Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 134: Token

"call out!"

The body under Xiao Lang's control was hit three times and quickly escaped from the encirclement, and then ran desperately, releasing the ruthless sword spirit and sentiment in his hand, blocking the pursuit of the corpse emperor behind him. The trace of his out-of-body soul quickly floated back, and when the soul returned, he immediately burst into a shout: "My lord, please! Don't say a single condition, as long as Xiao can do it, ten will be fine!"

If the mysterious strong man didn't make a move, he would definitely die, and there would be nothing to say when he died. So if he can live, even if Xiao Lang is to assassinate the Soul Palace Master now, he has no opinion.


Yun Zishan raised his brows, as if he had noticed something. He looked down the direction Xiao Lang was looking at, but saw a stalwart figure from the back.

"call out!"

Yun Zishan felt a palpitating heart inexplicably, and his body quickly flashed back and retreated to a door on the left. The black token in her hand shone with light, and the door suddenly opened!


She was right!

The whole hall suddenly lit up, and then...the corpse beasts all turned into a breeze and flew into the stone pillars, turning into reliefs again. Yun Zishan's face suddenly turned white. She didn't know what had happened, but she knew that if she didn't leave yet, she would die here...

"How could this be?"

She looked at Xiao Lang, who was still **** in the distance, wondering why the situation reversed so quickly? Can Xiao Lang solve such a critical situation? Is Xiao Lang really the nemesis she hit?

Yun Zishan felt a little regretful, she had known to summon a few more corpse beasts, or she would use her mobile hand to kill Xiao Lang. But there is no regret medicine in the world. At this moment, she didn't dare to think about it. Her body quickly flew toward the gate. She was relieved until she got out of the gate, and her body turned into an afterimage and ran away.

Xiao Lang looked at Yun Zishan's disappearing back, and he was relieved when he saw that the door was closed again. He was lucky enough to be able to retrieve a life, and naturally he didn't dare expect this strong man to help him kill Yun Zishan.

Cao Teng quickly healed his injuries. After the injury healed, Xiao Lang strode forward, and then knelt down on one knee to the person in front of him and said, "Xiao Lang thanks you for your help!"

Xiao Lang was indeed arrogant, he would rather die than kneel. But that was treating the enemy. This person didn't say that he saved his life. Even if he had such a powerful strength, it was worthy of any warrior's worship. This worship is the most sincere respect the warrior has for the peak power.

The man did not move because he was dead!

However, a faint transmission sounded in the main hall: "Just now the girl holding the token of the god, it is considered predestined, so the **** did not harm her! And she is actually a rare divine body, and it is considered the blessing of heaven. You guys. Since they are hostile, if each other can kill each other, it is your personal ability! But she uses the corpse beast sealed in the relief of the god, and you are also cultivating love, so this **** will help you once!"

Xiao Lang nodded, did not dare to say anything, naturally he did not dare to feel uncomfortable, but bowed down again, "Thank you, sir!"

The voice continued, but he was a little surprised: "Young man, what do you cultivate? **So powerful? And is there any heavenly power in your meridian dantian? On the contrary, there is a very powerful energy in your body?"

Xiao Lang was startled, thinking that the Heavenly Demon's combat skills were created by the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor, and that these ancient gods had been dead for many years when the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor was born. He explained: "Master Hui, this is a special technique called the Heavenly Demon Combat Technique. It only cultivates the physical body and not the Heavenly Power technique, but it is also necessary to understand the way of heaven."

The man continued, "Oh, it's also strange! The person who created this kind of exercise is a genius, but all the laws are one, and everything is the same in cultivation. The most important thing is to feel the way of heaven! Get up and talk, the gods are all dead. For many years, it doesn’t make sense for you to kneel..."


Speaking of this Xiao Lang suddenly ecstasy, no matter whether this person is the Great God of Tianyu or not, he is undoubtedly cultivating Qingdao. He didn't understand Qing Dao at all, so he could learn some cultivation and insight methods about Qing Dao from this person, it was a great help for him.

He stood up, breathing quickly, and asked a little excitedly: "My lord, are you really... the Great God of Heaven?"


A sound of surprise sounded: "How do you know the name of the original god? Is there still a deed of the original **** in Tianzhou now? It has been so long, at least a million years, right?"

Xiao Lang became even more excited, and quickly said respectfully: "The adults domesticated ten thousand beasts back then, and they unified the ancients. They are famous in the world and stay in the history forever. How could Tianzhou people forget adults?"

"Haha! Unify the ancients and make the world famous? What about eternal youth?"

Great God Tianyu gave a bitter smile, the laughter was full of sadness and helplessness. After a long time, he sighed quietly: "Aside from this, I don't have much remaining soul power. I want to stay for a few years! To make a long story short, go to the third on the left. On the eighth column, click on the eye of the relief. There is a token of Tianyu Hall in it. After you get this token, you can freely enter and leave the Tianyu Hall!"

Xiao Lang hurriedly ran to the left and found the pillar mentioned by the Great God Tianyu. He glanced at the eyes that easily found the relief. He pressed hard and a dark grid appeared inside the stone pillar with a white light and flashing light. Inside, there was a dark token and " The word "Tianyu" is exactly the same as that of Yun Zishan.

Xiao Lang did not dare to study. He quickly walked back, and Tianyu Great God's voice sounded again: "If you can break through the demigod state, you can come here! At that time, the true **** will have a big problem to trouble you! Okay... What's the problem? Hurry up, the **** is going to sleep!"

"Are you reaching the semi-god state again?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, and the Great Emperor of Heaven Demon had to reach the eighth level himself before he could go to the Undersea God Mansion. Want to come in the eyes of these big people, if you don't reach the semi-god state, the strength is not considered to be in the room?

However, he secretly suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and quickly asked: "Great God, I entered the ancient **** forbidden land to find the life source orb. I don't know where to find it?"

The Great God of Tianyu replied very quickly: "The Life Origin Orb? There is no such thing in the Tianyu Temple. You can go to the Fanxin Temple to find it. You have the token of this god, and you can easily enter and exit the Tianyu Temple in the future. Be stronger before going to the Fanxin Temple! As for how to go to the Fanxin Temple, you will naturally know how to refine this token."

"The Palace of Fanxin? The palace of the God of Fanxin?"

Xiao Lang was stunned, but he didn't dare to ask more. He asked one more thing: "Great God, how do you cultivate and comprehend the Dao of Love? By chance, I realized the Dao of Love by chance, but I only felt the sentimentality, emotion and sadness , I don’t know how to practice later!"

"It is useless for the **** to explain things about the way of heaven, especially the way of love is special! This requires your own comprehension, but the **** of love can tell you that the **** of love and way of cultivation reached the fifth stage that year, regardless of Tianzhou ten thousand beasts No matter how strong it is, it can be domesticated."

After the Great God Tianyu finished speaking, he finally opened his mouth and said: "Well, there is anything, wait for you to reach the semi-god state, and then ask the original god, now it is useless to say more, the original **** is sleeping."

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