Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 685: Sky Profound Guide!

Under the purple light, the world in front of Xiao Lang also quietly changed.

His eyes at this time were all focused on the high priest.


He saw a thick layer of mist enveloped the high priest, the black mist was like a tide, and the inner part was flushed, as thick as blood! Nearly a hundred blood-colored threads spread out from behind him and connected to dozens of demon puppets behind him.


When all of this came into view, Xiao Lang suddenly felt a greater pressure than before, full of anger, like seeing demons and ghosts, evil and ferocious, making his rock-solid Dao heart uncontrollably Shake!

But Xiao Lang did not step back.

On the contrary, the purple light under his eyes is brighter.

The high priest's body possesses a demon seed, which is closely related to the dozens of demon puppets he nourishes. This is already in the guesswork of him and the Profound Master of the sky, and he cannot be shocked by it.

He wants to see more!


The purple light was like electricity, and it contained three inches inside. At this moment, Xiao Lang almost urged the power of the Dao Spirit Body in his body to the extreme he could currently do, and finally—


The black mist is permeating, and I want to bloom.

At this moment, the figure of the high priest that was enveloped in it finally seemed to be much clearer, revealing his true face, and Xiao Lang's eyes finally flashed with surprise.


In the eyes of other people, the high priest at this time is really no different from what they have seen before. It is a real existence with flesh and blood. However, when Xiao Lang poured the power of the Dao Spirit Body into his eyes, he saw through the falsehood. , I immediately found out——

"It's really a clone!"

"Blood bone clone!"

In Xiao Lang's eyes, the high priest who had escaped the black mist was completely a skeleton, but unlike ordinary skeletons, each of his bones was blood red like jade, crystal clear, and seemed to contain inexplicable power. And spirituality, especially around his body, there are more than 108 crystal-clear blood beads engraved, inlaid in the joints of each bone, looking extraordinarily weird.

They have different colors and tones.

Xiao Lang felt more keenly, it seemed that their strengths were also different, but they were subtly controlled by the high priest to a relatively balanced level.

"This is the mystery of the bloodbone clone?"

Xiao Lang finally determined that what was in front of him was not the body of the high priest, but the avatar of blood and bone. Also clearly sensed his power again.

The high priest is really strong!

The oppression caused by the blood-boned clone in front of him gave Xiao Lang a sense of breathlessness.

However, the fighting intent and killing intent in his eyes still remained undiminished.

"I will fight him, life and death, what is the chance of winning?"

Xiao Lang's spiritual thought moved slightly, and his voice spread into the Zhentian coffin. Almost instantly, Jiuyou Bat's answer came from inside.

"10%...maybe less than 10%!"

"But if you master the fifth stage of the Asura battle body, the possibility of defeating him should be about 70%!"

Jiuyou Bat told the truth.

Compared with the Jiuyou Bat, Xiao Lang's experience is relatively shallow, especially the high priest is still a powerhouse at the Heavenly Dao level. A powerhouse at this level, so far, Xiao Lang has only seen a high priest, so naturally he cannot make accurate Judgment can only rely on Jiuyou Bat.

Xiao Lang frowned when he heard the words, and his face grew gloomy.

10%, less than 10%!

Even if he had made such a judgment before, but when he heard Jiuyoubat's answer with his own ears, it still made him feel heavy.


As for the fifth stage of the Shura battle body...

Can be comparable to the nine ultimate flesh body of the immortal body

How can strength be so easy to achieve?

Thinking of his failure for a month after another, Xiao Lang's mood immediately worsened.

Jiuyoubat's judgment made him even more aware of the difficult prospects.

Fortunately, he is not alone.

Just when everyone thought Xiao Lang was about to take action in the face of the high priest's provocation, suddenly, Xiao Lang, who had been facing the high priest before, suddenly turned around and looked into the void in the distance.

Everyone was taken aback, and in surprise, suddenly—


The breeze blows, and the spring is full.

In an instant, everyone felt an extremely comfortable feeling rushing to their hearts. The gloom after the arrival of the high priest was dispersed for most. In surprise, they saw that in the sky above the Profound Hall of Heaven, the void split, and a thin body. The figure of's floated there, exuding white brilliance, contrary to the high priest, the power fluctuated and warmed.


As soon as this figure appeared, the fighters of the fierce spirit clan present immediately became energetic, renewed their fighting spirit, bowed and bowed.

"Meet your lord!"

Profound Lord!

As the master of the Profound Sky Realm, like Xiao Lang, he has been in retreat for more than a month and has never appeared in front of anyone. Everyone knows that he is making the final preparations for entering the land of inheritance. Now that the high priest came, he finally appeared.


Light and shadow flickered and followed the wind.

The Profound Master Tian did not respond to the cheers of the other members of the Fierce Spirit Clan. He stepped out and stood directly beside Xiao Lang, his eyes like electricity, and also fell on the high priest.

The same goes for the high priest.

He forcibly turned his sight.

Just now, when he and Xiao Lang looked at each other, he clearly felt that Xiao Lang's eyes were enlightened, and it fell on him. He actually felt that his secret had been seen through, but he hadn't waited for him to investigate, the Profound Lord Appeared.

