Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 674: Summon the heroes!

"Wanzai Bingxin, three catties."

"The best sands, three hundred catties..."

Xiao Lang talked about it, and the type and magnitude of the resources he said made Jin Jiu couldn't help being frightened.

Too much!

"Dare to say!"

Jin Jiu could not help the amount.

I just want you to add some other conditions, just talk about it, there is no need for such a big battle, right?

Jin Jiu could almost imagine the scene where the Profound Master Tian directly refused.

Because the resources that Xiao Lang said were too much, not just quantity, but also types. In the world of Lihuo, even the eighteenth giants, I am afraid that it is impossible to come up with such a complete set of resources at a time.

at last.

Xiao Lang finished.

"Almost that."

"If you can, I hope these things can be delivered to me as soon as possible."

Xiao Lang didn't have any polite appearance. He opened his eyes and looked directly at the Profound Lord Sky. Seeing this scene, Jin Jiu couldn't help but support the amount again...


Where do you come from so much confidence!

How could the Profound Lord...

Jin Jiu shook his head helplessly, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that he had been listening to Xiao Lang's voice from beginning to end, and he hadn't heard any answer from the Profound Lord Heaven.

Is it possible--

Jin Jiu looked at the Profound Master in surprise, and saw that the latter also had a solemn expression. Obviously, the resources Xiao Lang asked for were also a great burden for him.


There is no imaginary bargaining.

No direct rejection.

The Profound Lord Sky looked at Xiao Lang with the same seriousness, but asked the simplest question--

"With them, you can be stronger?"

"Can you defeat the blood and bone clone of the high priest?"



Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, and said:

"It must be stronger!"

"But if you can't beat it, you only know if you've beaten it."

What is the difference between this and no answer?

Jin Jiu was taken aback when he heard the words, but when he saw the clear and shining eyes of Xiao Lang and the Profound Master of Heaven, he faintly smelled a trace of unusual aura, his face couldn't help becoming serious.

Simple communication?

Do not.

The more straightforward the communication, it means that their minds are purer!

Now, after deciding to cooperate, whether it is Xiao Lang or the Profound Master, there is only one last question left in his heart——

High priest!

Solving the high priest, this time is the most critical part!

and so--

"it is good!"

"When all of us go back, the resources you requested will be handed over to you within a day."

"Hope, you don't let me down."

The subject of Tianxuan was very focused, and he looked at Xiao Lang deeply, which was profound. However, Jin Jiu didn't care about this. Even when he heard the Profound Master's question just now, he had a hunch, but when the Profound Master said these words that day, he still couldn't help his heart suddenly shake.


The Profound Lord Tian actually agreed!

This is a large number of resources that even the eighteenth giants cannot ignore!

Is he so willing?

Jin Jiu's heart trembled, but he didn't make any comments, because he understood the mind of the Profound Sky Lord at this time--

Kill the high priest!

This is the most important thing!

For true freedom, he is willing to give anything, even a huge amount of training resources!

There is no doubt that this is a gamble.

This is true for both the Profound Master Sky and Xiao Lang. Jin Jiu could imagine that if Xiao Lang was unable to suppress the high priest, then the anger of the Profound Master Sky would be ushered in.


Everyone is betting!

Suddenly, Jin Jiu thought of himself, with a wry smile on his face, Yu

The light fell on Xiao Lang beside him.

"Aren't I betting?"

"It just seems that it seems to be a wedding dress for this kid..."

Jin Jiu sighed in his heart, but did not say these words directly.

Xiao Lang received the promise from the Profound Lord, and his eyes lit up. He understood what the eyes of the Profound Lord looked at him meant, and said in a deep voice:

"Senior don't worry."

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will definitely not give up."

Hearing this, the expression on his face finally eased a lot, and he nodded lightly, but said nothing.

The cooperation agreement has been reached!

Next, just concentrate on other preparations.



Jin Jiu saw all the exchanges between Xiao Lang and Profound Master Sky, including the expressions in his eyes. The moment he saw the two nodding their heads in turn, only these two words remained in his heart, unavoidably excited.

"With such a mind, what is so hard to achieve?"

"Perhaps, this is what I lack?"

Jin Jiu fell into inexplicable enlightenment.

However, Xiao Lang and the Profound Master Tian didn't care about him at all, so naturally they wouldn't notice his abnormality at this time until--

"Then let's go now."

"Little friends, it's time for you to gather your own people."

As the Profound Master said, with a big wave of his hand, a glazed flying boat appeared on the open space nearby, Jin Jiu was awakened, and then he saw that Xiao Lang had already handed a map up.

"give it to you."

Contact Zhuqiang!

Should such chores be handed to me?

Jin Jiu slandered, but he took the map honestly and began to wonder how to transmit the sound.


A quarter of an hour later.

The flying boat has already begun to travel through the void.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xiao Lang, who began to retreat, felt the token tremor, and also received the voice transmission from Jin Jiu through the map——

Assembly number!

Jin Jiu simply and clearly announced the agreement between himself and the Profound Master of Heaven, and disclosed the existence of the inheritance place!

