Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 2: Accepted the little demon sister


Today Xiaodi City can be said to be the largest city in Tianzhou, several times larger than Hongdi City. Although Xiao Lang didn't clearly establish a dynasty, all the strong in the west were united in submission, and Chamu ordered and banned. There is no difference between united efforts and a dynasty.

The cities in the west are now well established, all of which were built first by the cities of each province. Although everyone surrendered, Chamu didn't have any internal affairs and gave the palace owners the greatest authority. Chamu knew very well that the world's strongest was the king, and as long as Xiao Lang was in the west, he would not turn against the sky. If Xiao Lang were not there, it would be meaningless to restrict them no matter what.

Today Xiao Emperor City is very lively, because the Devil Emperor City had been sent a message two days earlier, and Xiao Lang was back! And came back with Duguxing.

Many people don't know who Duguxing is, but Xiao Qingyi, Red Bean, Chamu, Xiao Moshen and others all dispatched and stood in the square respectfully waiting. They naturally knew that Duguxing was a big shot. As soon as the news spread, almost all the powerhouses in the west had arrived. One was to welcome Xiao Lang's return, and the other was to welcome the so-called big man.

The square was already under martial law by the Divine Soul Army. In front of the super teleportation formation were Xiao Qingyi with a calm complexion and a somewhat excited Madame Hong Douya, beside He'er and Mu Xiaoyao, as well as the cheerful little childishness. Behind them were the Tea Mu Xiao Devil God Dongfang Baiyin Emperor and the others, and the most excited was Qing Ming. The corners of their mouths twitched slightly as they looked through.


A ray of light shone into the sky, and everyone's hearts were squeezed. Xiao Qingyi's blushing face also began to appear, his beautiful eyes were shining, and he grabbed the hands of Red Bean and Mu Xiaoyao to increase his strength.

The powerhouses in the western region are also looking forward to it, wanting to see what kind of peerless powerhouse, what kind of big figure it is, that makes Xiao Lang put such a big battle.

The light was so weak that two figures flashed, one of which had very dazzling white hair and a gentle smile on his face. The other one is fluttering in white, and is handsome and handsome, with an ethereal temperament.

"All beings?"

Countless people have fallen through their eyes, because the solitary path has almost no combat power. This is not a convergent aura. With the eyesight of the strong in the west, it can clearly sense that the aura of the solitary path is very weak. I am afraid that it will be a child in Tianzhou. Stronger than his breath.

"call out!"

Cha Mu Xiao Mo Shen Qing Ming Ni Cang Long Ya Fei Er and others all appeared more and more, knelt down on one knee in a very respectful manner, and began to drink: "Welcome to the return of the military god!"

"Welcome to the return of the military god!"

The Chamu Xiao Demon God knelt down on one knee, the Soul Soul Army naturally did not hesitate, and immediately knelt down one by one and burst into drink. The voice was neat and solemn, resounding through Xiao Dicheng.

The patriarchs of the big family of powerful Westerners, although they were extremely surprised and a little bit reluctant to salute, after all, many of them were much older than the military gods, and their strength was even more so. It's just that Chamu and Xiao Moshen both knelt, they could only kneel on one knee and shout respectfully, "Welcome to the return of the military god!"

Du Guxing smiled, not because so many people greeted him, but... saw Xiao Qingyi. At this moment, the world in his eyes disappeared, only Xiao Qingyi was alone, his eyes were hot and tender, and there was endless relief and gratitude.

Xiao Qingyi's beautiful face could no longer be calm. She and Du Guxing looked at each other from a distance, and the corners of her mouth curled up and smiled, bright as a flower.

Hong Dou and the others bowed down and bowed obediently, then pulled Xiao Qingyi towards the front, holding their hands tightly together. Duguxing's gaze swept around. Although Xiao Lang and him probably explained the situation in Tianzhou, seeing so many powerful people, Duguxing's heart was still shaken. He nodded and smiled calmly and said indifferently: "I Since Duguxing has come alive, no one in the entire world can kill me! Yunzishan is not good, nor is the **** or devil!"

