Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 136: Great opportunity

Xiaozhuan is a font.

This type of font has thin strokes, so it is also known as "Jade Chopsticks". The font is rectangular in shape, and the structure is often symmetrical, giving people a tall and beautiful feeling.

It doesn't matter whether the font is beautiful or not, the important thing is that this font is absolutely impossible to appear in this world!

Because this typeface is based on the former Emperor Qin Shihuang of Xiao Lang, after unifying China, he implemented the policy of "the same text in the book, the same track in the car" and unified weights and measures. Prime Minister Li Si is responsible for simplifying and canceling the original Chinese seal script used by Qin. Variants of the other six countries, a unified Chinese writing form created.

In other words... this font is from the Qin Dynasty!

Xiao Lang's soul traveled to this world and accepted the civilization of this world from an early age. Although he didn't study many things deeply, he didn't know what he knew. But he was sure that the font of this world was far from that of the earth, and that many ancient books had been read, and there was nothing similar to the earth.

Now he suddenly discovered that the font used by the Great God Tianyu was Xiaozhuan? How can this not shock him?

Is it a coincidence? Or is the Great God Tianyu... from the earth?

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, and he kept inferring, but immediately shook his head and vetoed it.

Because... It has only been more than two thousand years since Qin Chao left now, but the Great God Tianyu has died for a million years. When he died, the earth is probably not civilized. How could it be Qin Dynasty?

Then why is his font is Xiaozhuan?

Xiao Lang almost had an urge to return to the hall to ask the Great God Tianyu, but he finally restrained it. He didn't have a deep research on Chinese historical characters. He just flipped through a few books and probably knew some big seal and small seal scripts, and he was not sure whether it was really a small seal.

The most important thing is that the earth has thousands of years of history. It looks long, but it is too short and too short for this world. These great gods have been dead for so long.

"What's the matter?"

Wuhen saw Xiao Lang staring at the treasure pavilion in a daze, thinking that he could break the ban on the treasure pavilion, rubbing his hands and saying, "My lord, can you go in?"

Xiao Lang retracted his thoughts and shook his head: "I can't detect this treasure pavilion through tokens, and naturally I can't open it. Unless I crack the prohibition above, do you think I can crack it?"

Heavenly Emperor Wuhen's face was full of pity, Xiao Lang had already walked forward, he still remembered looking back, wondering how many treasures should be in the treasure chest of the ancient great god? Or how many great emperor's soldiers...

Xiao Lang passed through the two halls again. With the token, he knew that there was a corpse beast in the hall that was dangerous, so he tried not to touch it. Although being able to refine the corpse emperor and so on is also a gain for him, but thinking of the great **** of heaven, there is still a remnant soul. The host is at home, it’s always bad to take other people’s things as a guest, right? Even if the four corpse emperors had been refined, Xiao Lang always felt embarrassed when he went to refine other corpse emperors.

Half an hour later, Xiao Lang arrived at a door exit.

In this Tianyu Palace, Xiao Lang could sense only two exits, and one exited from the valley. The other is where he is standing in front of him, and Yun Zishan also goes out from here.

"Wuhen, be careful, if we leave this door, maybe we will be in immediate danger!"

Xiao Lang confessed, the token light flashed and the door opened, the two of them glanced away, and both frowned! Because... it was a lake, or a sea, and the eyesight of the two of them swept away, only to see the blue water.


Xiao Lang took out the Supreme Chariot and let the four corpse emperors sit on it. Although Emperor Wuhen could take him to fly, once Wuhen took him in danger, it would be inconvenient for the two of them to fight.

Cao Teng looked around and didn't touch the restriction. Xiao Lang controlled the Supreme Chariot to fly steadily, and Wuhen Tiandi followed closely behind.

After a few kilometers away from the Tianyu Hall, the two of them felt a little shocked when they looked back. Looking at the Tianyu Hall from here, it was like floating on the sea, with grandeur. The black stone exudes a faint light, and it feels like a huge giant sitting here crouching.

Xiao Lang didn't know the direction and flew randomly. After flying for most of the day, his eyes revealed two rays of light, and he exclaimed, "There is a palace over there!"

Wuhen swept away, and saw a cluster of black shadows vaguely, and the two quickly accelerated and flew away. Sure enough, I quickly saw a cluster of magnificent palaces, almost made of black stones like the Tianyu Temple, with the light shining on it and thousands of meters high, all enclosed and I don't know where to enter.


Xiao Lang flew around the hall to the left, and flew tens of thousands of meters before reaching the edge of the hall. Detoured on the other side, and flew for nearly 10,000 meters before seeing a black gate with gleaming gold!

"Candle Yin Temple?"

Xiao Lang looked at the three large characters on the gate. These large characters were in the same font as the three characters on the Tianyu Hall, and he would naturally recognize them.


The Great God Tianyu only said that in the past the Fanxin Temple was looking for the Source of Life Orbs, he naturally did not dare to enter this Candle Hall. The palace must also be a palace of a great god, and there was danger in it, and it made no sense for him to enter. He didn't come in to hunt for treasures, nor was he here for chance, but for the source of life orb. He wasn't interested in treasures or chances.

"call out!"

The supreme chariot floated away quickly. Since there is a candle shade hall, there must be other palaces of the great gods, and naturally there is also a hall of hearts.


Xiao Lang flew hundreds of meters, but found that Emperor Wuhen didn't follow up. Instead, when he held it in place, his hand bones and turtle shells began to divination. He couldn't help stopping with some doubts, and waited for him to finish divination.

"grown ups!"

After Wuhen's divination was finished, he suddenly opened his eyes and yelled, his face was full of excitement, and his body trembled. He looked at Xiao Lang and said, "My lord, I want to enter this hall!"

Xiao Lang frowned, looked at Wuhen for a while, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Wuhen said with a nodded head: "The great opportunity I have been waiting for for decades is here! Just now I saw these three words, and there was a kind of throbbing in my heart, as if an inexplicable force was attracting me. Now I have a divination, and it is a god-given hexagram!"


Xiao Lang hesitated a little. There might not be Life Orbs in this hall, but it was absolutely dangerous! He originally didn't want to go in, but now Wuhen wants to go in?

The Emperor Wuhen understood Xiao Lang's heart, and said quickly: "Master, you don't have to be embarrassed, Wuhen is enough to go in alone!"

Xiao Lang pondered and said, "I'll accompany you! Those who come together will return together, even if you die, you will die together. If you can get a chance in it, it is your luck!"

The two walked inside the gate, and Xiao Lang released his emotions and tried to open the gate. The door was shining, and the two of them were counter-shocked. Xiao Lang held the token given by the Great God Tianyu, but the result was equally useless. After that, Xiao Lang tried many more methods, such as grass vines, the evil lord's corpse emperor, etc., but the door did not move.

"Haha, Wuhen, it's not that I don't want to go in with you anymore, but I can't go in!"

Xiao Lang shrugged helplessly, spreading his hands. However, Emperor Wuhen took out the beast bones and turtle shells, walked halfway outside the gate and stood there, his body lit up, and his mouth began to divination again.

And when the light on his body shone on the restriction of the gate, the gate suddenly shined brightly, and then...The Emperor Wuhen suddenly disappeared in place!

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