Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 706: Shattered the weakness of the ape? !

How can...

Kill it?

Inside the Zhentian coffin, the Nine You Bats were obviously taken aback.

It seems that this answer is also quite difficult for him.

Finally, under Xiao Lang's hasty urging, he bit the bullet and told the truth:

"Master, you want to kill it. In my opinion, it is almost impossible. It is too strong!"

"The Shattered Savage Ape was originally a heterogeneous among the Ancient Savage Apes, with a shattered divine light and amazing combat power. This also led to their flesh being even more terrifying than other Ancient Savage Apes."

"If my judgment is correct, its physical body, I am afraid it has reached the peak of the mid-generation realm, and is indestructible."

"you guys……"

Xiao Lang's heart sank suddenly when he heard the words.

The body of the peak in the middle of the initial stage!

What concept is this, of course he knows——

Stronger than the physical body of the Five Elements Patriarch!

Jiuyoubat didn't say what he said next, but it made no difference if he didn't say it. With the combat power of both himself and the Profound Master, he couldn't even break the defense of the Brute Ape!

How to kill it?

Doomed to fail?

Even if Xiao Lang is unwilling to accept such a thing, it seems to have almost become a reality.



"In fact, its weakness lies in its eyes, which are the strongest place and the weakest place for defense..."

Jiuyou Bat wanted to continue to help, but it was a pity that Xiao Lang's eyes lit up and went out again.


This is too difficult!

His physical body is strong, which also caused his usual fighting style, which is close combat.

If you want to get close to the eyes of the huge body of the Shattered Barbarian Ape by means of close combat...

It's impossible!

Xiao Lang was extremely disappointed and confused, but when he completely rejected these proposals of Jiuyoubat, suddenly--


and many more!

Completely impossible?

Is it really impossible?

Since the original owner had arranged such a test, didn't he know the risks involved, didn't he know that it was impossible to kill this ruined barbarian ape for a clone of Heaven who could not exert its full power?

He must know!

With that level of existence, such a problem can be seen through at a glance.

But even so, he arranged such a seemingly impossible battle in the first world.

"Not impossible!"

"It must be because of something, we didn't consider it!"

"The eyes are definitely not its only flaw!"

But besides the eyes, what else?

At this juncture, Xiao Lang did not hide his conjecture, and directly shared it with Jiuyou Bat, Profound Master, and even Sun Wuji and Jinling Patriarch.


"It must have other weaknesses, find it!"

Xiao Lang-speaking quickly and urgently, because time is becoming more and more urgent for him. According to the Heavenly Profound Master, once the Shattered Savage Ape uses Shattering Divine Light once, it will rest for 30 breaths and will not take the initiative to attack, but after 30 breaths, it will be a real battle of life and death!

Shattered light coming at any time is the biggest threat!

They must find a solution within 30 breaths!

Xiao Lang focused on himself, linking the spirits of Jiuyou Bat, Jinling Ancestor, and Profound Lord, sharing information. At this time, he didn't care about hiding the existence of Jiuyou Bat.

Shattered Savage Ape, is it alive and real?

Does it have other weaknesses?

The Profound Master received Xiao Lang's voice transmission that day, and he was immediately shocked. After fighting with the Destroyed Barbarian Ape for so long, he couldn't distinguish its type. Xiao Lang recognized it as soon as he arrived!

Even know a weakness of the latter!

This made the Profound Master Tian had to be surprised.

But he didn't indulge in this emotion for too long, and he also fell into contemplation immediately.

Until, suddenly—

The voice of the ancestor of Jinling rang:

"Nine You Bats."

"Normal speaking, a shattered barbarian ape uses the frequency of shattering divine light, is that the same?"


What did the ancestor of Jinling think of?

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, and without interruption, he immediately heard Jiuyou Bat's suspicious answer;

"of course not."

"It stands to reason that as long as it has enough power, it can always use the Divine Light of Destruction. However, it is just a larva, and I don't know if this is its characteristic."

"what happened?"

Jiuyoubat raised everyone's inner confusion.

The ancestor of Jinling didn't mean to answer, and then said:

"But even if it is a larva, it will not take the initiative to attack for 30 breaths after using the Divine Light of Shattering? And after a hundred breaths, it can accurately restore all combat power. I think there is a problem here. "

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

The ancestor Jinling was able to say these words, enough to prove that he really found something!

"what is the problem?"

Xiao Lang couldn't wait to ask.

The ancestor of Jinling answered quickly:

"Jiuyou Bat also said before that it was kept in captivity here. I suspect that on its body, there is a hub that links it with this world, so that it cannot escape from here, but it can get from this world. Gain strength extremely fast!"

"This is the same as when I was in the Jinling Cave. Although I have the power of the Immortal Realm, it will take at least three months to recover to the peak."

