Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 700: God fruit of the law!


This time, Sun Wuji really woke up!

Eyes trembled, opened directly, clear and unmarked!


The surprise came so suddenly that even Xiao Lang didn't expect that Sun Wuji would wake up so smoothly, and looking at his appearance, he didn't seem to be at a loss.

Sun Wuji smiled faintly, looking at Xiao Lang, there was a little smile in his eyes.

"Good apprentice."

"Good job."

"Unexpectedly, you will grow to this level so quickly. It seems that you were really worried for nothing before being a teacher."

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

Sun Wuji was not completely in a coma during this time. He had a clear perception of everything that happened outside?

As if seeing the suspicion in his heart, Sun Wuji's eyes became more smiling.

"I can indeed perceive everything that is happening outside."

Xiao Lang was overjoyed when he heard this.

Since he could perceive everything that was happening outside, it showed that Sun Wuji's soul source had not suffered much damage, which was undoubtedly excellent news.


Seeing Sun Wuji still lying on the recliner formed by the Bloodthirsty Star Vine for him, without the slightest intention of standing up, Xiao Lang couldn't help but frowned.

"Master, you..."

Xiao Lang saw that Sun Wuji was in a strange state.

Sun Wuji obviously knew what Xiao Lang had seen, and said:

"I can't move yet."

"The divine fruits you collected for me really broke the first shackles for me, but I can only keep my mind clear and can communicate with you."

"The other shackles still exist."


What does it mean?

There is such a thing in the Profound Sky Order?

Xiao Lang's mood was a little anxious. There was such a hidden danger in Sun Wuji's body. Obviously he hadn't thought of it, so he hurriedly asked, but Sun Wuji naturally knew everything and said all about his current state.

Hearing what Sun Wuji said, Xiao Lang understood what all this was all about.

To talk about the root cause of this incident, we still have to talk about the previous battle at Yanshan.

Before the Battle of Yanshan, this Profound Sky Order had actually already recognized Sun Wuji as the master, but Sun Wuji had no idea that it was a Profound Sky Order, and did not understand its effects and functions.

According to Sun Wuji, this Heavenly Profound Order was severely wounded after he escaped from the chase of the High Priest's clone of Tiandao that day. He was hidden in the Yanshan Mountain. Day by day, he was fighting against the demons in his body and suddenly appeared out of thin air. In his hands.

A battle at Yanshan.

At the cost of sacrificing his own life, the third demon puppet tried to arouse the magic seed in his body, and finally attracted his first change after receiving the Profound Sky Order——

Protect yourself!

Tianxuan Ling had already recognized him as the master, and in the event of a sudden crisis, the Tianxuan Ling was activated and turned into a triple prohibition, directly banning his spirit.

Triple prohibition.

In these seven days, after Xiao Lang paid ten thousand divine fruits, it finally unlocked the first stage.

This means that if Sun Wuji wants to completely unlock the triple prohibition, he needs more support from the gods?

Xiao Lang did not stay on this issue for too long.

It's just a divine fruit.

It is only a matter of time before he can kill murderous objects and collect divine fruits.

At this moment, what he suddenly thought of was the Profound Sky Lord and the high priest who had also received the Profound Sky Order!

"Master, so to speak, the high priest and the Profound Lord, both of them have the same experience as you?"

The high priest and the Profound Lord were also banned?

What Sun Wuji got was the Profound Sky Order that represented the will, and the one who was blocked was the Divine Soul. According to this theory, could it be

The two priests and the Profound Master of Heaven were forbidden to be divine power and blood?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

This is great news!

If the blood of the high priest is banned, doesn't it mean that his power will be greatly suppressed?

At that time, you don't even need to join forces with the Profound Master, maybe you can kill him!

I don't know--

"Do not."

"They should be different from me."

Sun Wuji's rational voice sounded like a basin of cold water poured from his head, making Xiao Lang also more rational.

"Because they have not experienced a life and death crisis, the Profound Sky Order in their hands should not have been activated yet. I am a special case."

Sun Wuji is a special case?

No chance?

Xiao Lang instantly understood the meaning of Sun Wuji's words, and his expression returned to solemnity.


However, before he recovered his peace of mind, he only heard Sun Wuji's voice resounding again:

"But speaking of it, my current state should be slightly better than them, for the opportunities here."


Unable to move, there are still two bans on his body, in Sun Wuji's words, it turned out to be a good thing?

Xiao Lang was puzzled and frowned and looked at Sun Wuji.

Sun Wuji explained:

"Now this Profound Sky Token has merged with me. Their perception of this world is achieved through the Profound Sky Token, and my perception is more sensitive than them. Even, I have already guessed, The owner of this place, the original owner in your mouth, let us look for what!"

