Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 734: Congratulations from the Tianfu Palace!

What level is Xiaoyao Monarch?

Xiao Lang was startled by the martial art realm revealed by Emperor Xiaoyao inadvertently.

On the other hand, other people didn't seem to have any special reactions to the self-reporting of Emperor Xiaoyao. Smiling faces came into view, and the laughter remained the same.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiaoyao, your shot is amazing, even Xiaoyao Feizhou has been sent out, which makes us brothers a bit unable to take a shot."

"Tsk tusk, Brother Xiaoyao still has something, worthy of being called Duobao Daojun. It seems that we have to bleed too!"

They were talking about bleeding, but in fact they laughed very happily, and the eyes looking at Xiao Lang were more applauded and cheerful.

The Emperor Xiaoyao smiled and raised his arm. Immediately, a pure and flawless jade pendant flew towards Xiao Lang. At the same time, the huge spirit boat also turned into a palm size and flew together.

Xiao Lang subconsciously took it in his hands.


"You guys."

"My eldest brother has told you in advance that you are ready. I know that the news of Xiao Lang's return is not much earlier than that of you. I am all ready. If the things you bring out are too poor to satisfy me, I am I want to curse!"

Monarch Xiaoyao pretended to be angry and responded to the laughing crowd.

Everyone laughed more intensely.

"Hahaha, then you must not be ashamed of Xiaoyao!"

"Come on, little brother Xiao Lang, when we meet for the first time, it's disrespectful. I heard that you are quite accomplished in the Thunder System. These are the three Heavenly Thunder Bamboos that I have spent a lot of effort to find in recent years. Accept it!"

Before he could finish his words, an old man in a purple robe stood up in the crowd and waved his big hand. Three bamboos full of purple like jade flew directly. Xiao Lang felt that the rich thunder attribute was the origin of it. Power, flashing countless thunder lights in the void.

Even the power of the thunder attribute in his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

good stuff!

Although I don't know what thunder bamboo is this day and what exactly it does, Xiao Lang can still easily distinguish it. This is definitely a rare treasure!


Just a gift?


Xiao Lang was dumbfounded.

To be honest, from the first moment he came in, he was stunned. Unexpectedly, there are so many people here. Unexpectedly, I received such a gift when I came.

Don't know how to deal with it for a while.

However, before he could respond, the old man had already sat down, and a middle-aged man who looked like a scholar stood up from his seat, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, flipped his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand and flew towards Xiao Lang. .

Still teasing:

"Brother Liu's gift is good, three heavenly thunder bamboos, if used properly, it should be no problem to build a magic weapon. But now that Xiao Lang brother has just been promoted, these foreign objects may not be usable immediately. on."

"But my ten thousand-year-old stalactite is different. With just one drop, you can restore all of your current divine power, brother. It is the creation of heaven and earth. These ten thousand-year-old stalactites, even if I gave you my little brother, Let’s meet."

The stalactite!

Recovery, all power!

Xiao Lang's eyes trembled when he heard this, and his heart trembled.

He is not a rookie who has just entered the world of cultivation now, how can he not discern the power of this stalactite?

Holy medicine for healing!

More importantly, from the words of the middle-aged man, he heard it shockingly that these people seemed to have known their martial arts cultivation.

This is really not a secret, and it will be revealed sooner or later, because when he was promoted to the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, Jie Yuan and others were also on the sidelines, and they couldn't hide it.

Even the Lord of Heaven, can he restore all his divine power in an instant?

Even if Xiao Lang mastered the power of the heavenly path of life, and in terms of recovery ability, he was definitely not under the nine layers of the immortal body, but this gift still surprised Xiao Lang.

Too expensive!

This is an instant recovery!

Even if it is the life force of Heaven, it does not possess this characteristic!

"This...too expensive!"

"younger generation……"

At this moment, Xiao Lang finally recovered a bit, looking at the precious resources or flying boats floating in front of him, waved his hands repeatedly.

The battle in front of him really made him a little flustered.

At this moment, Sun Wuji in the crowd suddenly walked out with a smile on his face.

"Accept it."

"These are all meeting gifts for you brothers, and I hope you can be on the road of martial arts

Going farther and farther, surpassing them. And you are totally worthy of these gifts. "

"you deserve this."


Xiao Lang looked at Sun Wuji in surprise.

Sun Wuji explained with a smile:

"It's not just you. Every one of us will do it this way."

this is……

The benefits of being promoted to the **** of heaven or the immortal realm nine heavens?

Xiao Lang looked at the smiling people on the seats in surprise, and finally understood a little bit, but still could not suppress the excitement and surging in his heart.

There is no other reason.

These gifts are too expensive!

Perhaps it is to see his hesitation.

"Hahaha, my little friend, just accept it."

"By the way, don't call us any predecessors anymore. When we reach our level, we are all considered brothers, even your master. As for you, we have different opinions."

"Come on, this is a gift from our Xiangshan Wuxiong, my little friend quickly accept it."


The voices of people were noisy, and in the midst of laughter and persuasion, more and more gifts were piled up in front of Xiao Lang, and they even looked a little messy. Everyone urged Xiao Lang to put it away.

Xiao Lang glanced at Sun Wuji, the latter nodded lightly, and then he sent them into the storage ring one by one, even if he didn't even recognize many of them.

However, absolutely all are rare treasures!

"Thank you all...seniors for the gift!"

Xiao Lang bowed his waist deeply.

For a while, he still failed to change his name, but at this time, no one was too entangled with this, and he would get used to it gradually.

"Oh, these gifts of ours, compared with your contribution to my Tianfu Palace, my little friend, are really a drop in the bucket."

"These gifts can only show our sincerity, I hope you don't mind, little friend."

Happy to send.

Those who accept it are also happy.

