Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 733: Summon!

Xiao Lang is back.

Not many people know the news.

Sun Wuji knew, and Sovereign Lanyue knew, which meant that the upper levels of Tianfu Palace basically knew about it.

The knife knows.

Qiu Shijie also knew.

However, none of them had any intention to promote it.

"Today's all this, you all treat it as if you haven't seen it or understood it!"

Just like the order Qiu Shijie gave after confirming Xiao Lang's identity from the nod of the knife. In fact, according to the realm of martial arts cultivation, he certainly did not have the qualifications to order these powerful men like this.

Even if he was the former star owner of Red Yan Xing.

It is the absolute upper level of Tianfu Palace.

However, upon hearing his order, everyone couldn't help nodding their heads again and again, silently, with a serious expression.

Not only because of Qiu Shijie’s high prestige among them, but because—

This person is Xiao Lang!

Not to mention the level of Xiao Lang's current martial arts cultivation realm, the primitive teleportation array he represents can be regarded as the top secret of the Tianfu Palace!

No one knew that the primitive-level teleportation circle was passed on to Xiao Lang by Huang.

If Huang didn't tell him, naturally no one knew.

But even so, Qiu Shijie was still uneasy, and he gave everyone an order not to leave the Dizi No. 1 area at will during this period, and everyone still agreed without complaint.

At this moment, Qiu Shijie was truly relieved, turned his head and looked at the knife, was about to say something, but quickly gave up.

He also wanted to warn Xiaodao and others.

But is this really necessary?

To say that in the entire Tianfu Palace, who least wants Xiao Lang to have an accident, it must be Xiaodao them.

But even so--


"During this time, I will live next to you."

Qiu Shijie didn't mean to wait here, because no one knew when Xiao Lang would come in this time.

Of course the knife is only a nod.

The other warriors were confused.

"Then we..."


Qiu Shijie flicked his arm out of anger:

"Do you think he is here, does it make sense for us to be here? Or do you still want to go in and listen to what they are saying?"

The questioner showed a blank face, and set up Hua Guang to flee, unable to answer the question.


that's it.

Qiu Shijie lived by the courtyard of Xiaodao et al., twelve hours a day, looking out towards the direction of Houshan all day long.

As for the knife, after he returned, he told everyone about the short-lived things that had happened in the back mountain, and he drew everyone's exclamations, surprised at Xiao Lang's strength.

And then……

There's no after that.

They did have a lot to ask Xiao Lang, especially his experience and growth over the years.

The same goes for Qiu Shijie.

However, Xiao Lang didn't come out at all, what else could they ask?

In a blink of an eye.

Three or five days passed like this.

Dizi No. 1 area remained as quiet as usual, and even became quieter under Qiu Shijie's secret control.

They were also curious as to what Xiao Lang and Nymph were talking about, but in fact, they didn't say anything.

Except for the title at the beginning.

Nymph has been sleeping.

She seemed too tired, and her mind was haggard. Now, beside her beloved, she can finally have a good rest.


Beauty is always short-lived.

On this day, Qiu Shijie looked at the back mountain as always and looked around, when he suddenly shook his body, as if he heard some sound, stood up with a look of surprise.

"Master summoned?"


He and Sun Wou-ki are brothers, and the master of the two is naturally the same——

The founder of Tianfu Palace is also the strongest.

Lord Blue Moon!

Master summoned, this is a big deal!

If it were normal, Qiu Shijie would definitely go straight away regardless of anything, but now, there was a clear hesitation on his face.

"Call Xiao Lang?"

Xiao Lang is in the hall with Nymph, now let’s disturb...

Although Qiu Shijie was entangled, in the end, Lord Blue Moon’s summons had the upper hand, his waist twisted, and the next moment he had already arrived at the Houshan Hall.

prior to.

Still tangled.

Just as Qiu Shijie's face flushed and he was about to knock on the door, suddenly--


The gate of the palace is opened!

A slender figure in a white robe appeared in front of him, Qiu Shijie was taken aback, and immediately overjoyed.

Xiao Lang!

He is out!

This was the first time Qiu Shijie saw him face-to-face since Xiao Lang returned, but Qiu Shijie couldn't help frowning at just one glance.

Something is wrong!

Even if he just passed by a few days ago and gave a glimpse, Qiu Shijie could see that Xiao Lang in front of him seemed to be different from him a few days ago.

Different temperament!

But specifically what is different... Qiu Shijie couldn't describe it.

Just when he was wondering--

"Uncle Qiu."

"You have something?"

Xiao Lang was the first to break the silence and also awakened Qiu Shijie. Now that Xiao Lang has come out, Qiu Shijie no longer feels embarrassed, and immediately said:

"Master, I want to see you."

Lord Blue Moon?

Xiao Lang raised his brows when he heard this, but his face was not too surprised.

This is normal.

If he knew that he was back, Lord Blue Moon didn't want to see him, that would be a strange thing. Xiao Lang knew that Sun Wuji had definitely told Lord Blue Moon about his current realm and strength.

To be honest, Lord Blue Moon can wait so many geniuses to see him, this patience is also excellent.

"it is good."

"Then let's go."

Xiao Lang walked down the hall. Behind him, the heavy door suddenly closed, but at the moment when the figure interlaced, Qiu Shijie was taken aback again, staring at the closed door blankly, revealing a trace of doubt.

"My eyes are blurred?"

"How do you feel that there is still Xiao Lang inside?"

Qiu Shijie looked at Xiao Lang who walked to his side and looked calm, his eyes were full of confusion, but in the end, he still didn't say anything and led the way.


It should be an illusion.

