Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 4: The best

Xiao Lang was closed, but Xiao Dicheng was a sensation!

The madman and others received Xiao Lang's gift, so naturally they wouldn't hide it. The news soon spread to the west and to Tianzhou, and Tianzhou also became a sensation. After all, bestowing the Supreme Divine Weapon is a major event. Xiao Lang gave ten of them as soon as he shot, and most importantly... also bestowed the Great Divine Weapon.

What is the Supreme Warrior?

That is the treasure that the emperors dream of. Many emperors know that they will not make too much progress in their understanding of the way of heaven in this life, so they want to increase their external power, and the supreme gods are the treasures that can instantly raise their strength to a level.

The Great Emperor God Soldier is the treasure that some supreme heavenly emperors are longing for, but Xiao Lang casually gifted a subordinate, which made the Devil Emperor and others vomit blood, and people were more popular than others.

The west now has more than one level of combat power. The Emperor of Heaven has the supreme divine weapon, not to mention the strength to fight against the supreme Emperor, it is easy to sweep the general Emperor. There are three or five heavenly emperors who have supreme divine weapons, and there is great hope to kill a supreme heavenly emperor. Killing the emperor got the emperor's magic weapon several times more powerful, and with the ghost dance killing army, it is estimated that the emperor will barely be able to fight.

The army in the west was greatly uplifted. Some people in the west were panicked not long ago because of the targeting of the Soul Destruction Hall. At this moment, they firmly believed that the future of following Xiao Lang was absolutely bright.

Strength, backing, character, prestige!

Xiao Lang has everything. Although there are demigods in the Soul Destruction Hall, there is also a powerful remnant soul behind Xiao Lang. The most important thing is...Xiao Lang is so young, ten years later, who will be the master of Tianzhou after twenty years Ups and downs, that is still unknown.

Chamu was also in great spirits during this period, not because of the increase in combat power in the west.

But because...Dugu went out of the mountain!

Duguxing rested for more than a month, reading books, drinking tea and playing chess in the newly built Tsing Yi Pavilion. For more than a month, I took a lot of books, but Cha Muben didn't care, but Du Guxing suddenly came over and said he wanted to help.

Chamu listened to Xiao Lang during this time, and didn't bother Duguxing, and wanted him to live a clean life. But Duguxing is willing to go out of the mountain, that is the best. He immediately said that he wanted to give up his position to Duguxing and beat him by himself, but was rejected by Duguxing.

The only requirement to go alone is to become a military headquarters, and he will serve as a marshal, commanding all the troops and strong men in the west.

This makes Chamu a little bit embarrassed. It's okay to command the western army, but with the strength and prestige alone, to command the powerhouse in the western region, I am afraid that everyone will not accept it?

Not to mention walking alone, even if he was going to be polite to these western powerhouses, those western heavenly emperors and human emperors powerhouses, except Xiao Lang and Xiao Moshen, most people would not accept it. This is not a matter of respect and inferiority, it is the nature of warriors.

Cha Mu was about to ask Xiao Lang to leave the barrier and use his deterrent power to help Du Guxing stand up, otherwise the Marshal Du Guxing would only be able to drive some small soldiers.

Na Zhi Du Gu Xing refused, as long as Cha Mu asked people to summon the strongest in the west, and then went to the meeting alone.

What made Chamu and Dongfangbai and the others dumbfounded was--

In just three days, the lonely person actually conquered all the strong westerners, and soon began to reform drastically, adjust the western army and the strong, and set up an army of ten guards with one hundred thousand!

All the powerful Heavenly Emperors were organized, Xiao Moshen and Killing Emperor served as deputy marshals, the Madman Heavenly Emperor and other ten people served as generals, and the Heavenly Emperor's family powerhouses under the Heavenly Emperor Ren Pian generals and so on.

Not to mention the Heavenly Emperor strong, even the human emperor martial artist is a powerful party, they are all big people, naturally they will not easily convince people. Not to mention Chamu, even if Xiao Demon God wanted to be subdued, it was impossible. Unexpectedly, a scholar who had no combat power alone would easily convince them by himself.

A generation of military gods, really extraordinary!

Chamu and others didn't know what to say except for this emotion. Du Gu Xing's army is strictly disciplined, and a group of pampering and powerful people live in a temporary military camp in the west of the city. Everyone is incredibly obedient, surrounded by spies, and even Chamu doesn't know what Du Gu Xing is doing with a group of powerful men.

Chamu simply doesn’t care about it. He has handled government affairs and other things smoothly in his main office these years, and he is more willing to handle military affairs alone. He continues to arrange people to build cities, restore order in the west, and develop ore veins. .

Chamu's spies couldn't find any more, let alone outsiders. The forces in Tianzhou just knew that the powerful Westerners gathered in a military camp in the west of the city and could not leave the door, but no one knew what they were doing.

Xiao Lang didn't even have time to deal with such matters. Even if he knew about it after leaving the customs, he would be fully responsible for Dugui. Alone is extremely clever, and what he wants to do has his own reason.

Xiao Lang was constantly refining profound stones. He didn't need to build a big formation now. The energy of the profound stones was absorbed by the soul first, and then all the rest was absorbed by the body.

The state of soul out of the orifice became more and more proficient, and the speed of refining profound stones doubled. It took only three months to refine 100 million profound stones. But he still didn't feel that he had reached the seventh peak, and he didn't feel the attack of the inner demon. He could only continue refining, anyway, there were more than 300 million profound stones on his body.

Tianzhou is extremely quiet!

However, Cha Mu discovered something a little strange. The Devil Emperor's Mansion, Ling Emperor's Mansion, Leng Emperor's Mansion, Crescent Moon Mansion, Xian Emperor's Mansion, and Ye Emperor's Mansion all stopped assisting the west. In other words...they stopped sending materials and the manpower sent back was called back. The reason is quite sufficient. For example, they also lost a lot of cities, for example, the beasts rioted there...

At first, Chamu didn't care about it, but he personally thanked those who led the team. When he got to the back, he didn't feel right, because he felt a trace of...pity in the eyes of an emperor in Yedi Mansion!

At the back, the Emperor Luo Ye also took the person back, and he finally felt that the matter was serious. Because Luo Xie, the son-in-law of Emperor Luo Ye and Xiao Lang, are good brothers, the relationship between Luo Ye Mansion and Shen Hun Mansion can be said to be an intimate period. This action of Emperor Luo Ye is obviously unreasonable.

Chamu didn't know what was going on, but he had a faint feeling that the rain was coming and the wind was full of the building. It seemed that an invisible hand was controlling all this behind the scenes, and the ultimate goal was to make them all dead without a place to be buried.

Xiao Lang was still in retreat, Cha Mu personally went to Hongdi City and Shenjiao City, and talked to Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Shangui about his inner surprise. The two also became serious, but they did not receive any news. .

In the end, Cha Mu reluctantly entered the barracks outside Xiao Emperor City, wanting Du Guxing to analyze it.

As a result, Duguxing didn't think about it after listening to it, and immediately smiled faintly: "What is suspicious, the matter is very clear! Someone wants to deal with Lang'er, and the seven forces have received the news, and they are afraid of getting angry and staying neutral. The forces have not done anything, and now it’s not necessary to say that they are very sure about the arrangement. According to my estimate, it will be at most a year. The generals of the army will come to Emperor Xiao's city!"

Chamu's eyes shrank, and a name blurted out: "Hall of Soul Destruction?"

Duguxing looked at the west from a long distance, and said with great certainty: "It depends on the situation that Yun Zishan has a certainty of winning. Last time I was scammed by her for Duguxing. I wonder who we will fight with her this time?"

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