Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 705: Shattered the light!

Save people!

Save people first!

Xiao Lang was confident, but he was definitely not arrogant. Seeing that the Profound Lord was so miserable, he certainly didn't think that his strength alone would be the opponent of this ancient barbaric ape.

Must join forces!

Together, we must ensure that the Profound Master of Heaven cannot die!


The moment his thoughts flickered, Xiao Lang erupted, and thunder light flickered under his feet, urging his power to the extreme, his entire body was burning, and the surging bursting aura permeated, and his whole person swept toward the battle circle like a missile.

One word, fast!

Ever since, in this world, a strange scene appeared.

A fiery red and purple firework traversed the entire sky, and naturally, it also reflected the sight of the other people of the Fierce Spirit Clan who had been worried and worried on the edge of the battlefield.

somebody is coming!

"Li Qi?"

"He really came!"

The shock was repeated, but in the end it all turned into joy.

These days, they are uncomfortable. Although they did not participate in this great battle, they were unable to participate, but standing on the edge of the battlefield, watching the Profound Lord being defeated by the ancient barbarians again and again, this feeling was even more for them. torment.

They have thought of Li Qi more than once.

But, Li Qi, will he really come?


Now they got the answer!


Their eyes moved following Xiao Lang's trajectory, and they watched, Xiao Lang rushed into the battlefield thousands of miles away with a decisive posture, and hope finally emerged in the depths of his eyes.


Must win!

Xiao Lang is here, if they still can't hold this savage ape, they really don't know what to do.

However, when everyone was praying for the Profound Master Tian and Xiao Lang, they did not see Pound in the team, but did not look at Xiao Lang who had been on the battlefield, but kept staring at Xiao Lang. The void when it came.

at last.

When he clearly saw that Qing Tianwei appeared in his field of vision, and Jin Jiu and the others followed closely behind Qing Tianwei, a sharp light flashed in his eyes and turned his head again.


No one noticed Yan De's little action, because everyone's attention is now focused on the battlefield in front of them.

Xiao Lang would naturally not find out.

Now he just wants to save people!


Xiao Lang saw that the cave created by the profound master on the ground had been deeply smashed into it, and the latter's rich aura still remained. At this moment, he hardly thought about it, and just got in.

However, just as he stepped out and was about to enter this cave, suddenly—


Above the head, the void!

An unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly bloomed in Xiao Lang's heart.


Deadly threat!

It can be said that, except for the time when he encountered Tiantian Coffin in the Five Elements Continent, Xiao Lang had never experienced such a deadly threat once!

The threat comes from overhead!

Is it the ancient barbarian ape?

But it clearly didn't move!

Although Xiao Lang was dedicated to saving people, he certainly wouldn't be so stupid that he didn't even observe the actions of his opponents. In fact, he thought the reality he had chosen now was quite appropriate.

But now, Xiao Lang realized that he still underestimated this ancient barbarian ape.



At the moment when he felt threatened, Xiao Lang's body was burst into thunderstorms, and his body was deflected at this moment. Xiao Lang's speed is not unpleasant, he is almost close to the limit of his reaction ability, but even so, at the moment when he subconsciously sideways to avoid——


A tearing sound rang out!

Xiao Lang’s spirit has been in bloom because he wanted to observe the ancient barbarians

Every move, but at this moment, he only saw a light.

A gleam of light that fell into my eyes and could no longer be forgotten!

The sound just now is the fluctuation that tears the space!


Xiao Lang watched, it fell in an instant, and the time that made him almost unresponsive had already passed through his shoulders and hadn't entered the cave under his feet!

Immediately afterwards, a scene that was enough to frighten anyone happened.

Xiao Lang saw that his right arm was broken at the moment the light flashed!

The tear surface is as smooth as a mirror.

There is no severe pain.

In other words, the pain is too late to come!

And his entire right arm, which was shrouded in light, turned into nothingness in front of his eyes and melted directly, as if it had never appeared before!

this is……

Xiao Lang was stunned.

Broken arm? !

In fact, with his current physique, there is no need to worry about breaking his arms at all. As long as the core of the life heaven does not collapse, even if his body is torn into millions of pieces, he can recover in an instant.

Xiao Lang’s shock came from the feedback of his body——

You must know that although his physical body is not an indestructible body, its strength has definitely reached the peak of the indestructible eightfold, which is only a short distance away from the legendary nine-fold indestructible body!

The nine layers of the immortal body, that is a legend, not to mention the entire Lihuo Great World, it is the dozens of eras before, whether anyone has reached it or not.

But now, he was severed and he didn't feel any hindrance!

What kind of light is this?

It's so terrible? !

To be honest, Xiao Lang was really a little confused at this moment. At least from the current point of view, what he is most proud of is the strength of his physical body. The drop of this ray of light is tantamount to a heavy hammer, directly smashing his pride.


"Shattered the Divine Light!"