No matter how strong Xiao Lang is, it is impossible to condense his clone, right?

That is something that can only be done by the Lord of Heaven, or the power of martial arts cultivation to reach the seventh heaven of immortality.

Qiu Shijie stopped thinking about it, and focused on leading the way.


Don't dare to think further!

More than two years, less than three years, from the peak of Dzogchen in the Era Realm to the level of Venerable Heaven?

This is too crazy!

However, even Qiu Shijie didn't realize that when he and Xiao Lang met again this time, they never felt good about themselves for the first time.

They are like people of the same generation.



Two streamers pierced the sky and went straight into the sky!

The place where the Lord Lan Yue mainly summoned him was not in Tianfu City, but outside the Nine Clouds.

Xiao Lang was not surprised by this, and he followed Qiu Shijie closely with a calm expression.

Sovereign Blue Moon is the strongest in the entire Tianfu Palace, and also the most prestigious superpower. How could he live in Tianfu City?

Xiao Lang would be surprised if he was really in Tianfu City.

What's more, Xiao Lang had seen Lord Blue Moon once, and he was still quite curious about that mysterious space.


Suddenly, it has reached thousands of miles.

Qiu Shijie stopped abruptly, suspended in the void, bowed and bowed, holding a token in his hand, which was indeed the elder token representing his identity.

"The disciple Qiu Shijie, and his nephew Xiao Lang, met with Master Master."

A similar scene.

Xiao Lang discovered that Qiu Shijie's actions at this time were exactly the same as Sun Wuji's posture when he took him to meet the Blue Moon Sovereign for the first time, full of respect.


"come in."

Sovereign Blue Moon's voice sounded and followed.


The void bloomed with ripples, and a space portal opened quietly as if it existed here. Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank slightly.

He didn't even discover how this space portal appeared!

Even if he had a new perception and understanding of the power of space, even so, he didn't sense any power fluctuations before the portal was opened!

It is conceivable that the person who opened this door has reached an incredible level of control over the power of space, at least,

Not something Xiao Lang can compare now!

"Sovereign Blue Moon, are you practicing in one space?"

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed in his heart, but Xiao Lang's movements did not stop at all, following Qiu Shijie into it.


The power of the space passed by, and Xiao Lang only felt that his eyes lit up, and there was a hole in the door.


A bit shabby!

Here is a huge fighting arena, similar to the fighting arena Xiao Lang saw everywhere in Tianfu City, with green bricks and green tiles, nothing special.

I don't know why, when Xiao Lang stood here, he suddenly felt an inexplicable depression rise from his heart, as if from this moment on, his every move was under the gaze of a pair of eyes.

There are indeed eyes watching them.

And, more than one pair!

Xiao Lang, who was at the entrance of this martial arts arena, was shocked to see that in front of him, where the most core spectator seat was, he was seated in shock—

Hundreds of people!


Not too much!

Counting them down, a total of 127 people!

The leader, the smiling old man, who is not Lord Blue Moon?

Behind him--

Happy Lord!

Lord Furong!

When the Chi Yan Xing accident happened, the two great abilities who appeared beside the Blue Moon Sovereign were also among them, and they were the closest to him behind the Blue Moon Sovereign.

Even Sun Wuji can only be ranked around seventh.

From farther away, Xiao Lang also saw Liang Ping, whose eyes flashed with excitement.

this is……

what happened?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

It's not that he hasn't seen any market, but that everything in front of him is really beyond his expectation. He thought this was just an ordinary call, but now—

It's not just him.

Qiu Shijie, who was more than half of his body, was also taken aback.

What a big battle!

These people in front of him, Xiao Lang knew very few, only a few, not even a slap, but how could he not know him?

But because of this, he was even more surprised!

"Master, this..."

Qiu Shijie couldn't help asking questions, and at this moment, Lord Xiaoyao waved his hand and greeted:

"Come on, Shijie, sit down first."

Sovereign Xiaoyao pointed to a certain edge of the seat, Qiu Shijie instinctively followed the order and walked over until he sat half of his **** in the position before realizing that Xiao Lang had not moved.

Xiao Lang was still stunned, not knowing the situation.


Lord Blue Moon smiled and spoke.

"Okay, the Lord has arrived."

"Now, you can give the gifts you prepared."


Xiao Lang froze for a moment, before he could react, suddenly, Lord Xiaoyao stood up:

"Hahaha, I'm here to start with!"

As he said, Monarch Xiaoyao waved his hand--


A huge spirit boat appeared in the open space in the center. Immediately, a heavy pressure swept the audience, and even Xiao Lang couldn't help his eyes shrink.

What a strong source of power!

"This is a spirit boat that I built by breaking through and achieving the peak of the Nine Heavens in the Immortal Realm in the past, drawing on the power of the divine pond, and blocking the full blows of warriors of the same rank.

"Now, this spirit boat is useless to me, just give it to you!"

Same level?

100 hits?

Xiao Lang was like a pie falling from the sky, hitting his head directly, dumbfounded!

When building this spirit boat, Lord Xiaoyao was already the Ninth Heaven of Immortal Realm. Doesn't this mean that this spirit boat can resist the full blow of the Immortal Realm Nine Heavens Power?


What sort of spirit boat is this!

Xiao Lang was shocked.

For a while, he couldn't even think about why Lord Lanyue, Lord Xiaoyao and others should give him such a treasure, and realized a more important question——

Sovereign Xiaoyao said, he doesn't need this spirit boat anymore...

Doesn't this mean that his current strength has surpassed the peak of the Nine Heavens in the Immortal Realm?

he is……

Creation Realm?

The original god? !


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