Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 138: The breath of living

Xiao Bai is a donkey, a magical beast, a magical beast that is not cherished by the Divine Soul Continent, and even the lowest beast in Tianzhou. If it hadn't been mutated for a period of time, and then he would be cultivated by the blessing of the maze, he wouldn't even be considered a spirit beast. But even so, it was just an ordinary spirit beast, not to mention that it was far worse than Emperor Xian's Xian Qilin, and compared with Emperor Leng's dragon.

Today, Xiao Lang tried his best to break through the door restriction, but was broken by two lights in Xiao Bai's eyes?

This is not only Xiao Lang's shock, but even the evil lord is extremely surprised, can't figure out how Xiao Bai triggered the restriction inside? But this is a good thing, maybe... this mortal heart is attracted to Xiao Bai!

"Master, go in quickly and be careful! Although the prohibition is triggered, it only means that you are qualified to enter. Whether you can get the treasures and opportunities inside depends on your strength and luck!"

The evil lord saw Xiao Lang stunned for a moment, and quickly transmitted a message to him. Xiao Lang woke up and let Cao Teng explore the way in front of him, and then let the corpse emperor follow closely, put away the evil lord and led Xiao Bai to quickly walk into the gate.

Inside the gate is a hall! A magnificent and extremely luxurious hall.

The ceiling is surrounded by night pearls that emit soft light, and the surrounding walls are also inlaid with colorful gems and jade. Even many decorations are engraved with many Taoist seals, which are obviously treasures with various magical powers.

If Wuhen Tiandi would definitely move immediately here, picking out all those treasures, and selling them if they didn't say they used them, once they said they were treasures in the ancient Great God's palace, they would surely be auctioned for high prices.

Xiao Lang didn't move!

He didn't come in to hunt for treasures, the Great God Tianyu could have the remnant soul behind, and the Great God Fanxin might not completely fall. For anyone, someone came in and dug your palace in tatters, would you stop that person?

Xiao Lang walked towards the front of the main hall. The door was closed leisurely. Xiao Lang didn't panic. As long as he could come in, as long as he didn't die, there would always be a way to get out.

In addition to the treasures on the wall inside the gate, there is also a white jade table and five white jade chairs. The soft light shines, and it is not ordinary white jade.

There was a door on the left side of the door leading to a corridor. Xiao Lang swept around, without seeing hundreds of treasures inlaid on the wall, and walked straight into the corridor.

What Xiao Lang didn't know was that not long after he walked into the corridor, a woman in purple clothes flew outside the gate of Fanxin Temple. She looked at the gate very suspiciously, wondering why Xiao Lang could enter the gate?

The prohibition on the gate of this palace is extremely complicated, let alone Xiao Lang, even if she has studied for a period of time, she doesn't understand the prohibition. She was able to enter the Tianyu Hall and Fanxin Hall because of the two tokens given to her by the Master of Soul Destruction. For example, in the candle Yin Temple in front, she could not enter.

"Is Xiao Lang really the proud son of heaven? The chance is so against the heavens? Even if he can get the blessing of Tianyu Great God, even if he has cultivated for several lifetimes, he can still be valued by Fanxin Great God?"

Yun Zishan stood at the door in amazement, waiting for a moment, she stretched out her jade hand and the heavenly power gleamed, and pushed hard at the door! She knew there was no way to break the ban, so she could only see if she could get in.


Unexpectedly, the abrupt light of the door opened suddenly!

Yun Zishan's first reaction was not a big surprise, but panic! A silver whip in her hand appeared abruptly, her body retreated, her face was solemn, her beautiful eyes gleamed to lock the door.

The door was empty and there was nothing. But Yun Zishan did not relax her vigilance. She thought it was Xiao Lang who controlled the hall to open the gate, so she was ready to fight for the first time.

After waiting for a while, the door slowly closed, Yun Zishan's perception went around, and he did not find Xiao Lang's figure, but he still did not dare to move, watching the door close.

