Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 686: As solid as a rock!


The high priest took his puppet and left.

The words left behind caused a lot of discussion in the crowd.

"Seven days."

Hearing this word, not only Xiao Lang guessed the truth, but most people in the crowd also guessed it.

However, these uproars all ended in an instant, because they saw that after the high priest had left, the Profound Lord Sky shook himself down and landed in front of Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang!

Profound Lord!

Like the high priests, they are also important figures in opening the land of inheritance.

These days, they had also heard the legend of the Profound Sky Order, and knew that there were three Profound Sky Orders in total, one each held by the High Priest, Xiao Lang and the Profound Sky Lord.

Their attitude is the key!

Not only because of their strength, but also because the remaining two hundred places in the land of inheritance are in their hands.

The Fierce Spirits wanted to unite with the Humans, and they had already known about this. At this time, seeing the two people standing together again, of course they wanted to hear the communication between the two people clearly.

"Are you sure?"

No one thought that the Profound Master Sky would be so direct when he spoke. As soon as these four words came out, some people were even frightened, looking in the direction where the high priest was leaving, inexplicably shocked.


What sure?

Of course it is the grasp of killing the high priest!

Before the high priest had gone far, the Heavenly Profound Master had already revealed this meaning. One can imagine how deep the hostility between each other has become.


No scruples!

There is no need to hide it.

Avoid blindly, just deceive yourself and others. Most of the evil spirits and human races present understand that the current situation is like this. In the place of inheritance, a great battle will inevitably erupt, a life and death battle!

Enough to decide every life and death battle present!

You die and die!

In that case, why be vague?


The crowd was quiet.

At this moment, whether it is a fierce spirit family, or a warrior of the eighteenth giants, whether it is uncompromising, or the true identity of Xiao Lang has long been known, Luo Zifei and others who have a must for the primitive teleportation array in his hand, His eyes fell on Xiao Lang's body, his eyes were urgent and full of expectation.

Even, uneasy!

There is no major event before life and death, that's because life and death are the most important thing!

Who is not afraid of death?

Who wants to die?

At this moment, no matter what camp they are, they hope Xiao Lang can stand tall and nod confidently, but it turns out—


Xiao Lang looked directly at the eyes of the Profound Master Sky and answered.



Amidst the crowd, there was a sigh. Although they didn't have much hope that Xiao Lang could truly win the High Priest, when he really said this answer, everyone was still unavoidably lost and the sense of crisis became stronger.

Some people even looked at Xiao Lang's eyes full of dissatisfaction, thinking that they had been deceived.

But most people don't think so.

Cultivating to their level, they already understand a truth-

Although the world is big, between life and death, it is me that depends on me. Pin the hope of life and death on others? That is stupid!

Disappointment is inevitable.

When the Profound Master Tian heard Xiao Lang's answer, his eyes sank, but soon he adjusted his mentality.

"I do not have either."

"It seems that going in this time, both of you and me, are really going to be ugly."

The Profound Lord is not sure!

As soon as this statement was made, the faces of the surrounding people changed again, and even the eyes of some people began to flicker and drift away. Observing the surroundings, it seemed that they wanted to slip away immediately while others were not paying attention.

Profound Lord Sky, but the strongest of the Fierce Spirits!

Although he is not a true Lord of Heaven, his combat power must be achieved

At the level of Venerable Tiandao, but even he said he was not sure?

Then, in this battle, isn't it sure to lose?


There was silence around, and there was no sound.

Only seeing that Xiao Lang didn't seem to be surprised by this answer, his calm eyes still looked directly at the Profound Lord, and a steady voice came out:

"But we still have to go in."

Go ahead to dangers!

Still have to go in!

When everyone heard the words, their spirits were stunned, and the eyes of the Profound Master Sky lit up and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if a smile appeared, and he nodded gently:

"Not bad."

"Of course you have to go in."

"Go in, there is hope."

The last words of the Profound Master Tian didn't seem to be addressed to Xiao Lang, because when he said this, his gaze had already fallen on the surrounding crowd, he looked around for a week, and finally settled on the gray whirlpool in the void. The expression in his eyes became plain, his sleeves flicked, and he moved towards the Profound Hall of Heaven, leaving only one sentence floating in the air:

"Little friend, see you in seven days."

"Hope we can create miracles."


The Profound Master of Heaven is gone.

The fierce spirits were also in groups, leaving the place while discussing.

The atmosphere is solemn.

Almost all eyes fell on Xiao Lang, and the huge pressure almost condensed into substance, like a heavy mountain oppressing! But in the face of so many people's gazes, Xiao Lang didn't pay any attention at all. After watching the Profound Lord leave, he also turned and walked towards his courtyard.

The crowd, the noise recurred.

Only this time, compared to the discussions that have existed a few days ago, it is more solemn and less relaxed.



Xiao Lang stepped into the courtyard, but did not directly use the Five Elements Town Prison to block the portal as before. Instead, he stood in the courtyard, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough, a short while.

A calm voice sounded behind him.

"you failed?"

It's Jin Jiu.

Xiao Lang turned around and saw Jin Jiu leaning on the door frame, raising his eyebrows and looking curious.

