Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 717: Luo Sheng!

Xiao Lang, refused!

He didn't even accept the lifestone of the fierce spirit!


Everyone stared at Xiao Lang in disbelief, as did Master Jie Yuan and others. They couldn't believe that Xiao Lang would make such a decision.

This is a race!

Profound Lord!

Just being a Profound Sky Master is enough to make all the giants in the entire Lihuo Great World be moved!

Master Jie Yuan and others are all high-ranking giants. Of course, they know how much their own powers favor some masters, especially at the critical moment when the battle of righteous evil is imminent, a super master, even for a giant of their level. , Is also very important, will inevitably pay a great price to solicit.

Because, the war against evil!

The battle between right and evil is the collision of two worlds!

No one wants to lose in this battle, therefore, both the righteous and the devil will sacrifice all their strength in this battle!

It's not just a super master like the Profound Lord Sky.

Now the major giants are also selecting geniuses from their own disciples, focusing on training at no cost, just to cultivate a person who can stand out at a critical moment.

They are one of them.

This time entering the land of origin, most of them are the middlemen of the major giants.

And now, with such a perfect opportunity in front of Xiao Lang, he didn't even cherish it?

Profound Lord Sky, there is no need to cultivate!

Not to mention the Heavenly Profound Master, other masters of the Fierce Spirit Clan alone, and countless half-step Heavenly Dao level masters cannot be ignored.

But Xiao Lang...

Everyone looked at Sun Wuji subconsciously.

However, he saw that Sun Wuji was looking at Xiao Lang with approval, as if he was not surprised by his response.


This pair of masters and disciples are crazy!

Are they not afraid of Sovereign Blue Moon’s punishment?

Such a great opportunity is in front of us, but I don't even cherish it. This is a violent thing!

But obviously, Xiao Lang didn't mean to change his mind at all.

As for the Profound Lord...

He had been stunned.

To be honest, he also knows what his decision like this means to the Fierce Spirit Race means that the entire race behind him, even his own life, will be within Xiao Lang's thoughts.

When making this decision, he was also quite nervous.

But in the end, he chose to do so.

Because no matter from which point of view, Xiao Lang is the benefactor of his fierce spirit.

But what he didn't expect was--

Xiao Lang actually refused!

For a moment, the Profound Master Sky held the life stone in his hand, not knowing what to do. Behind him, Yan De and the others who wanted to stop the Profound Sky Master just now were even more stunned, unable to say a word for a long time.


Yan De looked at Xiao Lang with more and more complicated eyes. Suddenly, his pupils darkened, he closed his eyes tightly, took a step forward, lowered his head to Xiao Lang, his voice trembled:

"Brother Li Qi, I Yan De... I misunderstood you!"

"If there is any offense before, I am willing to bear it! Yan De does not expect your forgiveness from Brother Li Qi, but for this great love, I must beg you!"

"Elder Yan De?!"

At this moment, Yan De suddenly stood up and apologized to Xiao Lang. He looked like taking the blame and slaughter, which really shocked everyone in the Fierce Spirits clan, but he was surprised that he didn't jump out to stop him, and looked at Yan De's eyes. , Full of complexity.


Yan De was the one who offended Xiao Lang the most.

From the beginning of opposing the alliance between the Profound Master Tian and Xiao Lang, to colluding with Luo Zifei and the others secretly, it can be said that Xiao Lang was always a troublemaker.

Now, even if Xiao Lang killed him, everyone would not be too surprised.

However, what everyone did not expect again was that Xiao Lang just turned around and took a look at Yan De, his brows trembled slightly, and he said in disbelief:

"The position is different. If I were in your position, I might also make the same choice as you. This is nothing."

"You are also for the evil spirits, I can understand."

"The matter between you and me, forget it."

Forget it?

So, forget it?

Yan De's body stiffened, and his waist was deeply bent, suddenly unable to lift up again


Even after killing him, Xiao Lang would let him go so lightly.



"Elder Yan, you should get up."

"My little friend doesn't even want my clan lifestone, how can you care about your abruptness earlier?"

The Profound Master Tian acted as a peacemaker and gave Yan De a step. The latter stood up stiffly and looked at Xiao Lang's bright profile with extremely complicated eyes.

Profound Lord, why isn't it like this?

did not expect.

Xiao Lang's choice was really unexpected.

not give a **** about?

Did Xiao Lang not care about the fighting power of the evil spirits?

Certainly not!

The Heavenly Profound Master still had absolute confidence in his own strength. The reason why Xiao Lang made such a choice could only show that he really didn't want to.

human nature.

This is quite a complicated thing.

It wasn't until this time that the Profound Master Tian finally felt that he knew Xiao Lang a little bit.

Be compassionate and righteous!

This is what a hero!

With a sigh--


The Profound Sky Lord crushed the lifestone in his hand, and immediately, thousands of light bursts from it, most of which shot into the sky and disappeared between the heavens and the earth, and the remaining small part was integrated into the Profound Sky on the spot The body of Lord, Yan De and others.


The Profound Lord and the others trembled suddenly, and immediately sensed that the feeling and connection between themselves and the world around them was different from before.

More intimate.


They are free!

Countless years of circulation, countless years of waiting, at this moment, they are finally free!

Everyone, including Yan De, had tears in their eyes, so excited that they couldn't make any sound, only the muscles on their faces twitched and they were too excited.

The evil spirits are finally complete!

They can also leave this world!


The Profound Lord Sky finally suppressed his excitement, looked at Xiao Lang with a solemn expression, and bowed his waist respectfully towards Xiao Lang, and bowed deeply:

"On behalf of my fierce spirit, thank you little friend for your righteousness!"

