Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 97: Are you going to kill me?

The battle on the battlefield of the demon was intense, and the battle in the void space was also fierce.

Xiao Lang's soul shadow was intertwined with the one figure at this moment, except that he was knocked out by the man's condensed sword energy from the sky.

A figure shot out again in the distance, and it was Emperor Leng! The fifth wave of attacks came again, and Xiao Lang had no choice but to give up the battle with Emperor Mutian and concentrate on dealing with the fifth wave of attacks.

Supreme Emperor!

The fifth wave of attacks has reached the level of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and the following attacks will definitely reach the attack strength of the great emperor or even the demi-god powerhouse.

He has never killed Emperor Mutiandi, just preparing to fight with Emperor Mutiandi to find a breakthrough point. Only a few hours passed, and he found nothing.

Although Emperor Leng ranks at the bottom of the top ten supreme heavenly emperors, he is also a real supreme emperor. In many battles with Emperor Mutiandi, Xiao Lang also confirmed that all his abilities can be used, including the Ruthless Sword. But... the Evil Lord's Remnant Soul couldn't use it, which made him depressed. The Evil Lord's Remnant Soul was his strongest ultimate move.

A silver spear in Emperor Leng's hand carried an icy murderous aura, and turned into several spear shadows in the air, and finally turned into hundreds of cold rays to envelop Xiao Lang.

"So many gun shadows?"

Xiao Lang was dumbfounded, there were gun shadows in all directions, and all of them contained murderous intent, and could not tell which shot was real. He could only release his sentiment at will and flew towards Leng Di's body.

As a result, Emperor Leng easily walked away, and the gun shadow disappeared where the sentimental attack passed. But the real gun shadow containing the power of the sky did not hit. If Xiao Lang did not feel the deadly danger at the last moment and moved his body to the side in advance, it is estimated that his soul shadow would burst at this moment...


Nevertheless, his soul shadow felt like it was blown apart. If it weren't for the first time to summon the grass cane to heal, I was afraid that the soul would collapse...

"call out!"

Two figures shot from the left and the right, respectively. Emperor Mu Tiantian shot sword energy on his body. Instead, Emperor Leng once again transformed hundreds of gun shadows and enveloped Xiao Lang.

"Are you going to die?"

Xiao Lang didn't move at this moment. Instead, looking stupidly at the sky full of sword aura and gun shadows, he finally made a very crazy move!

He began to try to get himself into the state of being out of his body, free his mind from the soul, and float in the sky above and below the battle calmly.

He has always wanted to try this state, the last time the heart demon also lived through this. It's just that it's very dangerous, because if the mind is detached, if this trace of mind is attacked, he will be instantly annihilated. Moreover, the mind is completely separated from the soul shadow, and the soul shadow is not very flexible to control. Maybe it will be broken by accident...

At this moment, he had no choice but to enter this state. Because entering this state, the surroundings will feel extremely clear, and those attacks will become extremely slow. He can easily determine the real body of Leng Di's hundreds of gun shadows!

His choice is correct!

Emperor Leng and Emperor Mutiandi didn't pay attention to his mind at all, and he could clearly find that the hundreds of gun shadows contained the killer shadows, and at the same time, the attack of the two became slow.

"call out!"

His soul shadow was under the control of his mind, releasing countless love words to condense the sentiment, and then attacked the gun shadow of the real killer move. At the same time, his soul shadow moved around very cleverly, evading the sword energy of Emperor Mu Tiantian very easily.

"go to hell!"

Xiao Lang burst into tears, the enemy's attack slowed down, but he himself was not affected? He quickly condensed sentiment and flew towards Leng Di.

"call out!"

At this moment, Emperor Leng's reaction also seemed to slow down. He could avoid love, but he could only watch the words of love fly through his body, and then his body turned into nothingness.

Qingshang's attack is so powerful that it is barely comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. With such a powerful attack, in addition to the strong defense of Mushan Ghost, even the general Supreme Heavenly Emperor will be injured. However, Emperor Leng was easily crushed and it was a bit unexpected for Xiao Lang! Is it because this is the original soul shadow?

"The state of the soul out of the body is very strange, everything around becomes slow and clear, but my own reaction and attack speed have not slowed down, I feel that time has slowed down!"

Xiao Lang secretly marveled, using this trace of mind to control the soul shadow to easily walk below, no matter how the Emperor Mu Tiantian who was transformed by the resentful spirit attacked, he could easily avoid it...

"Try Split God's Hand!"

Xiao Lang controlled the soul shadow to rush towards Emperor Mu Tiantian like lightning, and the dark golden cracking **** hand released again. This time it went smoothly. He could easily judge the trajectory and speed of Mutiandi's Emperor Sword Qi, avoiding in advance to keep getting closer, and then the God Splitting hand severely grabbed his shoulder.


Emperor Mubaitian flew out, his shoulders were **** and bloody. I have to say that the illusion here is very strange and the simulation is very real. Even the speed of Emperor Mubaitian slowed down after his injury...

"Okay... With this magical state, there will be no problems with the next few waves of attacks, but I hope there will be no demigod powerhouse!"

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, and the battle with Emperor Mutiandi became more and more relaxed. Even the sword energy attack was issued, he could already judge the trajectory and speed of the attack.

An hour later, the sixth wave of attacks came as scheduled, and the strength was even stronger. It was the ten heavenly emperors who attacked the fifth-ranked devil emperor.

With this state of soul out of the body, the opponent's attack slowed down, Xiao Lang easily killed the Demon Emperor with his emotions, and then continued to play with Emperor Mu Baitian.

The seventh wave of attacks has turned into the Fallen Emperor, the speed of the Fallen Emperor is the first of the ten great Emperors, which made Xiao Lang nearly dead for the rest of his life many times, and finally barely crushed the Fallen Emperor who had been transformed by the resentful spirit.

Then Xiao Lang didn't play with Mutiandi Emperor anymore. After killing Mutiandi Emperor casually, he began to rest, and his expression became more solemn.

The seventh wave is already the fastest of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and the eighth wave may be Ouyang Cuicui's level of strength. The ninth wave? And the strongest tenth wave?

Not surprising to Xiao Lang, the eighth wave is indeed Ouyang Cuicui!

Constantly flying across the void, Xiao Lang almost collapsed. Without the state of being out of the body, without the ability to change tai, and without the treatment of grass and cane, Xiao Lang would not have to fight and wait for death.


Once again in the void, Xiao Lang had already noticed the appearance of the space crack, and the ruthless sword that had not been used finally came out to shoot out ruthless sword energy. At the same time, the God Splitting Hand grabbed into the space crack at a terrifying speed, directly smashing Ouyang Cuicui transformed by the wraith spirit...


The shadow of his soul was blown out by the strength of the ruthless sword energy and Ouyang Cuicui's attack colliding. Although Cao Teng had emerged for treatment, he felt extremely weak and didn't want to move.

A little bit of time passed, and a figure in the distance shot again, impressively! Great Emperor level!

Without the remnant soul of the evil master, how could Xiao Lang be the opponent of a great emperor-level warrior? Moreover, the ninth wave is already a strong emperor, and the tenth wave is the most terrifying, so you don't have to guess that they are all half-god strong!

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly: "Hehe! No wonder there are countless people in Tianzhou who have cultivated the skills of the Heavenly Demon, but no one can cultivate to the seventh level! Is this inner-demon person able to survive? The Great Emperor, you are trying to kill me. what…"

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