Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 677: Jin Jiu's strength!

Not a member of his own clan!

It's Terran!

Yan De saw this scene and immediately realized that the strong human race summoned by Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu through the map refined by the Demon Race had arrived, and--


Yan De's eyes lit up and he immediately greeted everyone behind him.

"Go, go and see!"

Seeing this scene, Yan De vaguely sensed a certain opportunity. And the people of the Fierce Spirits behind him are connected with him, standing in the same trench, how can they not understand his mind?


A group of people immediately walked out of the main hall, standing from afar and watching.

After they walked out of the hall, they discovered that Jin Jiu was not alone. There were other helpers beside him, similar to Jin Jiu's clothes, mainly in pitch black.

Three or five people stood in front of Jin Jiu, stopping the turbulent crowd in front of him.

The leader was an old man with gray hair. He was unarmed and thin, but when everyone's eyes swept over him, a vague color flashed by fear.

Obviously, it seems that Jin Jiu can persist until now, mainly because of this old man.

"Don't worry, everyone."

"This is also the rule set by the Profound Sky Order. One Profound Sky Order can only be entered by a hundred people. Moreover, this time it is not one party entering. Of course, the strongest one must be selected."

"Not everyone is qualified to enter, I hope everyone can understand."

The gray old man was patiently explaining. But obviously, these words of his cannot be understood by everyone present.

"Hundred people, we can accept this condition, but why should you decide on the list?"

"Old Man Aoki, I know that Jin Jiu is your younger brother in the Blood Flower Tower, but you are so biased against him, we are not convinced!"

"There are more than a hundred of us, Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, he is a small six-star strongest Venerable, why should we enter!"

The shouts were like waves and the voices were full of voices. Everyone seemed very excited, but it seemed that it was because of their fear of the old man Aoki. For the time being, they hadn't done anything more excessive, just shouting and shouting outside, trying to mobilize everyone. mood.

In fact, they did.

The whole scene is extremely noisy, and the aura of more than a hundred people condensed just like the essence, and the stormy sea rushed toward his face. Even the old man Aoki couldn't help frowning. Yu Guang couldn't help but glance at the sneer behind him. Nine, a trace of helplessness rose from the bottom of my heart.

The old man Aoki turned his gaze to the crowd in front of him again, a dignified light flashing under his eyes.

He knew that the reason why the crowd in front of him had not lost control was mainly because of his fear of him——

Blood Flower House, the **** assassination list, is also the top assassination list in Blood Flower House, ranking fourth!

His record has become his greatest protection at this time.

But Aoki knew that even so, he couldn't hold on for too long. Especially when I saw the strong coming from time to time in the distance, from the initial look confused and blank, to hearing the rules of Jin Jiuli from the mouths of others, the gradually solemn expression became more and more lonely.

too difficult!

Not because of anything else, but because of the rules set by Jin Jiu.

In the land of the source, who doesn't have a few fellow students?

Who wants to enter by himself and leave the same door behind?

Don't suffer from lack and unevenness!

In this way, conflicts and riots are bound to occur.

Old Man Aoki knew that once conflicts and riots occurred, relying on his own strength was absolutely not enough and could not be resisted at all.

But even so, even if he knew that if he persisted like this, he would definitely become a public enemy in everyone’s eyes. However, the old man Aoki still did not give up the slightest expression in his eyes. On the contrary, after scanning Jin Jiu again, his eyes turned instead. Become more determined, faintly a husband

When it's off, Wanfu doesn't open up the momentum.

It's not because of anything else.

only because--

Jin Jiu!


Ordinary people don't know, even some ordinary disciples of the Blood Flower Tower don't even know that the word nine is absolutely forbidden in the Blood Flower Tower!

At best, they only know that when they are choosing names, seniors and colleagues will warn and discourage them, never use "nine" as the number.

When Aoki started, he also received such a warning.

At the beginning, he didn't know why, but seeing the serious look of the same school, he subconsciously chose to obey. Later, when he made countless merits for the Blood Flower Tower and became one of the top leaders, he heard some rumors faintly. =

Some rumors about the word "nine".

It is precisely because of this that after receiving Xiao Lang’s transmission for the first time, he desperately rushed from far away. In fact, he was also the first group to arrive here, seeing Jin Jiu’s first Face, stood behind him.

"He and that one..."

Old Man Aoki was still thinking involuntarily in his heart, but the next moment, he severely cut his thoughts, his eyes clear and firm.

"do not care!"

"Regardless of whether he is related to that person or not, this is my opportunity for Xuehualou!"

Old Man Aoki's eyes fell on the dozens of people headed by the crowd, his expression serious. These people are old and young, some are refined in appearance, and some are just ordinary.

However, for them, Old Man Aoki did not dare to look down upon them.

Not only because they are the instigators of this riffle, but also because any one of them is comparable to him!

As a killer, Old Man Aoki admitted that if he secretly attacked, none of them could escape his life under his own dagger, but one to one... he might not be an opponent!

