Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 718: The disappeared gold nine.

Sun Wuji sneered and made no secret of the disdain and mockery in his heart.

Xiao Lang's face was cold and cold.

As for Luo Zifei and others...

Seeing this pair of masters and disciples who did not conceal their killing intent at all, their hearts suddenly became extremely cold.

Face as gray as death!


Threaten Xiao Lang's true identity?


Luo Zifei did have such thoughts before, so just now, he directly identified Xiao Lang's identity, and his purpose was to bring pressure to Xiao Lang.

We know who you are!

You can't escape!

Even if you kill me, this news will definitely spread!

My master Luo Sheng will definitely not make you feel better! You will face a chase that may be the strongest in Lihuo World!

If you are an ordinary person, facing such a threat, you will definitely feel nervous and hesitate, and then hesitate or even give up. But the question is, is Xiao Lang really an ordinary person?


He is the Lord of Heaven!

Comparable to the existence of the Ninth Heaven level of Immortality!

Even if it is not as good as Luo Sheng, even if he can't beat the real Immortal Nine Heavens Powerhouse head-on, but his combat power absolutely no one can ignore.

What's more, in this battle, Xiao Lang broke through one after another and controlled three kinds of heavenly realms!

Enough to crush the high priest, and even force the latter to explode! Is this really just the strength of an ordinary Immortal Realm Nine Heavenly Powerhouse?

Do not!

He is even more terrifying!

Even if the news that he killed himself and others spread, I am afraid Penglai Wonderland would not dare to do anything to Xiao Lang.

The risk is too great!

Xiao Lang is a rising star, and Luo Zifei believes that once Xiao Lang goes out, Tianfu Palace knows how fast he can be promoted to become a Venerable Heavenly Dao, it will definitely be faster than Penglai Wonderland knows that he died by his hands!

Tianfu Palace will definitely protect him strictly. In this way, even if his master Luo Sheng wants to avenge himself, it is almost impossible.

Because in Tianfu Palace, there is also an existence similar to Dinghai Shenzhen——

Lord Blue Moon!

Will Master fight against Lord Blue Moon because he is a dead person?


Master has so many disciples, and I am only the most insignificant one...

Thinking of this, Luo Zifei only felt a bitterness in his mouth, staring at Xiao Lang blankly, his eyes were hollow. At this moment, his spiritual world was about to collapse.

Plus, he is Xiao Lang...

Of course Luo Zifei knows the importance of the primitive teleportation array to the big giants and what it means to the Lihuo Great World——

It means that the strength of the giants can be more flexible!

It means faster support and killing!

It also means that this time the battle of the real demon will be different from the previous ones, because they can completely use the primitive teleportation circle to tear the shackles between the two worlds and set the battlefield directly in the world of the devil!

As far as I know, Xiao Lang is the only one who has mastered it.

Even if his master Luo Sheng is really willing to do everything to kill him, can other giants really sit back and ignore it?



Thousands of words, combined into one sentence——


From that angle, he cannot successfully threaten Xiao Lang, and this means--

"I'm dying?"

Luo Zifei was stunned, his eyes blank, thinking about everything he had done since meeting Xiao Lang, his heart was full of regret and regret.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

and so--

"All killed!"

Sun Wuji waved his hand, his voice was as cold as iron.


Di Xianger and others, broke down!

"Do not!"

"You killed me, my Di family..."

"Please, I was wrong, let me go..."

Wailing all over the field.

However, how could these pleadings have any impact on Xiao Lang and Sun Wuji? The next moment, under the horrified gaze of Master Jie Yuan and the others, they only saw that behind Xiao Lang, a black shadow flashed by, and for a moment, it seemed that countless branches appeared...


There's no after that.

Luo Zifei and others disappeared in an instant. At the same time, behind Xiao Lang, there was a sour chewing sound. When Master Jie Yuan and others heard this sound, they suddenly felt a kind of fear from the depths of their souls.

Also immediately thought of the demon plant that had fought side by side with Sun Wuji before.

It turns out that it belongs to Xiao Lang!

He unexpectedly put Luo Zifei and others...

have eaten!


Even if they were used to seeing life and death, such a cruel scene appeared in their minds, and they still felt a tumbling in their stomachs. The Profound Master Tian and others didn't care about it. From a certain level, they weren't strictly speaking people, and they didn't have any dislike for this scene.

The same is true for Sun Wuji.

Looking at Xiao Lang's gaze, there was some approval.

Martial artist should be like this!

Killing decisively, no mercy!

However, when he saw the pale faces of Master Jie Yuan and others, he also knew that some necessary face-saving efforts were still needed, not for him and Xiao Lang, but for the Tianfu Palace.

Sun Wuji gave his hand to Master Jie Yuan, Qin Ming and Old Man Qing Mu, saying:

"Seniors have worked hard."

"This time, the matter has nothing to do with you, I will explain to Master."

"Even if the three of you don’t mind, when you go back this time, you can tell the upper level that I, Tianfu Palace, are willing to sign a wartime contract with the Buddha Kingdom, the Temple of War, and the Bloody Flower Tower to discuss major plans. Level teleportation circle..."

Sun Wuji glanced at Xiao Lang.

There is only Xiao Lang who knows the Primitive Teleportation Array now, and of course he still cares about Xiao Lang's suggestions.

