Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 137: Fanxin Temple


Xiao Lang's eyes were full of amazement, and he blinked and couldn't believe it.

Heavenly Emperor Wuhen's divine powers, he himself half believed it or not, after all, this thing was too mysterious. And in many cases it is not accurate, or the calculation is vague, and sometimes it cannot be calculated at all. So Xiao Lang didn't take it seriously either. He didn't expect Wuhen to suddenly trigger the restriction and be teleported into the Candle Yin Temple?

Could he really get a big chance?

Xiao Lang touched his nose, not jealous of Wuhen, but happy for him. I just don't know whether to leave, I'm still waiting here. In the end he decided to wait here for half a month to see if Emperor Wuhen came out.

Filling the Supreme Chariot with energy, Xiao Lang asked the four corpse emperors to be on guard, and he began to refine the profound stone. After the soul was out of his body, he could also observe the surroundings, but he was not worried about a sneak attack.

In a flash of half a month, Xiao Lang also refined tens of millions of profound stones, but the Candle Yin Temple did not react at all.

Xiao Lang didn't know whether Emperor Wuhen was dead or alive, and finally took out a note and left a paragraph, so that if Emperor Wuhen came out, he would be waiting for him. If he hasn't returned after half a year, let him find a way out of the ancient gods forbidden land.

He controlled the supreme chariot to fly far away, looking for the Fanxin Temple.

The blue water, the majestic blowing, rippling layers, make people feel relaxed and happy. Xiao Lang in the sea can easily detect some marine creatures, but they are all fish and shrimp. There are no sea beasts, even the lowest level sea beasts have not been discovered for thousands of years.

After flying for a day, Xiao Lang found a hall again, still with the same decoration. After Xiao Lang found the main entrance, he glanced at the large characters on the entrance and left with disappointment.

Bifangdian, not Fanxindian!

The Great God Tianyu said, Xiao Lang identified the Fanxin Temple, and other halls didn't want to enter.

And just after Xiao Lang left, the door opened abruptly, and a purple figure appeared. Looking at the direction Xiao Lang was leaving in the distance, Liu frowned and muttered with disappointment, "Xiao Lang won't enter this place. Fangdian? I thought I could kill him with the restrictions of this hall. What hall is he going to? What is he looking for? Should I follow?"

Yun Zishan was obviously also a bit entangled. Back then, the Master of Soul Destroying Palace only obtained tokens from two halls, and he also got a great opportunity in Bifang Hall, so he broke through the semi-god realm. Yun Zishan possessed the Bifangdian token given by the Master of Soul Destruction Palace, and she could control all the restrictions inside, and Xiao Lang would definitely die if he came in. But he didn't expect Xiao Lang to leave immediately without trying to break the gate ban, disappointing Yun Zishan.

She didn't know what happened in Tianyu Palace, and she didn't know whether Xiao Lang had a chance in Tianyu Palace. Xiao Lang's strength made her very jealous. At the moment Xiao Lang went to the strange hall, she didn't even know whether to chase or not.

"Zishan, you come to the ancient **** forbidden land, if you have a chance, kill Xiao Lang, if you don't have a chance, don't force it! You come in mainly to try, whether you can get the opportunity of the other three halls and help you break through! Don’t force this opportunity. If you are lucky, you can get it. If you are not lucky, just come back and practice honestly!"

An explanation from the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction sounded in his mind, Yun Zishan muttered for a long time, and finally flew resolutely in the direction where Xiao Lang had left. Tianyu Hall and Bifang Hall had been probed by the Master of Soul Destruction Hall seven or eight, and there was nothing good. The Hallmaster of the Treasure Pavilion in the Tianyu Hall can’t be opened either. The Cloud Purple Sweater in the Bifang Hall turned around and there was no gain. Now I have to go to the other three halls to see if there is any gain. By the way, see if there is a chance. Kill Xiao Lang.

"Van Heart Hall!"

A day later, Xiao Lang was standing in a large hall, and he was very excited when he saw the three big characters on the black door.

