Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 1: Is your aunt well?

The door inside the Mishen Palace was closed tightly, Xiao Lang stood anxiously outside the hall, and Qingmuyu stood aside. This hall is the hall where the lonely walks are housed. Qing Mu Shi has been in for half a month but still has not come out. Xiao Lang had been waiting here for half a month, putting everything aside, even Wuhen and Xiaobai didn't think much about it.

Qing Muyu had left a few times, and he also noticed that Yun Zishan had come out, but he didn't know why he didn't talk to Xiao Lang. Seeing Xiao Lang very nervous at this moment, he sighed slightly. Xiao Lang is good at everything, but he values ​​his emotions too much, and what he values ​​too much is his fatal weakness. Once the enemy catches this weakness, he will die without a place to bury him.


The door suddenly opened, and an old man walked out slowly. Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and his body shot past, grabbing the old man's hand and asked: "Palace Master, what's the situation?"

One of Qing Mushi's arms has not yet condensed, but his complexion has improved a lot. He smiled faintly: "Fortunately, he is still asleep, and it is estimated that it will take a while to recover before he can recover!"

"Huh? Thank you Palace Master, Xiao Mou owes Mistral Palace a favor. Please tell me if there is any urgency in the future."

Xiao Lang was about to kneel to Qing Mu Shi when he was excited, but he was pulled up by Qing Mu Shi. He smiled faintly again: "Without the Life Orb, the old man can't save his life even if he has the technique against the sky, and your foster father doesn't. You must die, otherwise the old man can't do anything! You can take your foster father down the mountain, but you need to find some tonics and take care of it."

Xiao Lang's little chicken nodded like a peck of rice, and when Qing Mu Shi had left, he dashed towards the inner hall, his eyes shot at a body on the jade bed like electricity.

On the jade bed lay a man with abundance of spirits like jade. The man seemed to be asleep. Although his face was pale as snow, Xiao Lang could feel a trace of vitality and vitality from afar. And the man has breathed at this moment, although faint and almost inaudible, he is indeed alive.

"Foster father!"

Xiao Lang knelt heavily, although there were no tears, there was still red light in his eyes. Regardless of the relationship between Xiao Tsingyi and Duguxing, Duguxing also cares for him well, just like a father. He also respected Dagong in his heart. Although he was full of ambition before coming to Tianzhou, he had no confidence in resurrecting Dagong. He didn't expect this to happen.

Thinking of the scene where Xiao Qingyi, who was walking alone, was trembling with excitement, not only could he resurrected alone, but he had a wish to save Xiao Qingyi.

After spending a few days in Qingcheng Mountain, Lonely Walker's body gradually recovered, his breath was stable, his face was flushed, and the vitality of his body continued to grow stronger. This is different from the living dead emperor in Fanxin Temple, this is the breath of a living person.

Xiao Lang decided to leave, he couldn't wait to let Xiao Qingyi know the news. And it's been a while since I've been here, I guess everyone in Xiaodicheng is panicked.

He confessed to Qing Muyu, if Wuhen and Xiaobai were to inform him as soon as they came out, Xiao Lang would be ready to go back. He didn't know that Yun Zishan had already come out, but he was going to hit the eighth battle skill of the Heavenly Demon immediately after he returned. If he survived, he would be qualified to go to the Undersea God's Mansion and also to help the Heavenly God.

He believed that as long as he survived this heart demon, he would have the capital to fight against Soul Demon Palace. If the Temple of Soul Destruction and Yun Zishan can be destroyed, no one in Tianzhou can threaten the lives of him and his relatives, and he can spend the long years leisurely with Xiaoyao and Hongdou.

Qingmuyu wanted to send Xiao Lang teleport to Xiaodi City, but Xiao Lang declined. Duguxing hadn't recovered yet Xiao Lang didn't dare to teleport and so on. He planned to fly all the way to the Devil Emperor City. If he waited for the Devil Emperor City, Duguxing would wake up and take the teleportation array back.

The speed of the Supreme Chariot is neither fast nor slow. Xiao Lang is extremely safe along the way. Bei Ming's people are very kind and innocent when they encounter him. Xiao Lang looked for someone to inquire and found that Tianzhou was quiet during his absence, no major incidents had happened, and Soul Destruction Palace had not taken any action to unify Tianzhou.

After flying straight all the way, he finally arrived at the Devil Emperor City after more than half a month. What made Xiao Lang very puzzled was that Duguxing's aura became more and more stable, and his complexion was no different from ordinary people, but he still fell asleep and did not wake up.

This made Xiao Lang very entangled. After all, riding in the teleportation array would make people dizzy, and walking alone would not have the slightest strength. In case of a concussion, soul problems, etc., it would be troublesome.

In the end he decided to refine some profound stones and nurse Du Guxing his body. Saying hello to the Devil Emperor, Xiao Lang stayed in the Devil Emperor City, and no one lived in the hotel. Refining the profound stone split a small part of the energy to help Dugui to expand his veins and strengthen his body.

With Xiao Lang's current ability, he still enters the state of being out of his body, controlling his energy very accurately, and naturally there will be no oolong things like bursting his lonely body with too much energy.

Just after refining a few profound stones, the body of Lonely Walk became much stronger, at least reaching the strength of a combatant. Xiao Lang stopped refining and waited for Dugui Xing to wake up. If he didn't wake up, he could only take him all the way back to Xiao Emperor City. It would take at least a few months.

Xiao Lang sat on the side refining profound stones, preparing to wait three to five days to see the situation.

And just an hour after he refined the profound stone, the lonely eyelashes moved slightly, his eyes slowly opened, and the colors in his eyes were confused and empty.


Xiao Lang noticed it for the first time, his eyes suddenly opened, and he swept towards Dugui in ecstasy. His body was constantly trembling, his mouth opened and closed for a long time, and finally he cried out, "Foster father..."

Lone Gu Xing slowly moved his head, his eyes were still confused, and even his pupils were a little scattered. He looked at Xiao Lang for a long time, and there was a faint expression in his eyes. It took a long time before he opened his mouth in confusion, "Lang'er?"

"Foster father, foster father! I am Langer, I am Langer!"

Xiao Lang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but he did not cry. He was very excited, but he wanted to tell the man in front of him that he had grown up and was not the child who needed his protection.

Duguxing closed his eyes, his mind was blank and confused, but he remembered very clearly that he was dead! Now that he is alive, he vaguely feels that he has fallen asleep for a long, long time. He doesn't know what happened, but he knows... his son is good.

He opened his eyes again a moment later, and just asked Xiao Lang: "How is your aunt?"

"Okay, everything is fine! Aunt's poison is cured, and her legs are healed. You will be able to see her soon!"

After listening to Xiao Lang's words, Duguxing's mouth showed a faint smile, and his whole person was fully alive, and his abundance, like a jade, and military spirit were restored. He closed his eyes weakly and murmured: "Tsing Yi! If you are well, it will be sunny!"

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