Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 701: Help!

"Relax, Master."

"I will definitely get the magic fruit of the law and give it to you!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, and a strong war spirit burst out, and he solemnly promised that even Sun Wuji couldn't help but tremble when he saw the true feelings in his eyes.


In addition, no other gorgeous words can replace Sun Wuji's feelings at this time.

Unfortunately, he can't move.

Only divine soul transmission.

"Thanks for your hard work, disciple."

When Sun Wuji uttered the word "disciple", he couldn't help but startled. Speaking of which, he and Xiao Lang did have the name of a teacher and apprentice, and that was a bond between the two when Xiao Lang was still in the middle of the world.

Before that, it can be said that after witnessing the many miracles created by Xiao Lang, including the rise in the realm of combat power, even Sun Wuji couldn't help feeling stunned when he mentioned these two words.

Is he really worthy of having a disciple like Xiao Lang?

In terms of combat power, Xiao Lang has even surpassed him!

Moreover, although the two of them have the name of mentoring and apprentice, they can say the truth of mentoring...

Except for the meeting after Xiao Lang walked out of the ancient proverb star ruins, Sun Wuji had pointed him, and it was just something well-known from the Huo Great World, nothing else.

Sun Wuji was ashamed.

But I haven't waited for him to say anything--

"No hard work!"

"This is what the disciple should do."

"Master, wait for the good news from the disciple!"

Xiao Lang's spiritual thought retreated, returned to his body, and disappeared before Sun Wuji's eyes.

With the soul returning to his body, Xiao Lang's eyes were still blooming with infinite warfare, but he didn't know when a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sun Wuji's distracting thoughts flickering just now, Xiao Lang didn't feel anything?

how is this possible?

Xiao Lang entered the Tao with love and insight, and when Sun Wuji's eyes flickered, he guessed Sun Wuji's mind. However, at the last call of his master, he still shouted sincerely.

In the name of master and apprentice?

The reality of mentoring?

There is no doubt that in the cultivation world, anyone wants to worship a powerful martial artist, so that they can get more training resources and get better guidance.

But for Xiao Lang, is this really important?


This is not only for him now, but also for him in the past.

What Xiao Lang remembered was the scene where Sun Wuji took him for hundreds of millions of miles when he was caught in the calamity of Huadao, and even went to the Sovereign Blue Moon for help.

It can be said that those days were enough to change his impression of the entire Lihuo World!

To Lihuo Great World, Xiao Lang was an outsider. Before that, Xiao Lang had always thought so, so the only people who were close to him were the poisonous dragon, the knife and others who entered this world with him.


He met Nymph.

Met Sun Wuji!

Especially Sun Wuji, which finally gave him a deeper understanding and recognition of Lihuo Great World and Tianfu Temple. That friendship is always buried deep in his heart, never forgetting, and dare not forget it.


"Decades ago, you ran the world for me. This time, it's my turn to fight for you!"

Xiao Lang's Daoist heart was firm, as always, the surging fighting spirit came out, even if he was floating in the void and said nothing, it was enough to let everyone know his mind at this time——


Xiao Lang still wanted to continue the fight, punish the murderous demon plant, and seize the divine fruit!


Realizing this, almost everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and some of them had a look of fear flashing in their eyes.


Although they only watched Xiao Lang performing alone in this battle, killing this powerful demon plant with their own power, they could still understand the danger.

Xiao Lang will continue to fight?

At that time, will you really be able to stay out of the way?

I'm afraid not!

Xiao Lang's strength has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. But at this time, it brought them more than just a sense of psychological security.

Still pressure!

Great pressure!

For the strong, everyone's mood is quite complicated.

Worship, trust, awe...

There is also fear!

If he encounters an opponent that Xiao Lang can't contend alone, he will let himself wait for others to fight for his life, and he will make a single blow. Should he go or not?

For a time, the atmosphere among the people was solemn.

They really feel a bit of a villain when they think so. But isn't this the way in this world?

Harmfulness is not allowed, but defensiveness is even more important!

What's more, Xiao Lang at this time had already demonstrated terrifying combat power far exceeding them! It can be said that everyone's life and death are in his thoughts!

In the crowd.

Jin Jiu clearly sensed something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere, his eyes swept across everyone's worried faces, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He could see the anxiety in everyone's hearts, and he was fully aware of where the anxiety came from.

The team, I'm afraid they will panic again!

"Li Qi."

"You better slow down."

"They already feel unsafe."

Jin Jiu spoke frankly. In his opinion, if Xiao Lang insisted on going his own way and continued to fight, and led the entire team to the deeper depths of the world, this team that was already lacking in centripetal strength would definitely fall apart and no one would dare to follow.

This is not a good thing for confronting the high priest.

In Jin Jiu's thoughts, since Xiao Lang's ultimate goal was still the high priest, he would definitely consider his proposal, but what he never expected was--

Xiao Lang just glanced coldly toward this side, his expression was cold, his eyes full of disdain swept over everyone.


"Then let them go, they don't need their help anyway."

"As for the people who stay, let them follow thousands of miles away, and you will arrange for you, Brother Jin."


Jin Jiu was taken aback when he heard this.

Xiao Lang didn't care about the integrity of the entire team?

And listen to what he meant--

He actually wants to use his own power to continue to kill into the depths of this world?

Jin Jiu was shocked by Xiao Lang's dominance, but after waking up, he was more curious.

