Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Shame

Xiao Lang didn't understand the value of magic stones. He thought that since he needed ten magic stones to enter the city, he would only have one or two magic stones at most for a meal, right? Even if this young man eats well, hundreds of phantom stones will be the best, right?

He didn't expect that this young man would ask for more magic stones than he imagined for a meal, not 30,000, nor 300,000!

It's three million!

As the first person in the Divine Soul Continent, the Divine Soul City Lord only has tens of thousands of phantom stones on his body. This son needs three million phantom stones for a meal?

Xiao Lang felt that he had really become a hillbilly. With more than ten dollars in his arms, he entered a five-star hotel and ordered a table of abalone and shark fin. The waiter told himself that this table would cost tens of thousands of yuan...

Looking at the faintly sweeping mocking gazes around, looking at the glamorous young man's seemingly non-smiling eyes, looking at the jokes of the pretty woman, looking at the waiter's ridiculous expression, Xiao Lang felt a hot flush on his face, and felt he was People slapped countless slaps.

"Yaaah, this horrible place is going to eat people alive!"

Xiao Lang couldn't get off the stage a bit, he was extremely embarrassed, but his face still pretended that nothing happened, but he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"Guest, if there is no other need, I will go down first."

The waiter's patience was polished, and he spoke indifferently, and his name changed from "adult" to "guest officer", turning around and going down.

"and many more!"

Xiao Lang suffocated his heart, gritted his teeth and spoke again. When the messenger turned around, his eyes flashed and said, "Is there a place selling treasures nearby? I'll change some magic stones. I didn't bring enough magic stones to go out this time!"

"Hehe, the castle on the opposite side is the largest trading market in Longqi Island. The guest officer can go there to replace some magic stones!"

The waiter said indifferently, the meaning in his eyes was extremely obvious. From his point of view, Xiao Lang was the kind of person with a stiff beak. What treasure could he have with this strength? It's just looking for a step down.

Xiao Lang immediately got up and walked outside. Before he walked out of the gate, there was a burst of laughter in the hall. Obviously, this good show made the guests inside add some jokes.

"Damn, this face is ashamed!"

Xiao Lang touched his nose and walked into the huge castle opposite, but in his heart he didn't think he would have a chance to find it back. He really didn't have many treasures, only some combat skills secrets and weapon armors in the Divine Soul City Lord and Jiakun Xumi Ring. The most expensive estimate is the hook-like weapon in Master Qi's ring and the awesome combat skills. But Xiao Lang doesn't think these things can be worth three million magic stones together...

This castle is several times larger than that hotel, and the first floor is extremely spacious, and there are many powerful people of various races inside. Xiao Lang could sense that there were countless powerful kings inside, and there were also a few powerful people in the human emperor realm. On the contrary, there were few pitiful warriors in the realm of living beings. He was a little ashamed to find that his strength was the lowest in the hall...

There were shops all around, with countless strange things on display. Xiao Lang looked around curiously just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. Finally, I chose one of the largest shops and walked in. Because he observed that there are countless strong men who choose to sell their treasures to this shop.

"Hello, welcome to Longyuan Pavilion. Sir, do you need it? Do you want to buy something or sell something?"

A beautiful woman with pointed ears greeted her, with a sincere smile on her face. She was not underestimated by Xiao Lang's low strength in ordinary clothes, and her attitude was several times better than that of the hotel messenger.

"Well, I need to sell some treasures!"

Xiao Lang said indifferently, and the maid immediately took him to one of the countless small halls to one side. There was also an old man waiting there. Seeing the maid walking with Xiao Lang, she did not speak but nodded politely at Xiao Lang. The maid pointed to the old man and said: "Please take out your treasure, my lord, this is one of the appraiser of our Longyuan Pavilion, and will give you a reasonable price!"

Xiao Lang hesitated, took out one of the combat skills from Jiakun Xumijie and threw it away. The old man took it and swept away at will, and said: "Huang Pin attack type combat skills, the price is a magic stone!"

