Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 699: The blood of the world tree!


As soon as this conjecture appeared in everyone's minds, they could no longer be forgotten. Everyone looked at Xiao Lang, who was rushing towards the giant tree again, in shock.

Xiao Lang, does he really have an immortal body?

They have to have such doubts.

Because at this time, everything that Xiao Lang showed in his body was so similar to the immortal body!

The immortal body, this is also a huge difference between the immortal monarch and the strongest monarch, and it is also an important reason why the strongest monarch can hardly defeat the immortal monarch under the protracted battle.

Although the immortal body is extremely difficult to recover once damaged, its effect is huge——

protracted war!

The most powerful part of the immortal body lies in the protracted battle. As long as the body is not collapsed, even if it is 80% or even 90% damaged, it can still exert its full combat power!

Just as Xiao Lang showed right now!

"The power of heaven..."

"The Immortal..."

"What kind of monster is this!"

Everyone had complicated eyes, looking at Xiao Lang who was fighting with the giant tree in the battlefield ahead.

Obviously, at the level of strength, Xiao Lang is not at all an opponent of this behemoth. Every assault, he will be blocked, and he will be bombarded with blood splashing.

However, Xiao Lang's willpower is really terrifying.

Get more frustrated!

Fist burst!

Regardless of the soaring blood around his body, he has been going forward!

Physically wounded?

This is nothing!


Everyone held their breath and watched as Xiao Lang rushed towards this behemoth again and again, hurting both.

Xiao Lang, actually wanted to rely on his own immortal body to kill each other for life?

When everyone discovered this, their hearts trembled, horrified and shocked.


It is too cruel!

However, even if he could really take down this behemoth, what happened next, if Xiao Lang's "immortal body" was severely damaged when he encountered a stronger demon plant, how would he face the next fighting?

At this moment, everyone did not even understand Xiao Lang's madness.

As for?

It's just for a demon plant, fighting such battles that threaten the foundation of his martial arts. In the eyes of many people, Xiao Lang's actions were really irrational.

Many people are already worried about this.

This is not because they are sincerely concerned about Xiao Lang, but because Xiao Lang has already proven himself with actual combat power at this time. He is the strongest in the entire team. If he meets the high priest, he will definitely belong to the entire team. The biggest reliance.

Could Xiao Lang, who was physically damaged, really still be the opponent of the high priest?

However, how did they know that Xiao Lang now felt a trace of pain and pressure? On the contrary, at this time, in his heart, there is only excitement!

"Are you sure it bears the blood of the world tree?"


With a punch, Xiao Lang watched the green juice flying in front of him, his eyes brighter, and he didn't care about the damage of his physical body at all.

Immediately, there was a firm answer from Bloodthirsty Starvine:

"there must be!"

"There is information about it in my memory inheritance, the breath matches!"

"If I can swallow its origin, my combat power and life level will definitely be able to cross again!"

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine was also full of excitement, and Xiao Lang's eyes became firmer when he heard the words.

Must kill!

This sentence of bloodthirsty star vine is enough!

It has been decided that this battle must be divided into birth and death!

You know, that is the tree of the world!

Rumor has it that in the mighty universe, there are four ancient trees, of which the most powerful and the most mysterious is the tree of the world, which is huge and supports the operation of the entire universe.

Xiao Lang didn't know whether it really existed, until just now, when he saw this behemoth emerge from the void, the voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine suddenly sounded in his heart.

Not a pure world tree.

The pure tree of the world cannot appear here. According to Xiao Lang’s inference,

The world tree, I am afraid that the level is still higher than that of the strong ancient realm, even if the original owner's realm is high, it is impossible to raise a world tree in captivity.

However, even the blood of the world tree is enough! This can be heard from the excitement in the words of Bloodthirsty Starvine.

Devour the blood!

Level transition!

The words of Bloodthirsty Star Vine added a bit of excitement to Xiao Lang's heart.

He is familiar with the Bloodthirsty Starvine and knows its characteristics.

The Bloodthirsty Starvine is a magical species. Its cultivation is different from that of most creatures in the world. It can even be said that it does not need special cultivation at all, as long as it continues to swallow it!

No bottlenecks!

The current Bloodthirsty Star Vine has almost digested the star origin power obtained by the Red Yan star, and its combat power has stabilized at the fifth level of the Immortal Realm.

Equivalent to the strongest of the seven stars.

Such a level, in the eyes of outsiders, is already quite high. But in the current situation-

Not enough to see!

Xiao Lang surpassed him too much.

Therefore, this is also the reason why he hasn't made any shots for this period of time, because even if he does, he won't be able to help Xiao Lang.

Until now.

The appearance of this ancient tree with the blood of the World Tree once again brought hope to the Bloodthirsty Starvine!

"Master, you..."

Bloodthirsty Starvine's voice is full of expectation, but more concerned. Compared with other people, he was the most able to sense Xiao Lang's current changes, knowing how much pressure every collision between the latter and Gu Mu put on him.

Xiao Lang grinned, his eyes revealing endless confidence:

"rest assured!"

"It can't hurt my roots!"

"Just wait to devour it!"


In an instant, Xiao Lang's fists became stronger, almost giving up any defense, fighting with the giant tree, the situation became more chaotic, and the green juice and bright red blood poured down continuously, which made people throbbing.

Seeing Xiao Lang's more and more valiant posture, Bloodthirsty Starvine finally relieved his heart, expecting more.


In the eyes of others, this battle may be like this, but Bloodthirsty Starvine has seen more than others.

