Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 689: Generous!

The core of Origin Land is actually a super product world?

The existence one step away from the Tonggu realm is capable, a world that has the opportunity to build?

Xiao Lang was shocked.

It's not because of the four words Super Product World.

In fact, until now, he still can't understand what is a super product world. But these introductions of Jiuyoubat were enough for him to understand a lot.

If it is really like what Jiuyoubat said, this space is a super-quality world, doesn't it mean that when this world is built, the original owner, the owner of this world, is already one step away from the ancient realm Existing far away?

Moreover, he has broken the border!

Not based on the world in front of you, but got other opportunities!

Tonggu Realm!

The original owner's body turned out to really exist in the ancient realm!

At this moment, Xiao Lang even felt suffocated. He couldn't help but lower his head. He didn't dare to look at the original owner again, even if he knew that the original owner was just a ray of remnant thoughts, and he had seen Ting Chao at the highest level of the Refining Pavilion. The master of Hou, the master of the Supreme Temple, also exists in the ancient realm, but Xiao Lang's feelings at this time are completely different from before.

At that time, he still didn't know what kind of existence the Tonggu Realm actually existed.

What's more, the Master of Ting Chaohou who appeared in the Lianxin Pavilion was just a projection, not even Can Nian, and the original owner in front of him...he even had contact with the body!

This is equivalent to a real Tonggu realm clone!

What kind of power does the Tonggu realm possess?

This is enough to be called the strongest existence in the Eternal Continent, Xiao Lang didn't dare to guess or guess.



Even with Xiao Lang's experience, he couldn't keep his heart stable at this moment. If he was hit by thunder, his outer focus would be tender and his thoughts would be messy, and he couldn't say a word.

Who would have thought that it was such an existence that created the predecessor of Lihuo Great World?

For Wu Xiu in the Lihuo Great World, if it weren't for the help of Chaohou to help the ancestors of the Five Elements ascend to the initial **** level and become the master of the world, they would not even be sure whether there were other levels above the immortal realm.

Let alone Tonggu Realm.

Xiao Lang believed that in the entire Lihuo Great World, he was the only one who knew the existence of Tonggu Realm!

"I actually saw the existence of two Tonggu realms in a row in just a few months?"

Xiao Lang looked strange and couldn't control it.

Such a discovery was so amazing that he couldn't calm down for a long time. At this moment, Xiao Lang finally understood why the Jiuyou Bat behaved so strangely.

This is Tonggu Realm!

"Tong Gu Tian Di... It really is Tong Gu Tian Di."

Xiao Lang sighed almost unconsciously, and at this moment--

"the host!"

"You must get this quota!"

"If it really is a super product world, it must not fall into the hands of other people!"

Suddenly the successive calls of Jiuyoubat awakened Xiao Lang. Hearing the eagerness and excitement in it, Xiao Lang was taken aback and asked subconsciously:


At this moment, Jiuyou Bat also seemed to realize his gaffe. As a slave, how could he talk to his master like this? However, Xiao Lang didn't care, he couldn't care about it for a while, and quickly explained:

"Because it is a super product world!"

"On the Eternal Continent, the Super-Product World is a legend that goes straight to eternity! It can be said that it is the most perfect world in theory, and like the original universe, it has reincarnation alone!"


Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

At this moment, he could hear it. The reason why Jiuyou Bat was so gaffe before was not simply because of the identity and level of the original owner, and it was also related to this super-grade world.

"What legend?"


The waves are coming.

It was the first time that he saw Jiuyou Bat so excited, even if he had known the existence of Ting Chaohou before, Jiuyou Bat was far from being so excited.

"Legend of the perfect world!"

Jiuyou Bat talked endlessly, wishing to tell Xiao Lang everything he knew immediately, speaking quickly.

"Master, do you remember that I introduced you to the different levels of the creation realm."

Xiao Lang's spirits stunned when he heard the words and nodded decisively.

Of course he remembers.

The creation realm is divided into three big realms——

Initial Realm, Primitive Realm, Yuanshi Realm!

Going further up is the Tonggu Realm.

Jiuyoubat's voice hardly stopped, and continued: "Strictly speaking, the core of the creation realm cultivation lies in the world, or the world, that he created."

"But the foundation of martial arts is different, and the world created is naturally different."

"Once the Emperor of the Immortal Realm breaks through, what will be created is the Dao World, and once the Venerable Heavenly Dao breaks through, he will create a more powerful Heavenly Dao World. Different worlds have different strengths and weaknesses. This is inevitable, but no matter how strong or weak they are, The end point is to connect the universe as the goal."

"Tonggu power, there is another name-cosmic element power!"

"Cultivating the world inside and communicating with the universe outside. This is the eight-character motto of every creation god's cultivation. Once achieved, he will naturally be a strong person in the ancient realm, and he can freely travel in the depths of the universe and explore a wider space."

"However, on the Eternal Continent, there is another legend, that is, above the ancient realm!"

Above the ancient realm?

Above Xeon, is there a higher level?

