Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 3: reward

Mu Xiaoyao is a good woman, and Xiao Lang's relationship with her is a bit awkward and ambiguous. Hongdou and the others are women, and even if Little Demon Mu hides it deeply, I am afraid they would have noticed it, but the three of them treat the Little Demon very well on weekdays, and even become their own sisters. At this moment, he took the initiative to bring up the matter again, obviously helping Xiao Lang to think about it, and he didn't hesitate to wrong himself.

Xiao Lang didn't know whether the three of them were stupid or cute. He smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "I have to talk about it later. I can have the three of you. It is already God's favor for me, Xiao Lang. I have nothing to ask for. I just hope to be stable with you! The little demon is a good girl, but I am not her true son. She will find her happiness."

The trio of Hongdou were very moved and embraced Xiao Lang tightly, but Xiao Lang sighed inwardly, Yun Zishan and Soul Destruction Hall could kill him at any time. He could not guarantee that he would harm Mu Xiao. Demon?

In Fanxin Temple, Yun Zishan almost killed him. Although Xiao Bai scared her back in the end, it still made Xiao Lang's heart lingering. Although Yun Zishan relies on the treasure bestowed by the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction, she has reached such a strength in such a short period of time. Even if she does not get a chance in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient gods, she can definitely surpass him in one or two years of growth.

He suddenly had some doubts, why did the mysterious remnant soul in the grass vine make an agreement with the Lord of Soul Destruction? Now that she has come out, it will be easy for those who want to kill Yun Zishan and Soul Destruction Hall, right? Step back ten thousand steps and say, the agreement is agreed, why not care about the battle between Yun Zishan and him?

Thinking of Yun Zishan being able to enter the Fanxin Temple freely, Xiao Bai didn't know if it was in danger? Wuhen's life and death are also unknown when looking for great opportunities. Although Wuhen and Xiaobai can touch the restriction, they must be tested if they want to get a big chance. For example, if he enters the Tianyu Palace, although he can open the door, he will meet the corpse emperor along the way. Wuhen's strength is not high, Xiao Bai is even worse, Xiao Lang always has an inexplicable worry...

Shaking his head, they found that Hongdou and the others had already gone deep asleep, obviously unbearable. Xiao Lang took care of his thoughts and decided not to manage Xiaobai's them anymore. He couldn't manage his current strength even if he wanted to.

Now the main thing is to improve the strength, find a way to spend the seventh time of the heart demon, everything is the flower in the water moon mirror. As long as he spends the seventh time with the Demon, then he will be fearless.

Xiao Lang accompanied Duguxing Xiao Qingyi Hongdou and they rested for ten and a half days, preparing to retreat and practice.

He still has hundreds of millions of profound stones on his body, but he is not going to give Chamu to build a city, he uses all of it for cultivation. The city can be built slowly, but cultivation is urgent.

Before the retreat, Xiao Lang asked Cha Mu to summon the emperor he felt most trustworthy. Cha Mu didn't know what Xiao Lang was going to do, so he thought about summoning the eight heavenly emperors in the west, as well as the reincarnation of the madman, plus the killing emperor, a total of eleven.

Needless to say, killing the emperor, the madman Samsara was also loyal to Xiao Lang, and the other eight heavenly emperors had followed Xiao Lang desperately after observing for so long.

"grown ups!"

Eleven people respectfully bowed to Xiao Lang, with some doubts in their eyes, not knowing what Xiao Lang had ordered.

Xiao Lang glanced away, these faces were considered familiar, he didn't talk nonsense, and asked everyone about the weapons and the ways of heaven that they were good at using. After asking the question, there was a tomahawk in his hand, and his eyes fixed on the madman: "Madman, this tomahawk is very suitable for you. You have been with me for so long, and there is no good thing to give you. This battle axe is given to you!"


The eleven people all took a slight breath, and when they saw the battle axe with their eyesight, they knew that it was the Supreme Divine Weapon, so Xiao Lang had given such a precious weapon casually?

"My lord, this, this... subordinates can't accept it, this is too, too expensive..."