Xiao Lang, how can you be so confident?

However, before he had time to inquire, Xiao Lang didn't even mean to speak any more. He twisted his waist and swept farther away. Only this time, another figure appeared beside him.

A thin old man!

At the moment he saw this old man, Jin Jiu suddenly understood where Xiao Lang's confidence came from.

Jinling ancestor!


Xiao Lang summoned the ancestors of Jinling!

Before that, Xiao Lang used Jinling ancestor as a hole card to deal with the high priest. The ancestor of Jinling possesses the body of the Five Elements ancestor in the Creation Realm, and his previous life is even the pinnacle powerhouse of the Immortal Realm. Naturally, he is the strong one among the strong, and his combat power must surpass the ordinary half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable, waiting to fight the high priest At least a little effect can be exerted.

But now, Xiao Lang obviously didn't intend to hide him anymore.

One is because the ancestor of Jinling had already appeared when he killed the avatar of the High Priest's Heaven, and the high priest might have already known it.

Second, he now has the trump card of Bloodthirsty Star Vine. It doesn't matter whether the Jinling ancestor is hidden.

In such a situation, it would be better to expose it directly, and to help yourself, collect divine fruits at a faster speed, and help Sun Wuji out of trouble.

In the face of hiding his cards and efficiency, Xiao Lang suddenly chose the latter!


"Who is he?"

When Xiao Lang turned around and ran, other people also discovered the existence of the Jinling ancestor, with surprises and flashes in the eyes.

Jin Jiu knew it, but he didn't mean to explain at all. He sighed lightly and didn't say much, just followed. As for the others...

Although Xiao Lang gave him the decision-making power, how can he care about it?

Let him go.

He just made his own decision.


Xiao Lang played his trump card again and started a new journey. Compared with before, he knew the existence of the three laws of divine fruit, and the news that Sun Wuji finally woke up, undoubtedly gave him a boost. Needle, more fighting spirit, and more domineering.

For him, the hope is greater.

The situation is better.

But what he didn't know was that in another world hundreds of millions of miles away, some people mentioned his existence...

The first world.

This is the first world that the original owner evolves after he created this world. It was also after the birth of this world that the original owner left here for some unknown reasons, allowing it to evolve independently, forming a reincarnation.

For Xiao Lang and others, the body of this world is undoubtedly the predecessor of the great world of Lihuo and its origin. Without it, there would be no Lihuo World.

But for the Profound Master Tian and others, this world is far from that simple.

This was their home!

When the original owner released the ban on this place, the moment his breath came out, whether it was the Profound Sky Profound Master who possessed the Profound Sky Order or other people of the Fierce Spirit Clan, they felt the infatuation and familiarity that came from the depths of their souls.

This is the world they were born into!


They choose this world, of course, it is not that simple.

This lingering familiarity is more than just familiarity?

"Life Stone!"

Almost everyone, including the Profound Master Sky, flashed these two words in their hearts, and it was difficult to remove them.

It's just the world that one party has lived in. After so many years, how can the familiarity brought to them be so strong?


Most likely, their lifestone is in this world!

It was precisely because of this conjecture and for this reason that the Profound Master had no choice but to violate the agreement signed with Xiao Lang and parted ways.

Of course, Yan De and the others agreed with Profound Master Sky with both hands. Along the way, they can be regarded as conscientiously, one mind, killing countless murderous things, going all the way to the depths.

Their speed is much faster than Xiao Lang.

Of course, this was also due to the fact that the Profound Lord's combat power was originally higher than Xiao Lang's. After all, he was a spiritual clone at the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao.

However, no matter how strong he was, he also met opponents.

Just as at this moment-


With the Profound Lord Sky as the center, Yan De and the others gathered together. In terms of numbers, they did not suffer any casualties, but their current state and when they first entered this place, it was a world of difference.

I saw all of them in a state of embarrassment, their expressions dignified, looking at the roaring valley ahead, their faces pale, full of dignity and seriousness.

They met an opponent!

Strong opponent!

Even if all of them join forces, even the Profound Master of Heaven has fought to death several times, the opponent that still cannot be resolved is in the valley ahead!

Three days.

They have been trapped here for three days. During the period, they have made many attempts, but they all ended in failure.

The state at this time is a true portrayal of them in the past three days. What's more unbearable than at first is that they racked their brains and almost can't think of any countermeasures.

Even the Profound Master Sky has failed a dozen times in succession, what else can they do?

"Do you have any other ideas?"

Finally, the Profound Master of Heaven broke the silence.

His condition at this time was also not good, his face was pale, and the depths of his eyes were exhausted, his eyes were swept across everyone, but no one dared to meet his eyes, everyone bowed their heads.


The Profound Master Tian couldn't help sighing deeply, full of helplessness.

Forget it.

Do it again.

The Profound Lord Sky looked at the valley in front, a sharp look flashed through his eyes. But just as he was about to rise from the ground, suddenly, a voice broke the calm.

"My lord, shall we ask Li Qi?"

"Even if he is not as good as an adult, he can provide a lot of help for an adult, right?"

Li Qi?


As soon as this statement came out, everyone including the Profound Master Sky couldn't help but fall on the voice of Qing Tianwei, with surprise on their faces.

Ask Li Qi for help?

Is this method really feasible?

The line of sight of the Profound Lord Sky flashed across Qing Tianwei's body, and moved to Yan De and the others.

He is okay.

But what about Yan De?


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