Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 95: Pride

Xiao Lang wanted to ask some other information, such as how far is Tianzhou right now? It’s just that I don’t want to sell things, and I can’t afford them, so I’m sorry.

As he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something and asked again: "I have a Sumeru Ring, but there are soul marks of other people in it, which cannot be opened. I don't know if your pavilion can be opened? I can pay. Some compensation!"

The old man said politely: "This is easy to handle, please hand over the Xumi Jie, I have a way to easily break it for you! You only need to pay a thousand magic stones."

Xiao Lang immediately took out Miss Qi's Xumijie. This is a young lady from the Black Scale family. There should be some good things in it, right? Although a thousand phantom stones are expensive, but for the treasures in it, they are also worth it. It's a big deal to sell some weapons of combat skills.

Xumijie was handed to the old man's hand, and a white light flashed in his hand. As soon as the light flashed, the old man returned Xumijie to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang immediately infused a trace of profound energy with a little nervousness, refined Xumi Jie, and began to explore the contents inside.

"Black stone, there must be a black stone!"

He prayed secretly in his heart, but after his thoughts were swept away, he became depressed, and there was still no profound stone in it. Although there is no profound stone, what surprised him is that there are countless magic stones inside.

Miss Qi's Xumijie is obviously very advanced, and the space inside is hundreds of times larger than Master Qi's Xumijie. It's as big as a few football fields. In the space of Xumijie, there is a corner filled with magic stones, like a big mountain, Xiao Lang casually estimated that there are at least ten million magic stones!

"Hey, I made a small fortune! You really deserve to be a lady of a big family!"

Xiao Lang grinned, took out a thousand magic stones and gave them to the old man. The old man does not have the slightest discoloration. Obviously this kind of taking other people's Xumijie is very common.

Xiao Lang was a little bit delighted when he got tens of millions of magic stones by accident. Although he was far less than the amount of profound stones he bought, he was rich and confident.

He was ready to ask carefully about things that he didn't dare to ask. The old man's attitude was surprisingly good, and he knew everything he could say. He opened the mouth and said: "Do you have a map near the Soul Sea? How many magic stones do you need?"

He had obtained a map from Xu Mi Jie, the Lord of the Soul, but it was very crude and completely incomprehensible. The old man smiled and nodded and said: "There are naturally maps, not to mention nearby maps, but the entire world map. Xiao Yi went to get a map of Soul Sea."

The maid walked in and soon came in and handed Xiao Lang a jade slip. Xiao Lang picked it up strangely. After looking at it, he couldn't find the map, but the old man explained with a smile: "The young man's mind locks the jade slip, and you can see the map!"

Xiao Lang immediately locked the jade slip, and he saw a huge map with islands in the Soul Sea. There are millions of large and small islands, and the crowds are dazzling. Each island is marked with a name, and nearby areas are marked with a name.

This map was extremely magical. Mind locked on an island, the map immediately zoomed in, and Xiao Lang quickly watched it carefully, first looking for the location of Longqi Island.

"There are actually countless domains near the Divine Soul Continent?"

Xiao Lang quickly found the Soul Continent, swept aside nearby, and finally found Longqi Island. He felt a little depressed, and it was not too far for Longqi Island to leave the Soul Continent. Proportionally, if he goes to Tianzhou, he has only walked a tenth of the distance now!

"Well, how many magic stones is this map? I bought it!"

Xiao Lang mentally quit Yujian very satisfied. With this map, he won't get lost and can follow the map to Tianzhou.

The old man smiled and said: "This map needs a million magic stones!"


After asking for a tenth of his wealth, Xiao Lang felt a little painful, but he could only grit his teeth and pay the magic stone. A pile of magic stones were taken out, and the old man immediately put away, the smile on his face became more intense.

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed and asked, "Is there any teleportation formation on Longqi Island? Can I go directly to Tianzhou?"


The old man's answer made Xiao Lang's spirits shocked. Although he had a chariot, even if there were no dangers along the way, it would take at least half a year to arrive. It would be best if there is a teleportation array to transmit directly.

It's just the old man's next sentence that completely killed Xiao Lang's thoughts: "Each teleportation formation needs one profound stone, and if you want to go to Tianzhou, you need ten yellow grade profound stones!"

Profound stone is what Xiao Lang wants most now, let alone not, even if he has it, he can't bear to sit in the teleportation formation, ten profound stones are enough for him to cultivate to the battle sacred realm and even break through the kings realm.

"The son!"

Just as Xiao Lang was pondering, the old man suddenly said: "If you want to go to Tianzhou, you can take the fleet to go together, and you only need to pay some magic stones. Those fleets are basically businessmen, many of them are Those who are willing to take passengers. There are usually strong men in the fleet, and it is safe all the way!"

The old man's words reminded Xiao Lang of the iron ships outside the city, which turned out to be caravans. He pondered for a moment and felt that although the speed of walking with the fleet was slower, it was indeed much safer. Hurriedly said to the old man: " to get on board, do you take the initiative to find it and ask?"

The old man smiled and shook his head: "No, we have an intermediary business in Longyuan Pavilion. I can ask someone to check for you, if there is any fleet going to Tianzhou recently!"

"Okay!" Xiao Lang nodded. This Long Yuan Pavilion looked extremely magnificent. There were many people going in and out of transactions. Xiao Lang was relieved, and he felt that the old man did not harm him.

The maid left immediately, and came back a moment later to report: "My lord, ten days later, there is a large fleet of Nanya Island coming over. They are all the way to Tianzhou!"

"How many magic stones are needed?" Xiao Lang immediately asked excitedly.

The maid respectfully said: "Their fleet takes guests and needs to deliver 500,000 magic stones. Our Longyuan Pavilion has to charge 50,000 magic stones for agency fees!"

"It's so black!"

Xiao Lang muttered in his heart, and quickly took out the magic stone, and the maid sent a token to explain that Xiao Lang would come here ten days later, and someone would take him aboard.

Xiao Lang asked about something again and got up and left, planning to find a place to stay for ten days. Walking out of the castle, Xiao Lang looked around. It seemed that there was only a hotel opposite, and he could only walk inside again.

"Guest, are you back again? What do you need?"

Xiao Lang walked in, and when the waiter saw that it was him, his face suddenly became cold. The contemptuous expression in his eyes clearly expressed a meaning, why are you a country guy coming back?

There were still a lot of guests who hadn't left. At this moment, seeing Xiao Lang coming, they all smiled, their expressions mocking. The noble son even laughed with the pretty lady in a low voice, and his eyes were full of teasing.

Seeing the playful color in the pretty lady's eyes, Xiao Lang suddenly rushed into his head.

Isn’t it three million magic stones?

This magic stone is currently useless for him, and he snorted boldly: "According to the recipe I just ordered, give me two copies, one to eat now, one to take away!"

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