The madman rubbed his hands at a loss. If Xiao Lang gave him a weapon with hundreds of seals, he wouldn't say anything. However, the Supreme Divine Soldier is too noble. If a supreme Divine Soldier goes to auction, and if the auctioned family profound stones are enough, you can buy more than 100 million profound stones at will, or even higher!

Of course this is impossible, because any strong man will not sell the Supreme God Weapon. A heavenly emperor gains the strength of the Supreme Divine Weapon and immediately becomes several times stronger. If we sell the Supreme Divine Weapon and are photographed by a hostile enemy, wouldn't it be that he lifted a rock and hit him in the foot?

"Take it, you are a big man, why are you mother-in-law?" Xiao Lang's eyes widened, with a feeling of irritation and prestige, he raised his hand and threw it to the madman.

The madman hurriedly took it excitedly, touched two of them reluctantly, and immediately knelt down to thank Xiao Lang, but was kicked out by Xiao Lang.

"You're going to be with Wuhen!"

Xiao Lang laughed and cursed, his gaze fixed on the reincarnation of the emperor. The reincarnation of the emperor suddenly became agitated, his back was erect, and he looked at Xiao Lang with eyesight.

Xiao Lang smiled, his hand flashed, a sharp scimitar appeared, and he threw it away and said, "Reincarnation, your heavenly way is the heavenly way of light, this scimitar is for you."

"Master Xie!" The Emperor Samsara didn't kneel down. He didn't want to be kicked by Xiao Lang. He looked at the scimitar in his hand cheerfully and studied it carefully.

The rest of the emperors became excited. Depending on the situation, Xiao Lang went to a treasure place some time ago to get countless treasures, but I don't know if everyone has a share?

Soon they learned that Xiao Lang gave a handful of supreme divine weapons to each of them based on the heavens and weapons they were accustomed to using. Everyone was grateful and looked at Xiao Lang with reverence and fanaticism.

Not to mention the former Western tycoon Star Palace Master, even if Ouyang Cuicui or the six semi-god forces, wouldn't it be so lavish and luxurious? Each person has a supreme **** soldier, and the west is equal to a group of supreme powers who are barely comparable to the supreme emperor.

After the things were sent, the Emperor Slaughter standing next to Xiao Lang was dumbfounded. I originally thought that his relationship with Xiao Lang, not to mention the first one to bestow, must have him in the Supreme Divine Soldier?

As long as there is the Supreme Divine Weapon, relying on the combined attack of the Ghost Wu to kill the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, his absolute ability can suppress the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, and now Xiao Lang has finished sending it all but didn't mean to give him? Why is he not in a hurry?

Xiao Lang was silent, not deliberately hanging out to kill the emperor, he was just hesitating what type of weapon to give the killer. Sweeping to the side, he saw the eager eyes of the killing emperor, and he said in a good and funny manner: "Kill the emperor, you have two choices, your heaven is a destruction type, I can give you a supreme **** soldier that suits you ! Of course... you can also choose this scepter!"

A black scepter suddenly appeared in Xiao Lang's hands, the killing emperor's eyes shrank, and the eyes of the rest of the emperors were round! Even if they have never eaten pork, they have also seen pig running. From this scepter, the domineering aura and the meaning of ice cold are sensed. This is definitely a great emperor's weapon, which is at the same level as Xiao Demon's phantom weapon. Xiao Lang's Ruthless Sword was even more advanced.


Without any hesitation, Killing Emperor knelt down on one knee and said with a bit of choking, "My lord, I want a scepter! I swear by this, regardless of whether the adult will return the natal puppet to me in a few years, I will follow the adult forever and never leave. !"

Xiao Lang smiled faintly, and Xumi Jie flashed again, a natal doll appeared and threw it to the emperor with a scepter, then patted the emperor on the shoulder without saying anything, and left.

Cha Mu looked at the people's burning eyes and sighed with emotion, Xiao Lang's realm of buying people's hearts is many times higher than him. The highest state of buying people's hearts is not intimidation and temptation, but sincerity.

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