If it was someone else, he wouldn't care at all.

The Profound Lord of Heaven does not belong to this category.

Venerable Heaven!

Master of the Profound Sky Realm!

Even if it was any of these identities, it was impossible for the high priest to disregard it. Although Xiao Lang once brutally shot and killed one of his Heavenly Dao clones, in his heart, Profound Master Heaven was still the most noteworthy opponent, and even the only opponent in his journey to the inheritance place!


The two great heavenly masters were facing each other and the auras collided, which immediately triggered a series of heaven and earth anomalies. The surging coercion was like a maddening pressure from the sky like no money, which was suffocating.

Under this turbulent coercion, even Xiao Lang felt his chest dull, not to mention other half-step heavenly powers whose physical strength was not as strong as his.

Before others, they are like true gods, invincible in the world. But in front of the high priest and the Profound Lord, they were like children who had just learned to walk, their feet were soft, their steps staggering, and a trace of horror and fear flashed across everyone's faces.


This is the power of Venerable Heaven!

Even if they are half-step Tiandao Venerable, they sound only half a step away from the real Tiandao Venerable, but until they are on the scene, they can truly feel how big the gap between them is.

A world apart!

They have no doubt that there is no need for the Profound Lord and the high priest to join forces, as long as any one of them takes the action, they can kill everyone present in an instant!

This is the gap between the real Venerable Heavenly Dao and the so-called Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, just like a moat!

"They won't really fight right here, will they?"

Everyone was jealous, fearful, and looked at the two figures in awe. At this moment, in front of the high priest and the Profound Lord, Xiao Lang seemed to have become a supporting role, feeling the more violent and restlessness above his head. Many people started to move


Don't dare to blend in!

They believed that once a battle between the Profound Lord and the high priest broke out at this time and place, with their abilities, they might not even be able to stop the aftermath, and would instantly turn to ashes.

Who is not afraid of death?

Who is willing to die like this?

And just as they were about to retreat outside, away from this dispute and battle that might erupt at any time, they suddenly discovered that at some point, the Profound Lord and the High Priest did not intend to act, on the contrary. After the confrontation, they looked at each other, and they unexpectedly raised their heads together, looking towards the higher void.

Everyone was surprised, and couldn't help but instinctively raised their heads and looked towards the void.

It was only then that they discovered that the violent pressure on their heads was not caused by the confrontation between the high priest and the Profound Lord.

It is a vision of heaven and earth!


The thunder roars, the gray mist is like a sea!

Under the gaze of everyone including Xiao Lang, I don’t know when, perhaps at the moment when the Profound Sky Lord walked out of the Profound Sky Palace, far away in the void, the blue sky had already split apart, and endless gray mist came from it. The madness spread out and turned into a huge whirlpool, constantly spinning and growing. Around it, there are thunder roars, hurricanes sweeping, and all kinds of brilliance blooming, and the power of the road is full of strength!

The world collapsed!

However, almost everyone's eyes were not focused on the violent scenery at the edge of the vortex. On the contrary, the tranquility in the center of the vortex and a looming portal that quietly opened at some point were their focus.

"this is……"

Xiao Lang also noticed. At the same time his mind trembled, the afterlight fell on the Profound Lord Sky and the High Priest. At this time, the faces of both of them were full of excitement, their eyes gleaming, full of expectation and longing.

Xiao Lang immediately sank his mind, blended with the bloodthirsty star vine, and saw everything in the pet bag——

On Sun Wuji's forehead covered and wrapped by the bloodthirsty star vine, the jade-colored Sky Profound Order was exuding a misty brilliance, as if it had been activated.


It is a place of inheritance!

The Profound Sky Lord is right. When the three Profound Sky Tokens are gathered together and each recognizes the master, the Profound Sky Guide will appear, lifting the veil of the inheritance!

Now, the legend turns into reality!

Going in?

There was a commotion around the crowd. Obviously, Xiao Lang was not alone in guessing this. Everyone was excited, and even forgot the oppression that the high priest and the Profound Lord had just brought.

But at this moment--

Xiao Lang keenly observed that the Sky Profound Order on Sun Wuji's eyebrows flickered. Just as he was surprised, Yu Guang saw that the tight bodies of the Profound Master and the High Priest beside him suddenly relaxed. Come down.

The corner of the high priest's mouth was even more chuckling, and he looked around, and even the Profound Lord didn’t even look at him. He chuckled:

"Hehe, seven days?"

"Just let you live for another seven days."


As he spoke, he didn't see how the high priest acted, and the black mist flashed, and the whole person quietly merged into the void, and the dozens of half-step magic puppets behind him disappeared at the same time.

Fundamentally speaking, the Profound Sky Order that represented the will belonged to Sun Wuji, who was still in a coma. Xiao Lang didn't know what kind of information the Profound Master and the High Priest had received at the moment it flickered.

However, from the current behavior of the high priest, he can also guess—

Seven days.

The land of inheritance will be opened in seven days?

Looking at the place where the high priest and many demon puppets disappeared, Xiao Lang took a deep breath, his expression solemn. It is conceivable that this may also be this world, and it will be quiet for the last seven days!


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