Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 693: Yao Zhi!

The crowd was silent.

Everyone stared at Xiao Lang's cold profile, their expressions gloomy.


Xiao Lang is too cruel!

Shot, or leave.

This sentence sounds like there are two choices, but in fact, do they really have a choice?

In this world, they are not the only one.

The evil spirits are okay, at least they haven't seen any signs of the evil spirits being against them for the time being, but obviously, this is also because Xiao Lang and the Profound Lord have a good relationship with each other and cooperate with each other.

If the evil spirits really knew that they and others had left the team because they were unwilling to obey Xiao Lang's instructions, no one could guess what the evil spirits would treat them.

What's more, there are the demon tribe, the high priest!

This is the biggest threat!

These days, if they were not in the Profound Sky Realm, if they were not guarded by the Profound Master, they would have died long ago!

It is conceivable that once they leave the team and meet the high priest, they will certainly not escape death. Of course, even now, they are in the team and encounter the high priest, I am afraid it will be too bad.

But there is still a possibility of surviving, because relative to them, the high priest most wants to kill Xiao Lang, they still have the possibility to escape, at least not mortal!

The existence of the high priest and the many demon puppets behind him is their most feared opponent.

In fact, even if there is no high priest as a threat, do they really dare to leave the team and escape Xiao Lang's shelter?

Dare not!

Absolutely not!

The scene just now has clearly shown that this place of inheritance is not a peaceful place, hidden danger. As just now, if it weren't for two people on this hill to attract the evil things in the mountain, I'm afraid some of them would have been brutally murdered.

Undefeatable raid!

Who has such a certainty to survive in such an environment?

No one can!

There are so many people and strength, at this time, you can't leave the team.

However, if you don't want to be expelled from the team, you have to take action...

Thinking of this, everyone's faces were even more ugly.

Enlisted by Xiao Lang!

It is not so much that Xiao Lang gave them two choices, but rather a threat.

Naked threat!


Everyone was unhappy, and they were obviously irritated by Xiao Lang's such powerful threat. However, there was too much jealousy in their hearts, and they were afraid to speak up.

Can only compromise?

You know, there must be a second time for this kind of compromise!

The original owner also said that the inheritance he left behind is extremely difficult to find, which shows that they still have more time here. Could it be that they have been observing Xiao Lang's threats for such a long time?

No one wants to do this.

The group is angry, suddenly!

"Li Qi, you are too much!"

"You really think we are your slaves, you can't live without you, don't you?"

"Don't push us into a hurry, we have isolated you, and you can't survive here!"

Someone finally couldn't help it anymore, and ranted.

Xiao Lang hadn't responded yet, and Jin Jiu suddenly smiled.

"Ha ha."

The cynicism and sarcasm were fully integrated into these two words, and they were vividly displayed, which immediately attracted the anger of the big man who had just spoken with a look of indignation.

Jin Jiu seemed to have not seen it at all, still sneered.

"Do you really think that he will care about your threats?"

"You can't survive without you... Ha ha, have the courage to try to find the high priest in the second world?"

"If you dare not, don't brag here!"

Jin Jiu's eloquent teeth and words, especially the last two sentences, directly hit the pain points in everyone's heart, everyone's heart is shaken, and his face is even more angry.

"you guys……"

They really dare not!

The reason for making a sound is to fight for his own rights. Just didn't expect

In the face of their threats, Xiao Lang didn't even care at all, and was so mocked by Jin Jiu.

What about human rights?

It's a pity that they forgot, where are human rights in the cultivation world?

Respect the strong!

Biggest fist!

Not satisfied?

You have to lie on your stomach if you refuse to accept it!

For a while, the crowd fell silent again.


Accept fate.

They have almost given up resistance, but of course, they still have their own bottom line.

"Forget it, do it!"

More than half of them decided to shoot.

To make such a decision, of course, they have also fully thought about it. Although they are dissatisfied with Xiao Lang's current practice, they also have to admit that Xiao Lang is their greatest support in this world, and it is totally impossible without it.

"I won't die anyway!"

The second reason is the combat power that exists in the foothills.


Although it is difficult for them to resist with their personal strength, if everyone joins hands, it shouldn't be a problem to win. Of course, this is mainly because their lives are not threatened this time.

If faced with an opponent that they were not sure of winning together, they would have preferred to be jade rather than complete, and would leave the team without thinking about it.

In the team.

Luo Zifei and the others exchanged their eyes secretly, and they saw the gleams in each other's eyes, and they were connected. Obviously, they also made this plan.

What they did not expect was that at this moment, Xiao Lang, who was still silent in the face of their resistance, suddenly turned around, looked at the crowd, and finally locked himself in a great monk.

"Master Jie Yuan rest assured, if I encounter a murderous thing that I am not sure about, I will definitely not force you to take action."

"Since this opportunity is ahead, I certainly hope that all of us can get out alive."

Everyone was taken aback.

His eyes moved to Master Jie Yuan.

Master Jie Yuan was speaking to Xiao Lang just now?

They didn't notice it!

Master Jie Yuan didn't expect that Xiao Lang would say the answer to his question directly, and he was taken aback for a moment, before putting his hands together and showing pity on his face.