His gaze seemed to pass through the pet spirit bag, and Xiao Lang's body surface, and saw the crazily rotating vortex in his body that represented the power of the heavens of life.


of course not.

Xiao Lang had never practiced the Immortal Body, but that didn't mean that his recovery ability was not satisfactory compared to the Immortal Body. In fact, on other levels, there is a huge gap between his physical body and the immortal body, but in terms of recovery ability--

Xiao Lang, stronger!

He has no defense at all, because he doesn't care about the pouring of blood.

It can be replenished from the Tiantian coffin in an instant, and the body surface injury can be completely recovered under the power of the life heaven in an instant. Is such an injury really worth paying attention to?

not worth it.

It is precisely because of the blessing of the heavenly coffin and the power of the heavenly way of life in his body that Xiao Lang can be so indifferent and put all his thoughts on the attack. This is the scene where everyone looks so scary——



Xiao Lang is like a mortal with an immortal body, and then launches an impact on a god, never stopping!

Of course, this is also because the giant tree with the bloodline of the World Tree in front of him has not reached the level of the real Venerable Heavenly Dao. It is not the Venerable Heavenly Dao. Although its offensive contains the pressure of heaven and earth, for Xiao Lang, Can't shake him at all.

Xiao Lang understood his current realm and combat power very well.

As long as it is an opponent who has not reached the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, I should be able to contend, relying on the strength of the Asura battle body and the power of the Heavenly Dao of life, standing in an invincible position, and even defeating the opponent by sustained battle!

However, if you encounter the real heavenly masters and high priests, the results will be completely different.

Jumu didn't have the ability to kill him in seconds, but the Profound Lord and the high priest definitely had such a method!

Once it kills, no matter how tyrannical the foundation of martial arts, it is useless.

It seems that there is only a two-character difference between the half-step Tiandao and the real Tiandao, but in fact, the difference in combat power between them is really too big.

Just like a moat!

The main thing lies in the will of heaven!

Even if the current Xiao Lang looked in the eyes of other half-step Heavenly Dao Venerables, it was already unreasonable, but Heavenly Dao Venerable, still pressing on his heart like a big mountain.

People don't know where in the mountains.

Only by really jumping out and making a comparison can you really see the huge gap between them.

However, Xiao Lang was not discouraged.

"Bloodthirsty Starvine's life level is inherently high, with the power of the origin of the stars, his martial arts foundation is more powerful than the immortal monarch of the same level! If it changes again-he is very likely to become me against the high priest Best teammate!"

Want to deal with the high priest only by relying on the Profound Master of Heaven?

Xiao Lang had never thought so much.

Of course he also has dark hands.

In addition to his own Shura battle body, there is also the Jinling ancestor who has the body of the five elements ancestor, and now, there is more bloodthirsty star vine.

These are people he can completely trust.

Hope more and more!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang became more excited, and his fists became stronger and stronger, even reaching a level that everyone could not understand. Ever since, just a quarter of an hour later, everyone was dumbfounded, staring dumbfounded--


With a punch, Xiao Lang finally pierced through the obstacles of the giant tree and numerous branches, and hit its body!


The trunk of the giant tree was obviously much more tyrannical than the ordinary branches, but it was still unable to stop Xiao Lang's fist. Under a punch, the skin was ripped apart, and the giant tree's huge body began to tremble crazily and counterattack more fiercely.

It feels the breath of life threatening?

Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded, unable to say a word for a while.


The gap is too big!

Xiao Lang is too strong!

The audience was silent. They watched, the resistance and struggle of the giant tree became softer and weaker, and Xiao Lang's offensive became more and more violent. Finally, there was only the fighting instinct, and the giant tree without the consciousness of fleeing, fisted thousands of times in Xiao Lang. Madly smashed down——


Xiao Lang's last punch was like the last straw that crushed the camel. When it fell, the huge trunk of the giant wood could no longer bear it, and it burst completely!


Even in these seven days, they have watched this scene more than once, but when the fierce battle that lasted for a quarter of an hour finally ended, everyone still couldn't help their minds trembled suddenly, frightened inexplicably, watching the suspension Void, blood bathed all over, Xiao Lang whose eyes were dazzling like a blazing sun, throbbed from the bottom of his heart.



Xiao Lang, really did it!

He actually beheaded this giant tree with his own power!

The crowd fell into an inner shock. The audience was silent, watching Xiao Lang floating in the void. They didn't know what to say for a while. Of course, they were trembling and they didn't see it. Around Xiao Lang, a green light and shadow kept flickering and swallowed. With the sky full of juice.

They saw Xiao Lang's move and put all the divine fruits in his bag, and they didn't dare to have any other opinions in their hearts.

After a long while, they finally recovered, and there was a little confusion in their eyes.

Void and silence.

Why is Xiao Lang still floating in the void and not coming down?

What is he doing?

However, what they didn't know was that Xiao Lang at this time did not even respond to the news that Bloodthirsty Starvine excitedly called him to retreat.

At this time, he seemed to have bright eyes, but his mind had already sunk into his pet bag.

It’s not about Bloodthirsty Starvine, but—

Sun Wuji!

Seeing more than four hundred divine fruits merged into Sun Wuji's body through the Heavenly Profound Order, Xiao Lang's eyes were full of expectation. Before that, when the divine fruit was devoured, the aura on Sun Wuji's body had reached a level that was almost complete, so this time--

at last!

It seemed to have inspired the expectation in his heart.

Xiao Lang was surprised to see that Sun Wuji, who had been in a coma, his eyelids trembled slightly...

Xiao Lang raised his heart immediately, feeling uncontrollably.

Sun Wuji, are you going to wake up?


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