Xiao Lang immediately understood and bowed his hands in salute:

"Listen to Master's arrangement."

Sun Wuji had a stronger smile on his face.

His apprentice is really good, so he gives him face.

Sun Wuji looked at Master Jie Yuan and others again, and smiled:

"My disciple's words, you have also heard it. For this upcoming battle, the importance of the primitive teleportation circle is clearer than you all know."

"For these words, you can also go back to the original and tell your high-level people, my Tianfu Palace, I will certainly welcome you to visit us!"

Tianfu Palace...

Do not!

Xiao Lang was actually willing to speak out about the primitive teleportation circle?

Jie Yuan and others were overjoyed when they heard this. For a while, they even forgot the nausea just now. They were excited, looked at Sun Wuji with great eyes, and nodded:

"No need to go back."

"We can confirm these and reach a cooperative relationship with Tianfu Palace!"

Master Jie Yuan and Qin Ming are both like this, but it is the old man Qingmu, who hesitated slightly, glanced at the empty side, and then nodded:

"Blood Flower Tower is also willing."

Sun Wuji was naturally very happy when he heard this, and immediately discussed the specific trends and prototypes of cooperation with Master Jie Yuan and others.

However, Xiao Lang frowned slightly when he noticed the movements of Old Man Aoki just now.

Just when he returned from the battlefield, he felt something was wrong, and now, he finally knew where the error came from——

"Where is Jin Jiu?"

Xiao Lang looked at Old Man Qingmu's side, where Jin Jiu should stand.

Jin Jiu, it's gone!

Where did he go?

Xiao Lang almost subconsciously explored his divine mind, covering a radius of a million miles, but the results of the investigation made him slightly stunned.

did not find?

In this moment, Jin Jiu went a million miles away?


Do not.

Of course, Jin Jiu's speed is not so fast.

In other words, his body does not have it, and it is far from reaching this level.

And there is only one reason left--

He has a secret technique that can escape the detection of Xiao Lang's spirit!


It is true.

Just when Xiao Lang wondered where Jin Jiu was going-

The battlefield where he and the high priest met was three hundred thousand miles away, in a valley.


The earth collapsed, revealing a big hole, and a **** figure crawled out of it. In the eyes that almost turned into skeletons, the blood was cold and filled with endless hatred.

"Li Qi!"

Sound like a beast!

If Xiao Lang were here, he would definitely discover that this was not the high priest who blew himself up in front of him and disappeared completely, but who was it?

He really wasn't dead, he was alive!

It's just that he didn't know what kind of secret technique he used, and he escaped Xiao Lang's divine consciousness tracking!


A mouthful of viscous blood was spit out from the high priest's mouth, and a deep pit was smashed into the ground. He still maintained the appearance of a skeleton, as if he was afraid that Xiao Lang would feel the same and did not dare to recover.

The breath is weak.

When the high priest slightly sensed his current state, he couldn't help but cross his eyebrows coldly, and his anger rose from his heart.

Origin, tear!

He felt that his body was like a big hole broken, the power of heaven and earth passed through it, most of which dissipated, and only a very small part was absorbed into his body.

The source is seriously damaged!

Almost on the verge of falling.


The high priest scolded, there was no obvious indifferent on his face, and the blood in his eyes was thicker, and he was furious.

The injury is too serious!

Although by chance this time he was promoted to the Venerable Heavenly Dao level by chance in the original land, no matter from which point of view, he had earned it, but the high priest understood the degree of his current state.

If he once fell, then in this life, I am afraid there is no hope to re-enter the level of Heavenly Dao Venerable!

"Go out, you must go out immediately!"

"But wait!"

The high priest did not lose his reason, just as he chose to blew himself under Xiao Lang's violent offensive, it was his most sensible choice.

Just as at this time.

The high priest's cursing sound suddenly stopped, and if he thought of something, his face was struggling, and suddenly, a hand plunged into his chest.

At the heart!


As if the sound of bone rubbing, when the high priest pulled out his hand again, there was already a fruit in the palm of his hand——

Blood red fruit!

It's like a bright red heart!

God fruit of the law!

In other words, the fruit of vitality and blood!

It represents one of the heritage of this world!

The high priest stared at it, the struggling color in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"I'm afraid I can't keep this thing!"

Xiao Lang, I am afraid he will become the master of this world!

If he really becomes the heir of the original owner and obtains the ownership of this world, by then, he may become extremely difficult even to hide his figure, let alone hold this fruit.

This magical fruit of the law is very likely to become a major flaw for him to expose himself!

Had to throw!

The high priest knew this very well, so his eyes quickly became firm, and his eyes burst out with a bitterness that made people dare not look straight.

"But... I can't get it, don't even think about it!"


The high priest suddenly raised his other hand, his five fingers fisted, and the blood under his eyes was like a wave.


He wants to smash this magic fruit!

Let Xiao Lang not get it either!

However, at the moment when he suddenly raised his hand, suddenly, he felt that there seemed to be something special on the mountain wall in front of him, he moved slightly and raised his head.

Suddenly, the high priest's face changed suddenly.


In front of the stone wall thousands of feet away, there was a person standing!

A blank face, a man in a golden robe--

Jin Jiu!

The missing Jin Jiu appeared here!


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