Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 676: Contradictions!


The stone of destiny representing the evil spirits!

Of course, it is just a legend, which has been circulating in the Profound Sky Realm.

According to rumors, the life stone is the place where the original owner of this world created the inheritance. It is closely related to the lives of everyone in the evil spirit family, and it can be said that they are the foundation of their destiny.

Shouyuan is endless.

In their eyes, it must be a life stone!

The life stone only exists in the legend. Does it really exist?

No one can be sure of this, not even the Profound Master of Heaven, but the most important thing is that they cannot deny the existence of this fate stone. Otherwise, their longevity is equal to that of the sky, and the strength of the years cannot be added. What is the source of this? Place?

Therefore, even the Profound Master of Heaven doubts whether the life stone actually exists.

If it really exists in the land of inheritance and falls into the hands of others, where will the fate of the entire evil spirits go?

I have to admit that when Yan De raised the question about the life stone at this time, it immediately acted like a sharp dagger, accurately hitting the most vulnerable place in the hearts of all the evil spirits.

The audience was silent.

Everyone's eyes and sights fell on the Profound Lord Sky, waiting for his answer.

If the life stone really exists in the place of inheritance, is this adventure still necessary?

This is an adventure taking the fate of the entire evil spirit family!

If one's own life is controlled by others and loses freedom, wouldn't the fate of the evil spirits be more tragic than being trapped in the Profound Sky Realm?

Not willing to be a slave!

Anyone with his own independent thinking is unwilling to be someone else's slave, let alone this is still forced.

His eyes flickered.

Even the Profound Master Sky, facing the gaze of so many powerful people present, could not help but feel a great deal of pressure!

Even if he is the Lord of Heaven, even if the people in front of him add up, he is no match for his deity. However, this has nothing to do with combat power. As the lord of the Profound Sky, he watched the fierce spirit grow up. Growing day by day.

How could he have no worries about this?


Even, he had thought of this problem a long time ago, and his inner pressure was much greater than anyone's!

The Profound Lord Sky glanced at the people in front of him solemnly. Finally, his gaze stopped on Yan De, and finally he spoke with a heavy voice:

"I know the risks inherent in it, so I have signed a blood oath with little friends Li Qi, etc., unless I take the initiative to bless my body, nothing else should be touched."

"Blood oath is the foundation, I am still willing to believe them."

Blood oath?

Yan De heard the words, his eyes moved slightly, as if slightly relaxed, but his expression was still cold and full of doubts:

"You can guarantee that they won't be tempted when facing my lifestone? The blood oath is terrible, but it's not enough to make me feel at ease!"

"In this world, the possibility of breaking the blood oath is not impossible."

"Furthermore, the high priest of the Celestial Demon Race is even more powerful. One person can fight the world. Could it be that Profound Sky Lord, you can suppress the Human Race and others through blood oaths, and can you control the Celestial Demon Race?"

Hearing the words, the Profound Master of Heaven did not change his face, just waved his hand gently:

"The risk still exists, of course I understand this."

"So, in order to prevent trouble before it happens, when the land of inheritance is opened, I will send my true spirit clone to enter..."

True spirit clone?

If Xiao Lang was here, he would have been quite confused and confused when he heard the words of the Profound Master Heaven.

In recent years, although his progress has been great and his combat power has increased rapidly, it is a miracle, but he has no understanding of the special magical powers of the Immortal Realm and even the Heavenly Dao Venerable, including various clones.

But the day the Profound Master said this, immediately, the entire hall was filled with shock and exclamation. Everyone, including Yan De, looked at the Profound Master in shock and disbelief.

Qingtianwei's body trembled suddenly, pale in amazement:

"Master, you..."

True spirit clone!

Split the condensed clone of the true spirit!

Similarly, it is also a forbidden zone in the clone of Heaven!

Splitting the true spirit and tearing the origin of the soul, this originally represents a great danger, a little carelessness will inevitably die! And, even if it succeeds, the strength of his deity will be greatly affected, even--

Fall to the level of Venerable Heaven!

Moreover, the meaning in the words of the Profound Master Tian is obviously not that simple.

What he stays in the outside world is just a body, and the one who enters the land of inheritance must be the clone that contains most of his true spirit, which is only a line from the real Venerable Heaven.

It is conceivable that there is a huge risk in it.

Once his avatar had an accident inside, I am afraid that his deity would not be able to resist this backlash, and eventually annihilated!

In general, one sentence--

Profound Lord Heaven, this is fighting for life!

In order to enter the land of inheritance, in order to allow himself and the entire fierce spirit family to gain true freedom, he is ready to sacrifice!

With a wave of his hand, the Profound Master Tian interrupted Qing Tianwei's dissuasion, and did not care about the repeated exclaims of the people around him, his eyes fell on Yan De's body, and said:

"If someone dies, then I must die first."

"And as long as I am alive, the life stone is absolutely impossible to fall into the hands of other people."



Everyone can hear his firm will from the mouth of the Profound Master Tian.

The place of inheritance must be opened!

This opportunity must be seized!

Even though... never hesitate to die!

Everyone was shocked, and their hearts couldn't be more shocked, and the whole hall fell into silence again. Even Yan De and the dozens of people behind him who had just questioned them fell into silence.

What should I say?

Is there anything else to say?

The Profound Sky Master, as the strongest in the Profound Sky Realm and the only Venerable Heavenly Dao, is willing to pay such a price for freedom, can they really stop it?

Is it blocked?

Can't stop it!

To put it nicely, the Heavenly Profound Lord is showing up for righteousness. It was a bit ugly, he was using his life to force them to agree with his plan!

They have no reason to refute.

After all, a Venerable Heavenly Dao is not even afraid of death, so what else is he afraid of?