"A magic stone?"

Xiao Lang thought he had heard it wrong, blinked his eyes, and after getting the confirmation from that person, he withdrew his combat skills in an unspoken manner. After pondering for a moment, he asked in confusion, "What is the yellow rank? How does this combat skill distinguish the ranks?"

The old man and the maid froze for a while, but did not show too many surprises. The old man explained: "The level of combat skills and treasures in this world are all the same. They are divided into four ranks of heaven and earth mysterious yellow, the best of heaven and the second lowest of yellow. Why is the place where you are not distinguished like this, son?"

Xiao Lang smiled and didn't explain, but once again took out one of the combat skills from God Soul City Lord Sumi Jie, which looked very good, and threw it away.

This combat technique seems to be a bit special, the old man watched it several times and then said: "Although this combat technique is also Huang Pin, but it is a bit special, it is actually mixed with soul attacks? I can give you five hundred phantoms. Stone price!"

"There are only five hundred phantom stones mixed with soul attacks..."

Xiao Lang was depressed. It seemed that this combat skill was very worthless. With a turn of his eyes, he took out the strange hook weapon from Master Qi Xumijie and gave it to the old man.

The old man's eyes lit up, and a burst of white energy emerged from his hand into the weapon. In an instant this weapon lit up, emitting a breathtaking light and aura, bluffing Xiao Lang for a moment. Didn't expect this weapon to be so awesome?

The old man nodded with satisfaction: "This is a profound-grade weapon, it is still the best. It can increase some attack power. I can give you 100,000 magic stones with this weapon!"

"One hundred thousand..."

Xiao Lang was shocked, Master Qi's things were really good. But thinking of a meal over there, the son ate three million and he sighed. This weapon looks awesome, it's worth this magic stone...

Xiao Lang didn't plan to sell the weapon anymore. It was useless if he wanted the magic stone. This weapon might be able to increase his strength under his own research. He pondered for a moment and then said, "Do you have any... black stones for sale?"

The old man said proudly: "Hehe, black stones are naturally there. Our Longyuan Pavilion is a well-known large-scale chamber of commerce in Tianzhou. Basically everything is sold, even if the sky-rank combat skills are available. Do you want to buy black stones?"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked, "How do you sell profound stones? Is it also bought with magic stones?"

Regarding Xiao Lang's idiotic question, the old man did not take a damn, and explained with a good attitude: "The magic stone is the currency of this world. As long as there is magic stone, you can buy anything. In fact...the black stone is also the currency of circulation, but the black stone More advanced. A profound stone is equivalent to 100 million phantom stones. Um...I mean the lowest-level Huang-Rank profound stone!"

"A hundred million magic stones?"

There are black lines on Xiao Lang's forehead, why is the profound stone so valuable? Or the lowest-level Huang Pin Xuanshi? He turned his eyes a few times, compared it with his fingers, and asked for confirmation: "Is the Huangpin Profound Stone this big?"

Seeing the old man nodded, Xiao Lang was even more shocked. He refined three profound stones. The rice-sized profound stones were actually Huang-Rank profound stones, which was equal to 100 million magic stones!

A yellow grade combat skill, a magic stone, a very mighty mysterious weapon, and only one hundred thousand magic stones. The smallest mysterious stone is worth 100 million phantom stones!

Xiao Lang came to Tianzhou to obtain profound stones. He thought that he could easily obtain three profound stones in the Soul Continent. It would be easier to obtain them here, right?

Unexpectedly, the profound stone is so expensive. It is estimated that all of my belongings have been sold, and there are no hundreds of thousands of magic stones. It is simply a fantasy to buy a profound stone.

And it seems that he needs ten times more profound stones to cultivate the celestial demon combat skills?

Xiao Lang's head was too big to think about it. Without a profound stone, by relying on the combat skills of the heavenly devil, how long and how long would he have to cultivate to break through the realm of kings?

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