Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 690: Simple rules.


The shock was violent, and the world collapsed!

In the void at this time, where is the slightest depression and loneliness before?



The fireworks bloomed, bursting out the palpitating power of heaven and the power of the great avenue, rich and horrifying! At this moment, everyone is like being in the core ocean of the origin of the world, with various forces rippling around them, with 36,000 pores opening, instinctively and greedily absorbing these pure to extreme forces.

However, no one felt comfortable.

Because at this time their hearts are covered by another emotion-


Looking at the halos of different colors that bloomed and formed in the void, at the beginning, most people didn't understand what they were, until one of the fireworks bloomed, bursting with an aura that made them feel extremely familiar.

Behind Xiao Lang, everyone changed.

This time, even Jin Jiu is no exception!

"Leaving the fire world?!"

Looking at the colorful halo that bloomed in front of himself and others at last, everyone's mind was shaking and it was difficult to calm down. From the light group in front of them, they actually felt the breath of the Lihuo Great World!

Another big world away from the fire?

how is this possible?

The original owner created two Lihuo Worlds in a row?

At the beginning, Xiao Lang thought so too, until, his gaze settled on the other front light group, and the surging power of the five elements continued to come, familiar and kind.

The breath of the five elements!

To be more specific, it is the breath that once radiated from the ancestors of the Five Elements!

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly understood.

"The prototype of the world?"

These things in front of me may not be the real world, but just projections that were born in the predecessor of Lihuo Great World. Because it can be clearly seen that whether it is a world exuding the Five Elements or a light mass exuding the same aura as the Lihuo World, although they exude the same aura, they lack a kind of spirituality, which seems to be just a template.

But even so, it was enough to shock Xiao Lang.

At the beginning, Xiao Lang still had doubts about the claim that the Profound Lord Sky once said that his master created this world and evolved the world and reincarnated forty-nine times.

Because he had never heard of similar deeds.

But now, Xiao Lang believed it.

"Forty-nine light groups, the world where forty-nine parties were born..."

Xiao Lang's eyes were blurred, and he fell deep in it.


This is the real creation!

The world is easy to come by, this is the real big deal!

Behind him, the crowd was silent, and everyone’s faces were full of shock. Jin Jiu and the high priest were no exceptions. The only one who was still calm was probably the Profound Lord, because he had known for a long time that his master was tyrannical. , But even so, when the entire forty-nine worlds were unfolded before his eyes, he was still very excited and proud of it.

Not only Xiao Lang could see that the light clusters in front of him were related to the various worlds of the reincarnation of the predecessor of Lihuo Great World, others could also see it.

As a half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse, they are also regarded as absolute high-levels among the eighteenth giants. Naturally, they have heard about the history before Lihuo Great World, and they even know more than Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang only recognized the world of the previous era that was influenced by the ancestors of the Five Elements, but they discovered more, their eyes hurriedly, circling in the various light clusters, their brilliance flashed, and their inner excitement could not be suppressed.


This scene is really scary!

It brought an unprecedented shock to their minds, which could not be calmed for a long time.

Original owner, what level is it?

Creating a self-evolving world, and even gathering the origins of so many worlds in one world, is simply unheard of before!

Without him.

It's just because the level of Lihuo Great World is too low.

Even if it was Xiao Lang, it was a coincidence. He got the inheritance of Ting Chaohou and the approval of Jiuyou Bat.

Know more things.

In fact, I am afraid that even the many powerhouses on the Eternal Continent have never seen this scene before them.

"Really... amazing!"

When the difference in levels reached a certain level, I no longer knew how to describe the excitement and excitement in my heart. At this time, everyone behind Xiao Lang was like that.

They can truly perceive the mighty and magnificent scene in front of them, and they can also guess that if they can do this, the original owner will definitely exceed them by a lot, but by how much?


Thousands of words, messy thoughts, can only converge into such a sentence in the end.

Pale and feeble.

It was the most direct feeling in their hearts.

People are turbulent.

Until, the calm and mellow voice of the original owner came again:

"This is where you are about to participate in the test."

"The origin of the forty-nine worlds and the essence of all ages are contained in them. You can ask for them as much as you want. But if you want to get my approval and the inheritance left by me, you must understand the world. law."


what is that?

Including everyone, everyone was taken aback.

Do not understand.

So far, they have never heard of such a thing as law.

"Dare to ask senior..."

Finally, someone couldn't help asking, but before he could say a word, the original owner waved his hand gently and interrupted him:

"Regarding the law, I won't say much. For your current realm, saying too much is not a good thing, and it may become a devil in your heart."

"Experience it yourself."

"Perhaps it is just a piece of sand and stone, and you will have something and get its approval, but it is more likely that you will be stuck in it for your entire life, and you will have no gain."

Sleepy lock for life?

Everyone's hearts trembled, and Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly.

Is it really possible to die here?

"If no one understands the law, we can't get out?"

In the crowd, someone confided everyone's worries, and the original owner smiled upon hearing this.