A person like Tianyu would naturally not lie. He said that there should be a Life Orb in it, and that 90% would have it. As long as he can get the Life Orb, he can go back immediately.

"Open!" The Heavenly Demon's combat skills were running, Xiao Lang pushed hard, and the door did not move.

"Love hurt!" "Love move!" "Love sad!"

The door still didn't open, but sentiment broke out. The Supreme Chariot was stunned to 10,000 meters by the counter-shock force restrained by the door, and the shield burst.

"Relentless sword spirit!" "Split God's Hand!"

Xiao Lang tried the rest of his magical powers again, but he still couldn't open up, and was shocked out again!

"Evil Lord, you go try?"

Taking out the skull and summoning the evil lord, the evil lord turned into a black mist and floated outside the gate. After studying for a while, he floated back and said, "Master, this is forbidden by the ancient gods. With my ability... there is no way to break it!"

Xiao Lang was startled. The evil lord was regarded as a half-god old monster. He couldn't break the restriction. He didn't know how to break the restriction.

"I'll study it!"

No way, he put away the chariot, walked to the half-stage in front of the gate, and studied the gate carefully.

"The prohibition of the ancient gods is very mysterious. Master, if you use your heart to sense the energy flow on the gate, you will discover how mysterious this prohibition is!"

The evil lord began to transmit his voice nearby, Xiao Lang locked the lines on the door, and his spirit entered silently. As expected, the lines on the door moved. Hundreds of millions of energy lines circulate on the gate, crisscrossing and dazzling people, it feels like a very complicated maze.

"There are three ways to break the prohibition. The first brute force breaks. This does not need to think that the prohibition of the ancient gods is extremely powerful, and the peaks of the demigods cannot be broken! The second method is to use energy to pull the energy lines inside. Each center on the gate walks in a circle! And the order can’t be wrong! The most important thing is...the forbidden center of the ancient gods is half-hidden, and no one knows how many centers are there, whether there are deep hidden ones. The heart! So if I try to crack it, I will have to study it for at least tens of thousands of years, and there is no guarantee that I can crack it...

The evil master explained to Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang was completely dumbfounded. He felt that there were so many lines on the gate, not to mention looking for the heart, even if he used energy to walk all the lines in a circle, he was afraid that he would go wrong?

"The third method?" Xiao Lang withdrew his spirit and asked not to study.

The evil lord smiled bitterly: "The third way is to touch the hidden restriction left by the owner of the restriction! For example, if the owner releases the affection to open the restriction of the Tianyu Temple, such as the Wuhen Tiandi touching the restriction of the Candle Yin Temple is transmitted in! This method depends on personal fate, and whether the master of the main hall has left a touch restriction to give future generations a chance to find fate!"

Xiao Lang understood that when many powerful men died, they would leave some opportunities for future generations who were talented or appetite to go in and inherit. In other words, living in place of him can also help him understand his unresolved wishes.

For example, Xiao Moshen received the inheritance of the Great Phantom, such as entering the submarine divine mansion and entering the heavenly palace. This depends on personal luck, and also on whether the strong man is willing to be disturbed by his body and leave a chance for future generations.

He tried a lot of methods again, even hitting with his head... After a long time he couldn't touch it. He sat helplessly in front of the gate, frowning. He knew that there was a Life Orb inside, but he couldn't get in. distressed.


There was a cry from his sleeve, and Xiao Bai, who had often fallen asleep in the forbidden land of the ancient gods, woke up at this time, and screamed affectionately from Xiao Lang's sleeve.

"Well, Xiaobai, stop making trouble, I'm still thinking of ways to break the gate ban!"

Xiao Lang didn't want to play around with Xiao Bai, said something and continued to be in a daze, wondering in his heart how to touch the gate restriction? Let it open by itself?

"call out!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang was in a bad mood, Xiao Bai stopped frolicking at the door, and the two big rice eyes shot out two green lights. And when these two green lights shone on the door, the door restriction actually shined, and then... suddenly opened!


[Author's digression]: Let's read two chapters first, and continue to write after dinner!

Recently there have been a lot of things in the unit, but no matter how many things, there will always be in the late four chapters...

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