"Master, be careful! It's Destroyed Savage Ape!"

"Among the ancient savage apes, the Destroyed savage apes are enough to rank in the top three!"

Shattered the light?

Destroyed ape? !

Xiao Lang heard the warning from Jiuyoubat and finally woke up, urging the power of the heavenly way of life in his body, and instantly completed the reorganization of his right arm. Like before, he also completed the unfinished movement just now and moved aside.

A terrifying existence that is enough to rank among the top three ancient barbarians?

Xiao Lang was shocked, but he couldn't care about this for a while, his gaze fell on the cave in front of him, his heart beating.

The cave has long since become a big pit, without bottom.

It is conceivable that the terrifying place that shattered the divine light.

But the most important thing is--

The Profound Lord Sky was bombed in just now!

Even his right arm was broken, that day the profound master...

Xiao Lang's heart twitched, with an ominous premonition in his heart, but at this moment, suddenly--

"Little friend!"

A familiar voice came from the side, Xiao Lang was startled, and when he subconsciously looked at it, he saw the tattered figure that suddenly appeared beside him, who was it not the Profound Master of Heaven?

Is he not dead?

After resisting the blow of the shattered divine light, he was not dead?

As if seeing the horror in Xiao Lang's heart, the Profound Master Tian suddenly tore his ragged coat to pieces, and there was a terrifying hole in his abdomen.

"I was also recruited, but before."

"From then on, I will keep a bit of effort to guard against it."

It turned out that the Profound Master Sky escaped from the ground!

Xiao Lang finally understood, looking at the big hole in the abdomen of Profound Master Sky, his eyes jumped.


Sure enough, even the Profound Master could not stop it!

At this moment, the Profound Master Tian obviously didn't mean to retell the past, and he didn't even care to thank Xiao Lang for coming, and spoke quickly:


"Follow me

on! "

"Every time this magical power is used, it will have a period of weakness of 30 breaths. After at least 100 breaths, it can be activated again. This is our opportunity!"

The Profound Lord has already summed up the experience!

Hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he barely hesitated. He stepped on his feet and followed the Profound Lord.

Opportunities must be seized!

Can hurt a little, yes!

However, what Xiao Lang didn't expect was that the Profound Master Sky and this Destroyed Brutal Ape had already fought for several days, and even the Profound Master Heaven had summed up experience, let alone the Destroyed Brutal Ape?

Even if it doesn't have the slightest sense of reason, instinct can always be cultivated.

Just as they stood up from the ground--


The smoke burst!

A slap measuring hundreds of feet in size fell from the sky, covering the sky with the momentum of thunder!

The Profound Lord's counterattack, the Destroyed Savage Ape had already expected it!


"Damn it!"

Weak and ruined savage ape?

At this moment, Xiao Lang finally realized what was going on with the weak and busted barbarian ape.


The current Xiao Lang can be said to be going all out, but at the moment when his fist and the slap of the smashed barbarian ape smashed together firmly--


The indescribable great power burst out in an instant. At this moment, Xiao Lang even felt that his physical body that reached the eighth peak of the immortal body was almost shattered, the internal organs were turbulent, and the disorder was abnormal, and even the three sources of heaven were greatly affected. The impact!


They were directly smashed down.

It was like the scene Xiao Lang saw after discovering this battlefield!

Is this its weak state?

Xiao Lang immediately urged the power of the life source to restore himself, and the five elements were released from the prison, trying to control his figure, and also encased the Profound Lord.

How terrible is the weak and busted barbarian?

Is the body stronger than mine?

This is a fart!

To be honest, this was definitely the first time Xiao Lang had the intention to retreat right from the beginning of a battle.

Not afraid!

But really can't beat it!

How did the Profound Master Tian resist for so long?

You know, he doesn't have the power of life and heaven!

Xiao Lang looked at the Profound Master Sky, and saw the gloomy solemnity on his face.

Fail again!

And it is as thorough as always!

"Do you really want to use that method?"

"But even if it is used, is it really its opponent?"

The Profound Lord Sky seemed to think about it, but Xiao Lang didn't notice this at all. It was because, at this moment, he suddenly heard the voice of Jiuyou Bat again.

Do not.

It should be horrified!


"It turned out to be alive!"

"The original owner actually imprisoned a real shattered savage ape cub here! Otherwise, it would not be able to recover in just a few hundred breaths!"


Living thing?

Xiao Lang was also taken aback when he heard this. You should know that even though he also killed a lot of demon plants when he was in the Third World, they were all spirit bodies with a trace of origin.

However, Xiao Lang did not particularly care.

What he wants to know most now is how to solve the trouble in front of him!

"What about the ontology?"

"I want to know now, how can I kill it!"

Xiao Lang's voice was urgent.

Because he has never had a battle like today, completely unable to see the hope of victory. And neither he nor the Profound Master of Heaven desperately need this victory!


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