"indeed so."

"But you don't need to worry."

"There is a lack of reincarnation. Even if it is me, martial arts are not perfect. This Fang Tiandi has gone through forty-nine reincarnations. It is already powerless and about to be broken. Therefore, this time, one of you must have my inheritance. There is a chance to leave."

Reincarnation is missing?

Someone must be passed on?

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Lang's heart was shaken.

What does it mean?

Could it be said that this world will no longer exist after the era of Lihuo Great World is destroyed?

It is precisely because of this that in this era, at this juncture, the three Heavenly Profound Orders finally appeared in the world and appeared in the hands of the world, not the result of the original owner's choice?

From these words of the original owner, Xiao Lang faintly guessed something incredible.

But for the other people whose hearts were completely tied to the so-called inheritance left by the original owner, they were more concerned about their own freedom, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course it’s best to leave.


"How to leave?"

Someone asked the key again.

The original owner smiled, but did not immediately answer.

"The way of heaven is just, and the only way is right."

"Since only one person can get the inheritance left by my body, for the rest of you, of course the old man will not let you come in vain."

"In these forty-nine sources of origin, although it is only the prototype of each age, there is a heaven and earth in it, and its own essence is condensed. You can find divine fruit in it, come to me to exchange it, treasures, opportunities, and everything you can How much you exchange depends on your own efforts."

Divine fruit?


Is there such a good thing?

Xiao Lang suddenly thought of the Tongtian Bridge inherited by Zhan Taizong, which also had similar benefits, except that the points obtained by passing through the barriers were points, and this place was a divine fruit.

As for the question that the person asked just now, the answer is also self-evident.


If you want to go out, you need a divine fruit to exchange it!

The divine fruit is similar to the currency of this world.


"Does it only have the function of redemption?"

Xiao Lang suppressed his curiosity. Whether the divine fruit can be refined can only be known after it is obtained.


The rules of this place that the original master said sounded incredibly simple. They were completely the routines of ordinary secret realms or other places of trial, and there were not many novelties.

But it is not necessary at all.

Because what is important to everyone is complicated rules?

What they expect is benefits!

The rules, of course, the simpler the better, as long as you get enough!

For a while, everyone looked at the forty-nine sources of the void with fiery eyes, bursting with urgency, and wished to set out now to find opportunities and feel the so-called "rules".

The original owner seemed to sense the eagerness in everyone's hearts and smiled slightly.

"If you are ready, you can set off now."

As he said, the original owner waved his hand gently——


The earth shook under his feet, and Xiao Lang lowered his head in surprise, and saw that the colors on the surface of the earth under his feet were flowing and the marks were complicated. A formation was quietly formed, which brought him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Primitive teleportation circle?"

Not exactly, but the breath is very similar!

This magic circle is the bridge leading to the various origins!

Not only Xiao Lang, everyone felt enlightened when they saw the magic circle under their feet. At the same time, when the original owner waved his hand, it was not just the magic circle under his feet that was activated. In the distance of the void, the original place of the forty-nine squares was more like a call to feel, activated, and the colors were more gorgeous and blurred, exuding It is breathtaking and full of temptation.

The land of origin is also opened!

This means, experience, start?

At this moment, Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at the Profound Lord Sky.

The original owner's introduction to the rules of this place is very complete, and then, it is necessary to look at the suggestions of the Profound Lord.

Is it to find a chance, or to find a way to kill the high priest?

The original owner and him have a relationship between the master and the servant. If the original owner is willing to make a move, Xiao Lang believes that even if the high priest has the power to reach the sky, he cannot escape death, not to mention that he is just a clone of the heaven!

But at this moment, when his gaze fell on the face of the Profound Master Sky, he was stunned to find that if the Profound Master Sky perceives something, he is looking into the distance, the deepest place of origin, and the depths of his eyes are filled with difficulty. Inhibited excitement.

Profound Lord, what did you find?

Xiao Lang looked away from the Profound Master Sky, Yu Guang found that the evil spirits were all in this appearance, and immediately realized that the Profound Master Sky must have discovered something extraordinary, and he didn't even have time to pay attention to the high priest. Up! ,

In this world, is there something more important than the threat of the high priest?

Xiao Lang frowned slightly, and was about to ask for a reminder, but at this moment, suddenly.

A faint and vague voice suddenly resounded in his ears, causing Xiao Lang to be struck by lightning, and he was stunned in place.

"where to……"



A divine mind pointed in a certain direction, but Xiao Lang had no time to explore, forbearing his inner excitement and excitement, his eyes burst out with a frightening light.

It turned out that at the moment the original owner unblocked this world, they could already use their own power.

However, at this time Xiao Lang couldn't take care of this anymore, his divine mind and the bloodthirsty star vine merged, and he immediately looked inside, even the high priest could not take care of it.

Because that was the voice of Sun Wuji!

Sun Wuji, who had been in a coma for more than a month, finally woke up?


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