Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 133: Okami?

Xiao Lang was barely comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor by virtue of his ** power, and his body became stronger, and his hand was also strengthened. At this moment, his attack power was absolutely comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. Even if any supreme heavenly emperor was sneak attacked, it would be a dead end, and the beast emperor's defense power was not strong enough to be strangled. But the defensive power of the wild beast corpse beast is terrifying. Just now, the dragon horse was only scratched with some muscles, and it was obvious that even the bones could not be scratched.

The attacks of Qingshang and ruthless sword energy can only repel the corpse beast, causing minor injuries. The corpse beast's injury will not affect its strength, and the corpse poison in the corpse beast can slowly heal the injured flesh and blood.

Therefore, Xiao Lang had no way at all at this moment. These corpse beasts had great attack power, and they could hurt him every time. If it weren't for the fast treatment by Cao Teng, he would not be able to hold it for a minute.

"call out!"

The golden snake spit out lightning again, and the two-headed black tiger with two tiger heads spit out corpse poison and the other spit out fire. The toad-like corpse beast also shot out a strange black light in its eyes. It is already a corpse beast, so it can still issue a soul attack?

The remaining corpse beasts either emit magical powers or rush into them. Xiao Lang groaned again and again, his body flickered from left to right, and he rolled on the ground, and finally avoided a few attacks, but he was severely stepped on by Longma and his bones were broken...

"Evil Lord!"

Xiao Lang put his only hope on the evil lord, and at the moment Yun Zishan appeared, he took away the evil lord. Originally, he also tried to let the evil master directly refine the Yun Zishan. At this moment, it was so dangerous that he had no choice but to release it to save his life.


The evil lord whizzed away, enveloped the dragon horse nearby, but quickly whizzed back, and the sound was transmitted: "Master, this is an ancient barren beast, or it was refined by the ancient gods. My ability... Change!"

No way...

A trace of sadness flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes, his left hand ruthless sword swept fiercely, and God Splitting's hand once again fiercely grabbed the dragon horse rushing on the right.


His body was knocked into the air again, his chest was stuffy, and he almost vomited blood. But he didn't have time to suppress the bruises, his body immediately rolled, and he ejected away. As a result, a blazing flame came from behind him, and his entire back was burning up, **** and horrible.


He was smashed to the ground again, but there was no time for Cao Teng to heal and hurriedly ran away. The ten corpse beasts behind have caught up again...

You can't kill the corpse beast, you can't get the cloud purple shirt, and there is no door to go out. Even if there is a door cloud purple shirt that can control the prohibition of this hall, he can't get out, Xiao Lang feels like a hero is at the end.

But he didn't give up the hope of survival, he kept attacking and fleeing desperately, and the ten corpse beasts behind him kept chasing and killing him. Xiao Lang suffered more and more injuries, and his body became weaker and weaker. Although he was treated with grass and vines, it still didn't help, and he would only die if he continued.

Yun Zishan stood quietly in the distance, with no waves on his face, watching Xiao Lang desperately avoiding the attack, fleeing in embarrassment, dying to be struggling. The great enemy in her life is about to die. There is no trace of joy in her beautiful eyes, but a bit of sadness. It seems to have witnessed the fall of a peerless genius, making her feel the same, and feel desolate.

She didn't say a word, let Xiao Lang surrender or something.

As she said, the person who knows Xiao Lang best in the world is not Hongdou and the others, but her Yunzishan! Xiao Lang was just an unruly wolf, who either screamed for nine days or fell completely. He will only stand to die, not kneel to live, letting him die in battle is also regarded as giving him the greatest respect.

"The soul is out of the body!"

Although Xiao Lang felt sad, he knew that he would die today but did not give up. He finally tried the state of being out of his body, trying to change his fate against the sky. The ten corpse beasts behind him followed closely, and all kinds of attacks kept sending out. He was actually extremely dangerous. It is very possible that the soul out of the body was hit, and the soul flew away immediately.

At this moment, he couldn't take care of that much. The soul quickly flew into the air, watching everything below with cold eyes. Everything below became extremely clear, the speed of the corpse beasts also slowed down, and Xiao Lang saw several attacks shooting towards his body. As soon as his soul moved, his body turned cleverly, then jumped high, and dived to avoid the attack.

"call out!"

The two-headed black tiger next to him rushed, and his soul immediately controlled the Split God's hand and grabbed one of the black tiger's neck heavily.

When the soul is out of the body, everything becomes slow and clear. He could watch himself fighting with the corpse beasts coldly, and he could easily calculate that the God Splitting Hand hit the black tiger's neck before turning his head to bite.


Even though his state was extremely mysterious, his God Splitting hand easily hit Heihu's neck. But the defenses of the corpse beasts were too strong. The God Splitting Hand only scratched the muscles of the neck, but couldn't scratch the bones in the neck.


He sighed leisurely. Although he had entered the state of being out of his body, his chances of avoiding the attacks of the corpse beasts were much higher. But his speed is only that fast, the most important thing is... he can't kill the corpse beast.

The loss of his body energy is getting more and more serious. Because of the multiple injuries, the vitality is also losing, and his body is getting weaker and weaker and slower. In this way, even if the soul is out of the body state, it will not be able to return to heaven.

"Xiao Lang, do it yourself! I will keep your whole body, and I will bring your body back to the Soul Land, looking for a feng shui place to bury! And...your family, I will not hurt them, you go with peace of mind! "

A faint words sounded, Yun Zishan's words were not ambiguous, but were regarded as respect for Xiao Lang. Although an enemy, Xiao Lang is also an enemy worthy of respect.

When Xiao Lang heard these words, his impression of Yun Zishan was slightly changed.

He killed Yun Feiyang and destroyed the Zhan Dynasty, and the Yun Family was almost destroyed. If Yun Zishan is capable of killing him, he has no complaints. He was dying at this moment, and he didn't feel any resentment in his heart. Didn't expect that Yun Zishan chose to keep his whole body in the end? The most important thing is not to hurt his family, is it possible that she really has a trace of affection for herself?

Xiao Lang doesn't care if there is no body!

People are dead and birds are in the sky, and they don't know what they are dead. What is the difference between a whole body and a half body? Before the last moment, Xiao Lang would not give up either.

He was floating in the air with that thread of soul, floating upward abruptly, wanting to learn whether there was any other way out as in the maze last time.

"Don't float! Your body will be destroyed in Piao, and you will only have a trace of remnant soul!"

At this moment, an unfamiliar sound transmission suddenly sounded in Xiao Lang's soul. This voice was a male voice, still very coercive and calm, Xiao Lang was sure he had never heard of it. He swept away his soul blankly, and then suddenly looked at the corpse standing in front of him, but the sound transmission sounded again: "Young man, if you can understand the sentiment, you can also be regarded as destined to the original god. If you can promise me a condition, the original **** Can help you solve today's crisis!"

"Sure enough, it's him! Original spirit? Love? Is he really... the Great God of Heaven?"

Xiao Lang's soul was shaken, and he was extremely ecstatic.



[Author's digression]: Go out to do something, and come back to continue the codeword. It is estimated that there are two chapters later, but it will be written later! Can't wait to see it tomorrow!

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