Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 139: Life Orb

The grass cane is fast, but the distance is not enough. The grass cane can only leave Xiaolang tens of thousands of meters, and the battle ahead is still more than 100,000 meters!

Xiao Lang could only walk forward quickly, people mixed in the group of corpse emperors, once a corpse emperor came over, let the evil master quietly refine, without making a sound. If you look from a distance, you can only see a group of corpse emperors rushing forward. The corpse emperor is enveloped in black mist, and you can't see Xiao Lang hiding in it.

"Boom!" "Drink!"

Near, near!

The sound of fighting over there became louder and louder, and the faint voice of soft voice made Xiao Lang feel vaguely familiar. After leaning over, Cao Teng quickly found out that it was indeed Yun Zishan.

Finding Yun Zishan, Xiao Lang didn't immediately do it. Yun Zishan suspected that Xiao Lang was playing a ghost, and Xiao Lang had not doubted Yun Zishan before he knew it. He was afraid that Yun Zishan was deliberately fighting with the corpse emperor to attract him to pass.

"call out!"

There was still a corpse emperor rushing here, but fortunately, the evil master was so powerful that he was shrouded in black mist and refined before he even made it.

Xiao Lang asked Cao Teng to search around and found that the nearby terrain had become different. The place where Yun Zishan fought was at Sancha Road. The hall was not rectangular, but a row of convex characters. At this moment, the two of them were near Sancha Road. There are dozens of corpse emperors surrounding Yunzishan, as well as two corpse emperors of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor level.

Xiao Lang controlled the group of corpse emperors and leaned to the side. Cao Teng constantly probed to see if it was Yun Zishan's conspiracy.

Yun Zishan naturally had no conspiracy. She finally entered this hall from another corridor and encountered the corpse emperor all the way. She had no choice but to fight.

Her strength is not bad, the silver whip in her hand is shining, sweeping everywhere, and all the ordinary corpse emperors that are swept fly out. If it weren't for the two corpse emperors of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor level, these low-level corpse emperors would have been cleaned up long ago.

Xiao Lang observed through the grass and vines for a long time, and confirmed that Yun Zishan was indeed fighting in real life, and did not fake it. But he still did not move, relying on the grass and vines to detect tens of thousands of meters away, carefully sensing the combat ability of the cloud purple shirt.

Yun Zishan's combat effectiveness is indeed very cruel, barely comparable to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and it is estimated to have the power of sentimentality! What surprised Xiao Lang was Yun Zishan's defensive power. She actually had two shields on her body, one was a cyan shield and the outside was a golden shield. The golden color is the shield of Tianli, and the emperor has it, and the blue shield is obviously a defensive treasure.

Xiao Lang decided that the silver whip in Yun Zishan's hand was definitely the emperor's magic weapon. There is no need to sense the powerful coercion contained in the weapon, and use the **** to think that the Lord of Soul Destruction had a great opportunity here, and will he get fewer treasures? The emperor's magic weapon is naturally not a problem.

What made Xiao Lang a little pity was that Yun Zishan quickly wiped out the two Supreme Heavenly Emperor-level corpse emperors, and most of the remaining corpse emperors were wiped out in an instant. Xiao Lang only sensed that the silver whip was shining, but he didn't see Yun Zishan using other supernatural powers, nor did he see her using high-level treasures.

As Yun Zishan cleaned up, his body began to move quickly. He did not rush towards Xiao Lang's side, as if he felt that there were many corpse emperors here. While cleaning the corpse emperor, she walked in the other direction.

"Evil Lord, let the corpse emperors follow!"

Xiao Lang still didn't do anything, so he decided to observe again and explore the foundation of Yun Zishan. Anyway, he could do it at any time. He is prepared not to make a move, he must take it once he makes a move.

He was also faintly excited in his heart, Yun Zishan was his fateful enemy, a divine body! There can only be one person alive between him and Yun Zishan. The battle between the two is related to the pattern of Tianzhou, to the relatives of Xiao Lang's family, and the fate of countless families in the west.

So Yun Zishan must die!

He suppressed his inner excitement forcibly, held his breath, and did not use energy. He ran away by virtue of his ****, and he was afraid of being alert by the cloud and purple shirt before showing a trace of murderousness, and the grass and vine also probed far away.


In the palace ahead, there are still countless corpse beasts, all rushing towards the clouds and purple shirts. There were also a few rushing towards Xiao Lang, but there was an evil lord, and they wouldn't make any noise when refining easily.

It's a pity that there isn't a corpse beast of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor's level. Yun Zishan rushes forward like a broken bamboo, and Xiao Lang can't keep up with her. But he dared not speed up, for fear that Yun Zishan would notice.

After half an hour, Yun Zishan's footsteps finally stopped, because ten powerful enemies appeared in front of him, ten corpse emperors of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor level.

However, Yun Zishan's eyes did not stay on the corpse emperor, but instead locked on a frozen throne above the palace. There was a person sitting on the throne. That person was the same as the corpse emperor in every respect, but he had a strong vitality on his body, and his breath was extremely terrifying. He was actually a great emperor!

There can be no living people in the ancient gods forbidden area, Yun Zishan knows this very well, but her expression has become extremely solemn. Because no matter whether it is a corpse emperor or a human, the strength of the person who has the vitality is too strong, and the strength of the coercion is definitely not weaker than that of the sky and the earth.

Xiao Lang's footsteps stopped in the distance, and he felt the difference here through the grass and vines. At this time, the evil master’s excited voice sounded in his mind: "Master...I sensed the breath of the life source orb! If this life source orb is given to me, I can serve for the master for thousands of years!"

"Life Orb?"

Xiao Lang's spirits were shocked, and he ignored the evil master. Wasn't he here for this thing? He immediately let the evil lord control the corpse emperor to get closer, but Cao Teng lurked deeper and felt it in detail.

Yun Zishan has already fought against the corpse emperors at the level of the worldly emperor. The ten corpse emperors are extremely powerful in attack, and Yun Zishan is forced to retreat continuously in embarrassment. Fortunately, the Great Emperor Warrior sitting on the Frozen Throne did not move, otherwise Yun Zishan would have a headache.

"call out!"

One after another, sword air and sword light whizzed towards the cloud purple shirt. Yun Zishan didn't even evade, intending to resist by relying on his strong defensive power, a silver whip whistling away like a poisonous dragon, entangled the head of a corpse emperor, and then pulled hard, the corpse emperor's head was separated. Up...


However, Yun Zishan was hit by several Tianli attacks, and his body immediately flew upside down. The outer layer of Tianli shield burst, but the cyan shield inside did nothing. Yun Zishan just flew upside down. Suffer a little injury.

"What kind of treasure is this, with such a strong defense?"

Xiao Lang was secretly frightened, and immediately let the evil lord control a few corpse emperors to rush towards Yun Zishan, but he did not move, and continued to observe Yun Zishan, wanting to see how she faced the enemy? If she fights with that great emperor and the strong man loses both ends, he can profit from the fisherman, that is the best.

"Hmph, just with you little shrimps, you want to break my Blue Phoenix Shield? I'm afraid your master can't break it! Hmph, this life source pearl belongs to me."

Yun Zishan ejected from her body, and a jade pot suddenly appeared in her hand. He lifted it high, her phoenix eyes were cold, her body was murderous, and she drank softly: "Take it all, this princess will show you the power of the Nether Fire Pot! Xiao Lang, don't hide yourself, get out!"

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