Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 142: The Excalibur


Xiao Lang flipped through his sleeves and was shocked when he was sure that Xiao Bai had disappeared. He intended to use Xiao Bai's green light to scare Yun Zishan. He did not expect Yun Zishan to be scared away, but Xiao Bai was prohibited from transporting away. Up?

Thinking that the green light in Xiao Bai's eyes could magically open the door to the restriction, Xiao Lang was slightly relieved. Since the restriction can send Xiao Bai away, should it be a good thing? Otherwise, it wouldn't be so troublesome to kill Xiaobai.

What he has a headache is... Xiaobai is gone, how can he get out?

The door next to the Frozen Throne was closed, and he couldn't advance or retreat without Xiaobai. Moreover, Yun Zishan was able to enter and leave the palace freely, which shocked Xiao Lang.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang groaned for a while, and rushed towards the Frozen Throne. A feeling of sadness and ruthless sword aura shook the living dead completely. He put away the scepter, and collected some nearby weapons. There are actually fourteen.

When the Life Source Orb was obtained, the Supreme Divine Soldier received 14 and the Great Emperor Divine Soldier received one, Xiao Lang was very satisfied. It's just that Xiaobai was teleported away, and Wuhen was still alive and dead, which made him a little bit disappointed.

He walked to the gate next to the Frozen Throne and tried to open the gate, but after all the methods were used up, the gate did not move.

"Evil Lord, look at this gate!"

Xiao Lang greeted the evil lord in the distance, and the evil lord came to explore the sound transmission and said: "This door is the same as the door outside. It cannot be opened without your little spirit beast."

"Then try, can you quit!"

Xiao Lang looked at the gate for a while, then turned around and ran all the way, for fear that Yun Zishan would go and return. On the road, one or two corpse emperors were easily killed by Xiao Lang. After a short while, Xiao Lang rushed back to the entrance of the hall.


His celestial demon's combat skills were running, and he pushed abruptly toward the gate, and as a result-the gate was easily pushed open! And still open outwards!

"It's weird, didn't this door originally open to the inside?"

Xiao Lang was uncertain, and he continued to walk outside quickly, but he opened the door easily and retreated outside Fanxin Temple.

"Easy to come out so easily?"

Xiao Lang looked at the azure blue water outside, his heart was slightly excited, and he felt like a dream.

At this moment, he had an impulse to immediately rush to the Tianyu Temple and teleport out of the ancient gods forbidden area. As soon as he returned to Qingcheng Mountain, he could resurrect Lonely Walk. But Xiaobai was teleported away, and Wuhen's life or death was uncertain. How could he leave alone?

After struggling for a moment, Xiao Lang decided to go to the Tianyu Palace first. Otherwise, if Yun Zishan comes out, he will be in danger again. There are too many treasures on Yun Zishan's body and it is terrifying. At this moment, he is not an opponent at all. If Xiao Bai hadn't scared her back, he might have died just now.

"call out!"

Two small organs were randomly arranged outside the gate, and the Supreme Chariot broke through the air. Xiao Lang walked all the way to the Candle Yin Temple to see if Wuhen came out. A day and a half later, he arrived outside the Candle Yin Temple, but saw that the note he left was still there, and the Emperor Wuhen was nowhere to be seen.

He stood outside the Candle Yin Temple, pondered for a moment, and once again arranged a small mechanism to fly towards the Tianyu Temple. If Wuhen Tiandi and Xiaobai came out, they would definitely go to the Tianyu Temple to find him. In Tianyu Palace, he can control the restriction, and Yun Zishan can know in advance to avoid it.

After half a day, he arrived at the Tianyu Temple, and easily entered the Tianyu Temple with the token. He ran all the way until he reached the hall with the teleportation array before stopping, and then he closed and practiced near the teleportation array.

The soul came out of the body, while sensing the restriction in the Tianyu Palace through the token, while refining profound stones. Although this speed is much slower, the victory is safe.

He decided to wait here for a month. If Wuhen and Xiaobai haven't come out yet, then he has to leave. He couldn't open the door of the Candle Yin Hall and Fanxin Hall, so staying here would be useless.

The time of cultivating the profound stone quickly passed, and Xiao Lang's body gradually became stronger, but he still hadn't reached the peak, and he even had a faint feeling that the peak... is still far away.

One month passed by, and there was a quiet cloud in the Tianyu Palace. The purple shirt never came back. Xiao Lang deliberately went outside the gate to check, and found that no one had moved the small organ he arranged, neither Wuhen nor Xiaobai had come. Over.

He was entangled again, and finally he decided to wait another month. If Xiaobai and Wuhen still haven't come out, he has to leave.

A month later, the Tianyu Palace was still extremely quiet, Xiao Lang went out to investigate the small organ outside the door and still did not move. He groaned for a while, took a chariot to the candle Yin Temple and Fanxin Temple to explore, and found that no one had moved the small organ outside the door.

He looked at the towering Fanxin Temple with eyes full of disappointment, prayed silently in his heart and turned away resolutely. This time he flew directly towards the Tianyu Palace, and then entered the teleportation array, the teleportation array shining light, his body disappeared in the hall.


When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had been teleported to the top of the platform behind Qingcheng Mountain. After he looked around and found no one, he looked at the clouds and mist rolling down below, and was filled with emotion.

This trip to the ancient gods forbidden land, he successfully returned alive is considered lucky.

Although he didn't get the blessing and inheritance of any great god, he was already very satisfied in his heart to successfully obtain the life source orb and so many supreme **** soldiers and one great **** soldier. The only pity is that Xiaobai and Wuhen are still alive and dead, and they don't know if they have a great chance or are dead...

"call out!"

The space behind him fluctuated, and Xiao Lang's heart was shaken, and he suddenly turned his head to see that it was Qingmuyu before he relaxed his guard.

Qingmuyu's eyes were full of surprise, and he asked loudly, "Xiao Lang, you actually came back alive? Can you get the Life Orb? Have you got the inheritance of the great god?"

Xiao Lang glanced at Qingmuyu, and said lightly: "The Life Origin Orb is in hand, and there is no inheritance of the great god! But almost... he was killed by Yun Zishan!"

A trace of shame appeared on Qingmuyu's face, and he bluntly said: "After you entered, Yun Zishan insisted on going in. Back then, there was an agreement between Soul Destruction Hall and his father. We can't stop their people from entering, Xiao Lang is sorry!"

"Has Yunzishan come out?" Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes and asked Qingmu Yu.

Qingmuyu shook his head and said, "Except you, no one has come out. By the way...your companion and that magical beast?"

Xiao Lang was silent with a sad expression, took out a green pillar from Xumijie, and handed it to Qingmu Yu: "This is the life source pearl? Could the palace master go out and help me resurrect my foster father, Xiao Lang is not grateful Do it!"

Qingmuyu took a sweep, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the source of life orb, which was brought out by the Lord of Soul Slayer! I will go to ask my father. If there is a source of life, your adoptive father can definitely be resurrected, please Come with me!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang hurriedly followed Qingmuyu towards the hall, his head was filled with the figure of the peerless army **** who fluttered in white, and his heart was very excited.


Not long after the two left, a white light flashed on half of the stage, and a purple figure appeared. She didn't stay there, the light in her hands shone, and she directly tore the void to reveal a golden door. She walked towards the door with a flash, and then turned and glanced at the far hall after entering the door, and sneered: "Xiao Lang, didn't you expect you to come out one step earlier than me? Humph, wait for me for a year, and wait for me to refining the Divine Sword of Death, that's the moment you died!"

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