"This is also the limit of the strength that Jinling Dongtian can draw!"


Link to this world!

When Xiao Lang and the Profound Master of Heaven heard the words, their eyes shone brightly.

They all recognized the conjecture of the ancestors of Jinling!

The truth, I'm afraid it really is like this!

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that as long as the connection between the Broken Ape and this world is broken, it will no longer be able to draw on the power of this world, be helpless, and its power will no longer be supplemented?

Rootless duckweed!

Until then, no matter how tyrannical it is, Xiao Lang is really not afraid!

Physically strong?

so what?

As long as you can't recover your strength, there will always be the moment of exhaustion, and I have the power of the heavenly path of life, but I have always been at the peak of combat power!

Grind to death!

This is not the first time Xiao Lang has done this.


Finally see hope!

But Xiao Lang and the Profound Lord Sky were not confused by this hope, because they knew that the problem had not been completely resolved yet——

"That link, how to find it?"

Xiao Lang didn't name it, but everyone knew that he was asking the ancestor of Jinling. Because among all the people present, only the ancestor of Jinling had such experience.

The ancestor of Jinling did not shirk.

"I don't know where it is connected with this world, but one thing must be clear, that is, this shackle must be connected to its core, and its body surface is possible everywhere."

"At the beginning, I hid it in a space, which is also the place with the strongest defense power!"

The strongest defense!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up:

"Nine You Bat!"

Of course Jiuyou Bat knew what Xiao Lang wanted to ask, and immediately answered:

"As we all know, the ancient barbarian ape has strong bones, and the destruction of the barbarian ape is even more so. The most defensive place on its body is at the back of its head, the area of ​​the sky!

Tianling cover!

Xiao Lang and the Profound Master Sky raised their heads at the same time, looking towards the sky, a cloud of gray mist, covering all eyes.

"Most likely!"

"I have seen its arms and even its neck, but I have never seen its head!"

There was already a hint of excitement in the words of the Profound Master Tian, ​​an unprecedented rejoicing, and he chose to ask Xiao Lang for help. Without Xiao Lang, he might be able to leave here alive, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat this ruined barbarian ape.

But now, he saw the hope of victory!

Xiao Lang also saw it.

But he was far less excited than the Profound Lord Sky.

Tianling cover!

The strongest defensive power in the Destroyed Barbarian Ape!

Can you really break it casually?

With the combat power of both him and the Profound Master Sky, it is difficult to even break through its active defense, let alone leap into the sky and directly attack the Sky Spirit Cover.

What's more, Jiuyou Bat said very clearly that the body of the Shattered Barbarian Ape has reached the middle stage of the initial realm, and it is stronger and larger than the ancestors of the Five Elements. What about the Tianling Gai, which is the strongest defense?

Once you and the Profound Master arrive, can you really break the defense?

"Perhaps, it's not that simple!"

Xiao Lang-With a solemn tone, he expressed his concerns without reservation. The Profound Master of Sky was also suddenly startled when he heard the words. On the one hand, it was because Xiao Lang's understanding of the Shattered Barbarians had reached this level.

The second aspect, of course, is the difficulty!


It is ridiculous to say that Xiao Lang and the Profound Master of Heaven, one whose combat power is infinitely close to the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, and the other that has established the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, are actually distressed about how to break the opponent's defense.

In Lihuo World, such a thing would never exist.

Profound Lord Tian's face was gloomy, and his eyes flickered.

Xiao Lang also felt tremendous pressure, not only because of the deadlock here, but also because the 30 breath time was about to pass. Once it passed, they would face the crazy attack of the Shattered Barbarian Ape!

"Forget it, let's go through this wave first, maybe, there are other discoveries."

Xiao Lang was about to withdraw his spiritual thoughts and focus on the upcoming battle, but at this moment, what surprised him was that the heavenly Profound Lord suddenly transmitted his voice:

"Brother Li Qi, can I trust you completely?"


At this time, you still talk to me about trust?

Xiao Lang frowned and looked at the Profound Master Sky, but when he saw Profound Master Sky's deep and vague eyes, Xiao Lang suddenly felt an unprecedented solemnity emanating from Profound Master Sky.

Xiao Lang was infected.

The unhappiness in my heart was instantly swept away.

"of course."

"If you don't trust me, I won't be here this time."

Xiao Lang directly said the answer.



There is no rendering of gorgeous rhetoric.

However, when these words were passed into the ears of the Profound Lord Sky, it was obvious that his eyes suddenly lit up. Obviously, Xiao Lang's answer completely moved him.

"it is good!"

The Profound Lord Sky glanced at Xiao Lang deeply, and there was a heavy tone in his tone.

It is the kind of heaviness that sees life and death!

"If I can successfully reach the sky above it, I may be able to break through its defenses. However, if I do so, I will most likely..."

"will die!"


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