Looking at the man in front of me, standing with his hands bent and standing, white clothes fluttering, although his strength is low but his aura is capable of overwhelming everyone, his beautiful eyes are full of admiration. This is her man, who can hide millions of soldiers in his heart, looking at the world. A generation of military gods.


On that day, Xiao Lang held a feast in the city lord's mansion, but he did not invite outsiders, but only invited people from the Divine Soul Continent to celebrate the resurrection of Solitude. Xiao Qingyi's whole body seemed to be alive, with a constant smile on his face, a large stone in Xiao Lang's heart was also let go, and the worry about Wuhen and Xiaobai in his heart also eased a lot.

After the banquet arrived, Duguxing took the lead to go back and rest. Xiao Lang took Chamu to the side hall to ask about his situation. The construction of the west is still going on, and the black stones in Chamu's hands are almost used. Fortunately, the nine big families have sent a lot of materials and manpower to help, otherwise Chamu and the big western family will go bankrupt.

Pavilion Master Mochizuki returned to Lake Mochizuki, the fierce beasts and sea beasts returned to their respective territories, and the wild gods returned to the wild gods, and the knife was still guarding under the wild gods. The battlefield of the Heavenly Demon was also very quiet. Obviously, the Heavenly Demon's attack was also seriously damaged, and there was no way to organize an attack in a short time.

Soul Destruction Hall is very strange and quiet!

I haven't seen their messengers walking anywhere. Of course, the people in the Soul Destruction Hall know something similar to teleportation, and even if they do something secretly, they can't detect it with the strength of the Asura Hall.

After listening to Cha Mu's report, Xiao Lang groaned. Cha Mu paused for a moment and said sincerely: "Xiao Lang...Master Marshal is back, should you let him preside over the overall situation? I just need to give him a hand.

Xiao Lang was taken aback, seeing Cha Mu's frantic gaze, he knew that he was not modest, but sincerely wanted to abdicate. Going alone with its wisdom is like a demon, and it is countless. He has gone through hundreds of battles and never failed. Even if Yun Zishan calculated his death in the end, he helped the Zhan Dynasty establish a victory.

However, Xiao Lang quickly rejected Chamu's proposal. Tianzhou is different from Soul Land. Here, the strong is king, and the strategy of war is not very useful. Moreover, Duguxing has been exhausted all his life, and he didn't want to worry about Duguxing too much, so he went around with Xiao Qingyi, traveling in the mountains and playing in the water to live a fairy life.

After talking to Chamu, he was slightly disappointed, but he also thought that Xiao Lang's words were reasonable. Xiao Lang asked something again, went to the backyard and temporarily suppressed his inner worries about Emperor Wuhen and Xiaobai, and accompanied the three sweet wives.

Don't win the newlyweds!

The Hongdou trio have been in the void for some time recently. It was not that Chamu would not arrange for them to come out when Xiao Lang came back. Although the three of them haven't said much recently, they have been worried and panic all day long. Although I don't know where Xiao Lang has gone, there is an inexplicable fear. At this moment, seeing Xiao Lang return safely, I am naturally overjoyed.

The four were sleeping together, lingering affection in every way.

After the flowers were gone, Hong Dou mentioned one thing: "Xiao Lang, you accept the little demon sister. She is a good girl. Recently, her clothes have become wider and haggard, and her waist is too weak to hold. When she arrived, she couldn’t bear it. On that day, she swore an oath to be a slave and a maid. If you don’t marry her, I'm afraid Little Demon Sister will be alone for a lifetime. She is affectionate and righteous to you, so the woman is worthy of my husband. ."


Xiao Lang hugged from left to right, showing the beauty of the same people, without thinking too much about annoying things. Unexpectedly, Hong Dou made such a request? Is there someone who took the initiative to help her husband take a concubine?

Turning his head to look at He'er and Liu Ya, there was no jealousy on their faces, instead they nodded silently. He looked at the three faces in front of him that were more beautiful than flowers, and wondered how he could have three such beautiful ladies?

Women are the most jealous. Although it is common for a powerful man in this world to have three wives and four concubines, it is even more trivial to have three thousand harems. Women who are not strong also like to rely on the strong, but no one wants to let other women share their man, right? This is human selfish instinct, which has nothing to do with morality and love.

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