Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 96: pirate

The waiter was obviously frightened, and the people in the hall who knew the situation just now were also dumbfounded. There was a trace of amazement in the eyes of the noble boy, and the beautiful lady Cherry opened her mouth and was shocked.

The pretty lady knows very well that even with the status of this noble prince, these three million meals can't be afforded at any time. If it were not for pursuing her, this young man would never be so extravagant.

Now this hillbilly goes out for a circle, but when he comes back he has to take two copies?

Six million magic stones!

However, everyone's shock only lasted for a second, and all turned into suspicion. The waiter obviously didn't believe it and asked, "Guest, are you sure there are so many magic stones?"

"Slow wordy, are you afraid that my son will not be able to eat the Overlord's meal?"

Xiao Lang sneered and sat down straight on the stone table. The waiter was still a little uncertain. After all, six million magic stones were not a small number. If Xiao Lang didn't have magic stones, he would be punished even if he killed Xiao Lang. of.

After hesitating for a while, the waiter finally gritted his teeth and said: "My lord, can you prepay some magic stones!"

Everyone in the hall also glanced over, three million a meal of wine and food is not something ordinary people can eat, this person needs two more...

"call out!"

Xiao Lang was angry. Today, I finally saw what makes a dog look low. At the moment, Xu Mijie keeps shining, and piles of magic stones fly out, directly burying the waiter inside...

Looking at the waiter who was dazzled by the colorful magic stone and crawled out in fear, Xiao Lang said coldly: "Is it enough for six million? Isn't it enough for the master to give you one hundred thousand?"

The audience was shocked, looking at a pile of illusion stones like a mountain, countless guests who had mocked Xiao Lang just now became ashamed. Although Xiao Lang had elements of vindictiveness and richness today, he actually slapped them in the face once. The six million phantom stones can be taken out by a few strong players, but with six million to fight, I am afraid that no one has this confidence, even if the expensive man dare not play like this...

Xiao Lang's original status as a country boy suddenly changed in the eyes of everyone, thinking that he was the big family prince who got out of him, and he could get six million phantom stones after a round trip. Who except the big family prince had this ability?

People fight for a breath, Buddha fights for a stick of incense.

Xiao Lang didn't care about so much, the magic stone was equal to money, and he had never regarded money very seriously. He always thought that the money was enough, the energy contained in the magic stone itself was too low, and the exchange for the profound stone was too much difference, Xiao Lang simply used it to breathe out a bad breath.

"call out!"

A tall man rushed to the inner hall, slapped the waiter, knocked the waiter's face crooked, and crashed to the ground. This man is obviously a manager. Xumijie quickly put away the illusion stone in his hand, and he nodded and smiled at Xiao Lang flatly: "This young man is calm and has no way of discipline. This **** has offended the young man. Please Haihan, I will punish him well later!"

"Come on, get ready, hungry!"

Xiao Lang waved his hand indifferently. This middle-aged steward had been watching outside in the inner hall. How could he not know what was going on outside? It looks like this now, where did you go? The upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked, and Xiao Lang was too lazy to care.

The middle-aged steward took the waiter down, and the hall returned to calm. The noble son's expression was obviously a little unnatural, but the pretty lady was circling light, not glanced at Xiao Lang's side.

"What kind of world..."

Xiao Lang sneered secretly. Although the outside world was vast and boundless, its essence was the same as that of the Soul Continent, the reality was extremely cruel. Without strength, financial power, power, dogs are not as good.

The dishes came quickly. There were more than a dozen dishes of delicacies, all of which Xiao Lang had never seen before. He ignored the eyes of everyone and started eating and drinking. The action was rude and everyone looked at each other.

The dishes of 3 million Magic Stones taste good, and Xiao Lang has not eaten hot food for so long. It wasn't until the stomach was completely overwhelmed that he walked lazily towards the stairs.

The second floor is the place to stay. Xiao Lang spent 10,000 Magic Stones for a medium-sized room and walked in under the leadership of a maid.

The rooms are a set, some of them are very luxurious, even more luxurious than the Yunfeiyang palace. Xiao Lang didn't care about these things. He turned around and waited for the maid to pack up another serving of wine and food. He faced and hid it in his clothes. The magical beast Xiaobai in his sleeve grinned and said: "Go eat, I heard your drooling sound just now!"


Xiaobai jumped out happily, turned into a donkey, and started to eat. If the people on the first floor knew that Xiao Lang’s package of three million dishes was actually for a donkey, I’m afraid all of them would fall out of surprise, right?

Seeing Xiao Bai who was eating incredibly fragrantly, Xiao Lang smiled, disregarding him, and began to practice the Heavenly Demon combat skills in the inner hall.

For ten days, Xiao Lang spent the rest of the time practicing in the room except for going out and spinning around a few times. After a few trips, it was not without gain. I asked for some information, and I felt more at ease.

Ten days later, Xiao Lang went to Longyuan Pavilion, ready to leave by boat. Under the leadership of the old man, Xiao Lang and more than a dozen warriors who were about to board the ship went outside the city and boarded one of the iron ships.

The iron ship is like a moving castle. There are many people in the ship. They are all very tall and have double horns on their heads. They don't know what kind of warrior they are.

Xiao Lang was assigned to a small room on the deck, and was told by the strong of the double-corner race that except for the rest of the deck, he should not walk around, otherwise he would be driven off the ship.

The big ship stopped outside Longqi Island for several days. In addition to taking a breath at night, Xiao Lang practiced the Heavenly Demon combat skills in the room every day. A maid brings food every day, but the food is very ordinary. The maid said that she needs good food and can pay for the magic stone. Xiao Lang did not purchase it. This is not in the city, and the wealth is not exposed. It will be troublesome if it is eaten by this two-horned race.

Three days later, thousands of warriors of the double-horned race rushed out of the city. After they boarded the big ship, the iron ship finally moved.

The speed of the ship is really not fast, only the speed that Yin Emperor can run with all his strength. More than a dozen large ships, with nearly 10,000 strong men on them, Xiao Lang also sensed the aura of countless strong men in the emperor realm. Surely this road will be extremely safe, right?

The big ship sailed through the waves quickly, and Xiao Lang was completely at ease. He practiced in his nest in the room every day, and only came out at night to breathe.

On the deck there are always powerful kings guarding him, and he is very indifferent to Xiao Lang and the passengers on the big ship. Xiao Lang didn't care at all, no one would care about him.

There was nothing to do all the way. Although I encountered many sea beasts, I was immediately startled by the powerful aura released by the strong on board. The time passed quickly, and more than two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Lang didn't know how far the big ship had traveled, and passed countless small islands on the way, but the big ship didn't stop and went all the way to the west.

The sea is full of fog and it is easy to get lost, but it is not a problem for these fleets who eat in the sea all year round. Xiao Lang was also completely relieved. There were no accidents along the way. It was indeed right to follow the big ship, and it was extremely safe.


A few days later, Xiao Lang found that it seemed that it was not safe to follow the big ship!

When the big ship approached a small island, tens of thousands of powerful men flew out suddenly from the island, surrounding the big ship. Those warriors are all masked, with cold eyes in their eyes, surrounded by white air currents, murderous, ready to attack.

"Robbery, hand over a thousand profound stones, otherwise all will die!"

A cold burst of shouts rang in the air, awakening Xiao Lang from his cultivation. He ran towards the outside, looking at the countless strong men around the sky, his heart suddenly shook.

It seems... encountered pirates?

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