Enter the land of inheritance and find the way out!

Of course, Jin Jiu concealed the mind of the Profound Lord Sky, which was also required by the latter.



The sound transmission stone in Jin Jiu's hand flickered quickly.

There are countless voice carriers!

Obviously, many people are tempted!

"Oh, this group of things that don't see rabbits or scatter eagles!"

Jin Jiu sneered, Xiao Lang didn't say anything. Of course he knows why Jin Jiu sneered. Before, he killed the Venerable Heavenly Dao for half a step and invited the powerful to join forces to enter the Profound Sky Realm to find an exit, but no one responded.

And now, finally seeing the hope of going out, they finally moved their minds as if they had come back to life again.

Bustling, all for good.

No profit can not afford to be early.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die.

Xiao Lang could understand the thoughts of these people, even if they were dissatisfied, he soon calmed down.

No need.

It is enough as long as the plan can be implemented smoothly.

Xiao Lang broke off his distracting thoughts, sinking his heart, and continued to be immersed in the fifth level of insight into the Asura battle body. The army has not moved, and the grain and grass have taken the lead. Even though the various heavenly materials and treasures promised by the Profound Master Heaven have not yet been delivered to his hands, Xiao Lang has already begun to prepare to attack the higher levels of the Asura body.

Similarly, this is the only way he is currently sure to deal with the high priest's blood and bone clone.

Shura battle body fifth!

According to Ting Chaohou's analysis and judgment, once he is refined into the fifth level of the Asura battle body, his physical strength can even reach the ninth level of immortality!

This is not only the peak of the immortality in reality, but also the peak of theory!

In the history of Lihuo Great World, has anyone elevated the immortal body to the ninth level?

At least Xiao Lang had never heard of it.

But it is not important.

"If the physical strength can really reach the immortal body

The ninth stage, maybe I can really contend with the high priest's blood bone clone, and even crush it! "

Xiao Lang's heart is full of expectations.

But he also knows what he lacks most now for him——


He has exercises.

The Profound Lord of Heaven can also provide the corresponding treasures and resources.

But the key is, does he have so much time to increase the strength of his physical body to the nine-fold level of the immortal before the land of inheritance is opened?


Xiao Lang took a deep breath and cast aside his distracting thoughts.

Do everything, obey the fate!

It can only be so.

So for most of the next day, Xiao Lang had been immersed in the comprehension, only when Jin Jiu told him that he had selected a team of 100 candidates, he finally woke up.

"Need my help?"

Although it was said before that the matter of forming the team was handed over to Jin Jiu, Xiao Lang was still a little worried and asked about it.

"Do not……"

Jin Jiu waved his hand domineeringly, as if he was about to say that he didn't need it, but his eyes flashed, and the waving hand stopped again.

"Hehe, your task is to cultivate well, just leave it to me."

"As for help... If I really need it, I will tell you."

So confident?

Seeing this, Xiao Lang no longer insisted, nodding his head and looking out of the flying boat through the window.

He did not continue to retreat, because the Shura battle body was originally not too complicated, simple and rude, and it was enough to think clearly about some of the key points.

What's more, at the beginning of the journey, the Profound Sky Master said that within half a day, he could reach the real Profound Sky Realm. It has been a long time now.


Looking into the distance, the endless sea of ​​clouds rolls.

Of course, as the strongest venerable, what you need to explore your surroundings is not vision, but divine consciousness. However, when Xiao Lang radiated his spiritual thoughts and explored the surroundings, he suddenly found that the surroundings were unobstructed, just ordinary wilderness, nothing strange, and he couldn't help but raise his brow.

not yet?

so far?

Profound Lord Heaven has no other plans, right?

Just as Xiao Lang was curious, suddenly, the Profound Master on the side also stood up with a calm expression and said:




Xiao Lang was taken aback, before he had time to ask further, suddenly--


Ahead, the sea of ​​clouds vibrated, and it seemed that a misty light curtain unfolded. Suddenly, a vast world appeared in front of the flying boat, and a huge city could even be seen in the distance. At this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to have returned to Tianfu City.

What a big city!

In the sea of ​​clouds, there is universe inside!

Xiao Lang was surprised, not because of how big the city was in the distance, but because, obviously, there was a layer of magic circle blessing around the Profound Sky Realm, covering everything.

This magic circle can even blind his divine mind!


This was the first time Xiao Lang understood the power of the Profound Sky Realm.

Sure enough, Jin Jiu's previous worries were not unreasonable. With the background of the Profound Sky Realm, it might be comparable to any giant in the Lihuo Great World!

However, he couldn't care about feeling, suddenly-

The Profound Master Sky was about to introduce something, suddenly frowned, if he found something, his eyes were burning, and he looked into the distance. Almost at the same time, Xiao Lang, who had not withdrawn his mind, also found out.


The mighty fluctuations!


They are almost connected into one piece, sweeping towards this side, with a strong momentum!

Not long after, Xiao Lang had already seen the truth--

far away.

Hundreds of serious and fierce spirits roared out, behind them, dazzling bright lights...

Civil strife?

In the faint, Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.


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