Don't believe me?

Then I will pay off with my life!

Yan De's face was blue and red, and it took a long time to tremble:

"But...the risk is still there, in case..."

This time, the Profound Master Sky was not so polite, and he interrupted him with a cold voice, his gaze was like a torch, domineering:

"Anything is risky."

"Do you think that by staying here and staying here, I can get real security by staying here?"

"Don’t forget, although my fierce spirits live here, they don’t have control over this place, and it’s not even as good as the high priest’s blockade of space. They can block off or leave at will. If the battle between the right and the devil starts, heaven The demons win, what do you think they will wait for me?"

The devil war!

The threat of the demons...

As soon as the Profound Master Tian said this, everyone present, including Yan De, fell into silence.

The Profound Lord is exaggerating?

Do not.

They all know that there is a battle between righteous and demons going on outside. In fact, they know a lot about the outside world, not much less than Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu guessed.

Therefore, they all understand that, as the Profound Lord Sky said, if the Sky Demon Race wins...

Do not!

Whether it is the victory of the Righteous Path or the final victory of the Sky Demon Race, the Profound Sky Realm is no longer able to transcend the world and become a paradise quietly like before.

They have been involved!

"Fight, maybe there is a chance of winning."

"But if you just keep waiting like this, you will definitely lose!"

Seeing that Yan De was not speaking, the Profound Lord Sky scanned the surroundings with piercing eyes, passing by the crowd one by one, domineering and setting the final tone for today's meeting.

"If there is no accident, within a month, the land of inheritance will be opened."

"If you want to fight with me, contact Qingtianwei directly to sign up."

"This matter, that's it!"


The Lord Tian's words settled, and seeing no one in the hall retorted, and it was calm, then he took a deep look at Yan De and the others, and the brilliance flashed and disappeared in place.

Profound Lord Tian, ​​left.

Everyone knows that he

To make the final preparations before the opening of the land of inheritance, condense the true spirit clone.

However, everyone in the hall remained silent for a long time before finally dispersing in twos and threes. Until they left, they remained silent and said nothing.

Looking at their frowning brows, it was obvious that the last words of the Profound Master Tian also brought great pressure to them.

Storm is coming!


After a full hour.

Everyone left the Profound Sky Palace.

But in another part of the Profound Sky Realm, in a quiet room, more than a dozen people are gathering together. The leader has white beards. Who is not Yan De?

Everyone looked serious.

After leaving the Tianxuan Temple, they actually gathered together again.

Xiao Lang didn't know the identities of Yan De and the others. Whenever he remembered that Yan De and others led many masters in the Profound Sky Realm to "greet" the Profound Sky Lord in an imperceptible manner, he was still surprised.

But what he didn't know was that this was definitely not a crime, but was related to the special rules of the Profound Sky Realm.

Although it is normal for the strong to be respected in the cultivation world, and it is the same in the Profound Sky Realm, but here, Yan De and others, as the elders of the evil spirit clan, also have great strength.

As members of the elders group, they are qualified to veto the decision of the Profound Lord Sky, but there are quantitative restrictions. But this time, although their numbers were enough, they obviously failed.

It failed because of nothing else.

It wasn't because the Profound Master of Heaven forced him to death.

Because of what the Profound Master Sky said, they also understood that they knew that whether it was Xiao Lang or the Sky Demon Clan who were able to leave this world, they would no longer be able to continue the peace of the past.

Do not.

Even if Xiao Lang and the high priest were all dead inside, the same was true.

Because of the changes here, it is impossible for the outside world to know. Even if you don't know this time, there will definitely be strong people coming to explore in the future and break their peace.

The group was silent for a long time.

Finally, Yan De broke the calm.

"This time, the land of inheritance will inevitably be opened. This is a general trend, and no one can stop it. This point, the Profound Master Tian said is correct."


Yan De's eyes flickered, sweeping across everyone in front of him, his expression solemn:

"If the life stone really exists, it will definitely not be available to others! This is the bottom line of our evil spirits!"

"The Profound Master Tian believes in those human races, but I don't believe it!"

"I only believe in myself, and I only believe in everyone here."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was in awe. Someone had already faintly guessed Yan De's plan and tentatively asked:

"Great Elder, what do you mean... once we enter, we will do something to them? But Lord Profound Master, he..."

Some people showed embarrassment, indicating that they were quite embarrassed, and the faces of others became serious.

The Profound Master of Heaven has already joined forces with Xiao Lang and the others, and if they stalk them, what is the difference between this and infighting?

However, Yan De's expression was still serious, firm as a mountain, and never wavered.

"I also don't believe in the blood oath."

"Do it? It's not that fast. After all, there is an agreement between the Profound Master and them, but the heart of defense is indispensable."

As he said, Yan De's eyes were locked on one of them, his expression gloomy:

"Old Qi, I'll leave this to you."

"Their team is definitely not a monolithic one, there must be gaps. Your task is to find out their plans. If they really dare to attack our lifestone, even if they have the order of the Profound Sky, I will never compromise. !"

Undercurrent surging!

The person named by Yan De hurriedly nodded in response, and his eyes flashed brightly, and he had obviously begun to wonder in his heart how to approach the team led by Xiao Lang.

Yan De's eyes flashed brightly, and there seemed to be other arrangements. However, before he could say anything, he suddenly heard a roar from a distance:


"Why should we listen to him as a pornographic kid!"

Yan De froze for a moment, and immediately subconsciously exploded divine exploration, but as soon as the exploration did not matter, his brows immediately raised, and he was happy.

What are you thinking, what are you coming?

He surprisingly detected that outside, at the entrance of the Profound Sky Realm, Jin Jiu, who had come with Xiao Lang, was surrounded by a group of people, looking like a sword...


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