After waiting for a while again, Yun Zishan stretched out his hand to turn the power of the sky and pushed towards the door, the door still shining brightly and opened inward.

Yun Zishan's eyes shone, and he carefully observed the hall inside. After probing for a long time, his body flashed and quickly floated in. She breathed a sigh of relief when she was sure that Xiao Lang was not nearby until she entered the hall. Her gaze swept across the gems inlaid on the wall, and she did not have the slightest greed. There are countless treasures like Soul Destruction Hall. What is the use of the lack of profound stone?

After turning around in the main hall, Yun Zishan rushed towards the corridor with a light body, not fast or slow, but his spirit was tightened to the extreme, always guarding against Xiao Lang's sneak attack.

Xiao Lang didn't attack, and he didn't know that Yun Zishan was trailing behind him. He stood at the end of the corridor with a headache! Because there are three more gates ahead, and the restrictions inside the gates are equally complicated. The green light in Xiao Bai's eyes has shot two doors without any response. If the third door still can't be opened, he will be trapped in it.


Xiao Lang gave a deep shout at Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai shot two green lights again, and the door on the far right opened with great light.

"Does Fan Xin Da Shen really like Xiao Bai?"

Xiao Lang was secretly surprised and suspicious, and walked inside in a quick flash. There was another corridor inside. Xiao Lang sighed helplessly, and could only run forward in boredom.


After a while, Yun Zishan also came to the end of this corridor. Similarly, she could only open the door of one of the passages, but it was not the rightmost path Xiao Lang walked, but the leftmost path.

There is also a corridor inside the door on the left, and Yun Zishan has no way to go, so he can only walk all the way forward.

The exit of Xiao Lang's next stop was in a hall. Xiao Bai, the door outside the hall, opened easily. Xiao Lang walked into the hall and his heart throbbed. He knew that the hall was in danger.

The hall is a long hall. Although the hall is very bright, but with Xiao Lang's eyesight, he can only see a few kilometers, and he doesn't know how long the hall is.


Xiao Lang's footsteps were very light. Cao Teng searched around, protected by two corpse emperors at the front and back. After walking several kilometers forward, Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed. Because he saw two rows of statues on the left and right in the front, and when he got close to the statues, they all moved, and shot towards this side quickly.

"The Emperor Corpse!"

Xiao Lang was not nervous, because these corpse emperors were only at the level of the heavenly emperor, and he could easily sweep them.

"Evil Lord!"

Xiao Lang was too lazy to deal with these corpse emperors, let the evil take the initiative. If you want to come to such a low-level corpse emperor, shouldn't the common heart **** personally refine it?

As soon as the evil lord takes action, he will know if there is any!

Wherever the black mist passed, the corpse emperors stood still and were instantly refined by the evil master. The four supreme heavenly emperor evil masters around Xiao Lang could easily refine them, not to mention these heavenly emperor-level corpse emperors.

"Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!"

Xiao Lang silently counted how many more slaves he had added. He didn't take the treasures in the Palace of the Fanxin Great God. These corpse emperors attacked him. Isn't he right to let people refine them?

Walking all the way forward, the evil master refining all the way. The number of slaves behind Xiao Lang gradually increased, reaching more than thirty. And this rectangular hall has not yet seen the apex, and there is no corpse emperor of the supreme war emperor level.

"Evil Lord!"


Xiao Lang said, but his body was hidden in the group of corpse emperors behind him, and dozens of grass vine clones quickly explored forward. The evil lord also felt it, and it turned into a cloud of black energy and disappeared into Xiao Lang's skull. He sent a voice message to Xiao Lang: "Master, someone is fighting the corpse emperor in front of you! I feel the breath of a living person..."

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly squinted, and the evil master's voice transmission confirmed his feeling that there was indeed a war in front of him. Since it's a living person, then... it's probably Yunzishan!

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