of course we must be honest and honest. I agree to this condition!"

The Profound Lord Zheng nodded his head and was obviously moved by Jin Jiu.

This time, even if Qing Tianwei was unwilling in his heart, he couldn't say anything. Even his master agreed, what can he say?

Of course, Jin Jiu also promised to provide the information and information here, and Qing Tianwei could only endure it.

"carry on."

Qing Tianwei waved his hand and motioned to Jin Jiu to continue.

Of course Jin Jiu would not be polite.

"Third, it's actually after this incident."

"Since the evil spirits have decided to go out here and want to blend into the outside world, then, for some things, we'd better open the skylight to speak brightly."

"The fierce spirits must make a blood oath. After going out, they must not collude with the demon clan, let alone harm one party, especially my **** tower..."

When Jin Jiu said this, he paused slightly, then looked at Xiao Lang on the side, and added:

"There is also Tianfu Palace."

Such a requirement?

When Jin Jiu said this, let alone the Profound Lord, Xiao Lang was taken aback. He didn't expect that Jin Jiu thought so far, and he started to think about the problems after the evil spirits went out.

However, Xiao Lang immediately realized that what Jin Jiu said was indeed a big problem.

How strong is the evil spirit family?

No one knows.

Even, they don't even know how many powerhouses they have. but,

Looking at the understatement that the Profound Master Tian just said to send a hundred people into the land of inheritance, it seems that it is extremely easy to take out a hundred powers of the half-step Heavenly Dao level. Such a force is indeed too powerful for the Lihuo Great World. !

Comparable to the rich!

Even more powerful than ordinary giants!

Once they lean towards the demon clan, then this battle of right demon...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's expression became serious.

The time when the evil spirits chose to go out was really too sensitive!

Have to guard!

Hearing this, the Profound Master of Heaven frowned slightly, and he subconsciously refused. Because what he wanted was absolute freedom, and the reason he took such a big risk was only for freedom.

but now--

Are you constrained when you go out?

He had to refute subconsciously, but Jin Jiu reacted faster:

"When this war of righteous demon is over, how the evil spirit clan chooses is your own business, and we will definitely not stop it. But in this sensitive period, it is hoped that the Profound Lord will restrain the evil spirit clan."

"The battle between the right and the devil has passed, and our eighteenth giants are even willing to help you integrate into this world, but now, there are some things, I hope you can think about it, Senior Profound Master."

Jin Jiu's pupils narrowed, and the cold light flickered, which surprised Xiao Lang again.


Jin Jiu is bolder than he thought!

Is he actually threatening the Profound Lord Sky?


The Profound Master Tian also felt it, but he felt more about the firmness in Jin Jiu’s words, and even gave him a feeling that if he chooses to refuse at this time, this cooperation may not start yet, it will It was announced.

Don't participate in the battle of right and evil?

The Profound Master Tian hesitated for a while, and finally chose to nod his head.

"fair enough."

"Anyway, our clan needs to learn a lot if we want to integrate into the outside world. Your righteous demon war has nothing to do with us. I can guarantee this."

Profound Lord Tian, ​​he agreed again!

Xiao Lang was astonished, surprised by the means and skills of Jin Jiu's negotiations, which were really good, at least beyond his reach. Especially when he thought that Jin Jiu had just assured himself that he could control those powerhouses who wandered in the chaotic area and follow him and others into the land of inheritance, Xiao Lang couldn't help but become more curious.

Jin Jiu, where did you learn these things?

Is he really a killer so simple?

However, he hasn't waited for him to think about


The Profound Master Sky continued to ask, the eyes gleaming, it was obvious that no matter how good he was to speak, he was a little uncomfortable in his heart when he was restrained by Jin Jiu one after another.

Jin Jiuyi spread his hands:

"I don't have any, but..."

Xiao Lang was shocked to see that Jin Jiu Chao looked over for himself:

"But Brother Li Qi might have something else to add?"



Xiao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head subconsciously, but at this moment, a bright light flashed in his mind, and suddenly he thought of something that he really needed at this time, so he nodded immediately.


"I do need something."



Jin Jiuyi was taken aback. In fact, he was just a polite sentence. After all, this cooperation was achieved with Xiao Lang and the Profound Lord as the center. He was only assisting. It was only a process to inquire Xiao Lang, but when he heard what Xiao Lang vomit With a series of cultivation resources, and most of them are in units of hundred jins and thousand jins, Jin Jiu was directly dumbfounded.

I asked you to add it, but it didn't make you speak loudly!

As for the Profound Master Sky, he was stunned for a long time, subconsciously remembering the resources Xiao Lang had said, and after analyzing it, he was more surprised.

"Refining equipment resources?"

"He wants to build a magic weapon?"

However, even if it was him, how could he have imagined that Xiao Lang actually had a method of tempering his flesh with refining tools, which was extremely tyrannical——

Shura battle body!

Not bad.

What Xiao Lang vomited at this time was indeed the resources he needed to cultivate the fifth level of the Asura battle body, which was massive!


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