Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 692: Xiao Lang's strength!


Isn't this a false world? How come there are people?

In the inner world, there are also creatures?

After Xiao Lang regained his saneness and clarity, he wanted to explore Sun Wuji's changes the first time. Since it was the place he chose when he woke up for a short time, it is very likely that he would have other changes after he truly entered this world.

But before he had time to investigate, like everyone else, Xiao Lang also noticed the two figures facing each other on the mountain peak below his feet.

Half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse!

Although Xiao Lang didn’t know much about the various eras before Lihuo Great World, even in the last era, he only knew one ancestor of the Five Elements, but it is conceivable that since the original owner said, all the various times before Lihuo Great World There is no generation of great power at the creation level in the era, and the appearance of the five elements ancestors is an exception to the creation of Ting Chaohou. Then, the powers of the half-step Tiandao level, no matter in which era, are considered top levels. Existed.

A big battle?

Xiao Lang's gaze fell on the two of them, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The two of them were obviously still immersed in the confrontation, and they didn't even notice the sudden appearance of Xiao Lang and others from hundreds of miles away, as if they hadn't noticed at all.

This is not normal!

How could a half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse appear from a hundred miles away with the rank martial artist and couldn't find it?

What's more, this is obviously a battle of the same class. It stands to reason that everyone is very vigilant, but they...

The second point is the posture of the two.

Xiao Lang has been to the Five Elements Continent, and he has also experienced many battles in the Great World of Lihuo. He has experienced many battles. He has a good understanding of the style of warriors in the two worlds.

But at this time, the posture shown by the two people was different from any one he had seen before.

The two stood opposite each other, and the whole body roared like two rocks standing in a turbulent river. Around them, there was indeed a great wave of great power, but they did not have a magic weapon in their hands, but they were not bare-handed. Instead, they hold a piece of gold and cyan paper.

Three inches wide, one foot long, fluttering with the wind, contains inexplicable coercion.

this is……

Xiao Lang frowned.

Magic soldier?

But he had never seen such a magic weapon.


The complex marks engraved on the paper are indeed very similar to the magic circle, but they are more simplified than the ordinary one. And, how can there be a circle engraved on paper?

However, Xiao Lang has not seen it, does not mean that there is really no in this world.

Just when he was dumbfounded and suspicious, suddenly—

"Fu Zhuan!"

"The legendary rune! There really is such a system in the cultivation world!"

A voice full of surprises came from behind, Xiao Lang swept away his spiritual thoughts and recognized this person's identity.

Chiba Island, Guoxi!

Although Xiao Lang didn't know much about the eighteenth giants in Lihuo Great World, he had Jin Jiu's assistant. He explained to him as early as the seven days after Jin Jiu confirmed the final list.

Guo Xi is the strongest of Qianye Island in the original land. What he is best at is all kinds of magic circles. He is a real spiritual master!

I saw him look surprised at this moment, saying the word "Fu Zhuan", as if seeing the baby he dreamed of, he couldn't help himself.

Fu Zhuan?

Something similar to a magic circle?

Xiao Lang could only judge these from the expressions on Guo Xi's face and the words spoken.

Nine You Bats probably know more.

Xiao Langdang even wanted to ask. Since Sun Wuji strongly requested to come to this world, of course, he must have a deeper understanding of this world. What's more, the cultivation system of this third world seems to be different from that in the great world of Lihuo, and there is absolutely no understanding. Xiao Lang needs even more preparations for the seal system.

But at this moment, before Xiao Lang could express his curiosity, suddenly, an accident happened——



The low mountain underneath suddenly exploded, and under everyone's horrified gaze, a thick black shadow seemed to be a long whip, burrowing out of the ground, and slammed down with lightning speed!


Tianwei is amazing!

The two people who were facing each other on the top of the mountain did not even have the slightest chance to react. Their bodies burst directly and mixed with the flying mud. But what was even more shocking was that there was no blood spilling in the sky. They were like Like light and shadow, tearing and flying.


Are they not real?

This speculation just appeared in the hearts of everyone, and it was directly rejected by them.

Do not!

It's just that there is no flesh and blood body, everything else is real, including power!

For a while, the strong power of the Great Dao soared, but before they completely burst open——


Xiao Lang and the others watched, a violent swallowing force swept from the depths of the torn opening of the mountain at their feet, and the forces that collapsed and scattered had no time to splash out, and they had all been swallowed by it!


From the depths of the mountain, there was a dull swallowing sound, which was horrifying. Almost instantly, everyone could not contain the panic and jumped hundreds of feet.

Xiao Lang is no exception.

This accident happened so fast that they could not even react at all!

And the facts proved that their reaction was quite correct. At the moment when they stood up from the sky, they saw that a thick black shadow resembling a whip sprang out of the void and beat the void where they were just standing. Ming, rippling silk ripples.

Even the void was almost defeated!

It is conceivable that if this blow is really implemented, what will happen to everyone.

All destroyed?

That is unlikely.

But some people are bound to die, and more people are seriously injured!

Inside the mountain, there are evil things!

And it is a real evil thing!

