Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 675: Lifestone!

The scene in front of me is really like civil unrest.

This number.

This momentum...


And, they are all strong!


The brilliance came and stopped a hundred meters away. Suddenly, a huge sense of oppression swept across, mighty as a mountain, even Xiao Lang felt a slight breath stagnation, Jin Jiu and Qingtianwei were even more unbearable. , Couldn't help taking a step backwards before stabilizing his figure, his complexion turned pale.

Half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable!

The hundreds of fierce spirits in front of them, the martial art realm, have reached the level of a half-step heavenly sage!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but be shocked.

The background of the fierce spirits...horrible!

You know, the half-step Heavenly Dao's level is equivalent to the Sixth Heaven Sovereign of the Immortal Realm!

Just ask the eighteen giants, how many companies have so many powerhouses at this level?

Xiao Lang looked at Jin Jiu subconsciously.

I saw Jin Jiu, who had some liberating nature before, and his face was ugly at this time.


No big family can have so many warriors at the same time!

You know, this is the Sixth Heaven Sovereign of the Immortal Realm!

That's not a Chinese cabbage that can be grown anywhere. How can you want as much as you want?

Xiao Lang saw Jin Jiu's solemn face, and then suddenly remembered, he had said that when he first had face-to-face contact with the Immortal Realm Great Energy, that is, when he met the **** of ice and fire in the ancient proverb star ruins and the inheritance of Zhan Taizong. One sentence-

"At the peak of Zhan Taizong, there were close to two hundred immortal monarchs, which is the most in the last era!"

What is this concept?

This means that there are probably no more than one thousand immortal monarchs in the entire Lihuo Great World!

As for those above the sixth heaven of immortality...

"Could it be that when the eighteen giants add up, there are not so many monarchs above the sixth heaven of Immortality?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly!


This power is really terrible!

Suddenly, Xiao Lang understood the thoughts of the person who created this world. Why does he want to ban this world?

Could it be said that he had realized this before dozens of times?

If the evil spirits really went out, then where are they not in the world? It is easy to control the entire world of Lihuo!

"Shouyuan is endless..."

Xiao Lang suddenly realized that what made such a fierce spirit family--


Shouyuan is endless and will not die!

Under such a premise, as long as you don't die, you can definitely become the number one strong!

This is also the biggest reason why the evil spirits are so strong!

In case they really leave this world and enter the great world of Lihuo, then... can they really be restrained by the previous blood oath and agreement?

Involuntarily, Xiao Lang actually began to worry in his heart. And obviously, this is what Jin Jiu was thinking about at this time.

The Profound Master Tian didn't notice the abnormal expressions on Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu's faces. Cold eyes passed over the several people headed by the group of people in front of them, and suddenly sighed.

"You guys, want to stop me?"

Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu were awakened, only to realize that in the hands of several people in front of them, they were also holding a few tokens, just like the tokens they used to enter this world.

Obviously, this is what they never know how long ago those warriors who died in this world got it.

In addition, they must have also received the previous sound transmission, and they knew the agreement and plan signed by the Profound Master Heaven and himself and others!


Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu frowned, but did not speak.

This is an internal matter of the Fierce Spirit Clan in the Profound Sky Realm. They are speaking out of place now.


Hearing the question from the Profound Lord Sky, the leading group suddenly became agitated and looked at each other, and someone was about to come out immediately, with a firm appearance and a desire to show their position.

But at this moment--

The Profound Lord Sky waved his hand.

"Our internal affairs, let's go back and talk about it, let our guests stay first."

"Qingtianwei, Little Friends Li Qi and Little Friends Jin Jiu, it’s up to you to arrange

Up. All the treasures that little friend Li Qi needs must be delivered to him today. If you encounter any obstacles, please let me know! "



At this time, the Heavenly Profound Master suddenly showed another side——

The Lord of the Profound Sky Realm!

He is the real master of this world!

Having said this, the Profound Master Sky nodded slightly towards Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu, and after beckoning, he strode forward. Suddenly, the crowd was in a commotion, and no one dared to stop him wherever the Profound Master went!

There is nothing more overbearing than this!

After passing through the crowd, the words from the Profound Master of Heaven came;

"You, come with me."

"Anyone, if you want to trouble these two little friends of mine, don't blame me for not thinking about the same race!"

As soon as the harsh and solemn words came out, the crowd rioted again, especially those who were looking at Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu with extremely unkind eyes. They quickly looked away, and they didn't even dare to look any more. Body, follow the Profound Lord Sky.


In a flash, the crowd dispersed.

Everyone left with the Profound Master Sky, leaving a large area in the void, Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu were a little dumbfounded. As for Qingtianwei, there is more worship in his eyes.

This is the Profound Master of Heaven!

The real God Profound Lord!

"I'm afraid only the master can suppress them."

Soon, Qing Tianwei shouldered the task that the Profound Master Heaven gave him just now, and arranged a place for Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu to live. It seems that everything has returned to calm in this way, but in fact, both Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu know that within the fierce spirit clan, a huge storm is definitely being set off.

However, this has nothing to do with them.

The only thing related to them was the attitude of the Profound Master Heaven. At least from the current point of view, the attitude of the Profound Master is still firm.

Xiao Lang entered the quiet room, continued to retreat, and began to practice, because only half a day later, Qing Tianwei sent him the treasures he needed.

Jin Jiu crouched outside, waiting for the coming of the strong human race.

In fact, just as they thought, in the Profound Sky Palace, there was indeed a fierce verbal battle. Even after half a day, there was no sign of abating, but it became more intense!


"This is playing with fire!"

