Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 96: Tragic

In the battlefield of the heavenly demon, wars broke out in many places, countless extraterritorial heavenly demons were killed, and countless people and martial artists were torn into pieces. The battlefield of heavenly demon is very big. The many strong men who built the battlefield of heavenly demon were to avoid too many demon from outside the territory. Human warriors couldn’t have no place to hunt them, so they shrouded one-third of the Western Wilderness and built a super big demon. battlefield.

"This intermediate-level extraterrestrial demon is actually comparable to the emperor..."

Ouyang Cuicui's face was murderous, and he brought the most people this time. There were countless deaths and injuries in the west due to the battle between Xiao Lang and Yun Feiyang, and many deaths in the south due to sea animal riots. There are many powerful people in his sphere of influence. This time he brought more than 1.3 million, but in just one day he died more than 100,000!

"call out!"

He flew across the void again and appeared next to an upright intermediate-level heavenly demon. Before he even appeared a saber-cutting knife, he emerged from the crack in the space and slashed against the huge head. There is no need to question the attack of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the head of this intermediate-level demon immediately separated from the body, and Ouyang Cuicui's body flashed again, rushing towards another intermediate-level demon...

He can kill the middle-level demon in seconds, but Ouyang Lengmo and others can't. It takes a while to kill a middle-level demon, and even some of the low-level demon are chased by the middle-level demon. There were nearly two hundred emperors he brought, but there were at least hundreds of intermediate-level emperors near the mountain...

Fortunately, no high-level demon appeared nearby, otherwise Ouyang Cuicui would not be able to pull out his hand to kill the middle-level demon, the damage would be even greater. Those five-layered warriors of the human emperor are not opponents of the low-level demon at all, and only a few people can cooperate to fight a low-level demon.

What angered Ouyang Cui Cui most was that the third eye of these demon could release a soul attack every time. If you can’t avoid it, the Emperor Martial Artist will immediately stand on the spot, and then his eyes will turn blood red, attacking wildly...

Although he knew that the damage would be severe this time, Ouyang Cuicui did not expect it would be so tragic. This is still in the absence of high-level demon!

He didn't dare to think about it, or even watch it! I can only fly through the void continuously to kill the intermediate-level demon at the fastest speed, because there are more demon rushing here in the distance. If the intermediate-level demon is not eliminated as soon as possible, and the emperors are free to take action to stabilize the situation, the death and injury will definitely double when the distant demon arrives...

Ouyang's flying through the void became useless at this moment. Ouyang Xie didn't fly through the void at all, and would only escape unless he was surrounded by an extraterritorial demon. Because there are too many extraterrestrial demons around, those demons are not afraid of sneak attacks at all, they have strong defenses, and there is no difference between sneak attacks and frontal attacks.


The sound of the martial artist being ripped apart by the claws or fangs of the low-level demon was heard everywhere, and many places also lit up and heard the sound of gold and iron. The five-layered warrior of the emperor attacked on the scales of the outer demon. Often only one or two scales can be dropped...

"Summoning the fifth-tier warriors of the human emperor to come here is simply to die! Only two warriors from the fifth-tier human emperor can exchange the life of a low-level demon?

Ouyang was indifferent and furious, secretly dissatisfied with the decisions made by the great figures of the Mistral Palace and Soul Destruction Hall. The people in the Lost Spirit Palace did not see the movement, but let a group of low-level warriors die here? Or are they waiting for these warriors to fight hard enough, and only after the large number of demons have been reduced?

Ouyang Cuicui's continuous shots reduced the number of nearby intermediate-level demons a lot, causing everyone to be under pressure. The heavenly emperors also had their hands free and began to eliminate some low-level heavenly demons, so that the imperial warriors would not be attacked from all sides. The casualties began to decrease, but people continued to be attacked by the souls of the demon and went violently, and finally they could only be hacked to death...

"I've got my energy up and cleared it out quickly. At least more than one hundred thousand heavenly demons have come over there, and there are at least more than 100 intermediate-level heavenly demons!" His eyes locked to the left and he let out a deep cry. Then his body suddenly stiffened, and he burst out again: "No! There is a demon who can fly, that is... a high-level demon!"

Ouyang Indifferent and the others immediately changed their expressions, but began to attack the remaining Intermediate Heavenly Demon even more crazily. Because once the high-level demon appears, Ouyang Cuicui can only fight, and the intermediate-level demon can only be killed by them...

The surrounding sky is gray, the air is faintly filled with evil and cold breath, there is also the smell of smoke from the black blood of the gods, and countless **** smells, the battlefield of the gods has become a purgatory on earth.

Not only Ouyang Cuicui, but also Mushan Ghost and Xiao Demon God were extremely tragic. Those five strongest human emperors were torn apart one by one, and their blood stained the mountains and the land. On the contrary, the fierce beasts and sea beasts are a lot easier, of course, this is also related to the fact that there are more than two beast kings in each group of fierce beasts and sea beasts.

The lowest level of fierce beasts and sea beasts are all 900,000 years old. The most important thing for a strong defense is that their bodies are huge. Compared with their huge bodies, the heavenly demons are like ants. Although the claws of the devil and the spikes behind the fangs can easily tear their bodies, their bodies are too big to kill!

On the contrary, the soul attack of the demon caused heavy losses to the sea beast and the beast, because the soul of the sea beast and the beast are not strong, and can be easily attacked by evil forces. Once attacked, the result will be killed by the beast king and beast king...

The battlefield of the demons is very big. If someone can watch from a high altitude, if the battlefield is not gray, you will see that there are densely dense outer demons in the middle, and there is a huge deep hole continuously emerging out of the territory. Demon.

The demons in the center of the battlefield are all gathered in groups, and from time to time collectively shoot soul attacks into the air. The strange thing is that there is nothing in the space. It seems that these countless demon attacks like this have no effect. It just feels that the sky is getting darker...

Of course, there are a lot of outer demons roaming around. If you pass by the Xiao Devil God Ouyang Cui Cuimu Mountain Ghost and the place where the three fierce beasts and sea beasts are, they will immediately besiege!

Therefore, during this period of time, everyone and the fierce beasts and sea beasts basically did not leave the place where they were teleported in. There will always be unfinished demons, and people will die in battle and stay on this land forever...

Fortunately, there are not too many high-level demon wandering around. Ouyang Cuicui encountered one, and he eventually spent a day and night to wear it to death, and he himself was seriously injured. The Beast King also encountered four of them, and they were killed by the Beast Kings.

Time passed bit by bit, and half a month passed quietly. Countless people have forgotten time in the constant fighting, and more people have been stimulated to become killing machines, and the thoughts in their minds are all killings!

The sky lit up with beams of light, illuminating all directions. These light beams shrouded all warriors and fierce beasts and sea beasts, and then the warriors and fierce beasts and sea beasts who came to fight disappeared out of thin air.

"Half a month is here?"

Many people swept around blankly and found that they had arrived at the Fork of the Valley, and some warriors still had blood red in their eyes, their swords danced wildly in their hands, and they kept shouting: "Kill, kill, kill!"

In the distance, Qingmuyu took millions of warriors and sea beasts to prepare for the next round of attacks. Emperor Lingdi, Demon Emperor Xiandi at the forefront swept his eyes, all his expressions became gloomy, and the warriors behind were even more shocked!

Because of the 2.8 million warriors that Ouyang Cuicui and the others brought in, there are less than two million warriors left at this moment, and nearly a million warriors are missing, and the rest are basically injured...

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