The two figures that appeared on the top of the mountain before were probably just the manifestations of the will of existence that had been born in this world. When this world was shattered, they might be here to compete.

It is precisely because of this that they, who have no sense of self-independence, have not sensed the appearance and existence of themselves and others at all.

But the shadow drawn from the mountain just now was different.

It is absolutely true!

Because of its second appearance, the target is clearly them!

"The broken world, after a long period of time, has this kind of evil thing been born?"

Xiao Lang looked solemn, looking at the hill slowly recovering under the action of a certain force, he couldn't tell whether it was caused by the rules of this world or the existence in that hill.

Tianwei is still there.

It is the remnant of that shadow!

"The power of heaven?"

The power used by the shadow obviously exceeds the power of the great path. Although Xiao Lang could not distinguish its specific attributes in such a short period of time, it can be seen from the power of the heavens of life and the power of death in his body, The power it uses is obviously the power of heaven!


The surging coercion is converging.

Huge and fierce, it seems to blend with this world. But it is obvious that there is no will of heaven in it.

"Sure enough, it is a fierce spirit born here, without any intelligence, only killing and a desire for power, but it is blessed by the coercive force of this world."

"Its combat power has definitely surpassed the Venerable Heavenly Dao for half a foot, but there is still a huge gap from the real Venerable Heavenly Dao!"

In an instant, Xiao Lang had already judged the combat power of the mountain under his feet.

Better than everyone in the team except him.

If it is one-on-one, it will even die directly!

As for myself...

Without really fighting, Xiao Lang couldn't judge whether he and this fierce thing were strong or weak.


The mountain returned to calm, as if nothing had happened. If it weren't for the mud that was thrown to the side was still moist, everyone would even think that the scene just now was an illusion by themselves and others.

On the top of the mountain, the strange fluctuations are still pervading, and two completely different auras are condensing, as if they are exactly the same as the two figures that appeared on the top of the mountain just now.

Afterimage of the world!

This is the scope of the rules, Xiao Lang didn't care, anyway, even if the two reunited, it would not pose any threat to himself and others.

Xiao Lang's sight still fell on the top of the mountain.

The hill is calm.

It was as if the evil thing in the mountain knew that it had been exposed, and the sneak attack was no longer useful, and its body seemed unable to leave the mountain, so it chose to die.


The crowd was in a commotion, looking at the silent mountain, the panic in my heart could not be calmed down in a short time.

The scene just now was too dangerous.

Someone almost died!

But is this over?


For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Lang's body.

Xiao Lang, after all, was the leader of the entire team, and was the only person present with the Profound Sky Token. When they wanted to come, under this environment, Xiao Lang was of course easier than others to find out something.

It's just that they didn't know that the Sky Profound Order that represented the will was not in Xiao Lang's body.

At this time, Xiao Lang was just as shocked and suspicious as they were. However, he calmed down faster, staring at the mountain below his feet, his eyes flashing brightly.

Are you going to stay?

Retreat, kill?

When I come to a strange place, I am completely unfamiliar, and encounter such a thing again, if I change to another person, I will definitely hesitate and choose to fight steadily. At least I am familiar with the world first.

At least in the hearts of most people in the crowd, Xiao Lang would choose to avoid the edge for a while.

But what they didn't expect was that after a while of thinking, the expression in Xiao Lang's eyes had regained his rock-solid firmness, and he coldly said:


"Join together and kill it!"


Is your temper so explosive?

Kill people if they don't agree?

This is too reckless!

When Xiao Lang said this, not only the people behind him were dumbfounded, but even Jin Jiu's eyes flashed with surprise beside him.

It's not like Xiao Lang's habit to fight without even observing the surrounding environment first.

Could it be that he found something?

The other people's guesses were the same as Jin Jiu's, and they were uncertain in their eyes. Finally, someone expressed confusion:

"You let us take action, you always have to give us a reason, right?"

"Although we have made a blood oath to come here with you, it does not mean that we are your slaves and we must obey your dispatch in everything!"

"Right! Why?"

One person stood up and immediately attracted other people to second. For a while, the crowd was restless, and even the initial surface calm could not be maintained.

Jin Jiu frowned slightly.

He knows that with the team he is currently in, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and they are strong men who have been famous for many years. It is almost impossible to make them obedient. Even if the blood oath is not enough, problems will occur sooner or later, but he Unexpectedly, the restlessness came so quickly.

This is just the beginning, people's hearts are unstable?


Jin Jiu couldn't help sighing. In his opinion, this is because Xiao Lang is really too urgent, and it is the biggest cause of the crowd's restlessness. Even if he wants to stand up, he wants to reassure everyone.

But at this moment--

"Either shoot or leave."

"You choose yourself."



Xiao Lang turned his back to the people, without even turning his head back, his voice was cold and concise. His words can be said to be extremely cold, and he doesn't even give others basic respect.

However, it is such a sentence-


In an instant, the entire crowd was silent, including those who were still fanning the flames and protesting loudly. At this time, they closed their mouths, and a trace of horror flashed in their eyes.

go away?

At this juncture?

Who dares?


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