Xiao Lang was horrified when he heard this, and couldn't help but grow up his mouth, only four words appeared in his mind——

Budo has no boundaries!

Traveling in the universe is not the limit, could it be said—

"Create the universe?"

A bold conjecture suddenly appeared in Xiao Lang's heart, and he said it directly. He was shocked by this sentence, and he subconsciously vetoed it, but he didn't expect--


"The master is really talented and intelligent!"

The voice of Jiuyoubat's confirmation came, and Xiao Lang was stunned.

It really is!

Can the universe be created by humans?

What an exaggeration!

But obviously, Jiuyou Bat is obviously not joking.

"Because no matter the world created by Venerable Heaven or the world created by Immortal Realm, there is a huge drawback. It can only contain attributes that are connected to it. Even if other forces are forced into it, it cannot form a perfect world. , The world is lacking."

"So in the Eternal Continent, the strongest once guessed that there must be a perfect world in the universe, and it is the embryonic form of the universe, with the potential to directly evolve into a universe. This is the world of super quality!"

The prototype of the universe!

a perfect world!

Xiao Lang's mind was shocked.

"You mean, someone created a perfect world?"

Jiuyou Bat answered quickly and quite sure:


"If the world created by the original owner is a super-quality world, I fully believe it. However, it has also exceeded the scope of a person's grasp. In fact, strictly speaking, these should be two completely different paths. Up."

"Normal people are promoted to the Tonggu realm by tempering their own world to a degree that fits with the universe. The world blends with themselves, bears the cosmic power, and sets foot in the Tonggu realm!"

"But the super world is different. They will not integrate the world into themselves, but continue to refine it, warm it up, let it continue to grow, isolate the cosmic element, let it transform itself, and give birth to the cosmic element. Set foot on the ancient realm."

"These two different powerhouses also have different names in the Eternal Continent——"

"Apostle, and apostate!"

Two kinds of Tonggu

The strong!

Two completely different, but different roads to the same goal!

There are such changes in the Tonggu Realm?

Xiao Lang tried his best to digest all this quickly, and his heart became more shocked.


The original owner even said that as long as he can pass his test, he can obtain this super-grade world. Doesn't it mean that his descendants can directly have the possibility of achieving the Tonggu realm?

A double pass!

What a force this is!

Is he so willing?

Xiao Lang's heart was shaken.

Of course, he also knew that according to what Jiuyoubat said, even if he had obtained this super-grade world, he might not be able to give birth to his own cosmic elemental power, and he would not have the chance to pass the ancient realm.

But this is also an opportunity!

Sometimes, what a person lacks most is opportunity. And this one is a great opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

Xiao Lang felt a little dazed.

There is even a feeling that the worldview has been subverted.

Such an opportunity unexpectedly appeared in the lower realm?

I am afraid that even the Eternal Continent would not have such a chance!

After a long time, Xiao Lang barely digested all this and stabilized his mind. It was only then that he suddenly realized that the voice of Jiuyou Bat didn't know when it stopped, but he hadn't explained clearly about the world of super products.

Xiao Lang asked.

Jiuyoubat's wry smile came from deep inside.

"Master, I have heard of these legends. I only know that the world of super quality is the key to another path in the Tonggu realm. As for the changes in the Tonggu realm, the villain is not clear ."

"However, it is recognized on the Eternal Continent that the apostate is much stronger than the protector. I think there must be a super-quality world in it."

The apostate is stronger!

Although this message was very attractive, it was of no special use to the current situation. Xiao Lang directly pressed it down in his heart, realizing that he could no longer get any useful information from the mouth of Jiuyou Bat, and finally gave up.

That's enough.

The number may not be much, but each one is so amazing and frightening!

The contract transmission speed is very fast, and the main time is wasted on Xiao Lang trying to digest the information. Therefore, when he wakes up, the time outside is actually not much past. It happens to see that the original owner is smiling and waiting for everyone. After calming down from the excitement before, he turned around again and waved his hand gently—

"This is where you want to participate in the test."


The clothes are flying, not touching the fireworks, the original owner's movements are extremely light, but everything that blooms in front of everyone is not that simple.


For an instant, the bright light was dazzling, like a firework blooming, even Xiao Lang couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and was amazed to see that the empty sky before the empty eyes, bursts of firework-like light clusters suddenly bloomed, in succession , And there is a huge amount of the power of the avenue and the power of the heavens spurting out, rushing to the face, and one piece!


The masses of people are almost stupid to see this scene. The strong power of heaven and the power of the great avenue alone is enough to make them frightened, and when Xiao Lang saw the appearance of blooming fireworks in front of him, Feeling familiar.

"this is……"

"The Five Elements Continent?!"

The light clusters in front of him were of course not the Five Elements Continent, but Xiao Lang couldn't help but remember the scene where he saw the Five Elements Continent in the distance.


It's really similar!

Realizing what was happening, Xiao Lang couldn't help but stared again--

this is……

One world?

In the super product world, are there other worlds?


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