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

Sun Wuji's remarks are well-founded and convincing.

"Master, do you know what the original master's inheritance is?"

Sun Wuji did not disappoint Xiao Lang, a flash of light flashed under his eyes, and said:


"In fact, it was originally recorded in the Profound Sky Order. However, I am afraid that they can only know when they have collected enough divine fruits and unlocked all the shackles. But I am different. It has become one with me. In a way, we are one, and I already know all the information in it."

Sun Wuji's words reveal a strong sense of confidence.

"The law of the fruit!"

"The last prohibition of the Profound Order of the Sky is the Divine Fruit of Law."

"In this world, there are a total of three divine fruits of the law, which are related to divine soul, qi and blood, and divine power. I can only perceive the one that represents divine soul, and it should be in the deepest part of this world!"

"Kill the evil thing that guards it, and you can get it. Naturally, it has become one of the real candidates for this world!"

Three rules of magic fruit!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.


The first time he heard of these two words, he knew it from the original owner. At the beginning, Xiao Lang thought that it should be an incomparably illusory thing, just like a great road, which requires insight.

But now it seems--

It seems to be a power?

A power higher than the power of the heavenly origin?

At this time, Xiao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that when the original owner uttered the two words "rule", Jiuyou Bat didn't have any particularly big reactions, and immediately, a ray of spirit came out.

"Nine You Bats."

"What is the law?"

"Is it the power that the creation realm can possess?"

After a while, Jiuyou Bat's stunned voice came:


"However, the powers of the three creation realms are different. The initial realm is the power that controls the world for the first time. At most, these powers are called the power of the world, which is the first understanding of the universe.

law. "

"In Primordial Realm, the understanding of the laws of the universe has reached a certain level, and there are essential differences in power before it can be called a rule."

"Only when they reach the Primordial Beginning Realm can they be regarded as a law. At that time, the only thing that traps them is the commonality with the universe."

The power of the world.

The power of rules!

The power of law!

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

It turned out to be like this!

"You know you didn't tell me?"

"Um...Master, you didn't ask either. I thought that Master Chaohou had already told you."

Xiao Lang was speechless and shook his head helplessly.

No way, this is indeed a misunderstanding. No wonder Jiuyou Bat, I can only say that listening to Chaohou is really unreliable, and he didn't even tell himself these most basic things.


God fruit of the law!

Control the hub of this world!

Xiao Lang's heart was clear, and what Sun Wuji said at this time finally corresponded to what the original owner said at that time.

The original owner also said that if someone can get the inheritance he hides between this heaven and earth, he can immediately become the master of this ancient heaven and earth.

Same as Sun Wuji said.


"There are three magic fruits of the law?"

"Then what if the Profound Lord, High Priest, and Master you all get the corresponding divine fruit at the same time?"

Xiao Lang realized an important problem.

Sun Wuji's eyes immediately became serious, and he said solemnly:

"That's why I approve of all the ways you do things after you enter this place."

"So, I just said that even if we get the magic fruit of the law, it is just a candidate. In the Profound Sky Order, there is no solution to this situation, there is only one message—"

"If you can get all the divine fruits, you will directly become the master of this world."


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's pupils trembled slightly.

He got it!

Sun Wuji has said so clearly, how can he not understand?


Life and death!

Even if they get the magical fruit of the law, there must be a life and death battle between the three of them. This is why Sun Wuji said that he supported everything he did after entering this world.


Xiao Lang thought of the original owner who introduced the rules of this place to himself and others that day, and he looked calm...Of course, he may be really calm, because as an old monster who has not known how many years he has lived, he may have already seen through life and death. Naturally, I don't feel how cruel the test I left.

However, it is not particularly obtrusive.

Xiao Lang quickly accepted all this.

At best, what Sun Wuji said was just adding a little weight to his decision to kill the high priest, not much.

Of course, before the final battle of life and death, Xiao Lang also understood better, now, what is the most important thing for himself and Sun Wuji——

One, slay the dead and continue to collect the divine fruit.

Second, look for the rule of the gods!

The law of the gods must not only represent a place as simple as it is, there are definitely other tyrannical functions, if you can get it, Sun Wuji's realm is likely to rise to a higher level, and even becoming a **** of heaven is not without hope!

At that time, the three-fold shackles of the Profound Sky Order were completely broken, and Sun Wuji became the Venerable Heavenly Dao again. He would definitely be more confident against the high priest!

Hope, bigger!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's heart became hot again, his eyes gleaming, bursting out endless fighting spirit——



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