It's fun.

But, of course not everyone is like this. In the seats, there are still many people watching this scene blankly, including Qiu Shijie!

Qiu Shijie was dumbfounded.


How is this going?

Why did no one notify me?

Seeing that so many people have given out gifts, and he, the person who was rescued by Xiao Lang from Chi Yan Xing, was not told to make any preparations, Qiu Shijie was a little fidgety for a while.

This is not compliant!

He suddenly sat up from his seat.

"Master, I... You didn't tell me to prepare a gift?"

He finally couldn't help it.

However, before Lord Lanyue had any response, Lord Xiaoyao who was standing beside him glanced at him and smiled.

"Hahaha, no need."

"What decent gift can your kid bring out? Little Brother Xiao Lang is already a Venerable Heavenly Dao. Even if you take it out, Little Brother Xiao Lang probably won't be able to appreciate it."

"If you want to repay your kindness, just like Liang Ping's kid, cultivate those people brought by Xiao Lang's little brother."

Monarch Xiaoyao is talking about Xiaodao and others.

In fact, he didn't need to remind him, Qiu Shijie did the same, otherwise this time, he would not take the initiative to ask to guard Nymph after Elder Lu Shuang left.

But now, is this what makes him care?


Venerable Heaven!

What did I hear just now?

Venerable Heaven?

Xiao Lang, is he the Lord of Heaven?

Qiu Shijie was completely stunned. This is of course not because he questioned the words of Emperor Xiaoyao, but it was precisely because he did not question that he was dumbfounded.

When did Xiao Lang attain the position of Lord of Heaven?

What the **** is going on!

You know that Xiao Lang only showed the strength of the strongest two-star and three-star venerable more than two years ago. At that time, it was already shocking enough, but now--

"In more than two years, from the strongest three-star Venerable to... Venerable Heaven?"

Qiu Shijie was stupid.

What kind of speed is this?

Are you flying?

At the seat, Qiu Shijie was not the only one who was dumbfounded. Obviously, there are still many people who don’t know Xiao Lang’s current martial arts cultivation skills, or guessed after seeing the previous scene.

But when I heard the confirmation from the lord of Xiaoyao, they were still stunned, and they couldn't calm down.

too frightening!

In fact, let alone them, even everyone who had given gifts before heard Qiu Shijie's exclamation.

They didn't know much about Xiao Lang. At the beginning, they only knew that the Primitive Teleportation Array came from his hands. Then, this time they got the voice of Lord Blue Moon, so they hurried to prepare gifts.

Less than three years.

From Samsung’s strongest venerable to heavenly venerable!

This Nima is broken!

The only people off the court who are still normal, I am afraid that there are only Sun Wuji, Lord Lanyue, Lord Xiaoyao and others. They already knew Xiao Lang's experience.

But it is precisely because of this that one cannot help but sigh.

"Hey, let alone you, even I can't think of it."

With a sigh, the sound was not too loud, but it awakened everyone present, thinking that it was not someone else who was speaking at this time, but Lord Blue Moon!

The eyes gathered on the Lord of Blue Moon.

He looked at Xiao Lang deeply with emotion on his face:

"Thirty years ago, Wuji brought you to come to me, in order to solve the catastrophe of your body, as if it was yesterday. Ever wondered, today, you have grown to such a level."

"Old man, I can't help but look away!"

Sovereign Lan Yue sighed, the sound was not loud, but at this moment of silence, it was no different from a spring thunder, which exploded directly in the hearts of everyone, looking at Xiao Lang in amazement.

Xiao Lang, the catastrophe!

Thirty years ago!

They all came from the weak and small. No one is born immortal. Of course, they understand when a warrior will encounter the disaster of Huadao.

The peak of Dzogchen in the world!

When you break into the Era Realm!

Xiao Lang survived tenaciously?

And it took only thirty years to become the Lord of Heaven?

Everyone is shocked.

Moreover, the news was even more shocking than they heard that Xiao Lang broke through from the three-star strongest venerable level to the heavenly venerable in just over two years.


In their hearts, this is almost a mortal disaster!

Xiao Lang actually resisted it!

How can this be?

And listening to the meaning of Lord Lanyue's words, he didn't offer any help to Xiao Lang?

Everyone was shocked and understood what the Lord Blue Moon meant at this time.

It is guilt.

It's another kind of apology.

However, it cannot be said that Lord Blue Moon did something wrong.

No one is wrong.

Huadao disaster catastrophe! Nearly fate!

Even if Lord Blue Moon seems to be the most powerful existence in the Lihuo Great World, how can he resist the power of fate?

If it were them, they would probably make the same decision.


When Sun Wuji saw this, he immediately stood up and comforted Lord Blue Moon. But the latter raised his hand to stop him, and looked at Xiao Lang with a deeper smile:

"Of course, that was the past, since it has passed, there is no need to mention it again."

"Today is the day when you go home, and it is also the day when the big guys in Tianfu Palace really know you. You are even more of a Promise disciple. The old man has prepared a gift for you.

A gift from Lord Blue Moon!

What would it be?

Immediately, everyone around was full of curiosity.

In the history of Tianfu Palace, there have not been many things like today, because Tianfu Palace did not have many immortal realm nine layers of existence, but there have been.

Lord Blue Moon basically won't give out any gifts.

But this time, he made an exception.

Everyone is naturally curious.

Under everyone's gaze, Sovereign Blue Moon flipped his wrist, and immediately, a bright stone the size of an eyeball appeared in the palm of his hand.

Transparent stone.

It looks quite ordinary.

However, when Lord Blue Moon took it out and displayed it in front of everyone, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that the surrounding area suddenly became silent, and the needle dropped!


An exclamation broke the peace.

"The Crystal of the World!"


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