"From now on, my fierce spirit clan will be the most loyal ally of the little friends! As long as my fierce spirit clan can do it, I will go through the water, and I will do it!"

committed to?

Do not!


Seeing the Profound Master Sky spurt out a mouthful of blood, the void trembling, everyone around was immediately shocked.

Blood oath!

It's a blood oath!

The Profound Lord Tian was willing to make a blood oath for Xiao Lang!

And, he is not the only one--

"I, Yan De..."

"I, Qingtianwei..."

The fierce spirits are all excited, and **** fog rises into the sky, the void trembles one after another, and the blood oath takes shape!


The fierce spirit clan headed by the Profound Master of Heaven had voluntarily become Xiao Lang's followers!

Seeing this scene, the other people who had thoughts about the Profound Master of Heaven and the Fierce Spirit before could not help but sigh in their hearts and were shocked.

No chance.

As long as Li Qi stays in Tianfu Palace for one day, they will not have this opportunity.

"you guys……"

Xiao Lang was also extremely surprised. He was about to stop it, but it was too late. He watched the blood oath take shape. In the midst of it, there seemed to be a certain inseparable and mysterious connection between himself and the Profound Lord and others.

Seeing the shock on Xiao Lang's face, the Profound Lord Sky finally smiled easily.

"Little friend, this is our intention."

"Hahaha, it's also an opportunity for our fierce spirits. After all, after we go out, we have to rely on you. We don't know much about the outside."

At this time, the Profound Lord finally seemed to have completed a certain thought and completely relaxed.

Seeing him say this, Xiao Lang could only nod his head helplessly.


In this case, it can only be so.

Although Xiao Lang refused to accept the life stone of the Fierce Spirit Clan, for the Profound Lord Sky, of course he still hoped to join them in the Tianfu Palace. The fertilizer does not flow to outsiders' fields.

Xiao Lang originally

What I thought was to invite the Profound Master Sky again, the latter should not refuse him, never expected that the latter would suddenly make a bleeding oath.

However, although the process is not the same as imagined, the result is similar.

Xiao Lang pressed his mind and no longer thought about it.

And when his gaze settled again, the previous indifferent was no longer there, and the only thing left was the killing intent!

There is no hidden killing intent!

Bone cold!


Everyone present, including Master Jie Yuan and others, saw Xiao Lang Binghan's eyes, and couldn't help but shudder, and realized that Xiao Lang was going to say something next—

Luo Zifei!

Guo Xi and others!

Although when Luo Zifei and the others suddenly violently violently broke out, Xiao Lang and the Profound Master Sky had fallen into the body of the Shattered Barbarian Ape, but that did not mean that they knew nothing about everything outside.

Luo Zifei's face was instantly pale.

The heart that prayed that Xiao Lang didn't pay attention to everything that happened here, fell to the bottom in an instant.


Xiao Lang knew all his small movements!

And now--

"Do not!"

"You can't kill me!"

"I am from the Luo family in Penglai Wonderland, and my master is Luo Sheng, the Ninth Peak Sovereign of the Immortal Realm! If you kill me, you will not survive!"

"Xiao Lang, are you going to start a battle between Tianfu Palace and Penglai Wonderland!"

Luo Sheng!

Nine Peaks of Immortal Realm! ,

When everyone heard Luo Zifei's nonsense, their hearts trembled.

Luo Sheng, this name is quite famous in the world of Lihuo. This is not because he often shows himself to the outside world, how many demon beheaded, in fact, most of the powerful people in the world of Lihuo have never seen it before. he.

However, his name is often heard in the mouths of some top powerhouses.

Including, Lord Blue Moon!

Lord Blue Moon once said that Luo Shengzhi is not even under him!

A person's status is often determined by the approval of another strong person. Luo Sheng is such a person, mysterious and powerful!

Luo Zifei, turned out to be Luo Sheng's apprentice?

This matter is in trouble!


"Xiao Lang?!"

When everyone was amazed at Luo Zifei's good status, they suddenly realized that Luo Zifei's name for Xiao Lang——

Not Li Qi.

It's Xiao Lang!

"He, is Xiao Lang?!"

Master Jie Yuan and others were dumbfounded.

Liu He and others were also dumbfounded.

Li Qi, it turned out to be Xiao Lang? !

The builder of the primitive teleportation circle that the eighteenth giants want!

Isn't he missing?

And according to the rumors of the year, although he was strong and rescued everyone in Scarlet Yan, his combat power was only at the level of the three-star strongest venerable, but now...

In just two or three years of work, he has actually become a master of heaven?

Everyone is stupid.

They almost subconsciously looked at Sun Wuji, and Sun Wuji didn't know when the chuckle that appeared on his face seemed to be enough to prove everything, and it made everyone feel like thunder, like in the waves and waves, a heart can no longer calm. =

This news is really amazing!

What is more surprising is--

Xiao Lang has come to the original place!

Now he is a secret trump card of Tianfu Palace, Tianfu Palace is also willing to be willing, not afraid of any accidents?


Sun Wuji was very proud, and there was no hidden voice:

"I acted as Xiao Lang and came in for me."


Sun Wuji no longer paid attention to everyone in shock, and looked at Luo Zifei, a sneer flashed under his eyes:

"Do you think that telling me my apprenticeship can make me wait for compromise and use it to protect myself?"


Can't it?

Seeing Sun Wuji's eyes full of mockery, Luo Zifei shook his heart. Suddenly, he felt endless ice cold, like falling into the abyss!

It seems, really can't!


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