"Profound Lord Sky, you are the patriarch of my fierce spirit clan, you have to take all responsibilities for my clan! Do you know what you are doing now?"

"Open the land of inheritance? Have you ever thought about the consequences!"

There is nothing more like this. In the whole hall, saliva is flying, everyone's complexion is flushed and emotional. Obviously, within the Fierce Spirit Clan, not everyone had sent out plans for the Profound Master of the Sky. Behind him, there were many people supporting him.

Qingtianwei was among them, and he came after sending the treasures of heaven and earth to Xiao Lang.

The noise came to my ears, and hearing so many voices questioning the Profound Master Sky, even if the expression of Profound Master Sky was still calm, Qing Tianwei couldn't help it.


"Senior Yan De, you are also a respected senior of our fierce spirits. Isn't it clear that the master is doing us good?"

"Having been stuck in this world, are you really comfortable?"

Qing Tianwei couldn't help but uttered his own voice, but it was really nothing in the hall where the quarrel was extremely fierce. Moreover, as soon as the words were spoken, they were refuted.

Yan De.

The senior Yan De in Qingtianwei's mouth was an old man who seemed to be in his sixties or seventies, with white beards and beards. But in fact, his age has long been over hundreds of millions of years, just a little younger than the Profound Master of Heaven, and he was the first group of people in the entire fierce spirit clan to wake up their will.

I saw him smile coldly, his disdainful color was beyond words:

"Of course there is no comfort like you, the kid who has been staying in the Profound Sky Palace."

Qingtianwei's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he subconsciously wanted to refute, but he was stopped.

In this hall, Qing Tianwei is not afraid of anyone, because he himself is a leader of the half-step heavenly Dao level, and only the Profound Master of Heaven can stop him.

The Profound Master Tian shook his head and signaled Qing Tianwei not to speak any more, and then turned his gaze to Yan De's body, smiling lightly at the corner of his mouth, but with some signs of chills.

"Yan De, you don't agree with my plan?"

"Talk about the reason."


As soon as the Profound Lord said this, the audience was silent.



The Lord’s attitude is very clear--

Don't tell me so many other things, I want the real reason!

Venerable Heavenly Dao, still has the aura, even Yan De saw the Profound Master Sky with such a serious expression, he didn't dare to say too much, he hesitated for a moment and said directly:

"It's not just me."

"You ask the old guys of our time, who agrees with your approach?"


Before Yan De spoke, a dozen people immediately stood up behind him, all wearing purple clothes just like Yan De.

Purple clothes.

This is the clothes that the evil spirits can only wear by the strong elders. The position of the elder depends on age and strength!

Of course, Qing Tianwei is also the elder in purple, but he is used to wearing armor Zhong.

Among the fierce spirits, there are only more than 30 qualified to become the purple-clothed elders, and now, there are close to 20 of them all at once!

Most of the elders are opposed to the Profound Lord!

In the hall, the crowd was shocked again.

However, the Profound Master Tian didn't seem to care about this scene, his expression was still indifferent, without any fluctuations, and said coldly:


Yan De frowned.

"The thoughts of our nineteen purple-clothed elders are not a reason?"

Yan De couldn't believe it. He suddenly discovered that the Profound Master of Heaven seemed a little different from the one he had known before, and became more powerful.


"Not counting."

"I want the real reason!"

The Profound Master of Heaven was not angry and prestigious. He stood out among the crowd in the hall in white clothes, which brought great pressure to people. At this moment, Yan De finally realized that he could not use his own influence to change the thoughts of the Profound Lord. Becomes extra-sullen.

"Do you want a reason?"

"Okay! Then I'll give you a reason!"

Yan De's voice grew louder and louder, like thunder, his voice was ear-splitting:

"As the master of the Profound Sky, have you ever thought that once the Profound Sky Realm is broken, we communicate with the outside world, and the rules of the outside world are added, what impact will it have on our evil spirits?"

"The reason why our fierce spirits can live so long is because of the rules of the Profound Sky Realm. Once this rule is broken, do you know what kind of calamity my fierce spirits will face?"



Although Yan De did not point out clearly, everyone present, including the Profound Master, could understand what he said.



Why can there be so many super powers in the evil spirit family?

Each of them knows that it is not because of their amazing talents, but mainly because of their unlimited lifespan! But once they stepped out of this world, it meant that they would also be controlled by the chains of time from now on!

They will die too!

Even as soon as they stepped out of this world, the backlash of so long before would fall on them, directly aging and die!

New freedom?

That might also be death!

Everything in the world cannot be ignored except life and death.

As soon as Yan De said this, even the Profound Master Sky was shocked and his expression became extremely serious. He did think about this problem. In fact, he was thinking about this problem until now, and he couldn't solve it.

Yan De looked at the profound master who was in deep thought, felt that his words had had an effect, his eyes were brighter, and he continued to increase his bargaining chips.

"In addition to life and death, there are more!"

"You actually want to bring other people into the inheritance land left by the old master this time, then I ask you, if the lifestone is really inside, if it falls into their hands, how should you solve it?!"

Lifestone? !

As soon as these two words came out, everyone in the entire hall, even Qing Tianwei, couldn't help but trembled, and a deep worry flashed deep in their eyes. It seemed that these two words brought them The impact of stress is much greater than the two words of life and death!

In the hearts of the evil spirits, there are even things in this world that are more important than life and death?

If Xiao Lang saw this scene here, he would be extremely surprised.

In fact, there really are!

Fate stone, that is in the legend, a stone of fate that can control the lives of all their fierce spirits!


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