More than a dozen people come from different schools.

Luo Zifei in Penglai Wonderland, Qin Yi in the Temple of War, Yeluo in Chiba Island, Di Xiang'er of the Charm Palace, Master Yuan Yuan of Wuxiang Buddhism...

Eighteen giants.

Except for their Blood Flower Tower, Tianfu Palace and Guwu Alliance, the others are on opposite sides!

The Guwu Alliance has been determined to be controlled by the Celestial Demon Race, which also includes many other powerhouses of the 18th giants. As for the Tianfu Palace, the reason why they did not participate in this chaos is very simple——

They are all dead!

In Tianfu Palace, only Sun Wuji survived.

Of course, they did not know the news that Sun Wuji had survived.

Luo Zifei and others remained silent, their eyes always falling on themselves, but they did not stop the noise and noise of the people behind them. Of course, Aoki understood what they were thinking.

Therefore, he is also very direct:

"What do you want?"


The noise at the scene quieted down, all eyes were on Luo Zifei and the others. Because they knew that they were only supporting roles, and Luo Zifei and others were the real protagonists.

Luo Zifei smiled softly, seemingly satisfied with the seemingly compromising behavior of Old Man Aoki, and said:

"It's not what we want, but it's really inappropriate for you to do this."

"This matter is about the lives of all of us. How can the two newcomers directly determine who is eligible to enter and who is not? This is too sloppy."

"Also, so many constraints are really trifling."

"The treasure of heaven and earth, inherited by the ancestors, must be based on the virtuous ones, and not taking a penny. Isn't it a waste of the virtues of God?

"Luo privately thinks that the quotas need to be discussed by all of us. As for the benefits, we should re-distribute them."

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Luo Zifei replied quickly, and did not paddle. Obviously, he had ideas and was not prepared to take on these responsibilities alone, turning his head to look at others.

Most people nodded.

What Luo Zifei said did have some truth, even Old Man Qingmu thought so, and couldn't help looking at Jin Jiu again, wanting to see his reaction.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly appeared from the crowd:

"Where is this enough?"

"The Profound Sky Order is the key to the land of inheritance. Who knows what other functions it has?"

"In my opinion, they should directly hand over the Profound Sky Token. Why should these two maotou boys take this treasure?"


The old man Aoki's eyes condensed, and he followed the prestige, and saw a purple-clothed youth standing aside, slung on his shoulders, giving people a feeling of carelessness, but when the old man Aoki saw him, his face was There is no slightest contempt, but his face is more solemn.

Xuanyin-men, Ding Wuliang!


This is his name.


This was also taken by him himself, and it can be said to be notorious and angry. He is naturally promiscuous, and he does not know how many evils he has committed. However, Xuanyin-men is one of the eighteenth giants in the world apart from the Tianfu Palace, one of the shortest guards, and has sheltered him everywhere. Still at ease.

More importantly, he is strong enough!

It looks like he is only twenty years old. In fact, he is already hundreds of thousands of years old. Rumors have reached the end of his life. This is also the most important reason why he entered here decades ago——

Give it a try!

He can live for a long time to become the Lord of Heaven.

If you are not afraid of being horizontal, you are afraid of death.

In the Land of Origin, there are many people on the verge of lifespan like Ding Wuliang, but there is no doubt that he is definitely the most dangerous one!


Old Man Aoki glanced over the faces behind Ding Wuliang, his face becoming heavier.

Hou Tao of Dikuimen, Liu He of Tiandumen, Ran Bin of Shenwumen!

"Four evils!"

Aoki's spirit shrank, realizing the seriousness of today's problem.

Not every sect is righteous among the eighteen giants in the world of Huo Da. Some act upright and uphold the interests and reputation of the sect, while some are not. They can be called evil ways!

Xuanyin-men, Dikuimen, Tiandumen, Shenwumen.

It is also said that the four evil sects are the objects that everyone in the cultivating world of Lihuo Great World spurns. However, the four of them often join hands and even take the southernmost land together. One or two giants cannot pose any threat to them at all. It is too difficult to destroy a wealthy family. No one is willing to do such a thankless thing. Therefore, the four evil sects have grown stronger and have become quite good forces in the world of Lihuo.

They still want to conquer the sky?

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Old Man Aoki immediately looked at Jin Jiu next to him subconsciously, but saw that Jin Jiu still looked lazy, but his eyes were colder, falling on Ding Wuliang's body, and his breath began to fluctuate... …

Jin Jiu, are you going to shoot?

Old man Aoki's pupils brightened, and his eyes were even a little more expectant.

He had some guesses about Jin Jiu's identity, and couldn't help but get excited...

However, under his expectant gaze, the slight fluctuations around Jin Jiu's body suddenly disappeared, and Zhu's lips lightly opened, as if he wanted to say something.

The old man Aoki was not listening to Jin Gu's words at all, and was only left in shock.


what happened?

Said to kill and decisively, what about the thunder strike?

Could it be that……

"I guessed wrong?"


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