Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 732: I will always stay with you!

I am Qiu Shijie.

I am confused now...

This sentence is undoubtedly the most true portrayal of Qiu Shijie's heart.

Something happened!

He never expected that such an accident would happen to a disciple who was just guarding a Dzogchen in the Era Realm.

"Era Realm Great Perfection?"

Thinking of what Elder Lu Shuang said before he left, Qiu Shijie couldn’t help feeling a bitter in his mouth. When he swept away his mind, he noticed that there were a dozen people around him. Everyone had different injuries, even himself. There was also a faint pain in the body, apparently suffered a lot of internal injuries, and his face became more serious.

Now is not the time to express emotion.


"The power in her body has at least reached the fourth heaven of immortality!"

"Shoot together and suppress her!"

"Don't use your own power, use the array!"

Qiu Shijie's face became more serious.

He was the strongest of this group of people. After Elder Lu Shuang temporarily left, he was transferred here together to maintain the magic circle, but he didn't expect that such an accident would happen today.

The power in Ning Fu'er suddenly broke out, and they couldn't stop it!

It is indeed unstoppable.

Because even if he is the strongest of this group of people, he is only the five-star strongest venerable. The instant burst of combat power is equivalent to the immortal third heaven, but at that moment, Ning Fu'er suddenly The fluctuation of transpiration surpassed the fourth heaven of immortality, and almost reached the peak!

He can't stop it!

I'm afraid that everyone present can't add up!

too strong.

This power is beyond the limit they can resist!

Qiu Shijie’s only thought now is--


Drag it to Lu Shuang!

Other powerhouses can certainly perceive the fluctuations in this place and will not sit idly by.

it's the only way.


Can the circle really hold it?

Qiu Shijie's face turned pale when he thought of Ning Fu'er violently pouring out of his body, like the power of a volcanic eruption. At the moment when he was shocked, he noticed that the magic circle that assisted in suppressing Nymph's inner strength had been destroyed for the most part, and even if it could barely run, he could only exert its only strength.

Is this enough?

"Whether it's enough, it's on!"

Qiu Shijie had a cruel heart.

Must go!

out on a limb!

Especially, this is still in Dizi No.1 District, which is full of all kinds of evildoers and geniuses, which are their hope for the future of Tianfu Palace, and it is also the firewood of the battle between the right and the evil!

Not only Qiu Shijie thought of this, but also others. Immediately, his eyes widened, and the evil spirit of being benevolent without success came out endlessly, and the mighty aura rose to the sky, connecting into one piece, and he had to press it into the palace before him .

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly rang in their ears:

"Seniors please leave."

"Here, leave it to me."



Isn't it already divided into a restricted area, why are there still people?

As soon as the voice heard, Qiu Shijie and others were shocked and panicked.

Someone entered by mistake!

Isn't this looking for death?

In a hurry, no one even bothered to analyze the meaning of these two sentences. Only when Qiu Shijie heard this voice, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he did not take it seriously, and immediately turned his head. To scold:

"Where's the kid, get out of here, here..."

But, before he finishes his sentence--


Qiu Shijie watched as he saw a big colorful hand passing by his side, pressing it towards the palace in front of him with lightning speed!

This hand is not big.

There is no magnificence to obscure the sky, no surging aura

Dang, but as solid as a rock, like a moat, stopped between them and the golden light gushing from the palace.


The collision of the air machine is quite scary!

Even Qiu Shijie, the true five-star strongest venerable, felt suffocated. If he was caught in it, he might even die on the spot! However, under the isolation of the colorful big hand, they were so close at hand that they didn't even feel the slightest sound of the wind, as if this big hand carried a world and suppressed all the fluctuations!


What means is this!

"The Five Elements?"

Qiu Shijie was dumbfounded.

My Tianfu Palace, is there such a master who is good at the Five Elements?

I do not know how?

Don't wait for him to recover.


A thin figure suddenly passed by him, Qiu Shijie watched, he easily stepped into the colorful brilliance in front of him, only a familiar voice echoed in his ears:

"Uncle Qiu, thank you very much."

Uncle Qiu!

The familiar three words, the familiar tone, this time, it finally aroused a certain memory Qiu Shijie hid in his heart. It is very likely that it is also the deepest memory he has ever remembered in his life. Looking at the thin one in front of him The figure, his mouth opened to the extreme.

this is--

"Xiao Lang?!"

At this moment, the other people working with Qiu Shijie did not notice the astonishment on his face at all. They were all attracted by the sudden appearance of the figure. They were surprised to see that when he merged into the colorful brilliance ahead, A moment before walking to the gate of the palace.


In the main hall, the continuously dazzling golden light suddenly dimmed as if feeling something, and suddenly converged!

A soft moan of Ruoyouruowu came from it:




what happened?

Everyone, dumbfounded!