Xiao Lang shook his head:

"It's not a failure, it's just that it hasn't achieved the expected results for the time being."

Xiao Lang didn't explain much.

Regarding the Asura battle body, the more he cultivates, the more he finds that he knows too little. Even if he wants to explain, he can’t start. What’s more, now that time is tight, there are only the last seven days left. He must hurry up and try and find The method of combining various forces in the body.

Jin Jiu nodded gently.

Xiao Lang suddenly realized that his expression was calm, as if the message from the conversation between himself and the Profound Master of Heaven just now had no effect on him at all. On Jin Jiu’s face, he even looked Not a little bit of anxiety on other people's faces.

"He is not afraid of death?"

Such a weird thought suddenly appeared in Xiao Lang's heart, but before he could think about it, Jin Jiu seemed to have digested his answer instantly and continued to ask:

"You asked for 95 more places in addition to you and me. It has not yet been determined. Since you are the leader, do you have any other suggestions?"

Team candidates!

The question raised by Jin Jiu at this time is obviously very important.

Even the high priest would have to carefully select from his hundreds of demon puppets, not to mention the Profound Lord, the selection must be all elite soldiers.

Xiao Lang frowned when he heard the words.

"Isn't this for you?"

Jin Jiu grinned when he heard the words, not knowing whether he was lamenting Xiao Lang's great heart or trusting him, and waved his hand:

"You still have to go over it."

"I have already confirmed some of them, but there are still others, you need to choose."

Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this.

So troublesome?

"No need, I only have one requirement-the strongest! As long as you feel strong enough, that's enough."

Xiao Lang waved his hand, not thinking this was a problem at all.

Jin Jiu thinks otherwise.

"Where are Luo Zifei, Liu He, Ran Bin?"

"As far as I know, they have walked quite close during the recent period. Perhaps they are colluding secretly and there are unclean places. Liu He, Ran Bin, and others are Ding Wuliang’s close friends. Bring them, you are not afraid problem?"

Jin Jiu looked at Xiao Lang with a smile, and said lightly, as if he was just analyzing the pros and cons for Xiao Lang. And if Luo Zifei and others were here, they would be shocked and shocked by Jin Jiu's methods when they heard his words!

You know, although they have been in contact during this period, they are definitely not as frequent as Jin Jiu said, and they are comparable to others. But even so, it was still discovered by Jin Jiu. How powerful is this kind of investigation?

Xiao Lang also didn't realize that Jin Jiu found out these difficult and powerful places. He raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but the expression in his eyes did not change at all. He did not answer the question:

"The stronger they are?"

Seeing Jin Jiu nodding, Xiao Lang decisively decided:

"Then take them."

Take it!

Xiao Lang seems really not afraid of problems!

This time, when Jin Jiu heard Xiao Lang's decisive answer, his face could no longer maintain the indifference he had before, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he continued to ask:

"Not afraid of trouble?"

Xiao Lang glanced at him, then turned and walked towards the quiet room:

"Trouble? Where does it come from?"

"As long as they follow the blood oath, is it important to have other thoughts?"

"If this is all scared, what else can I talk about dealing with the high priest? All I want is their combat power. As for the trouble... I hope they don't make mistakes. It just so happens that I don't care about their life or death."


The moment the voice settled, Jin Jiu saw Xiao Lang's tall and straight back disappear into the door. He only felt that the words of a young man were like clamoring iron bones, slamming the ground, and swept over with surging confidence, making him unable to help his body. Shocked, squinting his eyes.

Why are you afraid? !



At this time, he felt unprecedented firmness from Xiao Lang, just as he was standing in front of the high priest, calm and unhurried, with a strong heart, like a mountain, standing tall between the sky and the earth, facing all the bleakness in the world.

How confident is this? !

Even if you know you want to make trouble, don't be afraid!

This is not the way to control people, but the real inner strength! From Xiao Lang's words alone, Jin Jiu seemed to have seen that when Luo Zifei and the others were about to make trouble, Xiao Lang was determined to kill and blood flowed.


Jin Jiu couldn't help but gasped.


Xiao Lang's will is really too firm, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is as solid as a rock, and this kind of spirit cannot help but contaminate him.

But it didn't make him more determined. On the contrary, Xiao Lang who turned and left didn't see a trace of confusion flashed across Jin Jiu's eyes.

"One road goes dark, one force breaks ten thousand laws... can this really be achieved?"


In the quiet room, Xiao Lang had already fallen into practice.

After refining all the treasures of heaven, material and earth, he only needs to adjust himself and integrate them. There is no need to block the exploration outside, so he did not arrange the five elements to suppress the prison.

He completely sank into the changes in his body, the blood around his body was steaming, and he didn't even know when Jin Jiu left outside.


Time flies.

Seven days passed in his attempts again and again.

at last.

The eighth day is here!

This is also the day when the land of inheritance truly opens!

Just after Xiao Lang tried again, when he wanted to draw blood from the Zhentian coffin to supplement the lack, suddenly, deep in his mind, an image from the bloodthirsty star vine appeared, and Sun Wuji's eyebrows were sent out. The bright brilliance immediately awakened him from cultivation.



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