"Thank you Li Qi for his compassion."

"In that case, let Lao Na open for you all."

With that said, Master Jie Yuan stepped out, and the next moment he was already standing in front of everyone, in the first row, his monk robe swelled, and while the wind roared, he exuded golden brilliance, and his flesh was golden yellow, like the truth. The Buddha is present.

The unique method of body refining in the Buddha Kingdom without phase——

Buddhism golden body!

This martial arts can definitely be ranked among the top three among all the physical training methods in the Lihuo Great World!

In other words, in the entire team, with the exception of Xiao Lang, this freak, Jie Yuan is probably the most powerful of all people!

If he is willing to act as a vanguard, the impact on the entire battle can be imagined.


Just as Master Jie Yuan stood up first, the brows of almost everyone in the entire team were stretched out, and the worry in their hearts was reduced by half in an instant.

There is spectrum!

Even Master Jieyuan said so, what are they afraid of?



The sound of the wind sounded, and everyone had already surrounded the entire hill for a week in an instant. The gale screamed, and accompanied by the trembling of the void, a vigorous and fierce aura rose from everyone.

Kill it then!

Now that he has decided to shoot, the sooner the better.

Ninety-six people!

Except for the ancestors of Jinling, Bloodthirsty Star Vine, Jiuyou Bat and Sun Wuji, everyone gathered together to mobilize the mighty power of the whole body, and could burst out the strongest power at any time.


Void trembles. At this moment, everything around is quiet, it seems that even the air has frozen, and time has stopped.

Almost everyone’s mind is drawn to Master Jie Yuan, because he just said that he is willing to be the first

A shot person. In fact, he also did not disappoint everyone.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

With a solemn Buddha name, I saw the simple and neat monk robe on Master Jie Yuan bulging up. At the same time, golden light shone, and a Buddha wheel appeared behind his head, mysterious and powerful.

However, it was his physical body that changed more.

In the first year of the ring, the age has grown, the shape is thin, and even looks a little rickety. But at this moment, his body suddenly swelled three times, his bare arm muscles were fierce, and Zhu Dan's eyebrows were dazzling, revealing endless Zen.

Like the real Buddha!

There is no need to confide moves. Everyone present also knows what secret technique the Master Jie Yuan uses at this time——

One of the top physical practice methods in the Buddha Kingdom without phase, the King Ming is angry!

Then, under everyone's gaze--


Jie Yuan stepped out, causing the void to tremble, ripples suddenly appeared, solemnly, standing directly on the top of the hill, which is where the two previous figures appeared.

The purpose of his practice at this time has been quite clear-

Lead the enemy alone!

As for the effect, of course it is extraordinary.

At the moment Jie Yuan appeared on the top of the mountain----



The hill exploded, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in the void. Even Xiao Lang, with preparations, could not capture its appearance completely and clearly, like a long whip, pulling back towards Master Jie Yuan. !


The murderer was shot!


The collision erupted almost as soon as it caught everyone’s eyes. Under everyone’s horrified gaze, they made complete preparations, and it took more than ten breaths of time to activate their secret technique to the extreme. Master Yuan, under this dark shadow, was like a kite with a broken line, and was suddenly drawn away!


Broken golden body!

A cloud of blood was left in the void, and the real Master Jie Yuan was drawn thousands of miles away, not knowing where he landed, not knowing his life or death!

Master Jie Yuan, is dead?

At this moment, no one cared about this issue. Everyone present is a strong man who has experienced many battles. Of course, they know what they should do most at this time——

A rare opportunity!

This is the great risk that Master Jie Yuan has taken, the risk of death, and the opportunity created must not be missed!

So at this moment, there is no need for anyone to point out, they all shot together—

"Flowing water!"

"Sand falling!"

"Frozen everything!"

Dozens of half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses all shot together, and they were still prepared. This scene is quite shocking. In an instant, the entire small mountain peak was swallowed by the endless power of the great road. Although most of them are just shackles and bans, they also cause emptiness and vibrate endlessly.

Backlash is uncomfortable!

So many people, although they are united, they are not one mind after all. In this chaotic situation, the manic world has a huge impact on each of them.

But at this time, they have no time to care about these. The next moment, dozens of pairs of eyes, have been completely banned in front of them to attract all their attention.

"this is……"

Xiao Lang was also taken aback, with a strange expression.

A wicker?

At this time, it was a wicker that was blocked and locked up by everyone, but it was obviously much thicker than ordinary wicker. It was as thick as an adult's waist and was hundreds of feet long. At one end, it is hidden in the mountain.


Hidden in this mountain is actually a demon plant?

This scene made Xiao Lang couldn’t help thinking about it. In the past, he and Bloodthirsty Star Vine had met for the first time in Chiyan Star. He looked at the willow branch in front of him that was successfully besieged by the power of countless avenues. Can't help but brainstorm.

"This guy, isn't he a close relative of Bloodthirsty Starvine?"

Xiao Lang remembered that the Bloodthirsty Star Vine once said that in the era before Lihuo Great World, he had a senior of the same race.


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