They are guarding here, not a day or two, it has been more than a month, and they are already familiar with the situation inside.

Surrounded by the magic circle, Ning Fu'er sat cross-legged, the golden glow that had just revealed from the hall just now came out of her, and they could only successfully defend by the magic circle.

But now--

Give Way?

The golden light in the main hall is giving way to this suddenly appeared figure?

Who is he?



The figure walked into the hall, the door of the hall seemed to be under his control and closed in response. All the previous changes seemed to have never happened before. If they hadn't experienced it just now, they even thought it was the illusion of themselves and others.

A disaster that almost broke out, just disappeared like this?

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Only at this time, someone finally vaguely remembered Qiu Shijie's exclamation just now.

It seems that it is a personal name?

"Master Qiu Xing?"

Everyone looked in surprise and tried to hear an explanation. However, to their surprise, Qiu Shijie had already got rid of the astonishment at this time and looked around in a hurry, as if looking for something.


He saw a knife that was also sluggish.

Qiu Shijie's eyes lit up suddenly.

He knows the knife.

Knowing the relationship between Xiaodao, Ning Fuer, and Xiao Lang, at this moment, it was like a drowning man finally caught the straw for life, rushing away.

"Little knife, was that Xiao Lang just now?"

"He is back?!"

Xiao Lang? !

It turned out to be him? !

Until then, everyone finally heard the specific name from Qiu Shijie's mouth, and at the same time they were shocked, their pupils opened wider.

To put it bluntly, after Qiu Shijie and others were rescued from Scarlet Yan two years ago, the name Xiao Lang has long become Tianfu

The highest level in the palace, the loudest name in the hearts of everyone who is qualified to know the truth about the Red Yan Star.

One is because of the primitive teleportation array.

Second, because of the courage shown by Xiao Lang's party!

There is no doubt that he is the hero of the entire Tianfu Palace!

It's a pity that he has disappeared since that time, and it is very likely that he has already fallen. Such a conjecture makes people inevitably sigh, that his fate is unfair, and his memory of Xiao Lang is even more profound.

And now...

He is back?

Back alive!

It's just his martial arts cultivation base and the combat power shown in that moment...

Everyone is confused.

Actually, the knife is the same.

He knew that Xiao Lang was very strong, and when he came back this time, he definitely had a huge improvement. But he didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so powerful!

In an understatement, all the trouble is eliminated!

Although most of the people present didn't know Xiaodao, he knew Qiu Shijie and even knew the latter's combat power and martial arts realm.

"Big Brother's strength unexpectedly surpassed the peak of the Four Heavens of Immortal Realm?"

Knife, dumbfounded.

Looking straight at him, Qiu Shijie, who almost fell on him, had only the instinct to nod.

There was dead silence everywhere.

In the hearts of everyone, the only colorful hand that Xiao Lang had just downplayed just now was deeply imprinted on their hearts, and they could never forget it.


It is too strong!

"In just two years, he actually..."

Qiu Shijie thought of the young man who was sitting in front of him two years ago. He sighed again and again, and couldn't help thinking of one of his own sons. Suddenly he had the urge to scold his mother...


at this time.

Of course Xiao Lang didn't know that his instinctive shot would cause such a big impact outside.

Mainly a mind shock.

Now he is full of nymphs.

Especially, when he heard Nymph’s call, his heart melted in an instant!


Entering the hall, the golden light dissipated.

At the first glance, Xiao Lang saw Nymph, who was sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes, sitting in the center of a badly damaged circle, looking so lonely.

Xiao Lang's eyes were instantly wet and red, and he stepped out, holding Nymph's little hand with one hand.

Little hands, cold.

Xiao Lang more instinctively felt the violent and chaotic power of Ning Fu'er's body. Immediately, without thinking about it, a ray of the power of the heavenly way of life entered.


The power inside Nymph finally calmed down.

But along with it is endless exhaustion!

"Brother, you finally... are back."

Soft and soft, just like chattering.

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, almost impulsive to tears, and he was about to respond in a hurry, but what was waiting for him was a continuous sound of breathing.

Nymph fell asleep!

It seems that she, who has been tortured by the violence of her body for several years, finally feels extremely peaceful at this moment, at the moment when she perceives Xiao Lang coming by her side, completely let go of the troubles in her heart, and fall asleep for the first time. go with.


The hot tears in Xiao Lang's eye sockets finally could no longer be controlled, and he got rid of the shackles of his eye sockets, rolled down, wet like two hands stuck together.


The worst case scenario did not happen!

Looking at Nymph's little face gradually regaining its brilliance, one of his hearts finally settled down completely, like a tight string, finally relaxing.

With a long sigh, there is endless nostalgia inside.

"Go to sleep."

"I will always stay with you!"

A whisper, if you swear clamorously, it will not be easy!


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